

www.bsnlnewsbyashokhindocha.blogspot.com M-9426201999
Recognised Union in BSNL
(Regiisttered Under Indiian Trade Uniion Act 1926.. Regn..No..4896))
CHQ::Dada Ghosh Bhawan,, Opp.. Shadiipur Bus Depott..,, New Dellhii – 110008
Emaiill:: chqbsnlleu@siiffy..com,, websiitte:: bsnlleuchq..com
Phone:: ((O)) 011--25705385
V..A..N.. Namboodiirii ((R)) 011-- 23342848
Generall Secrettary Fax:: 011-- 25894862
BSNLEU//400 ((Wage)) 21..11..2009
Shrii S.R.. Kapoor,
Executtive Diirecttor (Finance),, BSNL,,
& Chaiirman,, Wage Negottiiattiion Commiittttee,,
Bharatt Sanchar Bhawan,,
New Dellhii – 110 001
Sub::--Mullttiiplliicattion ffacttor and span ffor deciidiing the miinimum and maxiimum iin tthe revised pay
scalles -- reg..
Thiis iis wiitth rrefferrence tto tthe prroposalls off tthe offffiiciiall siide on tthe above subjjectt iin tthe Wage Negottiiattiion
Commiittttee meettiing helld on 19--11--2009.. IIn tthiis meettiing tthe offffiiciiall siide prroposed as bellow,, on tthe above
ttwo iissues::-
a)) Mullttiiplliicattiion Facttor
Siince the miiniimum pay proposed by tthe managementt iin tthe rrevised pay scalles fforr executiives iin
BSNL att E1A scale llevell Rs.18850//-- was 1..91 ttimes of tthe minimum Rs 9850//-- off the pre--rrevised
E1A scalle,, tthe same mullttiiplliicattiion ffacttorr was tto be applliied fforr deciidiing tthe miiniimum off tthe
rreviised pay scalles off non--executtiives.. Thiis was based on tthe lliimiittattiion ffacttorr tthatt tthe maxiimum
pay scalle elliigiiblle fforr non--executtiives as perr tthe new prromottiion polliicy was equall tto E1A pay scalle
((9850--250--14600)) and ttherrefforre tthe rreviised miiniimum off tthiis scalle shoulld nott exceed tthe rreviised
miiniimum off tthe E1A pay scalle..
b)) Span off the reviised pay scalles
Siince as perr tthe new prromottiion polliicy agrreementt tthe non--executtiives woulld gett prromottiion on
compllettiion off 4--8 yearrs off serrviice iin a parrttiicullarr IIDA scalle,, tthe span off tthe pay scalles coulld be
rreduced iin orrderr tto rreduce tthe maxiimum off tthe scalle so tthatt tthe expendiitturre fforr BSNL on accountt
off pensiion conttrriibuttiion woulld be lless..
IIn tthiis meetting we have diiscussed based on ourr viiews on tthe above iissues.. Howeverr,, we arre submiitttiing
bellow ourr poiintts on tthese iissues,, fforr yourr consiiderrattiion::
a)) Mullttiplliicattiion Factor
IItt iis nott necessarry tthatt tthe miiniimum off tthe pay scalle off non--executtiives shoulld nott be morre tthan
tthe miiniimum off tthe pay scalle off executtiives.. IIn severrall PSUs,, tthe miiniimum off some non--
executtiive pay scalles arre morre tthan tthe miiniimum off tthe executtiive pay scalles.. Forr examplle iin tthe
pay scalles tthatt came iintto effffectt ffrrom 1--1--1997 iin case off ONGC,, tthe miiniimum pay iin tthe E0 was
Rs 10750 and iin E1 iitt was 12000 wherre as iin non--executtiive S--2 iitt was 11400 and iin non--
executtiive S3 itt was 13070.
