
www.bsnlnewsbyashokhindocha.blogspot.com M-9426201999
Recognised Union in BSNL
(Regiisttered Under Indiian Trade Uniion Act 1926.. Regn..No..4896))
CHQ::Dada Ghosh Bhawan,, Opp.. Shadiipur Bus Depott..,, New Dellhii – 110008
Emaiill:: chqbsnlleu@siiffy..com,, websiitte:: bsnlleuchq..com
Phone:: ((O)) 011--25705385
V..A..N.. Namboodiirii ((R)) 011-- 23342848
Generall Secrettary Fax:: 011-- 25894862
BSNLEU//422((Wage)) 20--12--2009
Srii S..R..Kapoor
Executtiive Diirecttor((Fiinance))&
Chaiirman,, Wage Negottiiattiion Commiittttee
BSNL,, New Dellhii
Sub::--Seriious probllems ariisiing iin iimpllementtattiion off 30% ffiittmentt beneffiitt,, 3%
iincrementt,, fiixation benefitt on promottiion, due tto tthe shorter span and
consequentt maxiima iin tthe proposed reviised pay scalles--Requestt ffor urgentt
reconsiiderattiion tto avoiid criisiis iin tthe process off wage reviisiion agreementt-- Reg..
Thiis is to rrequestt yourr kiind atttenttiion tthat due tto the shorrter span and ..tthe consequent maxiima iin
tthe prroposed rreviised pay scalles,, many offffiiciialls wiillll fface cutt iin tthe beneffiitts off 30% ffiittmentt,, 3%
iincrrementt,, and pay ffiixattiion beneffiitt off prromottiion polliicy
a)) IItt was agrreed tto iimpllementt 3% iincrrementt on tthe basiic pay iin tthe rreviised pay scalles..Butt
iimpllementtiing tthe llastt iincrrementt befforre rreachiing tthe maxiimum,, wiitthoutt cuttttiing iitt iis nott possiiblle
wiitth tthe maxiima prrescrriibed iin tthe prroposed rreviised pay scalles.. Thiis probllem iis ariisiing iin tthe
proposed reviised scalles ffrom 2007 iitt sellff..
b)) IItt was agrreed tto grrantt 30% ffiittmentt beneffiitt tto allll.. Butt grranttiing tthiis tto allll wiitthoutt excepttiion.. Butt iin
some cases iitt iis nott possiiblle tto iimpllementt tthiis 30% ffiittmentt beneffiitt due tto tthe maxiima
fiixed in the proposed reviised pay scalles..
c)) Prromottiion polliicy agrreementt was siigned on 30--10--2008 and managementt iis haviing tthe
rresponsiibiilliitty tto iimpllementt iitt afftterr apprrovall ffrrom DoT.. Butt tthe maxiima ffiixed iin tthe proposed
reviised scalles are bllockiing tthe iimpllementtattiion off tthe promottiion siince on pay ffiixattiion iin
tthe promotted scalle,, tthe basiic pay wiillll cross tthe maxiimum off tthe promotted scalle..
Therre iis no autthoriity vestted witth managementt tto impose such unwarrantted cutts iin iincrementts,,
ffiittmentt beneffiitts and prromottiions.. Examplles iillllusttrrattiing tthese prrobllems arre giiven iin tthe annexurre
tto tthiis lletttterr.. We hope tthe managementt wiillll ffiind an iimmediiatte solluttiion fforr allll tthese prrobllems
and wiillll avoiid crriisiis iin tthe prrocess off wage rreviisiion agrreementt fforr non--executtiives prroposed tto
be siigned on 29-12--2009..
Yourrs Siincerrelly
Encll:: As above..
Examplles iillllusttrattiing tthe probllems iin iimpllementtattiion off 30% ffiittmentt beneffiitt,,
3% iincrementt,, ffiixattiion beneffiitt on promottiion,, due tto tthe shortter span
consequentt maxiima iin tthe proposed reviised pay scalles,, and jjusttiiffiicattiion ffor
settttling these probllems
II.. Cases where iimpllementtattiion off 3% iincrementt iis nott possiiblle
((1)) Srii Mohammad Sarvar,, Group D O//o PGMT Hyderabad TD
He was iin NE--1 pay scalle wiitth basiic pay Rs 5440//-- on 31--12--2006 wiitth iincrrementt due on 1--1--
2007.. Wiitth 30% ffiittmentt beneffiitt on 5440 on 1--1--2007,, he wiillll be ffiixed att Rs 11940//-- iin tthe
rreviised pay scalle.. Wiitth iincrrementt iin tthe rreviised pay scalle,, he wiillll be att Rs 12300//-- on 1--1--
2007.. On 1--1--2008,, he wiillll be att Rs 12670 and on 1--1--2009 he wiillll be att Rs 13050//--.. On 1--1--
2010 he wiillll gett 3% iincrrementt and has tto be giiven basiic pay Rs 13540//--;; Butt maxiimum iin tthe
pay scale iis Rs 13320/-- onlly.. This means in tthe Rs 490//-- iincrrementt due tto him, he can be given
Rs 270//-- only,, cutttiing Rs 220/--..
