www.bsnleuchq.com,www.bsnlnewsbyashokhindocha.blogspot.com M-09426254999
[29.10.2011]BSNL plans to retrench staff - Economic Times Reports <>www.bsnleuchq.com,www.bsnlnewsbyashokhindocha.blogspot.com
[29.10.2011]Human Rights: The real face of the US - Editorial - Telecrusader November, 2011 <>www.bsnleuchq.com,www.bsnlnewsbyashokhindocha.blogspot.com
[29.10.2011]Wonder of NEO Liberal Economic Policy – 2,56,913 Farmers committed suicide in last 16 yearsAccording to the National Crime Records Bureau’s latest report, 2,56,913 farmers have committed suicide in India, in the last 16 years. In Maharashtra alone, 50,000 farmers have committed suicide during this period. This is the worst ever recorded wave of suicides in human history. It is needless to say that this is the result of the Neo-Liberal Economic Policy being implemented in our country since 1991.
[29.10.2011]BSNLEU is firm on one day strikeBSNLEU is very firm that the one day strike should take place as per schedule. Earlier, the JAC unanimously decided to go on one day strike on 10-10-2011. Since NFTE expressed it’s willingness to join the strike and desired for a change in the date, the strike was deferred. Thereafter, the JAC met and unanimously decided to go on strike on 15-11-2011. However, before fixing the date, JAC Convenor telephonically consulted NFTE and they gave their consent for it. Now, NFTE has written a letter to the Convenor, JAC, stating that “one day strike will not bring the desired result”. The letter is placed on NFTE website also. Many comrades are contacting CHQ and are enquiring about this. It is NFTE’s view. As far as BSNLEU is concerned, it is very firm that the strike should take place as per the JAC decision. Comrades are requested to go ahead with the strike preparations seriously.
[27.10.2011]Status of NE-12 pay scale issueIt is learnt that the NE-12 file is yet to be cleared by the CMD and that he has sought certain inputs on the issue. Since CMD is out of station, he could not be met today. The issue will be discussed with him on Monday. General Secretary discussed the issue with Director (HR) today and urged expeditious settlement.
[25.10.2011]CBI examines records on “Maran’s exchange”The CBI is scrutinizing crucial documents received from BSNL, on allocation of 323 high capacity telecom lines to the residence of former Telecom minister Dayanidhi Maran, that were allegedly used by Sun TV channel, owned by his brother Kalanidhi Maran. The CBI has alleged that these lines, used by medium to large commercial enterprises to meet special needs such as video conferencing and transmission of huge volume of digital data, for which heavy price is to be paid, were free for Sun TV.
[25.10.2011]Corporate Office calls for information on rental Buildings <>www.bsnleuchq.com,www.bsnlnewsbyashokhindocha.blogspot.com
[25.10.2011]Corporate Office calls for information on Compassionate Ground Appointments <>www.bsnleuchq.com
[24.10.2011]CHQ Circular dated 21-10-2011 in Hindi <>www.bsnleuchq.com,www.bsnlnewsbyashokhindocha.blogspot.com
[22.10.2011]Corporate Office going on appeal against judgement of Principal CAT in OA No.1282/2010 <>www.bsnleuchq.com
[22.10.2011]Status of our demand for modifications in the Telecom Mechanic LDCE and TTA LICE.
TTA LICE : As per TTA recruitment rules only candidates with 10+2 qualification can appear the LICE. We have demanded that a qualifying screening test should be conducted for the non 10+2 candidates. A discussion on this subject has already taken place. We hope that our demand would be accepted.
Telecom Mechanic LDCE : As per the TM Recruitment Rules only RMs with 10thstandard qualification can appear the LDCE. We have forcefully taken up that all RMs, without any qualification should be allowed to appear the Telecom Mechanic LDCE. But Management is reluctant to accept our demand. We would continue to persue this issue.
