www.bsnlnewsbyashokhindocha.blogspot.com M-9426201999
Recognised Union in BSNL
(Regiistered Under IIndiian Trade Uniion Act 1926.. Regn..No..4896)
CHQ:Dada Ghosh Bhawan,, Opp.. Shadiipur Bus Depot..,, New Dellhii – 110008
Emaiill: chqbsnlleu@siify..com,, websiite: bsnlleuchq..com
Phone:: ((O)) 011--25705385
V..A..N.. Namboodiirii ((R)) 011-- 23342848
Generall Secrettary Fax:: 011-- 25894862
BSNLEU // 422 (WAGE) 07..12..2009
Shrii Kulldeep Goyall,,
Bharat Sanchar Bhawan,,
New Dellhii-110001
Sub::- Fiixiing the maxiimums of the reviised pay scalles of non-executiives iin such a
way as to allllow fullll benefiits of the commiitments//agreements// orders of the
management - Request for iinterventiion –Reg..
IIn our memorandum on wage reviisiion and iin tthe diiscussiions iin tthe expllorattory meettiings on
wage reviisiion we have demanded tthatt tthe reviised pay scalles shoulld have iincrementt as
percenttage off tthe basiic pay and tthe pay scalles shoulld be open ended tto avoiid tthe probllem off
sttagnattiion.. The managementt ttolld tthatt iin viiew off tthe ffactt tthatt tthe BSNL absorbed emplloyees
are haviing tthe proviisiion ffor paymentt off pensiion under CCS(Pensiion)Rulles whiich requiires
BSNL managementt tto pay pensiion conttriibuttiion tto Governmentt on tthe maxiimum off tthe pay
scalle off tthe emplloyee,, tthe pay scalles shoulld nott be open ended butt shoulld have maxiimum
scalle allso.. Due tto tthiis,, iitt became necessary tto have cllose ended pay scalles iin tthe reviised pay
Even tthough tthe Executtiives are giiven cllose ended pay scalles,, tthe span iis 26 years ffor E1A,,
and 28 years ffor E3,, 28 years ffor E4 ettc.. Siince non-executtiives’’ wage reviisiion pattttern iis
proposed by tthe managementt on tthe basiis off llower llevell executtiives att E1A pay scalle,, tthe pay
scalles off non-executtiives allso shoulld have 26 years span.. Butt managementt siide broughtt a
proposall tthatt tthe span off tthe pay scalle can be reduced ffor non-executtiives iin order tto miiniimiise
tthe iincrease iin expendiitture on accountt off pensiion conttriibuttiion,, butt att tthe same ttiime tthe
probllem off sttagnattiion can be ttaken care off.. We agreed wiitth tthiis,, siince we do nott wantt
unnecessary iincrease iin pensiion conttriibuttiion wiitthoutt any beneffiitt tto tthe emplloyees..
IIn tthe meettiing off tthe wage negottiiattiion commiittttee helld on 4-12-2009,, a consensus was
reached tthatt tthe span ffor allll pay scalles wiillll be 18 years and where tthe possiibiilliitty off sttagnattiion
iis sttiillll tthere iin certtaiin scalles,, tthe span can be iincreased ffurtther.. Besiides tthiis,, we requestted
tthe managementt tto keep tthe ffollllowiing commiittmentts made//orders iissued by iitt so tthatt tthe ffullll
beneffiitt off tthese commiittmentts//orders iis nott deniied tto any offffiiciiall whiille ffiixiing tthe maxiimum off
tthe reviised pay scalles::
a) 78..2%DA neutralliisatiion Besiides tthe agreed 68..8% DA neuttralliisattiion,, iin tthe Wage
Negottiiattiion Commiittttee meettiing helld on 17-11-2009,, consensus was reached tthatt as
and when 78..2% DA neuttralliisattiion iis consiidered ffor executtiives,, iitt wiillll be exttended tto
non-executtiives allso..
b) Fiitment benefiit 30%
c) BSNL promotiion polliicy for non-executiives agreementt siigned on 30-10-2008..
d) One iincrement granted iin lliieu of Grade-IIV promotiion BSNL iissued orders ffor grantt
off one iincrementt one year beffore rettiirementt iin case off tthose offffiiciialls who do nott gett
Grade-IIV(BCR 10%) promottiion beffore rettiirementt..
e) Avoiidiing stagnatiion: IIn tthe meettiing off wage negottiiattiion commiittttee iitt was agreed tto
avoiid tthe probllem off sttagnattiion whiille ffiixiing tthe maxiimum off tthe reviised pay scalles..
