

www.bsnlnewsbyashokhindocha.blogspot.com M-9426201999
Recognised Union in BSNL
(Regiistered Under IIndiian Trade Uniion Act 1926.. Regn..No..4896)
CHQ:Dada Ghosh Bhawan,, Opp.. Shadiipur Bus Depot..,, New Dellhii – 110008
Emaiill: chqbsnlleu@siify..com,, websiite: bsnlleuchq..com
Phone:: ((O)) 011--25705385
V..A..N.. Namboodiirii ((R)) 011-- 23342848
Generall Secrettary Fax:: 011-- 25894862
BSNLEU/102 (Circular No.03) 04th February, 2010
CEC Meettiing att Bhopall
Dearr Comrrade,,
As you arre wellll awarre ourr Centtrrall Executtiive Commiittttee meettiing iis goiing tto be helld att tthe ““
Communiitty Hallll”,, P&T Collony,, Bhadbhada Road,, Bhopall ffrrom 14th tto 16th Febrruarry’’2010.. A
sttrrong Recepttiion Commiittttee wiitth Com.. Prramod Prradhan,, Generrall Secrrettarry,, CIITU,, Bhopall as
Chaiirrman and Comrrade S..R.. Nayak,, Ciirrclle Secrrettarry,, M..P.. Ciirrclle as Generrall Secrrettarry has been
fforrmed and sttarrtted ffuncttiioniing..
The iinaugurrall cerremony wiillll commence att 10..00 hrrs.. on 14--02--2010 att “ Gandhii Hallll”,,
Shyamlla Hiilllls,, near Pollyttechniic Chouraha,, Bhopall.. Open Sessiion & Semiinarr wiillll be helld on 15--
02--2010.. The Centtrrall Executtiive Commiittttee Meettiing wiillll be iinaugurratted by Com.. Mohammad Amiin,,
M..P..,, Allll IIndiia Generrall Secrrettarry,, CIITU on 14tth.. On 15tth Febrruarry,, S//Shrrii Gopall Das,, Diirrecttorr
((HR)),, S..R..Kapoorr,, ED((Fiinance)) and ottherr seniiorr offffiicerrs as allso ttrrade uniion lleaderrs wiillll addrress
tthe open sessiion and semiinarr .. The subjjectt commiittttee wiillll be helld att tthe ““Communiitty Hallll” P&T
Collony,, Bhopall.. One off tthe iimporrttantt iissues tto be diiscussed iis tthe excellllentt achiievementt off wage
negottiiattiion.. We have tto diiscuss iin tthe meettiing on varriious sttaffff iissues as wellll as tthe orrganiizattiionall
posiittiion att allll llevells so tthatt we can ttake prreparrattorry measurre fforr tthe nextt Memberrshiip Verriiffiicattiion..
Centtrrall Executtiive Commiittttee memberrs//Ciirrclle Secrrettarriies shoulld come tto diiscuss tthe matttterrs
keepiing iin miind tthe prresentt sociio--polliittiicall scenarriio iin IIndiia so tthatt we wiillll have tto ttake apprroprriiatte
and corrrrectt deciisiions iin allll tthese matttterrs..
Wage Reviisiion
Afftterr tthe wage commiittttee has ffiinalliised tthe agrreementt,, tthe same has been apprroved by tthe BSNL
Managementt on 03..02..2010.. Now iitt wiillll go tto tthe BSNL Boarrd befforre seekiing tthe apprrovall off tthe
DOT.. Generrall Secrrettarry has allrready diiscussed tthe matttterr wiitth tthe CMD BSNL as allso wiitth tthe
Diirrecttorr((HR)) fforr an earrlly deciisiion by tthe BSNL Boarrd.. CHQ iis makiing allll efffforrtts tto speed up tthe
prrocess so tthatt tthe orrderr can be iissued att tthe earrlliiestt.. A llott off calllls,, emaiills,, SMSs ettc.. arre beiing
rreceiived by tthe CHQ enquiirriing when tthe orrderrs wiillll be iissued.. IIn tthe wage agrreementt iin 2002 ffrrom
CDA tto IIDA pay scalles iitt ttook aboutt ffourr montths tto gett tthe orrderrs iissued.. CHQ iis ttrryiing tto rreduce
tthe ttiime perriiod so tthatt tthe orrderrs arre gott iissued by aboutt ttwo montths..
Promottiionall Polliicy
CHQ has rrequestted tthe managementt tto iimpllementt prromottiion polliicy wiitthoutt tthe 9200 scalle iiff ttherre
iis dellay iin apprrovall off tthe same by DPE.. Generrall Secrrettarry has allrready ttaken up tthe matttterr wiitth
DPE fforr an earrlly apprrovall off tthe above pay scalle.. CHQ iis perrusiing tthe matttterr botth wiitth BSNL and
Anomally Commiittttee
CHQ iis perrusiing tthe matttterr so tthatt tthe iissue iis diiscussed iin tthe nextt Managementt Commiittttee..
CHQ has allrready ttaken tthe matttterr wiitth tthe concerrned GMs so tthatt tthe notte tto tthe Managementt
Commiittttee iis ffiinalliised and apprroved by tthe Managementt Commiittttee..
Pensiioners’’ Dharna on 29tth January 2010..
As perr tthe callll off tthe Allll IIndiia BSNL--DOT Pensiionerrs’’ Associiattiion,, tthe Dharrna Prrogrramme on 29tth
Januarry was orrganiised iin allll centtrres and iitt iis allso rreporrtted ffrrom varriious Ciirrclles//SSAs tthatt tthe
Dharrna prrogrramme was helld tthrroughoutt tthe Counttrry successffulllly and tthousands off pensiionerrs
parrttiiciipatted iin tthe dharrnas.. The demands,, Merrgerr off 50% IIDA,, IIDA Pensiion rreviisiion,, Removall off
anomally iin Pensiion ettc.. werre ffocussed by pllacarrds,, shouttiing off sllogans ettc.. IIn many centtrres
iimporrttantt ttrrade uniion lleaderrs and offffiice--bearrerrs off BSNLEU,, AIIBDPA ettc.. addrressed tthe dharrna..
On tthe susttaiined prressurre off BSNLEU and AIIBDPA,, tthe DOT iis prrocessiing tthe prroposall fforr IIDA
pensiion rreviisiion fforr tthe BSNL rrettiirrees.. Thiis has become necessarry siince ttherre iis no prroviisiion iin
tthe Rulle 37A fforr pensiion rreviisiion att allll.. Fiirrstt tthe DOT prroposed CDA pensiion rreviisiion fforr BSNL
rrettiirrees.. Afftterr BSNLEU and AIIBDPA mett tthe Communiicattiions Miiniistterr,, Secrrettarry DOT ettc.. as allso
pettiittiioned tto tthe Prriime Miiniistterr,, DOT has sttarrtted prrocessiing tthe prroposall fforr IIDA Pensiion rreviisiion..
Wiitth Warrm Grreettiings,,
Yourrs comrradelly,,
Generall Secrettary
Copy tto:: Allll Diisttrriictt // Ciirrclle Secrrettarriies..
www.bsnlnewsbyasshokhindocha.blogspot.com M-9426201999
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