[22.10.2011]CHQ circular no.10 dated 21.10.2011 <>www.bsnleuchq.com
[22.10.2011]BSNL order for revision of IDA <>www.bsnleuchq.com
[21.10.2011]Growth of telephone connections in the month of August, 2011 <>www.bsnleuchq.com
[21.10.2011]Meeting of the Committee on Compassionate Ground Appointments <>
[20.10.2011]Now it is 3G scam - Editorial - Telemessage November, 2011 <>www.bsnleuchq.com
[20.10.2011]GS met Director (HR) and demanded to expedite settlement of NE-12 payscale Com. P. Abhimanyu, GS, met Shri A.K. Garg, Director (HR) yesterday, the 19th October, and expressed unhappiness over the delay in the settlement of NE-12 payscale. He pointed out the unnecessary delay in processing the case by the Corporate Office. Director (HR) assured to expedite the process.
[19.10.2011]K.G. Bose Memorial Trust Registered With great pleasure we inform that the “K.G. Bose Memorial Trust” is registered today. All the trust members, viz, Com. V.A.N. Namboodiri, Com. P. Abhimanyu, Com. P. Asokababu, Com. S.C. Bhattacharjee, Com. J. Sampath Rao, Com. Animesh Mitra and Com. K. Mohanan were present at the registrar’s office for the registration. This trust is formed as per the decision of the Jaipur CEC meeting.
[18.10.2011]Signature campaign against PFRDA bill The National Convention held at New Delhi on 22nd July, 2011, against the PFRDA (Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority) Bill, has decided to conduct a nation wide signature campaign against the bill. The signature campaign is to be conducted not only among the employees, but also among the general public. By passing the PFRDA bill in the parliament, the UPA government intends to privatize the system of payment of pension. The pension that our retired employees are getting is under serious threat. Hence, all the circle and district secretaries are requested to attach utmost importance to this job of collection of signatures. The collected signatures shall be sent to the CHQ, so that it reaches CHQ by 20th November, 2011. The memorandum for collecting signature is attached herewith <>
[18.10.2011]Revised Scheme of Examination for Limited Departmental Competitive Examination (LDCE) for Telecom Mechanic under 50% quota <>
[18.10.2011]Decisions of Steering Committee on PFRDA bill <>
[18.10.2011]One day strike on 15.11.2011 The JAC meeting was held yesterday the 17.10.2011, under the chairmanship of Com. Suresh Kumar. The meeting unanimously decided to conduct the one day strike on 15.11.2011, opposing VRS, demanding PLI, restoration of medical allowance, LTC and on other demands.
[18.10.2011]Decision of Anomalies Committee meeting The Anomalies Committee meeting was held yesterday the 17.10.2011. All the committee members attended. Com. V.A.N. Namboodiri, President and Com. P.Asokababu, Dy. GS attended as Staff Side members. The committee reviewed the implementation of it’s earlier report. It has been implemented giving relief to only one section of the affected seniors. The committee took the unanimous decision that the affected seniors belonging to other categories also should be given the relief.
[15.10.2011]Why Government allowed Raja to follow “first come first served” policy - asked Supreme Court.On Thursday the Supreme Court questioned as to why the Government allowed A. Raja to follow the first come first served policy. The Supreme Court pointed out that On 2ndNovember, 2007, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh wrote a letter to the then Telecom Minister A.Raja, suggesting to follow a transparent methodology of auction for spectrum allocation. The Bench consisting of Justices G.S.Singhvi and H.L.Dattu further observed that the whole scam could have been prevented had timely action been taken by the government, instead of allowing A. Raja to follow the first come first served policy.
[Source: The Hindu dt.14-10-2011)
[15.10.2011]Employees want Consumer Delight, but minister wants Corporate Delight- Brinda Karat Com.Brinda Karat addressed a public meeting at Kannur on 13-10-2011, which was held as part of the 6th Kerala Circle Conference of BSNL Employees Union. In the meeting, com.Brinda Karat congratulated the employees for observing the year as “Consumer Delight Year”. She further said that while the employees are thinking about the Consumer Delight, the Government and the Minister are thinking about the Corporate Delight. This struggle between the interests of the employees and of the Government was going on in every PSU, said com. Brinda Karat.