Whiille deciidiing tthe maxiimum off tthe reviised pay scalles,, tthe necessiitty off exttendiing ffullll
beneffiitts off tthese commiittmentts//agreementts//orders,, iis tto be ttaken care off by tthe
managementt wiitthoutt any excepttiion.. A notte wiitth dettaiills off a ffew cases ttaken as examplles
iis encllosed herewiitth iin order tto expllaiin how tthe maxiimum off tthe pay scalle iis rellatted tto tthe
above iissues..
Siince tthe cases giiven iin tthiis notte are onlly ffew examplles,, and siince tthe enttiire datta
regardiing tthe parttiicullars off emplloyees wiillll be avaiillablle wiitth managementt onlly,, iitt iis tthe
responsiibiilliitty off tthe managementt tto callcullatte and ffiix tthe maxiimum off tthe reviised pay
scalles iin such a way tthatt allll iitts commiittmentts//orders dettaiilled above are ffullffiilllled wiitthoutt any
We requestt your kiind iintterventtiion so tthatt tthese callcullattiions are done correcttlly and
maxiimum off tthe reviised pay scalles are proposed accordiinglly by tthe managementt siide wiitth
iin one or ttwo days ffor ttakiing a ffiinall deciisiion iin tthe wage negottiiattiion commiittttee iin tthiis
Yours siincerelly
Copy tto::
1.. Srrii Gopall Das,, Diirrecttorr((HRD)),, BSNL,, New Dellhii fforr ffavourr off iinfforrmattiion and necessarry acttiion
2.. Srrii S..R..Kapoorr,, Chaiirrman,, Wage Negottiiattiion Commiittttee fforr BSNL Non--Executtiives fforr ffavorr off
iinfforrmattiion and necessarry acttiion..
*iindiicattes executtiive pay scalles avaiillablle fforr non--executtiives iin ttheiirr prromottiions.. E--2A iis avaiillablle fforr tthe
second ACP fforr Sttenogrrapherrs..
TABLE--2 ((Wiitth miiniimum 1..91 mullttiiplliicattiion ffacttorr and maxiimum wiitth 20 yearrs span))
Pay Scalle
Pay Scalle((Exiisttiing)) Reviised pay scalle ((miiniimum
wiitth 1..91 mullttiiplliicattiion ffacttorr
and maxiimum wiitth 20 yearrs
NE--1 4000--120--5800 7640--13820
NE--2 4060--125--5935 7750--13980
NE--3 4100--125--5975 7830--14170
NE--4 4250--130--6200 8120--14670
NE--5 4550--140--6650 8690--15690
NE--6 4720--150--6970 9020--16270
NE--7 5700--160--8100 10890--19860
NE--8 6550--185--9325 12510--22620
NE--9 7100--200--10100 13560--24490
NE--10 7800--225--11175 14900--26920
NE--11 8570--245--12245 16370--29570
NE--12 9200--250--13200 17570--31740
E1 8600--250--14600 16400--40500*
E1A 9850--250--14600 18850--41800*
E2A 11875--300--17275*
Old Scale Basic Pay New Basic
1 yr 2 yr 3 yr 4 yr 5 yr 6 yr 7 yr 8 yr 9 yr 10 yr 11 yr 12 yr 13 yr 14 yr 15 yr 16 yr 17 yr 18 yr 19 yr 20 yr
4000-120-5800 4000 *1.91 7640 7870 8110 8350 8600 8860 9130 9400 9680 9970 10270 10580 10900 11230 11570 11920 12280 12650 13030 13420 13820
4060-125-5935 4060 *1.91 7750 7980 8220 8470 8720 8980 9250 9530 9820 10110 10410 10720 11040 11370 11710 12060 12420 12790 13170 13570 13980
4100-125-5975 4100 *1.91 7830 8060 8300 8550 8810 9070 9340 9620 9910 10210 10520 10840 11170 11510 11860 12220 12590 12970 13360 13760 14170
4250-130-6200 4250 *1.91 8120 8360 8610 8870 9140 9410 9690 9980 10280 10590 10910 11240 11580 11930 12290 12660 13040 13430 13830 14240 14670
4550-140-6650 4550 *1.91 8690 8950 9220 9500 9790 10080 10380 10690 11010 11340 11680 12030 12390 12760 13140 13530 13940 14360 14790 15230 15690
4720-150-6970 4720 *1.91 9020 9290 9570 9860 10160 10460 10770 11090 11420 11760 12110 12470 12840 13230 13630 14040 14460 14890 15340 15800 16270
5700-160-8100 5700 *1.91 10890 11220 11560 11910 12270 12640 13020 13410 13810 14220 14650 15090 15540 16010 16490 16980 17490 18010 18550 19110 19680
6550-185-9325 6550 *1.91 12510 12890 13280 13680 14090 14510 14950 15400 15860 16340 16830 17330 17850 18390 18940 19510 20100 20700 21320 21960 22620
7100-200-10100 7100 *1.91 13560 13970 14390 14820 15260 15720 16190 16680 17180 17700 18230 18780 19340 19920 20520 21140 21770 22420 23090 23780 24490
7800-225-11175 7800 *1.91 14900 15350 15810 16280 16770 17270 17790 18320 18870 19440 20020 20620 21240 21880 22540 23220 23920 24640 25380 26140 26920
8570-245-12245 8570 *1.91 16370 16860 17370 17890 18430 18980 19550 20140 20740 21360 22000 22660 23340 24040 24760 25500 26270 27060 27870 28710 29570
9200-250-13200 9200 *1.91 17570 18100 18640 19200 19780 20370 20980 21610 22260 22930 23620 24330 25060 25810 26580 27380 28200 29050 29920 30820 31740
Basic After
a)) Case off Srii C..M..Ghosh Dasttiidar,, SG Daffttary,, Tellecom Sttores,, Kollkatta((HR No.. 198401125))::
• He can nott gett 30% ffiittmentt beneffiitt((on pay+68..8%DA)) on 1--1--2007 iin case tthe span off tthe
reviised NE--4 scalle iis lless tthan 19 years span..
