Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Thursday, December 22, 2011
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Why This Kolaveri Di Full Song Promo Video in HD-inf. by Ashok Hindocha M-09426254999 M-09426254999 M-09426254999 M-09426254999
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Lohana Mahaparishad Health Committee-Future Planing for BMD-Blood Donation & Mega Medical Camp at Various Places-inf. by Dr. nitin Radia, Prakash Thakkar-Ashok Hindocha-Rajkot
Mega Medical & BMD Camp was held at Paddhari(dist Rajkot)on dtd. 04-012-2011-By Lohana mahaparishad health Committee- & paddhari Lohana Mahajan. Honrable President of lohana Mahaparishad Adv. yogeshbhai Lakahani was remain Present in the above camp. Dr. Harshadbhai Khakhar, Veenaben Pandhi-Trustee of lohana Mahaparishad were also Present. shri Virendrabhai Ahiya-President of Lohana Mahajan Paddhari, shri Chandrakantbahi Pujara, Amubhai Kotak, Hansaben Ganatra, Dr. Mayank Thakkar(MD),Dr. samir mashrani(chield Specialist)Dr. Tamannaben Dasani(gynecologist)Dr. Nitin Radia(Authopedic Surgen)-chaiman Health committee, Dr. Sitanshu Pujara(paddhari)were remain Present. 50 Persons Donated Blood, 125 Persons BMD Computerised Test were Taken Free of Cost, morethan 300 hundred persons were present for Consultation for Dr. niti Radia"s-Consultation. Free of Medicine was provided to Needy People,Somany Dignitaries were present in the Medical Camp. honarable Yogeshbahi Lakahani(President)appriciate the organisation. Dr. nitin Radia, Praksh Thakkar, Girish Monani and somany person Donate their Blood. Welcome Speech was given by Prafulbahi Kotak(advocate & notary Public-Paddhari)Programe Details given by Dr. Nitin Radia, Programe was conducted by Ashok Hindocha, Vote of Thanks done by Dr. sitanshu Pujara, future programe Details given by Prakash Thakkar. Dr. Harshadbahi Khakhar Given Speech & given massage of Honarable Jayantibahi Kundalia-Oresident Lohanamahajan Rajkot(due to health problem Could not present-wel wishing was given for Medical camp)Honarable Yogeshbahi Lakahani-appriciate the activities of Padadhari Lohana Mahajan-for giving entire Mahajabwadi for token of Rs.1 and appriciate the AKHANDDEEP-since last morethan 100 Years, he also Discuss regarding progress of Lohana Mahajanwadi-Padadhari- Renovation work and Representaion in lohana Mahaparishad.. Warm Welcome was given to Honarable Yogeshbahi Lakahani-President by paddhari lohana mahajan & all the Dignitaries. & Aum Shiv Shanny Pariwar Rajkot.Camp was organised very successfully.
JaY lohana mahaparishad..
Dr. Nitin Radia
Prakash Thakkar
Ashok Hindocha
Dr. sitanshu pujara
Girish Monani
& Paddhari Lohana Mahajan M-09426254999 M-09426201999 m-098250 79147
LOHANA MAHAPARISHAD (Health Committee) planning for Medical /BMD Camp
Chairman- Dr. Nitin Radia Secretary:-Prakash Thakkar Treasurer: - Ashok Hindocha
Sl.NO. Name of Organising Committee Proposed date for Medical/BMD Camp/Blood Donation Camp Place for BMD/Medical Camp to be organise Remarks
(1) Raghuvanshi Social Group-Porbandar On 1-1-2012
At PORBANDER PORBANDAR By-Health Committee-Lohana Mahaparioshad & Rohit M. Lakahani & Vijay L. Majithia-Porbandar
(2) Akhil Saurashtra Raghuvir Sena-Rajkot & health committee-Lohana Mahaparishad On 22-01-2012
On Vir dada jasaraj Day
At RAJKOT Rajkot
Mega Blood Donation Camp
Target 1008 Blood Donation On Gyati BHOJAN Mahaparasad by Akhil Saurashtra Raghuvir Sena-Rajkot (Divyesh Rajdev, Yogesh Pujara & Team & all Raghuvanshi institutions & health committee-Lohana Mahaparishad-in presence of World Dignitaries& , Honrable Yogeshbahi Lakahani(President) & all
(3) Aum Shiv Shanny Pariwar Rajkot& health committee-Lohana Mahaparishad On dtd 25-01-2012-Mega Medical Camp(free of Cost) Rajkot
Shanti Niketan Society-Shanny Dev Temple Prakashbahi Thakkar-Dr. Nitin Radia-Ashok Hindocha- Girishbhai Monanai& Aum Shiv Shanny Shanny pariwar-Rajkot
(4) Lohana mahaparishad Health Committee members at Gondal & Jetpur In Jan-Feb-2012 Gondal
JETPUR By Gondal & Jetpur
Committee Members of Lohana Mahaparishad-Health committee
Prakash Thakkar Ashok Hindocha Dr Nitin Radia
National Secretary National Treasurer Chairman-Health Committee
Mega Medical & BMD Camp was held at Paddhari(dist Rajkot)on dtd. 04-012-2011-By Lohana mahaparishad health Committee- & paddhari Lohana Mahajan. Honrable President of lohana Mahaparishad Adv. yogeshbhai Lakahani was remain Present in the above camp. Dr. Harshadbhai Khakhar, Veenaben Pandhi-Trustee of lohana Mahaparishad were also Present. shri Virendrabhai Ahiya-President of Lohana Mahajan Paddhari, shri Chandrakantbahi Pujara, Amubhai Kotak, Hansaben Ganatra, Dr. Mayank Thakkar(MD),Dr. samir mashrani(chield Specialist)Dr. Tamannaben Dasani(gynecologist)Dr. Nitin Radia(Authopedic Surgen)-chaiman Health committee, Dr. Sitanshu Pujara(paddhari)were remain Present. 50 Persons Donated Blood, 125 Persons BMD Computerised Test were Taken Free of Cost, morethan 300 hundred persons were present for Consultation for Dr. niti Radia"s-Consultation. Free of Medicine was provided to Needy People,Somany Dignitaries were present in the Medical Camp. honarable Yogeshbahi Lakahani(President)appriciate the organisation. Dr. nitin Radia, Praksh Thakkar, Girish Monani and somany person Donate their Blood. Welcome Speech was given by Prafulbahi Kotak(advocate & notary Public-Paddhari)Programe Details given by Dr. Nitin Radia, Programe was conducted by Ashok Hindocha, Vote of Thanks done by Dr. sitanshu Pujara, future programe Details given by Prakash Thakkar. Dr. Harshadbahi Khakhar Given Speech & given massage of Honarable Jayantibahi Kundalia-Oresident Lohanamahajan Rajkot(due to health problem Could not present-wel wishing was given for Medical camp)Honarable Yogeshbahi Lakahani-appriciate the activities of Padadhari Lohana Mahajan-for giving entire Mahajabwadi for token of Rs.1 and appriciate the AKHANDDEEP-since last morethan 100 Years, he also Discuss regarding progress of Lohana Mahajanwadi-Padadhari- Renovation work and Representaion in lohana Mahaparishad.. Warm Welcome was given to Honarable Yogeshbahi Lakahani-President by paddhari lohana mahajan & all the Dignitaries. & Aum Shiv Shanny Pariwar Rajkot.Camp was organised very successfully.
JaY lohana mahaparishad..
