


www.bsnlnewsbyashokhindocha.blogspot.com M-9426201999
Recognised Union in BSNL
(Regiistered Under IIndiian Trade Uniion Act 1926.. Regn..No..4896)
CHQ:Dada Ghosh Bhawan,, Opp.. Shadiipur Bus Depot..,, New Dellhii – 110008
Emaiill: chqbsnlleu@siify..com,, websiite: bsnlleuchq..com
Phone:: ((O)) 011--25705385
V..A..N.. Namboodiirii ((R)) 011-- 23342848
Generall Secrettary Fax:: 011-- 25894862
BSNLEU//506 ((NEPP)) 23..04..2010
Shrii D..P.. De,,
GM ((Estttt)),, BSNL,,
Bharatt Sanchar Bhawan,,
New Dellhii-- 110 001
Sub::-- IImpllementtattiion off tthe Non--Executtiive Promottiion Polliicy((NEPP))—Exerciisiing opttiion ffor
swiittchiing over tto NEPP or ffor conttiinuiing iin tthe exiisttiing OTBP//BCR//Gr--IIV//ACP scheme—
Reff::-- BSNL CO No.. 27--7//2008--TE--IIiidatted 23--3--2010
Wiitth rrefferrence tto tthe orrderr iissued viide above ciitted rrefferrence on tthe Non--Executtiive Prromottiion Polliicy,,
tthe ffollllowiing iis submiitttted fforr ffavourr off urrgentt consiiderrattiion::
1)) Each and everry iindiiviiduall non--executtiive has tto make a dettaiilled callcullattiion fforr opttiing eiittherr tto
swiittchoverr tto tthe Non--Executtiive Prromottiion Polliicy orr tto conttiinue iin tthe exiisttiing OTBP//BCR//Grr--
IIV//ACP scheme..
2)) Butt such dettaiilled callcullattiion iis nott possiiblle due tto tthe ffollllowiing ffacttorrs rrequiirred fforr tthe
callcullattiion arre nott yett cllarriiffiied//nott yett known::
a)) As perr tthe non--executtiive prromottiion polliicy agrreementt siigned bettween tthe managementt and
tthe rrecogniised uniion,, tthe pay ffiixattiion on prromottiion has tto be done as perr tthe prroviisiions off
FR22((1))((a))((1)) whiich iincllude opttiion fforr pay ffiixattiion on datte off nextt iincrrementt iinsttead off on
tthe datte off prromottiion.. Butt such opttiion iis nott prroviided iin tthe above rrefferrence.. As per tthe
agreementt iitt iis necessary tto exttend tthiis ffaciilliitty off opttiion iin pay ffiixattiion.. Hence a
cllariiffiicattiion conffiirmiing tthiis opttiion iin pay ffiixattiion iis urgenttlly requiired..
b)) Afftterr swiittchoverr tto tthe rreviised pay scalles on 1--1--2007,, tthe orrderr underr rrefferrence says,, tthatt
tthe pay ffiixattiion on prromottiion has tto be done by tthe pay ffiixattiion prriinciiplles enunciiatted iin tthe
pay rreviisiion orrderr,, whiich iis yett tto be iissued.. The pay ffiixattiion on prromottiion,, iin tthe rreviised
pay sttrructturre,, has tto be done by addiing 3% nottiionall iincrrementt,, as perr tthe agrreementt on
pay rreviisiion,, apprroved by BSNL Boarrd.. Besiides,, tthe opttiion fforr pay ffiixattiion on datte off nextt
iincrrementt has tto be giiven.. These poiintts shoulld have been menttiioned iin tthe order
under refference cllearlly tto avoiid ambiiguiitty iin opttiing ffor tthe exiisttiing//new promottiion
c)) Parra 5..2 off tthe orrderr underr rrefferrence iis as bellow::
““The prromottiion off such perrson who optts tto conttiinue iin hiis//herr errsttwhiille ttiime bound
prromottiion scheme viiz..,, OTBP//BCR//Grrade--IIV//ACP ettc.. wiillll be goverrned by tthe prroviisiions off
such schemes as exiistted on 01--10--2000 ii..e.. tthe datte on whiich BSNL was fforrmed,, unlless
any change iis speciiffiicalllly orrderred orr agrreed by tthe BSNL Managementt afftterr iissue off tthiis
polliicy.. Allll tthe concessiions giiven by BSNL tto Non--Executtiives iin rrellattiion tto
OTBP//BCR//Grrade--IIV//ACP ettc.. afftterr 01--10--2000 sttands wiitthdrrawn wiitth iimmediiatte effffectt..
Howeverr,, tthe cases settttlled prriiorr tto tthiis orrderr,, need nott be rreopened unlless tthe emplloyee
hiimsellff optts fforr tthiis Non--Executtiive Prromottiion Polliicy..””