• He can nott gett 30% ffiittmentt beneffiitt ((on pay+78..2% DA)) on 1--1--2007 iin case tthe span off tthe
reviised NE--4 scalle iis lless tthan 20 years..
• He can nott gett tthe ffullll beneffiitt off promottiion polliicy iin case tthe span off tthe reviised pay
scalle NE--5 tto whiich he wiillll be promotted on 1--10--2011 iis lless tthan 20 years..((iin case tthe
30% ffiittmentt beneffiitt iis based on Pay+68..8% DA))
• He can nott gett tthe ffullll beneffiitt off promottiion polliicy iin case tthe span off tthe reviised pay
scalle NE--5 tto whiich he wiillll be promotted on 1--10--2011 iis lless tthan 21 years ((iin case tthe
30% ffiittmentt beneffiitt iis based on Pay+78..2% DA))
He rreached maxiimum off tthe pay scalle 4100--125--5975((NE--3)) on 1--9-- 2003.. He wiillll rrettiirre iin Januarry
2023..Hiis case wiillll be as bellow::
ii)) As perr tthe new prromottiion polliicy he wiillll gett prromottiion on 1--10--2004 tto tthe nextt hiigherr scalle 4250--
130--6200 and wiillll be ffiixed att tthe maxiimum off tthiis scalle ii..e 6200 agaiin as bellow::
Pay on 1--10--2004 iin 4100--125--5975 pay scalle 5975
Add one nottiionall iincrrementt tto tthiis pay 125
Tottall 6100
Pay on 1--10--2004 iin tthe prromotted pay scalle
6200((maxiimum off tthe pay scalle))
iiii)) On compllettiion off ttwo yearrs he wiillll gett one sttagnattiion iincrrementt and hence wiillll be att Rs 6330//-- on
1--10--2006.. Hence on 1--1--2007 he wiillll be att 6330//-- iin 4250--130--6200 pay scalle..
iiiiii)) As perr tthe 30% ffiittmentt fforrmulla on pay+68..8%DA,, hiis pay iin tthe rreviised pay scalle wiillll be ffiixed
as bellow::
((a)) Pay on 1--1--2007 6330
((b)) Add 68..8% DA on tthiis= 4355
((c)) Tottall 10685
((d)) 30% off tthe above ttottall 3205
((e)) Reviised pay[[((c))+((d)) 13890
iiv)) As perr 30% ffiittmentt beneffiitt on pay+68..8% DA,, he wiillll gett rreviised pay off Rs 13890//--
Whiich iis att tthe 19th yearr sttage iin tthe rreviised NE--4 scalle ((See tthe ttablle 2 above)).. Therrefforre iiff tthe
span iis lless tthan 19 yearrs,, he wiillll nott gett even tthe 30% ffiittmentt beneffiitt on pay+68..8% DA iin tthe
pay rreviisiion..
v)) He wiillll gett prromottiion 1--10--2011 tto tthe nextt hiigherr scalle as perr tthe prromottiion polliicy.. IIn case
sttagnattiion iincrrementt iis drrawn everry ttwo yearrs unttiill 1--10--2011,, hiis pay wiillll be as bellow::
1--10--2007 iincrrementt 3% due and hence =14310((Butt tthe maxiimum iis onlly Rs 14240//-- wiitth 19 yearrs
span)) and iin such case how tto giive tthiis iincrrementt due on 1--10--2007 has tto be iimpllementted? IIs iitt
tto be rresttrriictted onlly tto tthe exttentt off rreachiing tthe maxiimum off tthe pay scalle? How an iincrrementt
can be rresttrriictted and underr whatt rrulle? Therrefforre iitt iis assumed tthatt tthiis iincrrementt wiillll be giiven iin
ffullll,, even iiff tthe basiic pay crrosses tthe maxiimum))
1--10--2009=1st sttagnattiion iincrrementt=14740
1--10--2011=2nd sttagnattiion iincrrementt=15190
On 1--10--2011 he wiillll gett prromottiion tto NE--5 pay scalle and wiillll be giiven one iincrrementt iin pay ffiixattiion
and accorrdiinglly he has tto be ffiixed att Rs 15650//--,, whiich wiillll be att 20th yearr sttage((See ttablle 2)) iin
tthe NE--5 pay scalle..