((2)) Srii Mukundan..B,, Group D O//o CGMT Keralla Ciirclle Triivandrum
He was iin NE--2 pay scalle and rreached maxiimum pay Rs 5935//-- on 1--4--2006.. On 1--1--2007 he
was att Rs 5935//-- and wiillll be ffiixed att basiic pay Rs 13030//-- iin tthe rreviised pay scalle.. On 1--4--
2007 he wiillll gett iincrrementt and wiillll be ffiixed att basiic pay Rs 13430//--.. On 1--4--2008 he wiillll gett
anottherr iincrrementt and has tto be ffiixed att R13840//--.. Butt tthe pay scalle maxiimum iis Rs 13440//--
onlly.. Because off tthiis,, outt off tthe Rs 410//-- iincrrementt due tto hiim,, he can be giiven Rs 10//-- onlly,,
cuttttiing Rs 400//--
((3)) Srii N..Narasiinga Rao Group D O//o CGMT A..P Hyderabad
He was iin NE--3 pay scalle and rreached maxiimum off tthe pay scalle Rs 5975//-- on 1--7--2003 and
gott one sttagnattiion iincrrementt on 1--7--2005.. Thus he was att Rs 6100//-- on 1--7--2005.. On 1--1--2007
he was att Rs 6100//-- and wiilll be fiixed at the basiic pay Rs 13390//-- iin tthe reviised pay scalle.. On 1-
7--2007 he has tto be giiven 3% iincrrementt and has tto be ffixed att basiic pay Rs 13800/--.. But tthe
prrescrriibed maxiimum iin tthe prroposed reviised pay scale was Rs 13600//-- onlly.. Therreforre out off
tthe Rs 410//-- iincrrementt due tto hiim,, he can be giiven Rs 210//-- onlly,, cuttttiing Rs 200//--..
((4)) Srii D..Babu Group D O//o CGMT A..P Hyderabad
He rreached maxiimum off tthe NE--4 pay scalle Rs 6200//-- on 1--11--2002 and drrawn ttwo sttagnattiion
iincrrementts on 1--11--2004 and 1--11--2006 and was att Rs 6460//-- on 1--1--2007..On 1--1--2007,, he
has tto be ffiixed att tthe basiic pay 14180//-- iin tthe rreviised pay scalle.. Butt tthe prrescrriibed rreviised pay
scalle maxiimum iis Rs 13940//-- onlly.. Therrefforre he can nott gett even 30% ffiittmentt beneffiitt..
((5)) Srii D..Antthejjii Group D O//o CGMT A..P Hyderabad
He rreached maxiimum pay Rs 6650//-- iin NE--5 pay scalle on 1--9--2004 and drrawn one sttagnattiion
iincrrementt and was att Rs 6790//--on 1--9--2006.. On 1--1--2007 he was att basiic pay Rs 6790 and wiillll
be fiixed att Rs 14900//-.. On 1-9--2007 he wiilll get iincrementt Rs 450//--and has to be fiixed at basic
pay Rs 15350//- wherre as tthe prroposed reviised pay scalle maxiimum iis Rs 14940//-- onlly..
Therrefforre outt off tthiis Rs 450//-- increment due tto hiim, he can be giiven Rs 40//--only,, cuttting Rs
((6)) Srii Sasii..C,, Tellecom Mechaniic,, O//o CGMT Keralla Ciirclle,, Triivandrum
He was att basiic pay Rs 6670//-- on 31--12--2006 iin tthe NE--6 pay scalle and due fforr iincrrementt on
1--1--2007.. Therrefforre on 1--1--2007 he wiillll be ffiixed att rreviised pay Rs 14640//-- and on 1--1--2007 he
wiillll gett iincrrementt iin rreviised pay scalle and wiillll be ffiixed att Rs 15080//--.. On 1--1--2008 he wiillll gett
anottherr iincrrementt and has tto be ffiixed att Rs 15540//--.. Butt tthe pay scalle maxiimum iis Rs 15470//--
onlly.. Therrefforre outt off tthe Rs 460//-- iincrrementt due tto hiim,, he can be giiven Rs 390//-- onlly,, cuttttiing
Rs 70//--..