[15.10.2011]Special Recruitment Drive (SRD) for filling up the backlog vacancies reserved for SCs, STs, OBCs and Persons with Disabilities (PWD) in TTA cadre through Direct Recruitment <>
[14.10.2011]Anomaly committee meeting on 17-10-2011The report of the Anomaly Committee, that was constituted to settle the anomaly that arose in the 2002 wage revision, was not implemented fully. This issue was taken up in the last National Council. Management Side told that this situation arose because of the misunderstanding that has taken place due to some of the wordings in the report. In the discussion that took place in continuation of this, it was decided that the same Committee on anomalies will again meet and do necessary corrections to the wordings of the earlier report. Accordingly, the meeting of the Anomalies Committee is taking place on 17.10.2011. Com.V.A.N.Namboodiri, President and Com. P.Asokababu, Dy.GS are the Staff Side members of the Committee. We hope that the problem will be solved once for all in this meeting.
[14.10.2011]Committee on Compassionate Ground Appointments to meet on 20-10-2011.As per the decision of the last National Council meeting, a committee has been constituted to give suggestions for mitigating the hardships being experienced in the issue of Compassionate Ground Appointments. The Committee will look into the schemes that are in vogue in other Public Sector Companies. The meeting of this Committee will take place on 20-10-2011. Com. V.A.N.Namboodiri, President, Com. P.Abhimanyu, GS and Com. P.Asokababu, Dy.GS are the Staff Side members of this Committee.
[14.10.2011]Andhra Pradesh Circle union donates Rs. One lakh towards Building Fund.Andhra Pradesh Circle Union has donated another one lakh rupees towards CHQ Building Fund. This amount is contributed by the Krishna District Union. CHQ congratulates and thanks A.P. Circle Union, as well as Krishna District Union for this excellent performance.
[13.10.2011]Airtel, Vodafone & Idea 3G roaming deal 'illegal' : DoT <>
[13.10.2011]6th Kerala Circle Conference begins with revolutionary fervour <>
[12.10.2011]Rectification of anomaly in pension of BSNL employees retired within ten months of their absorption in BSNL <> <>
[12.10.2011]Revision of pension of pre-2007 pensioners/family pensioners retirees from BSNL<>
[12.10.2011]NE-12 pay scale and Implementation of the judgment of Principal CAT on FR 22(1)(a)(1) for officiating JTOs - Meeting with Director (HR) Com P.Asokababu Dy. GS BSNLEU met Director(HR) Sri A.K.Garg on 11-10-2011 and submitted two letters from CHQ on these issues requesting that (a) the NE-12 pay scale be got approved by the BSNL Board in this month, and (b) the judgment of Principal CAT New Delhi in favour of FR 22(1)(a)(1) for officiating JTOs be implemented without further litigation. Director (HR) assured that the NE-12 pay scale will be submitted for the approval of the Management Committee immediately after obtaining the administrative approval of the CMD and thereafter it will be submitted for the approval of the Board. The Director (HR) further told he would examine the issue of implementation of the judgment of the Principal CAT on FR 22(1)(a)(1) for officiating JTOs.
[11.10.2011]CHQ writes to BSNL, on Request for personal intervention to get the approval of NE-12 pay scale by BSNL Board in this month <>
[11.10.2011]CHQ writes to BSNL, on FR 22 (i) (a) (i) pay fixation for officiating JTOs – Request for implementation of the judgment dated 05.09.2011 in R.A. No.125/2011 in O.A. No.1282/2010 <>
[10.10.2011]CHQ writes to BSNL, on TTA LDCE – requesting to amend the RR to incorporate the provision to conduct pre-qualifying screening test <>
[10.10.2011]Punjab Circle Executive Committee plans the successful conducting of the next All India Conference <>
[10.10.2011]CHQ writes to BSNL, on judgement dated 05.09.2011 in R.A. No.125/2011 and M.A. No.3082 of 2010 in O.A. No.1282/2010 issued by CAT Principal Bench, New Delhi - Request for implementation <>
[10.10.2011]Grant of family pension to dependent parents of a deceased Government employees<>
[08.10.2011]Development in court case on JTO LICEAfter judgment is delivered by the Hon’ble CAT of the Ernakulam Bench, in the JTO LICE case, BSNL had filed an affidavit seeking a clarification. The clarification sought was that whether the reduction in the qualifying service from 10 years to 7 years is to be implemented retrospectively or prospectively. CHQ has been following up this case continuously for an early disposal. Now it is learnt that the hearing of the case is over and that the verdict is reserved. We hope that the verdict will come out soon and that the LICE would be held expeditiously.