Dr. Nitin Radia
Prakash Thakkar
Ashok Hindocha
Dr. sitanshu pujara
Girish Monani
& Paddhari Lohana Mahajan M-09426254999 M-09426201999 m-098250 79147
LOHANA MAHAPARISHAD (Health Committee) planning for Medical /BMD Camp
Chairman- Dr. Nitin Radia Secretary:-Prakash Thakkar Treasurer: - Ashok Hindocha
Sl.NO. Name of Organising Committee Proposed date for Medical/BMD Camp/Blood Donation Camp Place for BMD/Medical Camp to be organise Remarks
(1) Raghuvanshi Social Group-Porbandar On 1-1-2012
At PORBANDER PORBANDAR By-Health Committee-Lohana Mahaparioshad & Rohit M. Lakahani & Vijay L. Majithia-Porbandar
(2) Akhil Saurashtra Raghuvir Sena-Rajkot & health committee-Lohana Mahaparishad On 22-01-2012
On Vir dada jasaraj Day
At RAJKOT Rajkot
Mega Blood Donation Camp
Target 1008 Blood Donation On Gyati BHOJAN Mahaparasad by Akhil Saurashtra Raghuvir Sena-Rajkot (Divyesh Rajdev, Yogesh Pujara & Team & all Raghuvanshi institutions & health committee-Lohana Mahaparishad-in presence of World Dignitaries& , Honrable Yogeshbahi Lakahani(President) & all
(3) Aum Shiv Shanny Pariwar Rajkot& health committee-Lohana Mahaparishad On dtd 25-01-2012-Mega Medical Camp(free of Cost) Rajkot
Shanti Niketan Society-Shanny Dev Temple Prakashbahi Thakkar-Dr. Nitin Radia-Ashok Hindocha- Girishbhai Monanai& Aum Shiv Shanny Shanny pariwar-Rajkot
(4) Lohana mahaparishad Health Committee members at Gondal & Jetpur In Jan-Feb-2012 Gondal
JETPUR By Gondal & Jetpur
Committee Members of Lohana Mahaparishad-Health committee
Prakash Thakkar Ashok Hindocha Dr Nitin Radia
National Secretary National Treasurer Chairman-Health Committee
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Friday, November 25, 2011
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Monday, November 14, 2011
BSNLEU-CHQ-ND-Submitted Items for Discusssion in the 26 th Meeting of National Council-submitted to PGM(SR)-BSNL-ND-inf. by Ashok Hindocha M-09426254999 M-09426254999
Recognised Union in BSNL
(Regiistered Under IIndiian Trade Uniion Act 1926.. Regn..No..4896)
CHQ:Dada Ghosh Bhawan,, Opp.. Shadiipur Bus Depot..,, New Dellhii – 110008
Emaiill:,, websiite:
P.. Abhiimanyu Phone:: ((O)) 011--25705385
Generall Secrettary Fax:: 011-- 25894862
BSNLEU/204 ((NC)) 09--11--2011
The PGM ((SR)),, BSNL CO,,
Bharat Sanchar Bhawan,,
Janpath,, New Dellhii – 110 001
Sub:: IItems ffor diiscussiion iin the 26tth Meetiing off Natiionall Counciill submiitted
II am submiittiing herewiith iitems ffor diiscussiion iin the 26tth meetiing off the Natiionall Counciill.. II request
you to kiindlly arrange to holld the meetiing off the Natiionall Counciill at the earlliiest..
Thankiing you,,
Yours siincerelly,,
Generall Secretary,, BSNLEU,,
& Secretary,, Staffff Siide,,
Natiionall Counciill
Encll:: AA
IItems ffor 26th Natiionall Counciill
1.. Utiilliisatiion off Tellecom Factoriies
Whiille the BSNL iis procuriing Tellecom equiipments/materiialls ffrom the market iits seven
manuffacturiing uniits are iignored ffor that matter.. Neiither utiilliized theiir present capabiilliity off
productiion capaciity nor they are upgraded to meet the present requiirement iin hiigher
technollogy.. TFs are giiven yearlly productiion target but requiisiitiions ffrom ciirclles are llackiing.. They
are llackiing a proper diirectiion iin thiis regard.. IIn the drafft Natiionall Tellecom Polliicy 2011
iimportance has been giiven ffor meetiing Eiighty Percent Tellecom Sector Demand through
Domestiic Manuffacturiing and Promotiing iindiigenous R&D,, iinnovatiion and manuffacturiing that
serve domestiic and fforeiign markets.. The BSNL shoulld allso take part iin thiis endeavour..
We suggest to have a proper diirectiion towards manuffacturiing off type off equiipments iin TFs..
• As a short term measure,, the products whiich can be produced iin the TFs wiithiin the lliimiit off
technollogy avaiillablle wiith them at present shoulld be ordered on TFs ffor 100% requiirement off
ciirclles and none off the ciirclles shoulld be allllowed procurement ffrom market tiillll the TFs are
iissued No Objjectiion..
• Orders ffor manuffacturiing and iinstallllatiion off Towers obtaiined by BSNL ffrom DOT under USO
projjects shoulld be pllaced on TFs to meet theiir capaciity..
• Compllete Towers or sorts and a huge quantiity off components,, costiing about more or lless 100
Cr..,, are llyiing wiith ffactoriies ((Riichhaii,, Bhiillaii,, Gopallpur,, Kharagpur etc)) as iinventory.. IIff
requiisiitiions are not receiived these wiillll be diisposed off as scrap materiiall iincurriing lloss to BSNL..
So,, arrangement to be made to utiilliize these materiiall iin the ffiielld beffore they are decllared
• Proposall ffor manuffacturiing off VRLA Batteriies off sorts and Modem and other materiialls ffrom
diifffferent TFs fforwarded to C O ffor approvall shoulld be clleared wiithout any ffurther dellay..
• Effffort shoulld be made to enhance productiion capaciity off manuffacturiing HDPE Duct
• As a llong term measure,, the manuffacturiing uniits are to be upgraded by proviidiing llatest
technollogy to ffaciilliitate manuffacturiing off materiialls ffor the serviices off Mobiille as wellll as BB.. For
thiis purpose iit iis suggested that
a)) R &D sectiion off the TFs shoulld be reviived wiith a viiew to earniing capabiilliity off produciing
materiialls off llatest technollogy beiing used iin Mobiille and Broad Band serviices;; ffor thiis
purpose diirect recruiit JJTOs to be posted iin TFs..
b)) Effffort shoulld allso be made to get iin touch wiith other R&D organiizatiions under DOT e..g.. C
DOT,, TEC and allso wiith IITII to obtaiin technollogy and consulltatiion ffor equiipments
2.. Restructuriing off IIndustriiall cadre
On iintroductiion off new technollogy the ffiielld staffff have been giiven ffaciilliity off upgradatiion off skiillll
through restructuriing off cadre but the same has not been extended to IIndustriiall cadres iin TFs..
The Executiives iin the Engg.. Cadres have allso been upgraded to those iin the Fiielld off Tellecom ((JJE
TF to JJTO TF,, AE TF to SDE TF etc)) but the IIndustriiall staffff were iignored.. A proposall has allready
been submiitted to Management through GM TF ND llyiing pendiing ffor years together..
Consiideratiion off the proposall iin consulltatiion wiith the staffff siide iis urged..
3.. Grant off Restriicted Holliiday
The IIndustriiall workers are not granted two restriicted holliidays as iin the case off non iindustriiall
emplloyees and Executiives.. IIt iis urged to extend the ffaciilliitiies to the IIndustriiall workers..
4.. Standiing Order ffor IIndustriiall Workers
A drafft Standiing Order was under consiideratiion off BSNL Management ffor a some tiime back..
That shoulld be ffiinalliized iin consulltatiion wiith the Staffff Siide wiithout any ffurther dellay..