ii)) On 1--1--2007,, he was att 6330//-- iin NE--4 pay scalle and he wiillll be ffiixed att Rs 14670//-- wherre as
tthe NE--4 rreviised scalle,, whiich wiillll be exacttlly att 20th yearr((see ttablle 2)) iin tthe pay scalle
wiitth 20 yearrs span.. Hence tto make hiim elliigiiblle fforr 30% ffiittmentt beneffiitt on 1--1--2007,, tthe
NE--4 rreviised pay scalle shoulld have 20 yearrs span..
iiii)) 1--1--2007=14670((maxiimum off tthe rreviised Pay Scalle wiitth 20 yearrs span))
1--1--2009=15110((sttagnattiion iincrrementt))
1--1--2011=15570((sttagnattiion iincrrementt))
1--10--2011((prromottiion tto nextt hiigherr scalle by addiing 3% iincrrementt))=16040((iin NE--5
rreviised pay scalle))
The basiic pay Rs 16040//-- wiillll be att 21st yearr sttage((see ttablle 2)) iin tthe rreviised NE--5 pay
scalle.. Hence tto make hiim elliigiiblle fforr tthe ffullll beneffiitt off prromottiion polliicy,, tthe span off tthe
rreviised NE--5 pay scalle has tto be 21 yearrs..
b)) Case off Srii S..Sambaiiah SSS ((HR No..196700552))::
• He can nott gett hiis iincrementt iin lliieu off Grade--4 promottiion grantted tto hiim on 1--2--2007,,
iin case tthe span off tthe NE--10 reviised pay scalle iis lless tthan 19 years..((wiitth 30% ffiittmentt
on Pay+68..8% DA))..
• He can nott gett hiis 30% ffiittmentt beneffiitt on Pay+78..2% DA iin case tthe span off tthe
reviised NE--10 pay scalle iis lless tthan 20 years..
• He can nott gett hiis iincrementt iin lliieu off Grade--4 promottiion grantted tto hiim on 1--2--2007,,
iin case tthe span off tthe NE--10 reviised pay scalle iis lless tthan 21 years..((wiitth 30% ffiittmentt
on Pay+78..2% DA))..
Datte off appoiinttmentt—13--9--1967
Datte off Rettiirrementt--------31--1--2008
OTBP--------1--9--1983;; BCR—1--1--1994
1--3--2006 sttagnattiion iincrrementt and hence att Rs 11400//-- basiic pay iin 7800--225--11175 pay scalle
On 1--1--2007 hiis pay Rs 11400//-- wiillll be rreviised wiitth 30% ffiittmentt beneffiitt and iitt wiillll be Rs
25020//-- iin tthe rreviised NE--10 pay scalle..Thiis wiillll be att 18th sttage iin tthe rreviised scalle((See ttablle
On 1--2--2007 he gott one iincrrementt iin lliieu off Grrade--IIV prromottiion;; Therrefforre he has tto be giiven
3% on 25020=25770;;
Rs 25770 iis tthe 19th sttage((see ttablle 2)) iin case tthe pay scalle 7800--225--11175 iis rreviised wiitth a
miiniimum based on mullttiiplliiffiicattiion ffacttorr off 1..91..
IIn case 19 yearrs span iis nott ttherre iin tthe pay scalle NE--10,, iitt iis nott possiiblle tto giive tthiis iincrrementt
iin lliieu off Grrade--IIV prromottiion grrantted tto tthe offffiiciiall,, whiich has tto be iimpllementted wiitthoutt ffaiill
llegalllly siince grranttiing such iincrrementt iis as perr tthe orrderrs iissued by tthe Managementt earrlliierr..
On 1--1--2007 hiis pay Rs 11400//-- wiillll be rreviised wiitth 30% ffiittmentt beneffiitt ON Pay+78..2% DA and
iitt wiillll be Rs 26410//-- iin tthe rreviised NE--10 pay scalle..Thiis wiillll be att 20th yearr sttage((see ttablle 2))
iin tthe rreviised NE--10 pay scalle..