[08.10.2011]Revised Scheme of Examination for Limited Departmental Competitive Examination (LDCE) for TTA 40% quota. <>
[07.10.2011]CHQ signed agreement to purchase building for union It is with great pleasure that CHQ informs that it has signed agreement to purchase building for the union, at West Patel Nagar, in New Delhi. The building consists of a basement, ground floor, 1st floor and 2nd floor. The agreement is signed on 05.10.2011. The price of the building is 2.90 crore. An amount of Rs.1 crore is paid as advance and the remaining amount has to be paid by 05.12.2011.
[07.10.2011]BSNLEU CHQ circular No.09 <> <>
[07.10.2011]Retirement benefits in respect of Government service to persons dismissed/removed from service after absorption in BSNL <>
[05.10.2011]CHQ writes to BSNL, on seeking amendment to Telecom Mechanic Recruitment Rules <>
[05.10.2011]JAC writes to CMD on, leasing/outsourcing of BSNL Towers and OFC <>
[05.10.2011]Decisions taken in the meeting of the JAC held on 04.10.2011<>
[05.10.2011]Strike deferred to the 1st week of NovemberThe JAC meeting was held on 04.10.2011, under the chairmanship of Com. Suresh Kumar. The meeting reviewed the discussion that took place between the JAC leaders and Director (HR) on 03.10.2011. Since the management did not respond to our demands, the JAC decided to go ahead with the strike. However, with a view to pave way for united struggle, the JAC unanimously decided to defer the strike to the first week of November. The JAC will again meet on 17.10.2011 and finalise the exact date of the strike.
[04.10.2011]NEPP - Important achievements of BSNLEU vide Clarifications issued by BSNL on 28-9-2011 <>
[04.10.2011]Note on discussion between the JAC and BSNL management, held on 03.10.2011<>
[04.10.2011]International Day of Action observed at Delhi <>
[04.10.2011]Settlement of anomalies The partial implementation of the anomaly committee report (Relating to the wage revision of 2002) was raised in the last National Council. It was replied that the needful would be done to implement the recommendations fully. GS, BSNLEU discussed the issue with GM (Estt.) on 03.10.2011. It was agreed that one more sitting of the anomaly committee would take place soon, to clear the ambiguity found in the report, so that the recommendations can be fully implemented.
[04.10.2011]Abnormal delay in holding JTO LICE The JTO LICE is being unduly delayed. The petition filed by BSNL, seeking clarification on the judgement of the Hon’ble CAT of Ernakulam has not received any reply. On 03.10.2011, GS, BSNLEU met the GM (Estt.) and expressed his concern over the undue delay in holding the JTO LICE. GM (Estt.) assured to take all expeditious measures to get early clarification from the Hon’ble CAT, so that the LICE could be held.
[03.10.2011]Management meets leaders of the JACIn the back ground of the notice issued for one day strike on 10.10.2011, Management invited JAC leaders for talks today the 03.10.2011. Leaders of all the constituents of JAC participated in the meeting. JAC leaders vehemently opposed the VRS and told the management that VRS is neither in the interest of the employees nor in the interest of the company. The meeting ended without taking any decision.