5.. Rellaxatiion iin qualliiffyiing serviice ffor SC/ST Offffiiciialls iin promotiions under NEPP
The agreement on NEPP assured to iimpllement allll the constiitutiionall saffeguards ffor the SC/ST
emplloyees iin the promotiions under NEPP.. But the management iis not comiing fforward to
iimpllement reservatiions iin the NEPP promotiions on the ground that such reservatiions are
possiiblle onlly iin the case off post based promotiions and siince NEPP iis not a post based
promotiion scheme,, the reservatiions are not possiiblle.. We propose that even though iit iis not a
post based promotiion scheme,, rellaxatiion iin qualliiffyiing serviice iin a partiicullar scalle ffor promotiion
to next scalle be giiven to the SC/ST offffiiciialls on the ffollllowiing grounds::
a)) Earlliier,, iin the OTBP/BCR promotiion scheme the SC/ST offffiiciialls were giiven rellaxatiion iin
qualliiffyiing serviice iin case there iis shortffallll iin the number off SC/ST emplloyees among the
promoted offffiiciialls compared to 15% and 7..5% requiirement prescriibed as per the
b)) IIn the State Tradiing Corporatiion,, “One year rellaxatiion iis giiven to SC/ST emplloyees iin the
qualliiffyiing periiod off serviice at each stage off promotiion under the tiime bound promotiion
polliicy iin the uniioniized cadres”.. ((See the web page http//commerce..niic..iin/annuall2006--
c)) The SC/ST candiidates are giiven ffiive years age rellaxatiion iin recruiitment compared to other
categoriies off emplloyees.. Thiis means iin generall,, the SC/ST emplloyees enter the serviice llate
iin theiir age compared to OC emplloyees.. IIn such case,, iiff both SC/ST emplloyees and OC
emplloyees are giiven tiime bound promotiion wiith the same periiodiiciity off qualliiffyiing serviice,,
the SC/ST emplloyees wiillll get promotiion iin theiir llate age compared to the OC emplloyees..
Thiis iis a diiscriimiinatiion whiich iis agaiinst the constiitutiionall proviisiions.. Artiiclle 38 off the
Constiitutiion diirects the State to striive to promote the wellffare off these peoplle by securiing
and protectiing as effffectiivelly as iit may a sociiall order iin whiich jjustiice,, sociiall,, economiic and
polliitiicall,, shallll iinfform allll the iinstiitutiions off the natiionall lliiffe.. Thereffore iit iis the duty off the
BSNL management,, as the part off the State,, to remove thiis diiscriimiinatiion..
Hence iit iis requested to cause orders allllowiing rellaxatiion iin qualliiffyiing serviice ffor SC/ST offffiiciialls
ffor promotiions under NEPP,, on the pattern avaiillablle iin the erstwhiille OTBP/BCR scheme and
thus honour the assurance iin the promotiionall polliicy agreement ffor iimpllementiing constiitutiionall
6.. Fiilllliing up off SC/ST/OBC backllog vacanciies
IInspiite off severall ciircullars ffrom Corporate Offffiice there iis no progress iin ffiilllliing up the SC/ST/OBC
backllog vacanciies.. As per the DoPT ciircullar dated 26tth JJully 2011,, allll the avaiillablle backllog
reserved vacanciies off SCs,, STs and OBCs have to be ffiilllled up by 31--3--2012.. IIt iis requested to
iinfform the actiion taken and resullt achiieved so ffar and to take necessary actiion so that allll these
vacanciies are ffiilllled up by the target date 31--3--2012..
7.. Reservatiion iin promotiion--treatment off SC/ST candiidates promoted on theiir own
meriit--iimpllementatiion off the DoP&T Order dated 10--8--2010 retrospectiivelly wiith
effffect ffrom 2--7--1997
As per the DoP&T order dated 10tth August 2010,, the SC/ST offffiiciialls promoted on theiir own meriit and
not due to reservatiion or rellaxatiion off qualliiffiicatiions have to be adjjusted agaiinst un--reserved poiints
and not agaiinst the reserved poiints off the reservatiion roster and iit has to be iimpllemented
retrospectiivelly wiith effffect ffrom 2--7--1997,, the date on whiich the post based reservatiion was
iintroduced.. IIt iis requested to iimpllement thiis order ffulllly iin allll ciirclles,, ffor allll cadres..
8.. Cllariiffiicatiions requiired on NEPP
The ffollllowiing cllariiffiicatiions may pllease be iissued iimmediiatelly on NEPP to do jjustiice to the concerned
ii)) The DoT recruiited offffiiciialls who got theiir promotiion/up gradatiion iin BSNL between 1--10--2000 to
1--10--2004 and got a post based promotiion affter more than 7 years affter the ffiirst promotiion/up
gradatiion are to be giiven theiir second promotiion under NEPP on complletiion off 7 years affter
theiir ffiirst promotiion.. Examplle:: A TM got BCR on 18--10--2000 and was promoted as TTA on 28--2--
2009.. The offffiiciiall has to be giiven second promotiion under NEPP on 18--10--2007 on complletiion off
7 years serviice affter the BCR promotiion whiich iis treated as hiis ffiirst promotiion under NEPP..
iiii)) Some offffiiciialls who were Sr TOA iin DoT got request transffer to another recruiitment uniit affter 1--
10--2000 iin BSNL.. For techniicall reasons,, beffore theiir relliieviing on transffer they were reverted as
TOA and affter some tiime affter theiir jjoiiniing iin the new uniit they got Sr TOA scalle agaiin.. Such
offffiiciialls were iin Sr TOA pay scalle siince 1--10--2000 to 1--10--2004 except ffor a short break periiod
when they were iin TOA scalle.. They are to be decllared as elliigiiblle ffor the ffiirst upgradatiion under
NEPP on 1--10--2004,, iignoriing the break periiod.. Examplle:: An offffiiciiall who was iin Sr TOA cadre iin
DoT was transfferred ffrom one ciirclle to another ciirclle on hiis request and was reverted on 6--6--
2002 to TOA pay scalle beffore hiis relliieff.. The offffiiciiall jjoiined iin the transfferred ciirclle on 7--6--2002..
He was agaiin giiven Sr TOA scalle on 2--12--2002.. IIt iis requested to allllow ffiirst upgradatiion under
NEPP to the offffiiciiall on 1--10--2004..
iiiiii)) The driivers’’ pay scalle was upgraded ffrom 3050--4590 to 3200--4900 as per the reviised RRs,, wiith
effffect ffrom 28--1--2002 and allll the Driivers iin the ordiinary grade were pllaced iin thiis upgraded
scalle.. No agreement iis there between management and uniion to count such pllacement on
account off change iin RRs as the ffiirst up gradatiion under NEPP.. Such upgradatiion due to changes
iin RRs are not personall upgradatiion off the partiicullar offffiiciiall.. IIt iis the cadre that iis upgraded.. The
promotiions under NEPP are personall upgradatiions.. Thereffore such cadre upgradatiion shoulld not
be counted as upgradatiion under NEPP.. Hence allll these offffiiciialls be giiven theiir ffiirst upgradatiion
on 1--10--2004 siince they are iin the same basiic cadre pay scalle ffrom 1--10--2000 to 1--10--
2004iirrespectiive off the change iin the scalle on 28--1--2002..
9.. Request ffor correctiing the wrong cllariiffiicatiion iissued by Corporate offffiice on the
iissue off elliigiibiilliity ffor promotiion to TM
Viide iits lletter No.. 250--8/2009--Pers--IIIIII((Part--3)) dated 24--5--2011 the BSNL Corporate Offffiice had
cllariiffiied to Chattiisgarh Ciirclle that the JJuniior Sports Assiistant who appeared iin the saiid examiinatiion
diid not compllete the two year probatiion periiod and hence not elliigiiblle ffor appeariing iin the
examiinatiion.. But as per the Recruiitment Rulles off Tellecom Mechaniics off 2002 ciircullated viide BSNL
CO No.. 250--74/2001--Pers--IIIIII dated 20--2--2002,, there iis no such proviisiion barriing the offffiiciiall who has
not complleted two years probatiion periiod ffrom appeariing iin the examiinatiion.. Moreover when even
the TSMs are elliigiiblle to appear iin the examiinatiion,, the JJSAs are automatiicalllly elliigiiblle iirrespectiive off
complletiion off probatiion periiod or not.. IIt iis thereffore requested to correct thiis cllariiffiicatiion so that
the JJSA iis giiven the due promotiion as TM..
10.. Grant/Renewall off HRA to the staffff posted iin a viillllage wiith iin 8 KM off a ciity on
par wiith the ciity--Request ffor settllement off the cases pendiing wiith the DoT/BSNL
Severall cases where the staffff posted iin a viillllage wiithiin 8 km off a ciity have to be paiid HRA on par wiith
the ciity are pendiing wiith BSNL/DoT siince a llong tiime.. For some cases the HRA iis to be granted on par
wiith the ciity and ffor some cases iit has to be renewed.. For examplle the case ffor renewall off HRA ffor
the staffff posted iin viillllage Porankii whiich iis wiithiin 8 km off Viijjayawada ((AP)) iis pendiing siince a llong
tiime iin DoT.. IIt iis requested to take necessary actiion ffor iimmediiate settllement off allll these cases..
