www.bsnlnewsbyashokhindocha.blogspot.com M-9426201999-9426254999
Defeat the retrograde recommendatiions
of the Sam Piitroda Commiittee
The much publliiciized Sam Piittrroda Commiittttee has submiitttted iitt’’s
rreporrtt.. The iimporrttantt rrecommendattiions off tthe commiittttee arre
rrettrrogrrade iin natturre.. Accorrdiing tto rreporrtts,, iitt has rrecommended 30%
strrattegic sttake salle, iinttroducttiion off a VRS tto cut tthe sttaffff sttrrengtth by
1//3,, scrrappiing off tthe 93 miilllliion GSM lliine ttenderr,, unbundlliing off BSNL’’s
llastt miille copperr,, ettc..
IIn the backdrop off BSNL’’s declliiniing marrkett sharre and prroffiitts,
Prriime Miiniistterr Manmohan Siingh appoiintted a tthrree memberr commiittttee,,
headed by Sam Piittrroda,, tto suggestt tthe ways and means fforr tthe rreviivall off tthe PSU.. The
ottherr memberrs off tthe commiittttee arre Deepak Parrekh,, Chaiirrman off tthe HDFC bank and P..J..
Thomas,, Secrrettarry,, DoT.. The commiittttee iis llearrntt tto have submiitttted iitt’’s 15 poiintt
rrecommendattiions tto tthe govtt.. iin tthe ffiirrstt week off Marrch..
The most iimporrttantt rrecommendattion off tthe commiittttee iis 30% sttrrattegiic stake salle,
as wellll as tthe iinducttiion off a sttrrattegiic iinvesttorr.. Outt off tthiis,, 10% money iis go tto tthe
goverrnmentt and tthe rremaiiniing 20% iis tto be used fforr iinttrroducttiion off a VRS.. The Commiittttee
iis llearrntt tto have arrgued tthatt tthe iinducttion off a sttrattegiic iinvesttor woulld brriing ““sound
managementt prracttiice and ttechnollogiicall experrttiise”” tto BSNL.. Thiis rrecommendattiion off
Piittrroda,, rremiinds us off whatt happened iin VSNL,, whiich was a PSU once.. Thrrough
diisiinvesttmentt,, Tatta was iinductted iiniittiialllly as a sttrrattegiic parrttnerr iin VSNL.. Latterr on,, VSNL
was prriivattiized and solld tto Tatta..
The ottherr rrecommendattiion off tthe commiittttee,, tto rrettrrench one llakh sttaffff tthrrough VRS,,
iis notthiing butt attrrociious. Allmostt one lakh emplloyees have allready rettirred siince tthe
iincepttiion off BSNL and anottherr 60,,000 arre goiing tto rrettiirre wiitthiin tthe nextt 5 yearrs.. As such,,
tthe mottiive behiind tthiis rrecommendattiion iis notthiing butt tto drrasttiicalllly rreduce tthe sttaffff
sttrrengtth,, befforre iitt iis handed overr tto a prriivatte // Mullttii Nattiionall Company..
The Commiittttee has allso rrecommended tto scrrap tthe 93 miilllliion GSM lliine ttenderr..
BSNL managementt has allrready actted on tthiis.. BSNL,, whiich iis allrready sttarrviing due tto non--
supply off equiipmentts, iis cerrttaiinlly goiing tto fface a crriisiis on account off tthe scrrapping off tthiis
ttenderr.. Thiis rrecommendattiion iis notthiing,, butt parrtt off tthe ongoiing conspiirracy tto kiillll BSNL,, by
bllockiing iitt’’s equiipmentt supplly.. We rrememberr a siimiillarr attttemptt made by tthe govtt.. iin 2007,,
tto scrrap tthe 45 miilllliion GSM lliine ttenderr,, whiich was ffrrusttrratted by tthe uniitted sttrrugglle by
BSNL’’s worrk fforrce..
The Piittrroda Commiittttee has allso rrecommended tthatt BSNL’’s llastt miille copperr shoulld
be unbundlled. BSNL,, whiich iis tthe marrkett lleaderr now iin tthe Brroadband segmentt,, wiilll
cerrttaiinlly llose iitt’’s prromiinence iiff tthiis rrecommendattiion iis iimpllementted.. Thrrough tthiis
rrecommendattiion,, one can cllearrlly see tthe rreall fface off tthe Piittrroda Commiittttee..
The Commiittttee iis llearrntt tto have giiven some ottherr rrecommendattiions,, whiich iincllude
ttiime bound solluttiion tto tthe IITS absorrpttiion iissue,, iinducttiion off prroffessiionalls ffrrom outtsiide tto
tthe ttop managementt,, segrregattiion off tthe Chaiirrman and Managiing Diirrecttorr postts,, ettc.. Butt
by and llarrge,, the rrecommendattiions off tthe Sam Piitrroda Commiittttee arre notthiing butt a rroad
map fforr tthe prriivattiizattiion off BSNL,, whiich has tto be deffeatted tthrrough uniitted sttrrugglle..
www.bsnlnewsbyashokhindocha.blogspot.com M-9426201999-9426254999
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