((7) Sri Narayana Kutttty..G,, Sr TOA((G)) O//o CGMT Kerala,, Triivandrum
On 1-1--2007 he was att basic pay Rs 7620//-- in NE--7 pay scale and he wiillll be fiixed att Rs 16730//-
iin tthe rreviised pay scalle. He wiillll be att basiic pay Rs 17240/-- on 1--4--2007,, Rs 17760/--on 1--4-
2008,, Rs 18300//- on 1-4--2009,, and on 1--4--2010 he has tto be ffiixed att Rs 18850//- ,, wherreas tthe
maxiimum off tthe prroposed rreviised pay scalle iis Rs 18650//-- onlly.. Thus outt off tthe Rs 550//--
iincrrementt due tto hiim on 1--4--2010,, he can be giiven Rs 350//-- onlly,, cuttttiing Rs 200//--..
((8)) Srii N..R..Meghwall TTA,, Kotta,,Rajjasttan
He rreached maxiimum off tthe pay scalle NE--10 on 1--1--2006 and hence drrawn no iincrrementt on 1--
1--2007.. Therrefforre on 1--1--2007 he was att Rs 11175//-- and wiillll be ffiixed att Rs 24530//-- iin tthe
rreviised pay scalle.. He wiillll drraw iincrrementt 3% iin tthe rreviised pay scalle on 1--1--2007 and wiillll be
ffiixed att Rs 25270//--.. On 1--1--2008 he has tto be giiven iincrrementt and ffiixed att Rs 26030//-- wherreas
tthe maxiimum pay iin tthe prroposed rreviised pay scalle was Rs 25470//-- onlly.. Thus outt off tthe Rs
760//-- iincrrementt due tto hiim,, he can be giiven Rs 200//-- onlly,, cuttttiing Rs 560//--..
((9) Sri Varghese Manuell Sr.TOA((G)) O//o CGMT Keralla
He was in NE--10 pay scalle and drrawn one sttagnatiion iincrrement on 1--12--2006 and was and
drrawn second sttagnatiion iincrrementt on 1--12--2008.. On 1--1--2007 hiis basiic pay was Rs 11400//-
and he has tto be ffiixed att Rs 25020//-- iin tthe rreviised pay scalle on 1--1--2007.. On 1--12--2007 he has
tto be giiven iincrrementt and has tto be ffiixed att Rs 25770//--.. Butt tthe prroposed maxiimum off tthe
rreviised pay scalle was Rs 25470//-- onlly.. Thus outt off tthe Rs 750//-- iincrrementt due tto hiim,, he can
be giiven Rs 450//-- onlly,, cuttttiing Rs 300//--..
IIII.. Cases where 30% ffiittmentt beneffiitt iis nott possiiblle
((1)) Srii D..Babu Group D O//o CGMT A..P Hyderabad
He rreached maxiimum off tthe NE--4 pay scalle Rs 6200//-- on 1--11--2002 and drrawn ttwo sttagnattiion
iincrrementts on 1--11--2004 and 1--11--2006 and was att Rs 6460//-- on 1--1--2007..On 1--1--2007,, he
has tto be fiixed at the basiic pay 14180/-- in tthe rreviised pay scale.. Butt the prrescriibed rrevised pay
scalle maxiimum is Rs 13940//-- onlly.. Therefforre he can not gett even 30% fiittmentt beneffitt..
IIIIII.. Cases where promottiion as per promottiion polliicy iis nott possiblle
((1)) Srii C..M..Ghosh Dasttiidar,, SG Daffttary,, Tellecom Sttores,, Kollkatta
He rreached maxiimum off tthe pay scalle 4100--125--5975((NE--3)) on 1--9-- 2003.. He wiillll rrettiirre iin
Januarry 2023..Hiis case wiillll be as bellow::
As perr tthe new prromottiion polliicy he wiillll gett prromottiion on 1--10--2004 tto tthe nextt hiigherr scalle
4250--130--6200 and wiillll be ffiixed att tthe maxiimum off tthiis scalle ii..e 6200 ..On compllettiion off ttwo
yearrs he wiillll gett one sttagnattiion iincrrementt and hence wiillll be att Rs 6330//-- on 1--10--2006.. Hence
on 1--1--2007 he wiillll be att 6330//-- iin 4250--130--6200 pay scalle..
As perr 30% ffiittmentt beneffiitt on pay+68..8% DA,, he wiillll gett rreviised pay off Rs 13890//--iin tthe
rreviised NE--4 scale..