11.. Presiidentiiall Orders ffor absorptiion iin BSNL the llefft out cases
Some offffiiciialls allthough opted ffor absorptiion iin BSNL were not iissued wiith the Presiidentiiall Orders
due to admiiniistratiive llapses.. These cases are pendiing wiith BSNL/DoT.. IIt iis requested to take
necessary actiion ffor settlliing thiis iissue wiithout any ffurther dellay.. ((Examplle:: The case off 52 RM/TM off
Assam Ciirclle and some other cases ffrom other ciirclles..))
12.. Countiing off LDC TA serviice as elliigiiblle serviice ffor appeariing iin the TTA 40% quota
Whiille the recruiitment rulles proviide ffor countiing the TOA serviice as elliigiiblle serviice ffor appeariing iin
the TTA 40% quota exam,, the LDC TA serviice iis not allllowed to be counted.. IIt iis requested to cause
iimmediiate orders to remove thiis diiscriimiinatiion by allllowiing LDC TA serviice to be counted ffor
appeariing iin the TTA 40% quota exam..
13.. Viiollatiion off deciisiion off the Natiionall Counciill,, iin respect off change off desiignatiions
off the Non--Executiives
The Staffff Siide took up iin the Natiionall Counciill,, the iissue off changiing the desiignatiions off the Non--
Executiives.. As per the deciisiion off the Natiionall Counciill,, a commiittee,, consiistiing off representatiives off
Staffff Siide and the Offffiiciiall siide was fformed,, under the chaiirmanshiip off the DGM ((Restructuriing)).. A
ffew meetiings off the commiittee allso took pllace.. Thereaffter,, the Chaiirman off the commiittee has
stopped calllliing the meetiings.. IInfformalllly the Staffff Siide iis tolld that the Management does not want
any change iin the desiignatiions off the Non--Executiives.. IIt iis needlless to say that the Management had
agreed to change the desiignatiions off the Non--Executiives iin the fflloor off the Natiionall Counciill and
thereupon a commiittee was fformed to ffiind out new desiignatiions.. IIt iis unffaiir on the part off the
management to renege ffrom the deciisiion off the Natiionall Counciill,, to change the desiignatiions off the
Non--Executiives.. Hence,, meetiing off the Desiignatiion Commiittee may be calllled and the process off
iidentiiffyiing new desiignatiions ffor the Non--Executiives may be complleted..
14.. Request ffor diiversiion off posts ffrom Diirect Recruiitment Quota to Departmentall
Quota iin the cadre off Tellecom Mechaniic iin Hiimachall Pradesh Tellecom Ciirclle
Hiimachall Pradesh Tellecom Ciirclle has conducted the LDCE on 25..04..2010 ffor promotiion to the cadre
off T..Ms ffor 133 notiiffiied vacanciies ffor the recruiitment year 2008.. 118 vacanciies were ffiilllled up
through thiis exam.. However,, stiillll 135 vacanciies off Tellecom Mechaniic,, bellongiing to the 50% Diirect
Recruiitment Quota off the year 2008 are llyiing vacant..
There iis acute shortage off Tellecom Mechaniics iin H..P Tellecom Ciirclle.. Many smallll tellephone
exchanges are not properlly manned.. Beiing hiilllly area,, iit takes llot off tiime off iiff a TM iis deputed ffrom a
nearby area to attend the ffaullt.. Thereffore,, the 135 Tellecom Mechaniics posts bellongiing to the Diirect
Recruiitment Quota off the year 2008 may be converted iinto Departmentall Quota.. No ffiinanciiall
iimplliicatiion iis iinvollved iin thiis conversiion.. But iit wiillll go a biig way ffor a hiilllly ciirclle lliike Hiimachall
Pradesh to iimprove the qualliity off our llandlliine serviices..
15.. TTA LIICE – requestiing to amend the RR to iincorporate the proviisiion to conduct
pre--qualliiffyiing screeniing test
As per the Recruiitment Rulles off the cadre off TTA,, offffiiciialls bellongiing to the cadre off TOA,, Sr..TOA,,
Tellecom Mechaniic etc..,, shoulld possess 10+2 qualliiffiicatiion ffor appeariing the LIICE.. Among the
emplloyees off the above mentiioned cadres,, especiialllly iin the Tellecom Mechaniic cadre,, there are a
good number off offffiiciialls capablle off gettiing through the TTA LIICE,, but who do not possess 10+2
qualliiffiicatiion.. IIn the past,, two LIICEs were conducted,, one maiin LIICE and llater on a suppllementary
LIICE.. On both those occasiions,, pre qualliiffyiing screeniing tests were allso conducted.. The non 10+2
offffiiciialls who passed the pre qualliiffyiing screeniing tests were allllowed to appear the LIICE.. Thus,, a
siizeablle number off emplloyees bellongiing to the non 10+2 category have passed the LIICE iin the past..
As a resullt off thiis experiience,, the Staffff Siide has consiistentlly been demandiing that necessary
amendment to the Recruiitment Rulles off the TTA shoulld be done,, to iincorporate the proviisiion off
holldiing a pre--qualliiffyiing screeniing test ffor the non 10+2 candiidates.. The Staffff Siide has been assured
that thiis amendment woulld be done beffore holldiing the next LIICE.. Hence,, iit iis requested to make
necessary amendment iin the Recruiitment Rulles off the TTA cadre,, iincorporatiing the proviisiion to holld
a Pre Qualliiffyiing Screeniing Test ffor the non 10+2 offffiiciialls..
16.. Amendment to Tellecom Mechaniic Recruiitment Rulles
As per the Recruiitment Rulles off the cadre off Tellecom Mechaniic,, iissued viide BSNL Lr.. No..250--
74/2001--Pers--IIIIII dated 20..02..2002,, the educatiionall qualliiffiicatiion prescriibed requiired to appear the
Tellecom Mechaniic LDCE iis 10tth standard.. However,, as per the cllariiffiicatiions iissued by Corporate
Offffiice,, viide lletter no.. BSNL Lr.. No..250--8/2009--Pers--IIIIII((Part--3)) dated 29..01..2010,, iit iis stated that no
educatiionall qualliiffiicatiion iis requiired ffor the Group D emplloyees.. Thus,, no educatiionall qualliiffiicatiion iis
requiired ffor a Group D emplloyee to appear the Tellecom Mechaniic LDCE,, whereas,, a Regullar
Mazdoor iis requiired to possess 10th standard qualliiffiicatiion ffor appeariing the same examiinatiion.. Thiis
condiitiionalliity,, llaiid down by the Corporate Offffiice,, iis strange to say the lleast.. A group ‘‘D’’ emplloyee
does not know anythiing about the dutiies off the Tellecom Mechaniic.. Whereas,, a Regullar Mazdoor
perfforms allll the dutiies expected to be perfformed by a Tellecom Mechaniic and possesses compllete
knowlledge about the dutiies and responsiibiilliitiies off a Tellecom Mechaniic.. IIn the recentlly conducted
LDCE off Tellecom Mechaniic,, many RMs who do not possess 10th standard qualliiffiicatiion were not ablle
to appear.. Thiis has created unnecessary hardshiip to them.. RM and Group ‘‘D’’ cadres are consiidered
to be equiivallent cadres.. Hence,, when no educatiionall qualliiffiicatiion iis requiired ffor a Group ‘‘D’’
emplloyee to appear the Tellecom Mechaniic LDCE,, the same condiitiion shoulld applly to the Regullar
Mazdoor allso..
Nowadays,, no tellecom Mechaniic post iis beiing created,, due to the declliine iin the number off llandlliines..
