Tuesday, August 11, 2009

BSNL Management reply to BSNLEU-CHQ-ND Regarding Strike-Dharna Issue -inf. by Ashok hindocha M-9426201999

www.bsnlnewsbyashokhindocha.blogspot.com M-9426201999

SR CELL, Corporate Office
8th Floor, Bharat Sanchar Bhawan,
Harish Chander Mathur Lane,
Janpath, New Delhi-110 001

No.BSNL/7-10/SR/2009 Dated, the 7th Aug. 2009

The General Secretary,
BSNL Employees Union, & Convener, United Forum of BSNL Unions,
New Delhi.

Sub: Notice for massive dharna on 11th August, 2009 at SSA / Circle level and 48-hours strike on 19-20 August, 2009 for settlement of wage revision and other demands - regarding
Ref: United Forum letter no. UF/Strike dated 31.7.2009


This has reference to United Forum letter no. UF/Strike dated 23.4.2009 regarding notice for massive dharna on 11th August, 2009 at SSA / Circle level and 48-hours strike on 19-20 August, 2009 for settlement of wage revision of non-executives and other demands.

2. I would like to draw your attention to United Forum of BSNL Unions letter no. UF/Strike dated 23.4.2009 giving a notice for strike on 19-20 May, 2009 and subsequent discussions the union leaders had with Director (HR) on 18th May, 2009. After prolonged discussions, an understanding was reached between the agitating unions and BSNL management, pursuant to which the United Forum decided to defer its strike. In the meeting held on 18th May, 2009, the management side agreed on the quantum of interest free advance equal to two months basic pay in addition to four months basic pay already announced. As regards, wage revision and allied issues, the unions and the management agreed that the same can be expedited through negotiations in the Wage Negotiation Committee, whereas the issue of 50% IDA merger for pensions already stands referred to DOT. It is not understood as to what prompted the United Forum to give another strike notice on the same issues within a span of less than three months’ time. I hope, you would appreciate that in such a situation the management is forced to handle the strike notice than concentrating on the demands of the non-executive employees.

3. Needless to mention that any type of agitational programme not only disrupts the services offered to our esteemed customers, but also lowers the image of agitating employees. In the present day competitive environment, BSNL can ill-afford any agitation, especially when an understanding has already been reached with the unions hardly three months back.

4. In the given circumstances, I would like to request you to withdraw your notice for the proposed massive dharna on 11th August, 2009 at SSA / Circle level and 48-hours strike on 19-20 August, 2009 and have issues resolve by way of negotiations as agreed to in the meeting with Director (HR) on 18th May, 2009. However, in case still any doubts persist in the minds of the union leaders, you are once again welcome for a discussion with the management on any mutually convenient date.

Yours faithfully,

(Shakeel Ahmad)
G.M. (SR), BSNL C.O.

Copy to :
PPS to CMD, BSNL PPS to Director (HR), BSNL C.O. DDG (SR), DOT. CLC (C), New Delhi.

CGMs, BSNL / GM (Admn.), BSNL C.O. - Efforts are being made by the BSNL management that the notice for the proposed agitational programme is withdrawn and it is presumed that the United Forum shall respond positively to this appeal. However, if at all the proposed strike takes place, it is requested that suitable steps are taken in accordance with the instructions issued from time to time so as to ensure uninterrupted services to our customers and maintenance of office discipline / decorum, including ‘no work no pay’ against the agitating employees.

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