He willll gett promottiion 1-10--2011 tto the next hiigherr scale as perr tthe promottiion policy.. In case
sttagnattiion iincrrementt iis drrawn everry ttwo yearrs unttiill 1--10--2011,, hiis pay wiillll be as bellow::
1--10--2007 iincrrementt 3% he has tto be ffiixed att Rs 14310 wherre as tthe maxiimum off tthe pay
scalle iis Rs..13940//-- onlly and iin such case how tto giive tthiis iincrrementt? IIs iitt tto be rresttrriictted onlly
tto tthe exttentt off rreachiing tthe maxiimum off tthe pay scalle? How an iincrrementt can be parrttiialllly
grrantted and underr whatt rrulle? Therrefforre iitt iis assumed tthatt tthiis iincrrementt wiillll be giiven iin ffullll,,
even iiff tthe basiic pay crrosses tthe maxiimum))
1--10-2009=1st sttagnatiion incrementt=14740
1--10-2011=2nd sttagnattiion iincrementt=15190
On 1--10--2011 he wiilll get prromottiion tto NE-5 pay scalle and wiilll be given one iincrrementt in pay
ffiixattiion and accorrdiinglly he has tto be ffiixed att Rs 15650//--,, wherre as tthe maxiimum off tthe pay
scalle iis Rs 14940//-- onlly..
Therrefforre iitt iis nott possiiblle tto grrantt prromottiion tto hiim alltthough he iis elliigiiblle fforr iitt..
IIV.. Justtiiffiicattiion ffor iimmediiatte solluttiion tto tthese probllems
1.. Therre iis no powerr vestted wiitth tthe managementt tto iimpose such unwarrrrantted cutts iin
iincrrementt beneffiitt,, 30% ffiittmentt beneffiitt and pay ffiixattiion beneffiitt on prromottiion..
2.. Therreforre tthe enttiirre polliicy off ffixiing the maxiimum iin the rreviised pay scalle needs a rreviiew
and prroperr solluttiion. No soluttiion iis possiblle wiitth percenttage based iincrrementt systtem fforr tthis
prrobllem by keepiing tthe pay scalle maxiimum att a llevell lless tthan 26 yearrs span.. Hence tthe
DPE has ffiixed tthe 26 yearr span off tthe rreviised pay scalles off llowerr llevell executtiives and tthe
Siixtth CPC has iinttrroduced rrunniing pay bands wiitth a llong span allong wiitth prroviisiion tto pllace
iin nextt pay band iin case off sttagnattiion..
3.. Keepiing iin viiew off tthiis iimperrattiive fforr a llong span off tthe pay scalle due tto tthe perrcenttage
based iincrrementt systtem,, tthe Goverrnmentt has iissued orrderrs fforr allllowiing paymentt off
pensiion conttrriibuttiion fforr absorrbed Goverrnmentt emplloyees by tthe managementts on tthe
basiis of basiic pay instead off tthe maxiimum off tthe pay scalle..
4.. The Managementt’’s conttenttiion tthatt tthiis Orrderr off tthe Goverrnmentt fforr paymentt off pensiion
conttrriibuttiion on tthe basiis off basiic pay iis nott applliicablle fforr absorrbed BSNL emplloyees butt
onlly applliicablle fforr Goverrnmentt emplloyees on deputtattiion iin BSNL iis nott ttenablle siince ttherre
can nott be ttwo diifffferrentt kiinds off yarrdsttiicks fforr paymentt off pensiion conttrriibuttiion as perr FR
5.. IItt wiillll be an arrbiittrrarry actt off tthe hiighestt degrree tto allllow 26 yearrs span fforr absorrbed
executtiives pay scalles wiitthoutt carriing fforr expendiitturre on accountt off pensiion conttrriibuttiion and
iimpose 18 yearrs span on non--executtiives pay scalles and tthus deny ffiittmentt beneffiitt,,
iincrrementt and prromottiion beneffiitt,, allll iin tthe name off expendiitturre on accountt off pensiion
6.. The Diirrecttorr((HRD)) BSNL addrressed a D..O lletttterr No..BSNL//38--1//SR//2009 datted 22nd Aprriill
2009 tto tthe underrsiigned and iitt was wiidelly ciirrcullatted by tthe managementt among tthe
emplloyees.. The sum and substtance off tthatt lletttterr was tthatt alltthough tthe managementt was
wiilllliing tto agrree fforr wage settttllementt on parr wiitth tthe executtiives,, tthe rrecogniized uniion iis
crreattiing prrobllem by nott agrreeiing fforr iitt..
7.. Therrefforre tthe managementt has tto keep up iitts wiidelly prropagatted commiittmentt fforr parriitty wiitth
executtiives iin tthe wage rreviisiion fforr non--executtiives and agrree fforr 26 yearrs span fforr tthe pay
scalles off non--executtiives,, on parr wiitth tthe executtiives.. Any ottherr prroposall ottherr tthan 25//26
yearrs span fforr tthe pay scalle wiillll nott be suiittablle iin tthiis pay sttrructturre wiitth perrcenttage
iincrrementt systtem..
www.bsnlnewsbyashokhindocha.blogspot.com M-9426201999
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