Allll the remaiiniing TM vacanciies may be ffiilllled up iiff one more LDCE iis conducted.. Hence,, the RMs who
do not possess 10tth standard qualliiffiicatiion may be giiven one llast chance to appear the Tellecom
Mechaniic LDCE.. For thiis,, Necessary amendment may be made to the Tellecom Mechaniic Recruiitment
Rulles,, so that the Regullar Mazdoors need not possess 10th standard qualliiffiicatiion ffor appeariing that
****** M-09426254999 M-09426254999
Recognised Union in BSNL
(Regiistered Under IIndiian Trade Uniion Act 1926.. Regn..No..4896)
CHQ:Dada Ghosh Bhawan,, Opp.. Shadiipur Bus Depot..,, New Dellhii – 110008
Emaiill:,, websiite:
P.. Abhiimanyu Phone:: ((O)) 011--25705385
Generall Secrettary Fax:: 011-- 25894862
BSNLEU/204 ((NC)) 09--11--2011
The PGM ((SR)),, BSNL CO,,
Bharat Sanchar Bhawan,,
Janpath,, New Dellhii – 110 001
Sub:: IItems ffor diiscussiion iin the 26tth Meetiing off Natiionall Counciill submiitted
II am submiittiing herewiith iitems ffor diiscussiion iin the 26tth meetiing off the Natiionall Counciill.. II request
you to kiindlly arrange to holld the meetiing off the Natiionall Counciill at the earlliiest..
Thankiing you,,
Yours siincerelly,,
Generall Secretary,, BSNLEU,,
& Secretary,, Staffff Siide,,
Natiionall Counciill
Encll:: AA
IItems ffor 26th Natiionall Counciill
1.. Utiilliisatiion off Tellecom Factoriies
Whiille the BSNL iis procuriing Tellecom equiipments/materiialls ffrom the market iits seven
manuffacturiing uniits are iignored ffor that matter.. Neiither utiilliized theiir present capabiilliity off
productiion capaciity nor they are upgraded to meet the present requiirement iin hiigher
technollogy.. TFs are giiven yearlly productiion target but requiisiitiions ffrom ciirclles are llackiing.. They
are llackiing a proper diirectiion iin thiis regard.. IIn the drafft Natiionall Tellecom Polliicy 2011
iimportance has been giiven ffor meetiing Eiighty Percent Tellecom Sector Demand through
Domestiic Manuffacturiing and Promotiing iindiigenous R&D,, iinnovatiion and manuffacturiing that
serve domestiic and fforeiign markets.. The BSNL shoulld allso take part iin thiis endeavour..
We suggest to have a proper diirectiion towards manuffacturiing off type off equiipments iin TFs..
• As a short term measure,, the products whiich can be produced iin the TFs wiithiin the lliimiit off
technollogy avaiillablle wiith them at present shoulld be ordered on TFs ffor 100% requiirement off
ciirclles and none off the ciirclles shoulld be allllowed procurement ffrom market tiillll the TFs are
iissued No Objjectiion..
• Orders ffor manuffacturiing and iinstallllatiion off Towers obtaiined by BSNL ffrom DOT under USO
projjects shoulld be pllaced on TFs to meet theiir capaciity..
• Compllete Towers or sorts and a huge quantiity off components,, costiing about more or lless 100
Cr..,, are llyiing wiith ffactoriies ((Riichhaii,, Bhiillaii,, Gopallpur,, Kharagpur etc)) as iinventory.. IIff
requiisiitiions are not receiived these wiillll be diisposed off as scrap materiiall iincurriing lloss to BSNL..
So,, arrangement to be made to utiilliize these materiiall iin the ffiielld beffore they are decllared
• Proposall ffor manuffacturiing off VRLA Batteriies off sorts and Modem and other materiialls ffrom
diifffferent TFs fforwarded to C O ffor approvall shoulld be clleared wiithout any ffurther dellay..
• Effffort shoulld be made to enhance productiion capaciity off manuffacturiing HDPE Duct
• As a llong term measure,, the manuffacturiing uniits are to be upgraded by proviidiing llatest
technollogy to ffaciilliitate manuffacturiing off materiialls ffor the serviices off Mobiille as wellll as BB.. For
thiis purpose iit iis suggested that
a)) R &D sectiion off the TFs shoulld be reviived wiith a viiew to earniing capabiilliity off produciing
materiialls off llatest technollogy beiing used iin Mobiille and Broad Band serviices;; ffor thiis
purpose diirect recruiit JJTOs to be posted iin TFs..
b)) Effffort shoulld allso be made to get iin touch wiith other R&D organiizatiions under DOT e..g.. C
DOT,, TEC and allso wiith IITII to obtaiin technollogy and consulltatiion ffor equiipments
2.. Restructuriing off IIndustriiall cadre
On iintroductiion off new technollogy the ffiielld staffff have been giiven ffaciilliity off upgradatiion off skiillll
through restructuriing off cadre but the same has not been extended to IIndustriiall cadres iin TFs..
The Executiives iin the Engg.. Cadres have allso been upgraded to those iin the Fiielld off Tellecom ((JJE
TF to JJTO TF,, AE TF to SDE TF etc)) but the IIndustriiall staffff were iignored.. A proposall has allready
been submiitted to Management through GM TF ND llyiing pendiing ffor years together..
Consiideratiion off the proposall iin consulltatiion wiith the staffff siide iis urged..
3.. Grant off Restriicted Holliiday
The IIndustriiall workers are not granted two restriicted holliidays as iin the case off non iindustriiall
emplloyees and Executiives.. IIt iis urged to extend the ffaciilliitiies to the IIndustriiall workers..
4.. Standiing Order ffor IIndustriiall Workers
A drafft Standiing Order was under consiideratiion off BSNL Management ffor a some tiime back..
That shoulld be ffiinalliized iin consulltatiion wiith the Staffff Siide wiithout any ffurther dellay..
5.. Rellaxatiion iin qualliiffyiing serviice ffor SC/ST Offffiiciialls iin promotiions under NEPP
The agreement on NEPP assured to iimpllement allll the constiitutiionall saffeguards ffor the SC/ST
emplloyees iin the promotiions under NEPP.. But the management iis not comiing fforward to
iimpllement reservatiions iin the NEPP promotiions on the ground that such reservatiions are
possiiblle onlly iin the case off post based promotiions and siince NEPP iis not a post based
promotiion scheme,, the reservatiions are not possiiblle.. We propose that even though iit iis not a
post based promotiion scheme,, rellaxatiion iin qualliiffyiing serviice iin a partiicullar scalle ffor promotiion
to next scalle be giiven to the SC/ST offffiiciialls on the ffollllowiing grounds::
a)) Earlliier,, iin the OTBP/BCR promotiion scheme the SC/ST offffiiciialls were giiven rellaxatiion iin
qualliiffyiing serviice iin case there iis shortffallll iin the number off SC/ST emplloyees among the
promoted offffiiciialls compared to 15% and 7..5% requiirement prescriibed as per the
b)) IIn the State Tradiing Corporatiion,, “One year rellaxatiion iis giiven to SC/ST emplloyees iin the
qualliiffyiing periiod off serviice at each stage off promotiion under the tiime bound promotiion
polliicy iin the uniioniized cadres”.. ((See the web page http//commerce..niic..iin/annuall2006--
c)) The SC/ST candiidates are giiven ffiive years age rellaxatiion iin recruiitment compared to other
categoriies off emplloyees.. Thiis means iin generall,, the SC/ST emplloyees enter the serviice llate
iin theiir age compared to OC emplloyees.. IIn such case,, iiff both SC/ST emplloyees and OC
emplloyees are giiven tiime bound promotiion wiith the same periiodiiciity off qualliiffyiing serviice,,
the SC/ST emplloyees wiillll get promotiion iin theiir llate age compared to the OC emplloyees..
Thiis iis a diiscriimiinatiion whiich iis agaiinst the constiitutiionall proviisiions.. Artiiclle 38 off the
Constiitutiion diirects the State to striive to promote the wellffare off these peoplle by securiing
and protectiing as effffectiivelly as iit may a sociiall order iin whiich jjustiice,, sociiall,, economiic and
polliitiicall,, shallll iinfform allll the iinstiitutiions off the natiionall lliiffe.. Thereffore iit iis the duty off the
BSNL management,, as the part off the State,, to remove thiis diiscriimiinatiion..