On 1--2--2007 he gott one iincrrementt iin lliieu off Grrade--IIV prromottiion;; Therrefforre he has tto be giiven
3% on 26410=27210;;
Rs 27210//-- wiillll be att 21st yearr sttage((see ttablle 2)) iin tthe rreviised NE--10 pay scalle..
IIn case 21 yearrs yearrs span iis nott ttherre iin tthe pay scalle NE--10,, iitt iis nott possiiblle tto giive tthiis
iincrrementt iin lliieu off Grrade--IIV prromottiion grrantted tto tthe offffiiciiall,, whiich has tto be iimpllementted
wiitthoutt ffaiill llegalllly siince grranttiing such iincrrementt iis as perr tthe orrderrs iissued by tthe Managementt
c)) Case off Srii M..S.. Pallanii Carpentter CGMT A..P.. Ciirclle Offffiice((HR No.. 198100161))
• He can nott gett ffullll beneffiitt off tthe promottiion polliicy iin case tthe span off tthe reviised NE--
6 scalle tto whiich he wiillll be promotted on 1--9--2012 iis lless tthan 21 years((wiitth 30%
ffiittmentt beneffiitt on Pay+68..8% DA..))
• He can nott gett tthe ffullll beneffiitt off tthe promottiion polliicy iin case tthe reviised NE--6 scalle
tto whiich he wiillll be promotted on 1--9--2012 iis lless tthan 23 years..((wiitth 30% ffiittmentt on
Pay+78..2% DA))
Datte off rrettiirrementt—30--11--2017
He was att 5940//-- iin 4250--130--6200 scalle on 1--10--2000 and gott 2nd ACP iin 4550--140--6650 scalle on
1--9--2005 and rreached maxiimum 6650//-- on 1--9--2006..
He was att 6650 iin 4550--140--6650 IIDA scalle as on 1--1--2007.. Wiitth 30% ffiittmentt beneffiitt he has tto be
ffiixed att 14600//-- whiich iis tthe 18th yearr sttage iin tthe scalleNE--5..((See ttablle 2))..
Wiitth 18 yearrs span,, tthe maxiimum wiillll be 14790//--..
He has tto drraw iincrrementts iin NE--5 scalle as bellow::
1--9--2007=15040((Siince he has tto drraw ffullll beneffiitt off tthe iincrrementt,, he has tto be giiven tthiis basiic pay
off 15040 even tthough tthe maxiimum off tthe pay scalle iis Rs 14790//-- onlly))
1--9--2009((sttagnattiion iincrrementt))=15500
1--9--2011((sttagnattiion iincrrementt))=15970
1--9--2012((prromottiion tto NE--6pay scalle as perr prromottiion polliicy))=16450
IIn NE--6 pay scalle,, tthiis iis att 21st yearr span((see ttablle 2))..
He was att 6650 iin 4550--140--6650 IIDA scalle as on 1--1--2007.. Wiitth 30% ffiittmentt beneffiitt on Pay+78..2
DA,, he has tto be ffiixed att Rs 15410 //-- whiich iis tthe 20th yearr sttage iin tthe rreviised NE--5..((See ttablle 2))..
Wiitth 20 yearrs span,, tthe maxiimum off tthe Pay Scalle wiillll be Rs 15690//--..
He has tto drraw iincrrementts iin NE--5 scalle as bellow::
1--9--2007=15880//--((Siince he has tto drraw ffullll beneffiitt off tthe iincrrementt,, he has tto be giiven tthiis basiic
pay off 15880//-- even tthough tthe maxiimum off tthe pay scalle iis Rs 15690//-- onlly))
1--9--2009((sttagnattiion iincrrementt))=16360//--
1--9--2011((sttagnattiion iincrrementt))=16850//--
1--9--2012((prromottiion tto NE--6pay scalle as perr prromottiion polliicy))=17360//--
IIn NE--6 pay scalle,, tthiis iis att 23rd yearr span((see ttablle 2))..
d)) Case off Srii K..R..Yadav Sr..TOA((P)) Lucknow Tellecom Diisttriictt HR No.. 198012144
• He can nott gett ffullll beneffiitt off promottiion polliicy iin case tthe span off tthe NE--11 reviised
pay scalle span iis lless tthan 18 years((wiitth 30% ffiittmentt on Pay+68..8% DA))
• He can nott gett ffullll beneffiitt off promottiion polliicy iin case tthe NE--11 reviised pay scalle
span iis lless tthan 20 years((wiitth 30% ffiittmentt on Pay+78..2%DA))..
