www.bsnlnewsbyashokhindocha.blogspot.com M-9426201999

The agrreementt on tthe Wage Reviisiion fforr BSNL non--executtiives was siigned on 15th Januarry 2010 by tthe
memberrs off tthe Wage Reviisiion Commiittttee consiisttiing off tthe rreprresenttattiives off tthe Managementt and BSNL
Emplloyees Uniion ((tthe rrecogniised uniion iin BSNL)).. The achiievementts and tthe siigniiffiicance off tthiis
agrreementt arre dettaiilled bellow::
1.. Whatt are tthe ciircumsttances under whiich tthe negottiiattiions on wage reviisiion ffor non--
executtiives iin BSNL ttook pllace and whatt iis tthe ffiinall resulltt?
The ciirrcumsttances underr whiich tthe negottiiattiions on wage rreviisiion ttook pllace fforr non--executtiives
werre ttottalllly negattiive,, as dettaiilled bellow::
a)) The busiiness off tthe Company was iin llosses siince tthe ffiinanciiall yearr 2007--08.. IIn 2007--08 tthe
iincome earrned ffrrom serrviices was Rs..32842..30 crrorres wherreas tthe expendiitturre was Rs..
33629..86 crrorres.. IIn 2008--09 tthe iincome earrned on serrviices was Rs..30268..57 crrorres wherreas
tthe expendiitturre was Rs..34354..21 crrorres ((Butt iin tthe accountts prroffiitts off Rs..3001 crrorres and Rs
574 crrorres werre shown fforr tthe yearrs 2007--08 and 2008--09 by addiing iintterrestt earrned by tthe
Company on iitts rreserrve ffunds deposiitted iin Banks))..
b)) IItt iis tto be notted tthatt whiille tthe prriices off tthe goods prroduced by manuffactturriing PSUs lliike BHEL,,
SAIIL ettc arre iincrreasiing,, tthe prriices off ttellephone callll rrattes arre ffalllliing down severrelly due tto
prredattorry compettiittiion,, even tto tthe exttentt off hallff paiisa//second fforr llocall callll and paiisa perr
second fforr STD callll.. Due tto tthe negattiive attttiittude off tthe Goverrnmentt,, ttherre iis enorrmous dellay iin
prrocurriing equiipmentt fforr expansiion off BSNL.. We allll know tthatt onlly afftterr tthe sttrriike by allll
emplloyees and Offffiicerrs iin 2007,, GSM lliines was purrchased fforr exttendiing mobiille serrviices tto
new custtomerrs.. Butt iitt iis verry meagrre.. Agaiin now,, ttherre iis enorrmous dellay iin ffiinalliiziing tthe
ttenderr fforr tthe 93 miilllliion lliines equiipmentt and iitt iis beiing sttopped.. We have tto go on warr patth
agaiin fforr prrocurrementt off tthiis equiipmentt.. Thus tthe Goverrnmentt iis iinttenttiionalllly sabottagiing tthe
devellopmentt off BSNL tto hellp prriivatte ttellecom companiies..
c)) A sense off urrgency has arriisen among tthe BSNL emplloyees tthatt tthe wage rreviisiion agrreementt
has tto be siigned urrgenttlly befforre ffurrttherr detterriiorrattiion off tthe BSNL’’s ffiinanciiall condiittiion and tthiis
rresulltted iin a llott off prressurre on tthe uniion fforr settttllementt,, even iiff iitt means parrttiiall settttllementt off
some iissues rrellatted tto wage rreviisiion..
d)) IIn tthe pastt,, when tthe ttellecom serrviices werre a monopolly underr DoT and new ttechnollogy was
nott ttherre,, ourr sttrriikes werre ablle tto sttop tthe serrviices ttottalllly.. Butt now BSNL iis one among severrall
companiies iin tthe ttellecom serrviices busiiness and due tto tthe moderrn ttechnollogy,, tthe serrviices
arre ffulllly auttomattiised.. Therrefforre,, tthe sttrriikes by emplloyees iin BSNL werre unablle tto have
maxiimum effffectt.. Hence tthe sttrriike iis now haviing a lliimiitted effffectt on tthe managementt..