[01.10.2011]BSNL management invite JAC leaders to talk on 03.10.2011 <>
[30.09.2011]CHQ Circular dated 27-09-2011 in Hindi <>
[29.09.2011]Non-Executive Promotion Policy (NEPP) for employees in the IDA pay scales of NE-1 to NE-10 of BSNL - Clarification <>
[28.09.2011]MoU signed with Union Bank of India <>
[28.09.2011]JAC circular on One Day strike <>
[28.09.2011]One day Mass Fast programme observed very successfully <>
[27.09.2011]BSNLEU CHQ circular No.08 <>
[26.09.2011]Let the hunger strike on 27.09.2011 be a resounding successAs per the decision of the JAC, hunger strike is to be organised tomorrow the 27.09.2011, at Corporate Office, Circle and District Levels, against VRS and demanding bonus (PLI), restoration of Medical allowance, LTC, Leave Encashment as well as other demands. CHQ calls upon the Circle and District Unions to organise the hunger strike massively, together with other constituents of the JAC. Let the hunger strike be a resounding success.
[26.09.2011]2nd AIC of BSNL Casual and Contract Workers Federation <>
[24.09.2011]DoT letter on Calling of Option for Absorption of Group 'A' officers of Indian Telecom Service (ITS)/Telegraph Traffic Service (TTS)/Telecom Factories Service (TFS) in MTNL/BSNL <>
[23.09.2011]VRS is dangerous to BSNL and Employees <> <>
[23.09.2011]JAC's notice for One Day strike on 10th October, 2011 <>
[22.09.2011]JAC poster on Mass Fast on 27.09.2011 and One Day Strike on 10.10.2011<>
[22.09.2011]BSNL CO letter on Non-Executive Promotion Policy (NEPP) - Convening of the prescribed Screening Committee twice in a year <>
[21.09.2011]JAC decides to observe one day mass fast on 27-09-2011 and one day strike on 10-10-2011.The JAC which met at New Delhi today 21-09-2011, took the historic decision to oppose the VRS, lock stock and barrel. The meeting which was presided over by com.G.L.Jogi,GS,SNEA, unanimously decided to observe one day mass fast at All India level, circle level and SSA level on 27-09-2011 and to go on one day strike on 10-10-2011, opposing VRS, demanding PLI, etc
The unions which participated in today’s meeting are BSNLEU, SNEA, AIBSNLEA, BSNL MS, TEPU, SEWA BSNL, BTU and NFTBE.
Mass fast at All India, circle and SSA levels on 27-09-2011.
One day strike on 10-10-2011.
1) No VRS.
2) Payment of PLI.
3) Restoration of medical allowance, LTC and Leave encashment.
4) Policy related issues
5) Conclusion of the process of absorption of ITS.
6) Merger of 78.2% IDA.
Policy related issues include:-
a) Compensation for BSNL’s rural operations.
b) Pension contribution on actual basic pay.
c) Refund of RS.8313 crore to BSNL which was paid towards BWA spectrum charges.
d) Reimbursement of License Fee.
e) Allowing BSNL to surrender 3G spectrum of unviable circles.( Private companies are given the freedom to select circles of their choice.)
f) Refund of Rs.7500 crore with interest, collected from BSNL towards “Notional Loan.”
g) Procurement of equipments.
h) Discontinue TACs.
It is decided to approach NFTE and FNTO also for united action.
Organise the programme very effectively, inorder to give a fitting reply to the retrograde steps being taken by the government and the BSNL management, to destabilize BSNL.
[20.09.2011]Meeting with Management on VRS
BSNLEU was invited by the management today, the 20-09-2011, for a discussion on VRS. Director (HR) and other senior officers took part in the discussion. Management gave a presentation on their proposed VRS scheme. In the discussion that took place after the presentation, leaders of BSNLEU firmly told the management that they oppose VRS of any type. They also pointed out that VRS scheme is absolutely not necessary to pull out BSNL from the present crises. Management was also told as to how the condition of MTNL did not improve even after implementing VRS three times. Our opposition to VRS will also be conveyed to the management through a letter. Com. VAN. Namboodiri, Presisdent, Com. P. Abhimanyu, GS, Com. P Asokababu Dy.GS and Com. G.B. Salakki, AGS took part in the discussion.