Thiis means tthatt fforr tthe offffiiciialls who optted fforr tthe OTBP//BCR//Grrade--IIV//ACP scheme,, tthe
exttrra iincrrementt tto be grrantted one yearr befforre rrettiirrementt iin case tthe offffiiciiall has nott gott
Grrade--IIV prromottiion,, wiillll sttand wiitthdrrawn siince iitt iis a concessiion giiven by BSNL viide iitts
orrderr No.. 27--8//2003--TE--IIII((ii)) datted 18--11--2003.. Butt parra 10 off tthe prromottiion polliicy
agrreementt siigned on 30--10--2008 has nott prroviided fforr such wiitthdrrawall off tthe concessiions
giiven by BSNL,, underr OTBP//BCR//Grrade--IIV scheme.. Morreoverr,, tthe DoT has orrderred fforr
paymentt off pensiion on tthiis exttrra iincrrementt.. Thereffore iitt iis partt off tthe OTBP//BCR//Gr--IIV
scheme and hence iitt can nott be wiitthdrawn.. Thereffore a cllariiffiicattiion iis requiired tto
conttiinue such concessiions..
d)) The sttattus off E1A iin tthe rreviised pay sttrructturre iis nott cllarriiffiied--ii..e whettherr iitt wiillll be E1A wiitth
rreviised pay scalle 18850--40500 orr whettherr iitt wiillll be ttrreatted as E1 ((as iis beiing iimpllementted
att prresentt)) wiitth rreviised pay scalle 16400--40500,, iis nott known and tthiis ambiiguiitty iis
creattiing probllem iin exerciisiing tthe opttiion by Sttenographers iin choosiing ACP or
e)) Postt based prromottiion afftterr 1--10--2000 and befforre 1--10--2004 iis ttrreatted as ffiirrstt upgrradattiion
underr NEPP.. Butt as perr tthe executtiive prromottiion polliicy,, viide tthe cllarriiffiicattiion iissued by
BSNL CO viide poiintt No..3 iin iitts orrderr No.. 400--29//2007--Perrs..1 datted 30--5--2007,, tthe
executtiive who gott postt based prromottiion afftterr 1--10--2000 and befforre 1--10--2004 wiillll gett hiis
ffiirrstt upgrradattiion((nott second upgrradattiion)).. Hence tthe same prriinciiplle has tto be ffollllowed fforr
iin case off NEPP allso.. Morreoverr tthe prromottiion polliicy agrreementt has nott prroviided fforr
ttrreattiing such postt based prromottiion//converrsiion//prromottiion tto rresttrructturred cadrre as ffiirrstt
upgrradattiion underr NEPP.. Hence iitt iis necessary tto cllariiffy tthatt iin case an offffiiciiall getts
postt based promottiion//conversiion//promottiion tto resttructtured cadre afftter 1--10--2000
and beffore 1--10--2004,, he wiillll gett hiis ffiirstt upgradattiion as per tthe NEPP,, by counttiing
tthe elliigiiblle resiidency periiod ffrom tthe datte off such promottiion..((Eg:: Driivers gott postt
based promottiions;; RMs were promotted as TM))..
ff)) Therre arre cases wherre tthe offffiiciiall has gott ttwo postt based prromottiions orr one
converrsiion//rresttrructturre based prromottiion,, butt nott complletted 4 yearrs rresiidency perriiod iin any
IIDA scalle,, befforre he gott tthese ttwo postt based prromottiions.. IIn such case,, tthe offffiiciiall has tto
be giiven hiis ffiirstt upgradattiion as per NEPP,, by counttiing tthe elliigiiblle resiidency periiod
ffrom tthe datte he gott hiis second postt based promottiion.. ((Examplle--LDC TA was
convertted tto TOA on 1--7--2004 and was promotted tto Sr..TOA iin 2007))..
g)) As perr tthe subjjectt menttiioned iin tthe orrderr on NEPP,, tthe NEPP orrderr iissued now iis
applliicablle fforr tthe Non--Executtiives iin NE--1 tto NE--10 pay scalles.. IIn such case whettherr an
emplloyee iin NE--11(( who gott hiis NE--10 befforre 1--10--2000 and NE--11 iin Januarry 2010)) can
optt tto fforrego hiis prromottiion tto NE--11 on 1--1--2010 and optt fforr ffiirrstt upgrradattiion on 1--10--2004
as perr tthe NEPP--tthiis needs cllarriiffiicattiion allllowiing such opttiion iiff iitt iis beneffiiciiall fforr such
Therrefforre iitt iis rrequestted tto iissue tthe cllarriiffiicattiions//modiiffiicattiions as rrequestted above.. IItt iis ffurrttherr
rrequestted tto allllow rre--opttiion based on tthese cllarriiffiicattiions//modiiffiicattiions..
Yourrs Siincerrelly,,
[[V..A..N.. Namboodiirii]]
Generall Secrettary
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