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[08.11.2014]A lively women's convention conducted in the 7th All India Conference of BSNLEU.
A lively women's convention was conducted in the 7th All India Conference of BSNLEU on 07.11-2014. Hundreds of women comrades attended the convention, apart from the male delegates who were attending the Conference. The Convention was presided over by a 3 member presedium, consisting of com. P. Indira (Tamil Nadu), com. Bhagyalaksmi (Kerala) and com.Banani Chattopadyay (West Bengal). Presidential address was delivered by all the 3 members of the Presedium. Com. Jagmati Sangwan, General Secretary, All India Democratic Women’s Association (AIDWA) who came to address the Convention, was cheered and warmly welcomed by the entire house. Com. D. Shylla (NE 2), com. Sushmita Roy (West Bengal), com. Jothilakshmi (Kerala), com. Rathnambal (Andaman), com. Rani Beena Prasad (Chennai), com. Sandiya (Pune), com. Sulochana Basu (Kolkata) and com. Maya Verma (UP-East) participated in the deliberations. Thereafter, com.Jagmati Sangwan, GS, AIDWA, delivered a sparkling speech, in which she elaborated the problems being faced by the working women at home and in work places, especially in this era of Globalisation. She severely criticised the atrocities being heaped on women throughout the country, especially in the state of West Bengal, and called upon the democratic forces to fight against them. Com. Jagmati also lambasted the communal forces for creating the bogey of "Love Jihad", which in essence curtails women's right, to their choice of marriage. Finally, Com. P. Abhimanyu, GS, addressed the convention and stressed the necessity to form working women's coordination committees in all circles. He also assured to take up the issues of the women employees, focussed in the convention,with the Management. The Convention came to an end with com. Monisha Biswal Kolkata), proposing the vote of thanks.<>
The delegates session of the 7th All India Conference started yesterday the 07-11-2014. Soon after the session started,the agenda of the Conference was unanimously approved by the house. Thereafter, com.V.A.N.Namboodiri, President, delivered his presidential address. On completion of his address, the President requested the General Secretary to present the report on activities to the house. Com.P.Abhimanyu, General Secretary, addressed the house, presenting the salient points contained in the report. He dwelt at length on the struggles conducted by the Union in the murder case of com.Sukendar Pal Singh, introduction of the New Recognition Rules, victory achieved in the 6th Membership Verification, revival of BSNL, struggles conducted by the United Forum on the demands of the Non-Executives, settlement of the 78.2% IDA merger, formation of the JAC and the calls for united struggles, circle level conventions on Neo Liberal Policies etc., trade union class conducted by the K.G.Bose Memorial and Educational Trust, ITS absorption issue, management of the K.G.Bose Memorial and Educational Trust, issues of the casual and contract workers and strengthening of the BSNLCCWF, issues of the pensioners and strengthening of the AIBDPA, merger of BSNL and MTNL and the retrograde recommendations of the Deloittee Committee. Com. K. G . Jayaraj, General Secretary, AIBDPA, addressed the session and greeted the Conference. He underscored the necessity for close cooperation between BSNLEU and AIBDPA, for the settlement of the issues of the retired employees. In the post lunch session, the delegates started deliberating on the report presented by the General Secretary.<>
The 7th All India Conference of BSNLEU started enthusiastically in Panchvati Holiday Resorts at Howra, Kolkata, yesterday the 06-11-2014. The Conference started with flag hoisting. National Flag was hoisted by com. V.A.N . Namboodiri, President. The Red Flag of BSNLEU was hoisted by Com. P. Abhimanyu, General Secretary. Floral tributes were paid at the martyr’s column. Revolutionary welcome songs were sung by the cultural troupe of the Union. The Inaugural session was presided over by com. V.A.N. Namboodiri, President. A minute's silence was observed to pay homage to the martyrs. Com. Sisir Bhattacharji, President, Reception Committee, welcomed every one. Amidst applause, Com. A. K. Padmanabhan, President, CITU, inaugurated the Conference. Com. P. Abhimanyu, GS, com. Raj Bahadur Rawal, President, Telecom Employees of Nepal (TEAN), com. M. Krishnan, SG, Confederation, com. V. Ramesh, General Secretary, AIIEA, and com. Saibal Sengupta, Joint Convener, Reception Committee, addressed the Conference. A book, containing writings on com. Moni Bose, written by various leaders was released in the Conference. A massive rally took place after lunch, which culminated into a massive public meeting.<>
The 7th All India Conference of BSNLEU is starting in the Historic city of Kolkata tomorrow the 06-11-2014. As a prelude to this Conference, the Central Executive Committee meeting of the Union has started at Kolkata today. The meeting started sharp at 10:00 hrs, which is being presided over by com.V.A.N. Namboodiri, President of the Union. Com. Animesh Mitra, Joint General Secretary, Reception Committee and com. P . Abhimanyu, GS, welcomed all the CEC members. The meeting stood in silence for a minute, and paid homage to the leaders who have passed away, since the last All India Conference. Com . V.A.N . Namboodiri, President, delivered the Presidential address. Thereafter, the presentation of the report on activities started and is going on. <>