www.bsnlnewsbyashokhibndocha.blogspot.com M-9426201999
Recognised Union in BSNL
(Regiisttered Under Indiian Trade Uniion Act 1926.. Regn..No..4896))
CHQ::Dada Ghosh Bhawan,, Opp.. Shadiipur Bus Depott..,, New Dellhii – 110008
Emaiill:: chqbsnlleu@siiffy..com,, websiitte:: bsnlleuchq..com
Phone:: ((O)) 011--25705385
V..A..N.. Namboodiirii ((R)) 011-- 23342848
Generall Secrettary Fax:: 011-- 25894862
BSNLEU // 505 ((PROM)) 22..10..2009
Shrii Gopall Das,,
Diirector ((HRD), BSNL CO,,
Bharatt Sanchar Bhawan
New Dellhii -- 110 001
Sub:: New Promottiion Polliicy – earlly iimpllementtattiion tthereoff..
We woulld lliike tto rrecallll tthatt afftterr prrollonged diiscussiions,, agrreementt on New Prromottiion
Polliicy fforr non--executtiive emplloyees off BSNL was siigned on 30tth Octtoberr,, 2008 bettween tthe
managementt and tthe rreprresenttattiive uniion.. A llong one yearr perriiod iis nearriing compllettiion siince
tthe agrreementt was siigned.. Howeverr,, BSNL CO has nott yett issued orrderrs tto iimpllementt tthe
same.. By tthiis ttiime,, tthousands off non--executtiive emplloyees have rrettiirred ffrrom serrviice wiitthoutt
gettttiing tthe beneffiitts off tthe new Prromottiion Polliicy.. Thiis iinorrdiinatte dellay on tthe parrtt off tthe
managementt iin impllementting tthe agrreement iis nott onlly causing severe diiscontenttmentt
amongstt tthe non--executtiive emplloyees tthrroughoutt tthe counttrry,, butt att tthe same ttiime
ttanttamountts tto be a negattiion off tthe verry prriinciiplle off negottiiatted settttllementt off demands bettween
tthe managementt and tthe rreprresenttattiive uniion as enshrriined iin tthe exttantt llabourr llaws off tthe
IItt iis now known tto allll tthatt DoT has rretturrned tthe ffiille wiitth tthe commentt tthatt BSNL can ttake iitts
own deciisiion on the mattterr.. Even tthen the BSNL managementt has rrefferrrred one parrtticullarr
aspectt tto DoT fforr apprrovall.. Thiis iis a dellayiing ttacttiics and un--accepttablle tto us.. Morreoverr,, we arre
iin tthe darrk aboutt whatt iiniittiiattiive has been ttaken by BSNL managementt tto clliinch tthe iissue wiitth
DoT earrlly orr had any iiniittiiattiive been ttaken att allll..
IIn tthiis conttextt,, we urrge upon you tto ttake apprroprriiatte measurre tto iimpllementt tthe agrreementt
wiitthoutt ffurrttherr dellay..
Thankiing you,,
Yourrs Siincerrelly,,
[[V..A..N.. Namboodiirii]]
Generall Secrettary
Copy tto:: Shrrii Kulldeep Goyall, CMD,, BSNL ffor iinfformattiion and necessarry acttiion..
www.bsnlnewsbyashokhindocha.blogspot.com M-9426201999
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