Even iin case tthe mullttiiplliicattiion ffacttorr off nott morre tthan 1..91 iis necessarry tto be applliied fforr tthe
9850--250--14600 pay scalle,, iitt iis nott necessarry tto applly tthe same ffacttorr fforr allll ottherr scalles NE--1
tto NE--12.. Forr tthe NE--1 tto NE--12 scalles,, a mullttiiplliicattiion ffacttorr morre tthan 1..91 can be applliied,,
prroviided tthe miiniimum iin tthe rreviised pay scalle wiillll be lless tthan tthe Rs..18850//-- giiven fforr
In tthe explorratorry meettiing off tthe wage rreviisiion commiitttee held on 11--1--2008,, iin tthe prresence off
Diirecttor ((HRD)),, tthe managementt siide saiid thatt as farr as possible,, tthe multtiipllicattiion ffacttorr based
on tthe rreporrtt off tthe Siixtth Pay Commiissiion woulld be keptt iin viiew whiille deciidiing tthe mullttiiplliicattiion
ffacttorr fforr tthe wage rreviisiion off BSNL Emplloyees.. As perr tthe orrderrs iissued by tthe Goverrnmentt fforr
rreviisiing wages off Centtrrall Goverrnmentt emplloyees based on Siixtth Pay Commiissiion
rrecommendattiions,, tthe miiniimum pay was rreviised ffrrom Rs..2550 tto Rs..5740,, an iincrrease off 2..25
ttiimes.. Therrefforre tthiis mullttiiplliicattiion ffacttorr has tto be applliied iin deciidiing tthe miiniimum off tthe rreviised
pay scalles..
Wiitth 30% ffiittmentt beneffiitt on pay+68..8% DA,, tthe pay off tthe offffiiciiall appoiintted as RM on 1--12--2006
att Rs 4000//-- miiniimum pay iin tthe RM pay scalle wiillll be rreviised tto Rs..8780//-- wherre as fforr tthe RM
rrecrruiitted on orr afftterr 1--1--2007,,((say on 1--2--2007)) tthe miiniimum pay iin tthe rreviised pay onlly wiillll be
giiven and wiitth 1..91 mullttiiplliiffiicattiion ffacttorr,, iitt wiillll be Rs..7640//-- onlly and such a diiscrriimiinattiion
bettween tthose rrecrruiitted befforre 1--1--2007 and tthose rrecrruiitted on orr afftterr 1--1--2007 iis unttenablle as
per tthe arrtiiclle 14 off tthe Consttiituttiion. Botth tthese offffiiciialls werre at Rs..4000/-- miiniimum pay as on 1-
2-2007 and iin tthe case off such ttwo offfiiciialls who arre att tthe miiniimum off tthe pay scale att a
parrttiicullarr datte,, iitt wiillll be arrbiittrrarry tto diiscrriimiinatte bettween tthem iin tthe name off pay rreviisiion.. BSNL,,
as an iinsttrrumentt off tthe Sttatte iis bound by tthe Arrttiiclle 14 off tthe Consttiittuttiion whiich prreventts such
arrbiittrrarriiness and prrescrriibes ffaiirrness iin tthe acttiion off tthe Sttatte.. Therrefforre iitt wiillll be llegalllly nott
prroperr tto crreatte such diiscrriimiinattiion.. Hence tthe mullttiiplliiffiicattiion ffacttorr fforr arrrriiviing att tthe miiniimum
off tthe rreviised pay scalle shoulld be such tthatt ttherre iis no such diiscrriimiinattiion bettween tthe offffiiciialls
recrruiitted befforre and afftterr 1--1--2007.
Span off tthe reviised pay scalles::
Att prresentt tthe span off tthe exiisttiing pay scalles iis 15 yearrs.. Butt even wiitth tthiis 15 yearrs span,, ttherre
iis tthe prrobllem off sttagnattiion iin cerrttaiin pay scalles..
1.. Some concrrette cases arre submiitttted below as examples iin tthiis rregarrd::--
a)) A Grroup D offffiiciiall iin 4100--125--5975 rreached maxiimum off tthe pay scalle iin 2003.. As perr tthe
new prromottiion polliicy he wiillll gett prromottiion on 1--10--2004 tto tthe nextt hiigherr scalle 4250--130--
6200 and wiillll be ffiixed att tthe maxiimum off tthiis scalle ii..e 6200 agaiin.. On compllettiion off ttwo
yearrs he wiillll gett one sttagnattiion iincrrementt and hence wiillll be att Rs..6330//-- on 1--10--2006..