e)) The BSNL managementt was adopttiing a negattiive attttiittude siince tthe BSNL Emplloyees Uniion iis
ffiighttiing agaiinstt tthe anttii--worrkerr polliiciies off tthe Goverrnmentt..
ff)) The NFTE--FNTO lleaderrs diid ttheiirr llevell bestt tto sabottage tthe efffforrtts off BSNL Emplloyees Uniion
fforr achiieviing a good wage agrreementt.. They orrganiised a biig campaiign off lliies and sllanderrs
agaiinstt BSNL Emplloyees Uniion and iitts lleaderrs,, parrttiicullarrlly agaiinstt iitts Generrall Secrrettarry Com
V..A..N..Namboodiirrii.. They ffulllly collllaborratted wiitth tthe managementt and ttrriied tto iimpose a bad deall
iin tthe wage rreviisiion off non--executtiives,, so tthatt iin tthe nextt verriiffiicattiion tthey woulld have a poiintt tto
campaiign agaiinstt BSNL Emplloyees Uniion..
The barrgaiiniing fforr wage rreviisiion fforr BSNL non--executtiives ttook pllace iin such adverrse
ciirrcumsttances.. IInspiitte off tthese adverrse ciirrcumsttances,, tthe BSNL Emplloyees Uniion and Uniitted
Forrum was ablle tto orrganiise severrall agiittattiions and a successffull ttwo days sttrriike on 19th and 20th
Augustt 2009 and negottiiatted skiillllffulllly wiitth managementt and achiieved an excellllentt agrreementt iin
tthe giiven ciirrcumsttances.. ((IItt iis tto be notted tthatt iin tthe MTNL whiich iis tthe onlly ottherr PSU iin
ttellecom serrviices secttorr,, fforr tthe executtiives orrderr was iissued grranttiing 5% ffiittmentt beneffiitt onlly
((iinsttead off 30%)) and afftterr tthe agiittattiion by tthe executtiives,, iitt was keptt underr abeyance and ttherre
iis no ffurrttherr iimprrovementt.. Forr non--executtiives,, iin tthe negottiiattiion sttarrtted rrecenttlly,, managementt
offfferred 15% ffiittmentt beneffiitt wiitth 10 yearr perriiodiiciitty.. Comparred wiitth tthiis,, ourrs iis an excellllentt
2.. Whatt iis tthe datte off effffectt off tthe reviised pay scalles and whatt iis tthe reason ffor iitt?
The prreviious wage rreviisiion iin Publliic Secttorr Underrttakiings was wiitth effffectt ffrrom 1--1--1997 and iin tthatt
wage rreviisiion iitt was deciided tthatt tthe nextt wage rreviisiion woulld be afftterr 10 yearrs.. Thiis tten yearr
perriiod was complletted by 31--12--2006 and hence tthe datte off effffectt fforr tthe rreviised pay scalles iin tthe
prresentt wage rreviisiion iis 1--1--2007..
3.. Whatt are tthe exiisttiing pay scalles and whatt are tthe reviised pay scalles tthatt wiillll come iintto
effffectt ffrom 1--1--2007 ?
Sll..No.. Category Exiistiing IIDA Scalles
Reviised Scalles (Rs..) that
wiillll come iinto effect from
1 NE 1 4000 --120--5800 7760 -- 13320
2 NE 2 4060 --125--5935 7840 – 14700
3 NE 3 4100 --125--5975 7900 – 14880
4 NE 4 4250 --130--6200 8150 – 15340
5 NE 5 4550 --140--6650 8700 – 16840
6 NE 6 4720 --150--6970 9020 -- 17430
7 NE 7 5700 --160--8100 10900 --20400
8 NE 8 6550 --185--9325 12520 --23440
9 NE 9 7100 --200--10100 13600 -- 25420
10 NE 10 7800 --225--11175 14900 -- 27850
11 NE 11 8570 --245--12245 16370 -- 30630
4.. Whatt aboutt tthe NE--12 pay scalle((9200--250--13200)) and E1A pay scalle((9850--250--13200)) agreed
by tthe managementt iin tthe promottiion polliicy agreementt?