BCR--------1--4--2006((7800--225--11175 scalle=NE--10))
Datte off iincrrementt=1st Aprriill
Basiic pay as on 1--4--2009=9600
Basiic pay on 1--4--2008=9375
Basiic pay on 1--4--2007=9150
Basiic pay on 1--4--2006 iin 7800--225--11175 scalle on prromottiion=8925//--
Basiic pay as on 1--4--2006 iin OTBP scalle((NE--9=7100--200--10100))=8700
Basiic pay as on 1--4--2005 iin NE--9 scalle=8500
Basiic pay as on 1--4--2004 iin NE--9 scalle=8300
On 1--10--2004 tthe offffiiciiall wiillll gett prromottiion tto NE--10((7800--225--11175 scalle)) as perr tthe new
prromottiion polliicy and on pay ffiixattiion underr FR 22((1))((a))((1)),, hiis pay iin tthe NE--10 scalle wiillll be
ffiixed att Rs 8700//--
IIn tthiis 7800--225--11175 pay scalle,, he wiillll be att tthe ffolllloiing sttages ttherreafftterr::
On 1--1--2007,, he wiillll be att 9150//-- and wiitth 30% ffiittmentt beneffiitt,, hiis pay iin tthe rreviised NE--10 pay
scalle wiillll be ffiixed att Rs 20080//--,, whiich iis tthe 11th sttage iin tthatt rreviised scalle ((see tthe ttablle 2))..
Therreafftterr he wiillll drraw iincrrementts iin tthatt scalle as bellow::
Thiis Rs 23290//-- iis att tthe 16th sttage(( see ttablle 2)) iin tthe rreviised NE--10 pay scalle as can be seen
ffrrom tthe ttablle iin parra 3 above..
On 1--10--2011 he wiillll gett prromottiion tto tthe NE--11 scalle and hiis pay wiillll be ffiixed att 23990//-- iin tthe
rreviised NE--11 scalle and iitt wiillll be att 13th sttage iin tthatt scalle ((See tthe ttablle 2))..
He wiillll rrettiirre on 30--9--2017;; Therrefforre ffiive morre iincrrementts he has tto drraw as bellow::--
Thiis iis tthe 18th sttage iin tthe equiivallentt off 8570--245--12245,, evollved wiitth a miiniimum based on
1..91 mullttiiplliiffiicattiion ffacttorr ((see ttablle 2))..
On 1--10--2004 tthe offffiiciiall wiillll gett prromottiion tto NE--10((7800--225--11175 scalle)) as perr tthe new
prromottiion polliicy and on pay ffiixattiion underr FR 22((1))((a))((1)),, hiis pay iin tthe NE--10 scalle wiillll be
ffiixed att Rs 8700//--
IIn tthiis 7800--225--11175 pay scalle,, he wiillll be att tthe ffolllloiing sttages ttherreafftterr::
On 1--1--2007,, he wiillll be att 9150//-- and wiitth 30% ffiittmentt beneffiitt,, hiis pay iin tthe rreviised NE--10 pay
scalle wiillll be ffiixed att Rs 21200//--,, whiich iis tthe 12th sttage iin tthatt rreviised scalle((see tthe ttablle 2))..
Therreafftterr he wiillll drraw iincrrementts iin tthatt scalle as bellow::
Thiis Rs 24600//-- iis att tthe 17th yearr sttage iin tthe rreviised NE--10 pay scalle as can be seen ffrrom tthe
ttablle 2 above..
On 1--10--2011 he wiillll gett prromottiion tto tthe NE--11 scalle and hiis pay wiillll be ffiixed att 25340//-- iin tthe
rreviised NE--11 scalle and iitt wiillll be att 15th yearr sttage iin tthatt scalle ((See tthe ttablle 2))..
He wiillll rrettiirre on 30--9--2017;; Therrefforre ffiive morre iincrrementts he has tto drraw as bellow::--
Thiis iis tthe 20th yearr sttage iin tthe equiivallentt off 8570--245--12245,, evollved wiitth a miiniimum based
on 1..91 mullttiiplliiffiicattiion ffacttorr ((see ttablle 2))..
e)) Case off Srii G.. Gopall Group D CGMT Offffiice AP((HR No.. 197000097))
• He can nott gett ffullll beneffiitt off tthe iincrementt iin NE--5 scalle and wiillll sttagnatte iin case tthe
span off tthe reviised NE--5 pay scalle iis lless tthan 21 years..((wiitth 30% ffiittmentt beneffiitt on
Pay+68..8% DA))
• He can nott gett ffullll iincrementt beneffiitt and wiillll sttagnatte iin case tthe span off tthe reviised
NE--5 pay scalle iis lless tthan 23 years((wiitth 30% ffiittmentt beneffiitt on Pay+78..2% DA))
He rrettiirres on 31--5--2010..
Second ACP on 1--7--2004 iin 4550--140--6650 scalle ((NE--5))..