Hence iit iis requested to cause orders allllowiing rellaxatiion iin qualliiffyiing serviice ffor SC/ST offffiiciialls
ffor promotiions under NEPP,, on the pattern avaiillablle iin the erstwhiille OTBP/BCR scheme and
thus honour the assurance iin the promotiionall polliicy agreement ffor iimpllementiing constiitutiionall
6.. Fiilllliing up off SC/ST/OBC backllog vacanciies
IInspiite off severall ciircullars ffrom Corporate Offffiice there iis no progress iin ffiilllliing up the SC/ST/OBC
backllog vacanciies.. As per the DoPT ciircullar dated 26tth JJully 2011,, allll the avaiillablle backllog
reserved vacanciies off SCs,, STs and OBCs have to be ffiilllled up by 31--3--2012.. IIt iis requested to
iinfform the actiion taken and resullt achiieved so ffar and to take necessary actiion so that allll these
vacanciies are ffiilllled up by the target date 31--3--2012..
7.. Reservatiion iin promotiion--treatment off SC/ST candiidates promoted on theiir own
meriit--iimpllementatiion off the DoP&T Order dated 10--8--2010 retrospectiivelly wiith
effffect ffrom 2--7--1997
As per the DoP&T order dated 10tth August 2010,, the SC/ST offffiiciialls promoted on theiir own meriit and
not due to reservatiion or rellaxatiion off qualliiffiicatiions have to be adjjusted agaiinst un--reserved poiints
and not agaiinst the reserved poiints off the reservatiion roster and iit has to be iimpllemented
retrospectiivelly wiith effffect ffrom 2--7--1997,, the date on whiich the post based reservatiion was
iintroduced.. IIt iis requested to iimpllement thiis order ffulllly iin allll ciirclles,, ffor allll cadres..
8.. Cllariiffiicatiions requiired on NEPP
The ffollllowiing cllariiffiicatiions may pllease be iissued iimmediiatelly on NEPP to do jjustiice to the concerned
ii)) The DoT recruiited offffiiciialls who got theiir promotiion/up gradatiion iin BSNL between 1--10--2000 to
1--10--2004 and got a post based promotiion affter more than 7 years affter the ffiirst promotiion/up
gradatiion are to be giiven theiir second promotiion under NEPP on complletiion off 7 years affter
theiir ffiirst promotiion.. Examplle:: A TM got BCR on 18--10--2000 and was promoted as TTA on 28--2--
2009.. The offffiiciiall has to be giiven second promotiion under NEPP on 18--10--2007 on complletiion off
7 years serviice affter the BCR promotiion whiich iis treated as hiis ffiirst promotiion under NEPP..
iiii)) Some offffiiciialls who were Sr TOA iin DoT got request transffer to another recruiitment uniit affter 1--
10--2000 iin BSNL.. For techniicall reasons,, beffore theiir relliieviing on transffer they were reverted as
TOA and affter some tiime affter theiir jjoiiniing iin the new uniit they got Sr TOA scalle agaiin.. Such
offffiiciialls were iin Sr TOA pay scalle siince 1--10--2000 to 1--10--2004 except ffor a short break periiod
when they were iin TOA scalle.. They are to be decllared as elliigiiblle ffor the ffiirst upgradatiion under
NEPP on 1--10--2004,, iignoriing the break periiod.. Examplle:: An offffiiciiall who was iin Sr TOA cadre iin
DoT was transfferred ffrom one ciirclle to another ciirclle on hiis request and was reverted on 6--6--
2002 to TOA pay scalle beffore hiis relliieff.. The offffiiciiall jjoiined iin the transfferred ciirclle on 7--6--2002..
He was agaiin giiven Sr TOA scalle on 2--12--2002.. IIt iis requested to allllow ffiirst upgradatiion under
NEPP to the offffiiciiall on 1--10--2004..
iiiiii)) The driivers’’ pay scalle was upgraded ffrom 3050--4590 to 3200--4900 as per the reviised RRs,, wiith
effffect ffrom 28--1--2002 and allll the Driivers iin the ordiinary grade were pllaced iin thiis upgraded
scalle.. No agreement iis there between management and uniion to count such pllacement on
account off change iin RRs as the ffiirst up gradatiion under NEPP.. Such upgradatiion due to changes
iin RRs are not personall upgradatiion off the partiicullar offffiiciiall.. IIt iis the cadre that iis upgraded.. The
promotiions under NEPP are personall upgradatiions.. Thereffore such cadre upgradatiion shoulld not
be counted as upgradatiion under NEPP.. Hence allll these offffiiciialls be giiven theiir ffiirst upgradatiion
on 1--10--2004 siince they are iin the same basiic cadre pay scalle ffrom 1--10--2000 to 1--10--
2004iirrespectiive off the change iin the scalle on 28--1--2002..
9.. Request ffor correctiing the wrong cllariiffiicatiion iissued by Corporate offffiice on the
iissue off elliigiibiilliity ffor promotiion to TM
Viide iits lletter No.. 250--8/2009--Pers--IIIIII((Part--3)) dated 24--5--2011 the BSNL Corporate Offffiice had
cllariiffiied to Chattiisgarh Ciirclle that the JJuniior Sports Assiistant who appeared iin the saiid examiinatiion
diid not compllete the two year probatiion periiod and hence not elliigiiblle ffor appeariing iin the
examiinatiion.. But as per the Recruiitment Rulles off Tellecom Mechaniics off 2002 ciircullated viide BSNL
CO No.. 250--74/2001--Pers--IIIIII dated 20--2--2002,, there iis no such proviisiion barriing the offffiiciiall who has
not complleted two years probatiion periiod ffrom appeariing iin the examiinatiion.. Moreover when even
the TSMs are elliigiiblle to appear iin the examiinatiion,, the JJSAs are automatiicalllly elliigiiblle iirrespectiive off
complletiion off probatiion periiod or not.. IIt iis thereffore requested to correct thiis cllariiffiicatiion so that
the JJSA iis giiven the due promotiion as TM..
10.. Grant/Renewall off HRA to the staffff posted iin a viillllage wiith iin 8 KM off a ciity on
par wiith the ciity--Request ffor settllement off the cases pendiing wiith the DoT/BSNL
Severall cases where the staffff posted iin a viillllage wiithiin 8 km off a ciity have to be paiid HRA on par wiith
the ciity are pendiing wiith BSNL/DoT siince a llong tiime.. For some cases the HRA iis to be granted on par
wiith the ciity and ffor some cases iit has to be renewed.. For examplle the case ffor renewall off HRA ffor
the staffff posted iin viillllage Porankii whiich iis wiithiin 8 km off Viijjayawada ((AP)) iis pendiing siince a llong
tiime iin DoT.. IIt iis requested to take necessary actiion ffor iimmediiate settllement off allll these cases..
11.. Presiidentiiall Orders ffor absorptiion iin BSNL the llefft out cases
Some offffiiciialls allthough opted ffor absorptiion iin BSNL were not iissued wiith the Presiidentiiall Orders
due to admiiniistratiive llapses.. These cases are pendiing wiith BSNL/DoT.. IIt iis requested to take
necessary actiion ffor settlliing thiis iissue wiithout any ffurther dellay.. ((Examplle:: The case off 52 RM/TM off
Assam Ciirclle and some other cases ffrom other ciirclles..))
12.. Countiing off LDC TA serviice as elliigiiblle serviice ffor appeariing iin the TTA 40% quota
Whiille the recruiitment rulles proviide ffor countiing the TOA serviice as elliigiiblle serviice ffor appeariing iin
the TTA 40% quota exam,, the LDC TA serviice iis not allllowed to be counted.. IIt iis requested to cause
iimmediiate orders to remove thiis diiscriimiinatiion by allllowiing LDC TA serviice to be counted ffor
appeariing iin the TTA 40% quota exam..
