www.bsnlnewsbyashokhindocha.blogspot.com M-094051 45990
Recognised Union in BSNL
(Regiistered Under IIndiian Trade Uniion Act 1926.. Regn..No..4896)
CHQ:Dada Ghosh Bhawan,, Opp.. Shadiipur Bus Depot..,, New Dellhii – 110008
Emaiill: chqbsnlleu@siify..com,, websiite: bsnlleuchq..com
P.. Abhiimanyu Phone:: ((O)) 011--25705385
Generall Secrettary Fax :: 011-- 25894862
BSNLEU/102 ((Ciircullar No..06)) 02nd JJune,, 2011
Allll Ciirclle Secretariies & Diistriict Secretariies
Dear Comrade,,
Customer Delight Month extended upto June
The National JAC in its meeting held at New Delhi on 30.05.2011 has decided to extend the
“Customer Delight Month” for one more month, i.e. for the month of June, 2011 also. Already this
is communicated through website as well as SMS. We are getting very good report from various
circles regarding the successful implementation of the Customer Delight Month. The very aim of
the “Customer Delight Month” is to involve the grass root level workers in the improvement of
quality of services as well as improvement of customer relations. After the launching of the
“Customer Delight Month”, the various difficulties being faced by the workers at the field level,
mainly the acute shortage of materials/equipments, has already been taken to the notice of the
CMD as well as Director (HR), for appropriate action at their level. Corporate management is also
taking necessary action and extending cooperation for the programme. Meanwhile, National JAC
leaders have toured the circles of Himachal Pradesh, Punjab, Haryana, Gujrat, Rajasthan, UP(West),
Uttaranchal and Madhya Pradesh, to motivate the workers for the successful implementation of
“Customer Delight Month.” When the efforts taken by the JAC as well as the workers throughout
the country are yielding good results, it is all the more important to carry forward this programme
further, so that BSNL is once again made a profit making PSU. Under these circumstances,
comrades are requested to take all out efforts for the success of the programme in the month of
June also.
Improving democratic functioning
IIt iis allready a year siince the Thiiruvananthapuram AIIC gave callll to strengthen the organiizatiion and
iit’’s democratiic ffunctiioniing.. Much more needs to be done iin thiis diirectiion.. One affter another,, ciirclle
confferences are takiing pllace now.. Those ciirclle uniions whose confference has become due,, shoulld
holld iit wiithout ffurther dellay.. Whiille conductiing iit’’s confference,, each ciirclle has to allso ensure that
allll the Branch and Diistriict confferences whiich have become due,, are conducted wiithout dellay..
Off llate iit iis observed that some off the ciirclle confferences are conducted wiithout proper ellectiion off
dellegates.. Thiis practiice shoulld be stopped fforthwiith.. Ciirclle confferences shoulld be conducted onlly
wiith dully ellected dellegates ffrom the branches.. Priior to the ciirclle confference,, allll the branches
shoulld conduct theiir Generall Body Meetiings,, affter giiviing seven days’’ notiice,, and ellect the
dellegates,, at the rate off one dellegate per twenty members.. Allll the Ciirclle Secretariies are requested
to striictlly iimpllement thiis..
Another area where attentiion shoulld to be paiid iis conductiing meetiings off the executiive
commiittee.. At present,, iimportant deciisiions are taken,, even wiithout diiscussiion iin the Executiive
Commiittee.. Accordiing to the constiitutiion,, the Ciirclle Executiive Commiittee shallll meet once iin three
months.. Siimiillarlly,, the diistriict executiive commiittee shallll meet once iin two months.. Ciirclle and
Diistriict Secretariies are requested to striictlly ffollllow thiis..
One more iimportant area where attentiion shoulld be paiid iis holldiing off branch generall body
meetiings.. The Thiiruvananthapuram Allll IIndiia Confference has deciided that branch generall body
meetiings shoulld be conducted once iin a month.. Thiis iis very essentiiall ffor the heallth off our
organiizatiion.. Ciirclle and Diistriict Secretariies are requested to pay utmost attentiion to thiis aspect
and ensure holldiing off generall body meetiings iin theiir ciirclle/ diistriict every month..
Casual and Contract Workers issues
IIt iis as per the deciisiion off the Guwahatii Allll IIndiia Confference off BSNL Emplloyees Uniion,, that the
BSNL Casuall & Contract Workers Federatiion was fformed.. IIt iis needlless to say that the actiive
support and cooperatiion off BSNLEU iis very much requiired ffor the effffectiive ffunctiioniing and growth
off thiis uniion.. But unffortunatelly most off our ciirclle uniions are not payiing suffffiiciient attentiion on thiis
iissue.. The order iissued by the BSNL Corporate offffiice ffor the enhancement off the wages off the
contract workers has stiillll not been iimpllemented iin most off the ciirclles.. Thiis iis a matter off great
regret.. Allll the BSNLEU ciirclle uniions have to ensure iimpllementatiion off the Corporate Offffiice order
on enhancement off wages off the contract workers.. Allso iit iis beiing reported ffrom many off the
ciirclles that actiive workers and lleaders off the BSNL Casuall & Contract Workers Federatiion are beiing
viictiimiized and retrenched ffor uniion actiiviitiies.. We cannot tollerate these atrociitiies.... BSNLEU has to
take allll out efffforts to stop thiis.. The iinterventiion off the Labour Enfforcement Authoriitiies has to be
solliiciited wherever necessary.. Management iis allso pllaciing an argument that BSNLEU cannot take
up the iissues off the casuall and contract workers.. We cannot accept thiis argument.. The CHQ off
BSNLEU has allready made iit amplly cllear to the management that BSNLEU wiillll iintervene iin the
matters off the casuall and contract workers.. Hence,, CHQ once agaiin requests the ciirclle and diistriict
uniions to pay necessary attentiion to thiis iissue..
Thankiing you,,
Yours ffraternalllly
www.bsnlnewsbyashokhindocha.blogspot.com M-094051 45990
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