1--7--06=6650 ((rreached maxiimum off tthe pay scalle))
1--1--2007= iin rreviised pay= 14600((18th sttage off rreviised NE--5))
1--7--2007 afftterr iincrrementt= 15040
1--7--2008((afftterr iincrrementt)) = 15500
1--7--2009=15970((Butt tthe maxiimum iis onlly Rs 15690//--.. Hence tto grrantt tthiis iincrrementt due tto hiim,, tthe span off
tthe scalle has tto be 21 yearrs..((IIn any case,, as callcullatted above iin case off Srrii C..M Ghosh Dasttiidarr above,,
attlleastt 20 yearrs span iis rrequiirred iin tthiis scalle..)) He rrettiirres on 31--5--2010..
He rrettiirres on 31--5--2010..
Second ACP on 1--7--2004 iin 4550--140--6650 scalle ((NE--5))..
1--7--06=6650 ((rreached maxiimum off tthe pay scalle))
1--1--2007= iin rreviised pay=15410 ((20th yearr sttage iin rreviised scalle NE--5.. See ttablle 2))))
1--7--2007 iincrrementt=15880//--
1--7--2008 iincrrementt = 16360//--
Therrefforre tthe pay scalle span off rreviised NE--5 has tto be 23 yearrs iin case sttagnattiion iis tto be avoiided..
ff)) Case off Srii D..Babu Group D CGMT Offffiice AP((HR No.. 197500867))
• He can nott gett ffullll beneffiitt off tthe promottiion polliicy iin case tthe span off tthe reviised NE--6 pay
scalle iis lless tthan 22 years..((wiitth 30% ffiittmentt beneffiitt on Pay+68..8% DA))
• He can nott gett ffullll beneffiitt off tthe promottiion polliicy iin case tthe span off tthe reviised NE--6 pay
scalle iis lless tthan 23 years((wiitth 30% ffiittmentt on Pay+78..2% DA))
Datte off rrettiirrementt------30--4--2015..
On 1--10--2000 He was ffiixed iin NE--4 scalle((4250--130--6200)) att Rs 5810//--
IIncrrementt Novemberr..
1--10--2004= Prromottiion tto nextt scalle((NE--5))=6370((iin 4550--140--6650 scalle))
1--1--2007=6650= Rs 14600//-- iin rreviised scalle
1--10--2011=16950((Thiis wiillll be att tthe 23 yearr sttage iin tthe rreviised pay scalle off NE--5.. See ttablle 2)) Therrefforre
tto avoiid sttagnattiion iin tthe pay scalle,, tthe span off tthe pay scalle has tto be 23 yearrs..
IIn any case,, as dettaiilled above iin tthe case off Srrii C..M..Ghosh Dasttiidarr,, 20 yearrs span iis rrequiirred iin tthiis NE--5
pay scalle,, whiich wiillll be Rs 15690//--..
On 1--10--2008 he wiillll be att Rs 15500 and hence on 1--10--2009 he iis due fforr anottherr iincrrementt and hence
hiis basiic pay afftterr tthiis iincrrementt wiillll be Rs 15970//--.. Alltthough tthiis iis morre tthan tthe maxiimum iin case off tthe
scalle haviing 20 yearrs span,, iitt iis tto be allllowed tto hiim tto allllow tthe ffullll beneffiitt off tthe iincrrementt..
Hence on 1--10--1009=15970
1--10--2011 sttagnattiion iincrrementt =16450
1--10--2011 prromottiion iincrrementt 3% fforr prromottiing tto NE--6 scalle=16950//--whiich wiillll be att 22nd yearr sttage iin
tthe rreviised NE--6 pay scalle..
Therrefforre tto allllow ffullll beneffiitt off prromottiion polliicy tto hiim,, tthe span off tthe NE--6 pay scalle has tto be attlleastt 22
1--1--2007=6650=Rs 15410//-- iin rreviised scalle((att 20th yearr span iin tthe rreviised scalle))
1--10--2007=15880//--((Maxiimum off rreviised scalle wiitth 20 yearrs span =15690))
1--10--2009=16360((sttagnattiion iincrrementt))
1--10--2011=16850((sttagnattiion iincrrementt))
1--10--2011=17360//--((prromottiion tto NE--6 scalle))
Thiis Rs 17360//-- wiillll be att 23rd yearr span off tthe rreviised NE--6 pay scalle..
g)) Case off Srii K..Lakshmiirajjam Rettiired CTS Kariimnagar ((A..P))
• He can nott gett ffullll beneffiitt off 30% ffiittmentt allong wiitth tthe drawall off due iincrementt iin reviised
pay scalle off NE--11on 1--1--2007 iin case tthe span off tthe pay scalle iis lless tthan 17 years((wiitth
30% ffiittmentt on Pay+68..8% DA))..