[19.09.2011]CHQ opposes recovery of enhanced License fee w.e.f. 01.07.2010 <>
[19.09.2011]Decisions of Jaipur CEC <>
[19.09.2011]BSNL CO letter on Revision of flat rates of licence fee for departmental quarters w.e.f. 01.07.2010 <>
[19.09.2011]Corporate office letter on expenditure control in BSNL <>
[16.09.2011]CEC meeting of BSNLEU gets started at Jaipur <>
[15.09.2011]CEC of BSNLEU meets at Jaipur tomorrow
The Central Executive Committee meeting of BSNL Employees Union is starting at Jaipur tomorrow. The three day meeting will be held from 16th to 18th September, 2011. The inaugural session will be held on 16th morning and an open session will take place in the afternoon of the same day. The morning session of 17th is ear marked for discussion of casual and contract workers issues. This CEC will debate a number of very important issues and will take decisions on them.
[15.09.2011]JAC to meet on 21st September, 2011
In the aftermath of the massive dharna programme conducted throughout the country, against the curtailment of Medical Allowance, Leave Encashment and LTC, the JAC is to meet on 21st September, 2011, to decide the future course of action. Certain organizational issues and functioning of the JAC are also likely to be discussed.
[14.09.2011]Massive Dharnas throughout the country against curtailment of facilities<>
[14.09.2011]JAC Meeting with CMD
The JAC leaders met Shri R.K. Upadhyay, CMD today the 14.09.2011, and expressed their strong protest for the withdrawal of Medical Allowance and Leave Encashment and the freezing of LTC for 2 years. They told that CMD that at a time when the entire employees are involved in improving the services, the curtailment of facilities will demotivate them and demanded withdrawal of the BSNL order dated 05.09.2011. Those who participated in this meeting includes Com.V.A.N. Namboodiri, Convenor, JAC, Com. P. Abhimanyu, GS, BSNLEU, Com. P. Asokababu, Dy. GS, Com. G.B. Salakki, AGS, Com. Prahlad Rai, GS, AIBSNLEA, Com. Venugopal, President, Com. Suresh Kumar, GS, BSNL MS, Com. N.D. Ram, Treasurer, SEWA BSNL and Com. Hari Singh, President BTU.
[14.09.2011]BSNLEU, Andhra Pradesh Circle union instrumental in roping in 2 lakh mobile connections
Due to the efforts taken by the BSNLEU, Andhra Pradesh Circle union, as well as the APSRTC Staff and Workers Federation, BSNL has inked and MoU with the Andhra Pradesh State Road Transport Corporation (APSRTC) for giving 2 lakh mobile connections with CUG. CHQ congratulates BSNLEU, AP Circle union and also the APSTRC Staff and Workers Federation for this magnificent achievement. CHQ also requests other circle unions of BSNLEU to explore such possibilities in their respective circles.
[14.09.2011]No change in working hours pattern in BSNL
It appears that some confusion is created in respect of working hours, due to the clarification issued by Corporate Office yesterday, vide letter no.14-1/2011-TE dated 13.09.2011. There is nothing new in this clarification. It is only a consolidation of the already existing rulings. According to this clarification, there will not be any change in the present pattern of working hours in BSNL Offices.
[13.09.2011]Receipt of CHQ Building Fund
Nashik District Union in Maharashtra Circle has sent a donation of Rs.2,00,101/- towards CHQ building fund. Com. Sashidhara Holla, Branch Secretary, Hagaribommanahalli branch, Bellary SSA has given an individual donation of Rs.5000/- towards CHQ building fund. CHQ congratulates and conveys hearty thanks to both Nashik District Union as well as Com. Sashidhara Holla.