Hence on 1--1-2007 he wiilll be att 6330//--.. As perr tthe 30% fiittmentt fforrmulla on pay+68..8%DA, his
pay iin tthe rrevised pay scalle wiilll be ffiixed at Rs.13890//--.. In case tthe rreviised equivallent scalle
sttarrtts wiitth tthe miiniimum equall tto prrerreviised miiniimum off tthe pay+68..8% DA on iitt pllus 30% on
tthiis pay+68..8%,, and tthen wiitth 3% annuall iincrrementt on basiic pay fforr 20 yearrs,, tthe rreviised
pay scalle wiillll be 9330 --16950//--.. Thus wiitth 20 yearrs span wiitth a miiniimum off tthe pay arrrriived
on tthe basiis off tthe mullttiiplliicattiion ffacttorr 2..195 ((based on tthe 30% ffiittmentt fforrmulla)),, tthiis offffiiciiall
wiillll rreach 13890 on 1--1--2007.. On 1--10--2011 he wiillll be att Rs..16120//-- iin tthiis scalle.. Agaiin on
1..10.2011 he wiillll gett anottherr promottiion as perr new prromottion polliicy iin tthe scalle equiivallentt tto
tthe prresentt 4550--6650 pay scalle,, whiich wiillll be equall tto 9990 --18130 based on tthe above saiid
mullttiiplliicattiion ffacttorr off 2..195 and span off 20 yearrs and he wiillll be ffiixed att Rs..16610//-- wherreas
tthe maxiimum iis Rs..18130//-- onlly..
IIn case tthe managementt siide suggestted pay scalles arre ttaken iintto consiiderrattiion based on
1..91 mullttiiplliiffiicattiion ffacttorr,, tthe offffiiciialls woulld rreach sttagnattiion and iitt wiillll nott be possiiblle even
tto ffiix tthem in tthe rreviised pay scalles,, as dettailed iin tthe ffolllowing examplles::
ii)) Case off Srrii JUDHIISTIIR HALDER,, R..M..,, HR No.. 199506225,, Callcutttta Telle..
Montth off appoiinttmentt iin rregullarr Grroup--D postt ffrrom TSM – Marrch 1995((IIniittiialllly appoiintted as
Chowkidarr, subsequentlly converrtted as Regullar Mazdoor wiith Datte off Incrrementt on 1st
Exiisttiing Basiic Pay iin NE--1 Scalle off 4000--120--5800::
01..10.2004 Rs. 5320
01..10.2005 Rs. 5440
01..10..2006 Rs.. 5560
01..10..2007 Rs.. 5680
01..10.2008 Rs. 5800
01..10.2009 Rs. 5800 ((Sttagnatiion))
OTBP ((16 yrrs)) iis due onlly iin 2011..
Reviised Basiic Pay on 01..01..2007: 5560*2..1944=12201> Rs..12210
N..B.. Maxiimum prroposed by managementt iin Reviised NE--1 Scalle – Rs..11100
Effffectt off New Prromottiion Polliicy::
Nottiionall ffiixattiion on 01..10..2004 iin NE--3 ((4100--125--5975)) Scalle underr FR--22((1))a((ii)) – Rs..
01..10..2005 Rs.. 5600
01..10..2006 Rs.. 5725
01..01.2007 Rs. 5725 ((exiisttiing)) > Rs.. 12570 (rreviised)
01..10..2007 Rs.. 12950 ((rreviised))
01..10..2008 Rs.. 13340 ((rreviised))
01..10..2009 Rs.. 13740 ((rreviised))
N..B.. Maxiimum prroposed by management iin Revised NE--3 Scalle – Rs.11350
Nextt up grradattiion iis due iin Octtoberr 2011..
Wherre tthe rreviised pay off tthe offffiiciiall wiillll be ffiixed?
iiii)) Case off Smtt.. Srrabanii Senguptta,, Srr..TOA((P)),, HR No.. 197907929,, Callcutttta Telle..
Montth off appoiinttmentt as Tellephone Operrattorr – June 1979..
Prromotted tto Srr.. TOA((P)) – 1996..