• He can nott gett ffullll beneffiitt off 30% ffiittmentt allong wiitth tthe drawall off due iincrementt iin tthe
reviised pay scalle off NE--11 on 1--1--2007 iin case tthe span off tthe pay scalle iis lless tthan 19
years((Wiitth 30% ffiittmentt on Pay+78..2% DA))..
He rrettiirred on 31--3--2007..
He gott hiis llastt iincrrementt on 1--1--2007 and was ffiixed att Rs 12000//-- on 1--1--2007..
On 31--12--2006 he wiillll be att Rs 11755//-- and on tthatt basiic pay wiitth 30% ffiittmentt beneffiitt hiis rreviised pay has
tto be ffiixed att 25800//--,, whiich iis 16th yearr sttage iin tthe rreviised scalle NE--11..
He has tto be giiven hiis norrmall iincrrementt on 1--1--2007 iin tthe rreviised pay and ttherrby hiis basiic pay wiillll be Rs
26580//-- whiich iis att 17th yearr sttage iin tthe rreviised pay scalle NE--11..
On 31--12--2006 hiis basiic pay wiillll be Rs 11755//-- and he wiillll be ffiixed att Rs 27240//-- on 1--1--2007..
On 1--1--2007 agaiin he wiillll be giiven hiis due iincrrementt iin tthe rreviised pay and ttherreby hiis pay wiillll be Rs Rs
28060//-- whiich wiillll be att 19 yearr sttage iin tthe rreviised pay scalle..
h)) Case off Srii S..Ramakriishna CSS Hyderabad Tellecom Diisttriictt A..P HR No..197101235
• He can nott gett tthe ffullll beneffiitt off tthe promottiion polliicy iin case tthe span off tthe NE--12 pay scalle
iis lless tthan 17 years((iin any case 18 years iis allready agreed((wiitth 30% ffiittmentt on Pay+68..8%
• He can nott gett ffullll beneffiitt off tthe promottiion polliicy iin case tthe span off tthe NE--12 pay scalle iis
lless tthan 18 years ((wiitth 30% ffiittmentt on Pay+78..2% DA))
He gott Grrade--4 prromottiion((NE--11 scalle)) on 1--7--2003 and on 31--12--2006 he was att 10775 and drrawn
iincrrementt on 1--1--2007 and on 1--1--2007 he was att Rs 11020//--..
He has tto be ffiixed on 1--1--2007 att Rs 23650//--((ffrrom 10775//--)) whiich iis att 13th sttage iin rreviised scalle NE--11..
1--1--2007 add due iincrrementt =24360
On compllettiion off 7 yearrs afftterr tthe prromottiion on 1--7--2003,, he wiillll gett prromottiion tto nextt hiigherr scalle((9200--
250--13200)) as perr exiisttiing pay scalles)) on 1--7--1010..
By tthatt ttiime he wiillll drraw basiic pays as bellow,, iin tthe rreviised scalles::
1--1--2010=26630 ((17th yearr sttage iin tthe rreviised NE--11))
On 1--10--2010 he wiillll gett prromottiion tto nextt hiigherr scalle((9200--250--13200 att prresentt)) and wiillll gett 3%
iincrrementt and wiillll be ffiixed att 27430 whiich wiillll be att 16th yearr sttage iin NE--12 rreviised scalle and he has tto be
giiven one morre iincrrementt befforre hiis rrettiirrementt on 30--11--2011.. Therrefforre he wiillll rrettiirre wiitth basiic pay off Rs
28260//--,, whiich wiillll be att 17th yearr sttage iin NE--12 scalle..
He has tto be ffiixed on 1--1--2007 att Rs 24970//--((ffrrom 10775//--)) whiich iis att 12th yearr sttage iin rreviised scalle..
1--1--2007 add due iincrrementt =25720//--
On compllettiion off 7 yearrs afftterr tthe prromottiion on 1--7--2003,, he wiillll gett prromottiion tto nextt hiigherr scalle((9200--
250--13200)) as perr exiisttiing pay scalles)) on 1--7--1010..
By tthatt ttiime he wiillll drraw basiic pays as bellow,, iin tthe rreviised scalles::
1--1--2010=28120((19th yearr sttage iin tthe rreviised NE--11))
On 1--10--2010 he wiillll gett prromottiion tto nextt hiigherr scalle((9200--250--13200 att prresentt)) and wiillll gett 3%
iincrrementt and wiillll be ffiixed att Rs 28970//--iin NE--12 rreviised scalle..
He has tto be giiven one morre iincrrementt on 1--1--2011 befforre hiis rrettiirrementt on 30--11--2011.. Therrefforre he wiillll
rrettiirre wiitth basiic pay off Rs 29840//--,, whiich wiillll be att 18th yearr sttage iin NE--12 scalle..
www.bsnlnewbyashokhindocha.blogspot.com M-9426201999
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