13.. Viiollatiion off deciisiion off the Natiionall Counciill,, iin respect off change off desiignatiions
off the Non--Executiives
The Staffff Siide took up iin the Natiionall Counciill,, the iissue off changiing the desiignatiions off the Non--
Executiives.. As per the deciisiion off the Natiionall Counciill,, a commiittee,, consiistiing off representatiives off
Staffff Siide and the Offffiiciiall siide was fformed,, under the chaiirmanshiip off the DGM ((Restructuriing)).. A
ffew meetiings off the commiittee allso took pllace.. Thereaffter,, the Chaiirman off the commiittee has
stopped calllliing the meetiings.. IInfformalllly the Staffff Siide iis tolld that the Management does not want
any change iin the desiignatiions off the Non--Executiives.. IIt iis needlless to say that the Management had
agreed to change the desiignatiions off the Non--Executiives iin the fflloor off the Natiionall Counciill and
thereupon a commiittee was fformed to ffiind out new desiignatiions.. IIt iis unffaiir on the part off the
management to renege ffrom the deciisiion off the Natiionall Counciill,, to change the desiignatiions off the
Non--Executiives.. Hence,, meetiing off the Desiignatiion Commiittee may be calllled and the process off
iidentiiffyiing new desiignatiions ffor the Non--Executiives may be complleted..
14.. Request ffor diiversiion off posts ffrom Diirect Recruiitment Quota to Departmentall
Quota iin the cadre off Tellecom Mechaniic iin Hiimachall Pradesh Tellecom Ciirclle
Hiimachall Pradesh Tellecom Ciirclle has conducted the LDCE on 25..04..2010 ffor promotiion to the cadre
off T..Ms ffor 133 notiiffiied vacanciies ffor the recruiitment year 2008.. 118 vacanciies were ffiilllled up
through thiis exam.. However,, stiillll 135 vacanciies off Tellecom Mechaniic,, bellongiing to the 50% Diirect
Recruiitment Quota off the year 2008 are llyiing vacant..
There iis acute shortage off Tellecom Mechaniics iin H..P Tellecom Ciirclle.. Many smallll tellephone
exchanges are not properlly manned.. Beiing hiilllly area,, iit takes llot off tiime off iiff a TM iis deputed ffrom a
nearby area to attend the ffaullt.. Thereffore,, the 135 Tellecom Mechaniics posts bellongiing to the Diirect
Recruiitment Quota off the year 2008 may be converted iinto Departmentall Quota.. No ffiinanciiall
iimplliicatiion iis iinvollved iin thiis conversiion.. But iit wiillll go a biig way ffor a hiilllly ciirclle lliike Hiimachall
Pradesh to iimprove the qualliity off our llandlliine serviices..
15.. TTA LIICE – requestiing to amend the RR to iincorporate the proviisiion to conduct
pre--qualliiffyiing screeniing test
As per the Recruiitment Rulles off the cadre off TTA,, offffiiciialls bellongiing to the cadre off TOA,, Sr..TOA,,
Tellecom Mechaniic etc..,, shoulld possess 10+2 qualliiffiicatiion ffor appeariing the LIICE.. Among the
emplloyees off the above mentiioned cadres,, especiialllly iin the Tellecom Mechaniic cadre,, there are a
good number off offffiiciialls capablle off gettiing through the TTA LIICE,, but who do not possess 10+2
qualliiffiicatiion.. IIn the past,, two LIICEs were conducted,, one maiin LIICE and llater on a suppllementary
LIICE.. On both those occasiions,, pre qualliiffyiing screeniing tests were allso conducted.. The non 10+2
offffiiciialls who passed the pre qualliiffyiing screeniing tests were allllowed to appear the LIICE.. Thus,, a
siizeablle number off emplloyees bellongiing to the non 10+2 category have passed the LIICE iin the past..
As a resullt off thiis experiience,, the Staffff Siide has consiistentlly been demandiing that necessary
amendment to the Recruiitment Rulles off the TTA shoulld be done,, to iincorporate the proviisiion off
holldiing a pre--qualliiffyiing screeniing test ffor the non 10+2 candiidates.. The Staffff Siide has been assured
that thiis amendment woulld be done beffore holldiing the next LIICE.. Hence,, iit iis requested to make
necessary amendment iin the Recruiitment Rulles off the TTA cadre,, iincorporatiing the proviisiion to holld
a Pre Qualliiffyiing Screeniing Test ffor the non 10+2 offffiiciialls..
16.. Amendment to Tellecom Mechaniic Recruiitment Rulles
As per the Recruiitment Rulles off the cadre off Tellecom Mechaniic,, iissued viide BSNL Lr.. No..250--
74/2001--Pers--IIIIII dated 20..02..2002,, the educatiionall qualliiffiicatiion prescriibed requiired to appear the
Tellecom Mechaniic LDCE iis 10tth standard.. However,, as per the cllariiffiicatiions iissued by Corporate
Offffiice,, viide lletter no.. BSNL Lr.. No..250--8/2009--Pers--IIIIII((Part--3)) dated 29..01..2010,, iit iis stated that no
educatiionall qualliiffiicatiion iis requiired ffor the Group D emplloyees.. Thus,, no educatiionall qualliiffiicatiion iis
requiired ffor a Group D emplloyee to appear the Tellecom Mechaniic LDCE,, whereas,, a Regullar
Mazdoor iis requiired to possess 10th standard qualliiffiicatiion ffor appeariing the same examiinatiion.. Thiis
condiitiionalliity,, llaiid down by the Corporate Offffiice,, iis strange to say the lleast.. A group ‘‘D’’ emplloyee
does not know anythiing about the dutiies off the Tellecom Mechaniic.. Whereas,, a Regullar Mazdoor
perfforms allll the dutiies expected to be perfformed by a Tellecom Mechaniic and possesses compllete
knowlledge about the dutiies and responsiibiilliitiies off a Tellecom Mechaniic.. IIn the recentlly conducted
LDCE off Tellecom Mechaniic,, many RMs who do not possess 10th standard qualliiffiicatiion were not ablle
to appear.. Thiis has created unnecessary hardshiip to them.. RM and Group ‘‘D’’ cadres are consiidered
to be equiivallent cadres.. Hence,, when no educatiionall qualliiffiicatiion iis requiired ffor a Group ‘‘D’’
emplloyee to appear the Tellecom Mechaniic LDCE,, the same condiitiion shoulld applly to the Regullar
Mazdoor allso..
Nowadays,, no tellecom Mechaniic post iis beiing created,, due to the declliine iin the number off llandlliines..
Allll the remaiiniing TM vacanciies may be ffiilllled up iiff one more LDCE iis conducted.. Hence,, the RMs who
do not possess 10tth standard qualliiffiicatiion may be giiven one llast chance to appear the Tellecom
Mechaniic LDCE.. For thiis,, Necessary amendment may be made to the Tellecom Mechaniic Recruiitment
Rulles,, so that the Regullar Mazdoors need not possess 10th standard qualliiffiicatiion ffor appeariing that
****** M-09426254999
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
BSNL-ITS Issue-Latest inf. by Ashok m-09426254999
M-094262 54999
Relieving of ITS Officers started
Based on the order issued by the DOT, for the repatriation of ITS Officers, BSNL has started issuing relieving orders. The first batch of ITS Officers are relieved today. The remaining officers will also be relieved in a phased manner.
Rajasthan Circle union has sent Rs. One lakh as donation towards CHQ Building Fund. This is as per the decision of the CEC meeting held at Jaipur. CHQ whole heartedly thanks Rajasthan Circle union. CHQ also requests other circle unions to send their quota of donations, as decided in the CEC meeting, held at Jaipur.