[13.09.2011]BSNL CO letter on renting out vacant staff quarters <> [13.09.2011]Consolidated instructions on working hours - BSNL CO letter <> [13.09.2011]No headway in the meeting between JAC and management – Organise Dharna powerfully
In response to the notice of the JAC, to conduct dharna on 14.09.2011, management invited the JAC for talks today. The talks took place at 1200 hrs today. Senior Officers from the management and JAC leaders participated in the talks. Management side requested the JAC leaders to withdraw the Dharna. JAC leaders strongly argued to withdraw the order dated 05.09.2011. The meeting ended without any breakthrough. Hence, the call to conduct dharnas tomorrow, i.e. on 14.09.2011 stands. CHQ calls upon to organise the dharna powerfully and give a befitting reply to the high handedness of the management.
[10.09.2011]Circle wise donation received towards CHQ Building Fund <>
[10.09.2011]Growth of telephone connections in the month of July, 2011 <>
[09.09.2011]Meeting with Hon’ble MOC, shri Kapil Sibal
Com.VAN Namboodiri, President, BSNLEU, as well as the BSNLCCWF and Com.P.Abhimanyu,GS,BSNLEU, along with com.Basudev Acharya,M.P., met the Hon’ble MOC shri Kapil Sibal today and discussed the issues of casual and contract workers. Regularisation of the left out casual labourers, non-implementaion of wage revision as well as social security measures such as EPF and ESI for the contract workers are the issues discussed. A memorandum, on behalf of the BSNLCCWF was also submitted to the Hon’ble MOC. The Hon’ble MOC assured to look into the issues. <> <>
[09.09.2011]GS,BSNLEU, demanded early implementation of the NE12 pay scale
Com.P.Abhimanyu, GS,BSNLEU, met shri A.K.Garg, Director(HR), today and demanded early implementation of the NE12 pay scale. He pointed out the inordinate delay in the processing of this issue by the Corporate Office and also reminded the National Council decision on the matter. Director (HR) assured expeditious settlement of the issue.
[09.09.2011]President and GS, BSNLEU, met shri Talwar, Executive Director (NB)
Com. VAN Namboodiri, president, com. P.Abhimanyu, GS,and com. G.B.Salakki,AGS met shri Talwar, Executive Director (NB), yesterday the 08-09-2011, and discussed the issues of the Telecom Factories. They pointed out the Corporate Office letter for cancellation of the tender for procurement of the PLB HDPE pipe machine and demanded that the production of PLB HDPE pipes at Telecom Factory, Kolkata, should not be stopped on any account. Director (ED) assured that that the production of the pipes would not be stopped.
[09.09.2011]Supreme Court order on reservation- a set back for the reserved category employees.
The Hon’ble Supreme Court of India has delivered a judgment on 08-09-2011, on the issue of reservation. The Hon’ble Court has held that reservation rules will not apply, where a candidate gets only higher pay scale, but continues to hold the same post without any change in duties and responsibilities. This judgment was delivered by a bench consisting of justices R.V.Raveendran and Markandey Katju. This judgment is a set back for the employees belonging to the reserved categories.
[09.09.2011]BSNL CO clarification on NEPP- a set back for the TSMs regularized on or after 01-10-2000.
BSNL CO has issued a clarification on NEPP, wherein it is stated that the TSMs regularized on or after 01-10-2000, will be treated only as BSNL recruitees , as far as NEPP is concerned. This clarification is based on a reply given by the DOT on the matter. BSNLEU has demanded that these employees, numbering around 15,000, should be treated as DOT recruitees, since they are already issued with Presidential Orders. CHQ will not accept this arbitrary order of the BSNL and will find ways and means to get justice for these employees. <>
[08.09.2011]Hold massive dharnas on 14th September, 2011, against curtailment of facilities
The JAC, in it’s meeting held on 07.09.2011, vehemently opposed the curtailment of medical allowance, LTC and Leave Encashment, and called upon the BSNL employees to hold massive dharnas throughout the country on 14th September, 2011. Circle and District Secretaries are requested to immediately arrange to hold meetings of the JAC at all places and plan to organise the dharna massively. The dharnas to be held on 14th September shall be a befitting reply to the high-handeness of the management.
www.bsnlnewsbyashokhindocha.blogspot.com M-09426254999