OTBP ((16 yrrs..)) – July 1995 ((IIDA Scalle NE--9 ;; 7100--20-10100))
BCR ((26 yrrs..)) – June 2005 ((NE--10 ;; 7800--225--11175))
Basiic Pay::
01..06..2004 Rs.. 8500 ((NE--9))
01..06.2005 Rs. 8700 ((NE--9))
Rs.. 8925 [[NE--10 on ffiixattion underr FR-22((1))a((i))]
01..06..2006 Rs.. 9150 ((NE--10))
01..06..2007 Rs.. 9375 ((NE--10))
01..06..2008 Rs.. 9600 ((NE--10))
01..06..2009 Rs.. 9825 ((NE--10))
Offffiiciiall diid nott gett Grrade--IIV ((NE--11))
Reviised Pay::
01..01..2007 Rs.. 20080 ((Reviised NE--10))
01..06..2007 Rs.. 20690 ((Reviised NE--10))
01..06.2008 Rs. 21310 ((Reviised NE--10)
01..06..2009 Rs.. 21950 ((Reviised NE--10)) #
N..B.. Maxiimum prroposed by management iin Revised NE--10 Scalle – Rs.21650
Effffectt off New Prromottiion Polliicy::
Nottiionall ffiixattiion on 01..10..2004 iin NE--10 ((7800--225--11175)) Scalle underr FR--22((1))a((ii)) – Rs..
01..10..2005 Rs.. 9150 ((Exiisttiing NE--10))
01..10..2006 Rs.. 9375 ((Exiisttiing NE--10))
01..01..2007 Rs.. 9375 ((Exiisttiing NE--10)) Rs.. 20580 ((Reviised NE--10))
01..10.2007 Rs. 9600 ((Exiisttiing NE--10)) Rs. 21200 ((Reviised NE--10)
01..10..2008 Rs.. 9825 ((Exiisttiing NE--10)) Rs.. 21840 ((Reviised NE--10)) #
01..10..2009 Rs.. 10050 ((Exiisttiing NE--10)) Rs.. 22500 ((Reviised NE--10)) #
# Sttagnattiion..
N..B.. Nextt up grradattiion iis due iin Octtoberr 2011 onlly
iiiiii)) Case off Srrii Miihiirr Krr.. Dasguptta,, T..II.. Grr..--IIV,, HR No.. 197409231,, CTD
Montth off appoiinttmentt as Tellephone IInspecttorr – Augustt 1974
OTBP ((16 yrrs..)) – Januarry 1991
BCR ((26 yrrs.)) – Januarry 2001
Grade--IIV (10%)) – Jully 2003
Datte off iincrrementt rremaiins consttantt on 1st Augustt..
N..B.. Therre iis no scope off any beneffiitt underr New Prromottiion Polliicy,, siince datte off
rrettiirrementt iis on 31st May 2011..
Basiic Pay iin exiisttiing NE--11 Scalle::
01..08..2006 Rs.. 12000
01..08..2007 Rs.. 12245
01..08..2008 Rs.. 12245 Sttagnattiion
01..08..2009 Rs.. 12490 Sttagnattiion IIncrrementt
Deemed Basiic Pay iin Reviised NE--11 Scalle on tthe basiis off Converrsiion Facttorr::
01..01..2007 Rs.. 26340 #
01..08..2007 Rs.. 27130 #
01..08..2008 Rs.. 27950 #
01..08..2009 Rs.. 28790 #
01..08..2010 Rs.. 29660 #
N..B.. Allll tthese stages arre much hiigher tthan maxiimum off rrevised NE--11 scalle prroposed by
tthe managementt ii..e.. Rs..23750
Therrefforre iitt iis necessarry tto have tthe mullttiiplliiffiicattiion ffacttorr off attlleastt 2..195 fforr deciidiing tthe miiniimum off
tthe rreviised pay scalle and a span off 20 yearrs fforr tthe rreviised pay scalles so as tto prroviide jjusttiice iin
deciidiing tthe rreviised pay scalles and tto avoiid sttagnattiion prrobllem.. IItt iis ffurrttherr rrequestted tto prroviide
sttagnattiion iincrrementt everry yearr.. IIn tthiis connecttiion iitt iis nott outt off conttextt tto rremiind tthatt span off tthe JTO
& ottherr executtiives rreviised pay scalle was aboutt 26 yearrs..
IItt iis rrequestted tto consiiderr allll tthese aspectts whiille diiscussiing tthe above iissues..
Yourrs Siincerrelly,,
www.bsnlnewsbyashokhindocha.blogspot.com M-9426201999