As per the call of the Central Trade Unions, Satyagraha was observed by BSNL Employees Union, yesterday the 8th November, 2011, throughout the country. As part of the programme, a massive rally and public meeting were conducted at Kolkata. The following are the views of the programme held at Kolkata. <> M-09426254999
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Jay Jalaram-Jalaram Shobha Yatra-Invitation by Jalaram Janmostav Samiti-Rajkot
SHOBHAYATRA on 2-11-2011 at 4.. P.M
from Chaudhary High School-RAJKOT
Maha Prasad-Maha AARTI @ 8.p.m. at Panchnath Mahadev
Mandir-Rajkot Blood Donation, Camp, Jalaram Sangit Bhajan
Sandhya, Jalaram Rangoli etc
All are Most-WEL COME at RAJKOT
JAY JALARAM M-09426254999
Jay JALARAM.JALARAM BAPA Ni 212 Mi JANMA JAYANTI Nimite Shri JALARAM JANMOSTAV SAMITI RAJKOT DWARA AYOJIT JALARAM SHOBHA YATRA Prarambh @ 4.p.m. @ Chaudhary HighSchool. MAHA AARTI @8.p.m. at Panchnath Mahadev Mandir & Maha Prasad Nr. Panchnath Mahadev Mandir Rajkot, with Jalaram Sangit Bhajan Sandhya by Bipinbhai Vasani(sargam Orchestra)Jalaram Rangoli by Jalaram Bhakt, Blood Donation Camp @ Nr. Panchnath Temple.All Jalaram Bhakts Are Invited to Join Jalaram Shobha Yatra on 212 th Jalaram Jayanti on today @2-11-2011.-Jay JALARAM-JALARAM JANMOSTAVA SAMITI-RAJKOT-Rameshbhai Thakkar, Pravinbhai Kanabar-Bharatbhai Anadkat, Ashok Hindocha,Manishbhai Sonpal, k.D. Karia,Hasubhai Ruparelia, Navinbhai CHHAG, Mayank Paun, Hiteshbhai Popat, Ajaybhai Thakarar, Jayantibhai Rughani, Vinodbahi Popat, Kalpeshbahi Tanna, Piyushbahi Kundalia, Sidharthbhai Karia, Paragbhai Tejura, Kalpesh Popat, Jignesh Upadhyay, all the JalaramBhakts join with their Floats( Holders) with, two wheelres, four wheelers-will & make the Jalram Yatra very Religious, M-09426254999,
All are Most Wel Come @ JALARAM SHOBA YATRA Today At 4.p.m. @ Chaudhry Highschool, Rajkot M-9426254999
Sunday, October 30, 2011
JAY JALARAM FROM ASHOK HINDOCHA RAJKOT M-09426254999 -Jalaram Janmostav Samiti-Jalaram Shobha Yatra on 2-11-2011 at Rajkot-All are invited for Maha Aarti-Maha Prashad-& Join Jalaram Shobha Ytra-in Rajkot at 4.p.m. from Chaudhary Highschool-Rajkot-Maha AARTI at Panchnath Mahadev Temple-Maha Prasad-inf. by Ashok Hindocha Rajkot M-9426254999-Jay Jalaram
Life Story of Jalaram Bapa M-09426254999
Shree Jalaram Bapa was born in the year 1800 AD in the village Virpur, Gujarat. His mother, Rajbai was very fond of serving sadhus and saints. No sadhu and saint could go from Virpur without receiving the hospitality of Rajbai. Shree Jalaram Bapa's father's name was Pradhan Thakkar, who was engaged in business.
At the tender age of 16, Jalaram married Virbai, daughter of Thakkar Pragji Somajia. Jalaram was however not inclined to live household life and to continue to do business with his father. He is mostly engaged in serving sadhus and saints. He separated himself from his father's business and stayed with his uncle, Valjibhai, who was very fond of Jalaram. It was obvious that Jalaram was inclined to completely withdraw from marital life. Fortunately his wife, Virbaima decided to follow the path of Jalaram. So, when Jalaram decided to go for a pilgrimage for holy places, Virbaima followed him.
At the age of 18, Jalaram Bapa accepted Shree Bhojalram from Fatehpur as guru and was given a "Guru Malaa and Mantra" in the name of Shree Ram. With blessings of his guru, he started "Sadavrat" a feeding centre, a place where all sadhus and saints as well as the needy could have food any time during 24 hours. Nobody returned from that place without having food. All this he did single handed with Virbaima assisting him.
Soon his fame spread as an incarnation of the divine. Whoever come to Virpur, whether Hindu or Muslim was fed by Bapa. Once three Arabs in the service of Thakore of Rajkot demanded an increase in wages by four rupees in a month. Being refused, the Arabs resigned and set out to Junagadh. On their way, they hunted few birds and kept them in their shoulder bag. When they reached Virpur, Bapa asked them to have their meals and then go. When they protested that they were Muslims, Bapa said that in the court of God there was no distinction in caste and creed and they were welcome.
The three Arabs had their meals in the temple but they were embarrassed that they were carrying dead birds in their bag. The Bapa touched the bag and said that the birds were feeling suffocated. The Arabs opened the bag and found that the birds were alive. They flew away to a nearby tree. The Arabs were amazed and understood that they were in the presence of divine person. They fell at his feet and asked whether they would get a job in Junagadh.
Bapa said "What was the need to have a job in Junagadh? The Arabs serve only one master." Just at that time, a camel man sent by Thakore of Rajkot arrived there. He took back the Arabs with him saying that Thakore has sanctioned an increment of seven rupees in their wages.
There are many stories about the greatness of the saint of Virpur. Remembering the stories, we can fill the heart with devotion and gratitude.
JAY JALARAM From ASHOK HINDOCHA-RAJKOT M-094262 54999, M-09426254999 M-
Life Story of Jalaram Bapa M-09426254999
Shree Jalaram Bapa was born in the year 1800 AD in the village Virpur, Gujarat. His mother, Rajbai was very fond of serving sadhus and saints. No sadhu and saint could go from Virpur without receiving the hospitality of Rajbai. Shree Jalaram Bapa's father's name was Pradhan Thakkar, who was engaged in business.
At the tender age of 16, Jalaram married Virbai, daughter of Thakkar Pragji Somajia. Jalaram was however not inclined to live household life and to continue to do business with his father. He is mostly engaged in serving sadhus and saints. He separated himself from his father's business and stayed with his uncle, Valjibhai, who was very fond of Jalaram. It was obvious that Jalaram was inclined to completely withdraw from marital life. Fortunately his wife, Virbaima decided to follow the path of Jalaram. So, when Jalaram decided to go for a pilgrimage for holy places, Virbaima followed him.
At the age of 18, Jalaram Bapa accepted Shree Bhojalram from Fatehpur as guru and was given a "Guru Malaa and Mantra" in the name of Shree Ram. With blessings of his guru, he started "Sadavrat" a feeding centre, a place where all sadhus and saints as well as the needy could have food any time during 24 hours. Nobody returned from that place without having food. All this he did single handed with Virbaima assisting him.
Soon his fame spread as an incarnation of the divine. Whoever come to Virpur, whether Hindu or Muslim was fed by Bapa. Once three Arabs in the service of Thakore of Rajkot demanded an increase in wages by four rupees in a month. Being refused, the Arabs resigned and set out to Junagadh. On their way, they hunted few birds and kept them in their shoulder bag. When they reached Virpur, Bapa asked them to have their meals and then go. When they protested that they were Muslims, Bapa said that in the court of God there was no distinction in caste and creed and they were welcome.
The three Arabs had their meals in the temple but they were embarrassed that they were carrying dead birds in their bag. The Bapa touched the bag and said that the birds were feeling suffocated. The Arabs opened the bag and found that the birds were alive. They flew away to a nearby tree. The Arabs were amazed and understood that they were in the presence of divine person. They fell at his feet and asked whether they would get a job in Junagadh.
Bapa said "What was the need to have a job in Junagadh? The Arabs serve only one master." Just at that time, a camel man sent by Thakore of Rajkot arrived there. He took back the Arabs with him saying that Thakore has sanctioned an increment of seven rupees in their wages.
There are many stories about the greatness of the saint of Virpur. Remembering the stories, we can fill the heart with devotion and gratitude.
JAY JALARAM From ASHOK HINDOCHA-RAJKOT M-094262 54999, M-09426254999
Saturday, October 29, 2011
bSNL LATEST Information By Ashok Hindocha M-09426254999-GSM-IMP. Information By Ashok Hindocha Rajkot
"Apologizing does not mean that you are wrong and the other one is right...
It simply means that you value the relationship much more than your ego"
It simply means that you value the relationship much more than your ego"
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