The NE--1 tto NE--11 pay scalles iin tthe ttablle above werre tthe pay scalles tthatt came iintto effffectt ffrrom 1--
10--2000((datte off fforrmattiion off BSNL)) afftterr apprrovall off DoT and DPE.. Butt iin tthe Prromottiion Polliicy
Agrreementt siigned on 30--10--2008 bettween BSNL managementt and BSNL Emplloyees Uniion,, tthe
above saiid NE--12 and E--1A pay scalles arre newlly crreatted iin orrderr tto grrantt prromottiion tto tthose who
arre iin NE--11 pay scalle.. Siince tthese scalles arre newlly crreatted,, DoT//DPE apprrovall iis necessarry
befforre ttheiirr iimpllementtattiion and tthe case was sentt tto DPE fforr iitts apprrovall.. Prromottiions tto tthese ttwo
new scalles can be iimpllementted onlly afftterr tthiis apprrovall,, wiitth datte off effffectt fforr tthe prromottiion as perr
tthe Prromottiion Polliicy.. Siince tthese ttwo new pay scalles can nott be iimpllementted pendiing tthiis
apprrovall,, iitt was menttiioned iin tthe wage rreviisiion agrreementt tthatt tthese ttwo pay scalles ((prre--rreviised
as wellll as rreviised)) wiillll be nottiiffiied afftterr apprrovall by DoT..
5.. How tthe pay off tthe offffiiciialls jjoiined iin serviice beffore 1--1--2007 wiillll be ffiixed iin tthe reviised pay
scalle? How much beneffiitt wiillll gett iin tthe ffiixattiion off pay iin tthe reviised pay scalle?
They wiillll gett 30% ffiittmentt beneffiitt on ttheiirr pay+68..8% DA on 1--1--2007,, whiille ffiixiing ttheiirr basiic pay iin
tthe rreviised pay scalles..
Forr examplle an offffiiciiall iin NE--9 pay scalle ((7100--10100)) wiitth basiic pay off Rs 8100//-- wiillll be ffiixed as
bellow iin tthe rreviised pay scalle::
a)) Basiic Pay on 1--1--2007= Rs 8100--00
b)) DA@ 68..8% on Rs8100= Rs 5573--00
c)) Tottall[[((a))+((b))]]=Rs 13673
d)) 30% ffiittmentt beneffiitt on tthiis ttottall((c))=Rs 4102
e)) Reviised Basiic Pay [[((c )) +(( d))]]= Rs 17775//-- rrounded tto nextt tten rrupees=Rs 17780//--
Therrefforre tthe pay off tthiis offffiiciiall iin tthe rreviised pay scalle wiillll be ffiixed att Rs 17780//-- wiitth effffectt ffrrom
On 1--1--2007 tthe offffiiciiall has acttualllly drrawn tthe ffollllowiing amountt as pay+DP+DA::
Pay=Rs 8100;; DP((50% DA merrgerr))=Rs 4050//-- ;; DA 18..8% on pay+DP=18% on 8100+4050=Rs Rs
2284;; Tottall((Pay+DP+DA))=8100+4050+2284=Rs 14434//--;;
Hiis rreviised pay on1--1--2007=Rs 17780//--;; Pay+DP+DA drrawn iin Januarry 2007=Rs 14434//--..
Therrefforre beneffiitt iin tthe rreviised pay=Rs 17780--Rs 14434=Rs 3346//--..
IItt iis tto be notted tthatt tthe same 30% ffiittmentt beneffiitt was giiven tto executtiives and tthus we gott on parr
wiitth executtiives..
6.. How tthiis 30% ffiittmentt beneffiitt on par wiitth executtiives was achiieved?
IIn tthe prreviious wage rreviisiion tthatt ttook pllace iin tthe Publliic Secttorr Underrttakiings wiitth effffectt ffrrom 1--1--
1997,, tthe pay and DA werre merrged,, butt iincrrease was giiven as perrcenttage off tthe basiic pay onlly,,
iinsttead off as perrcenttage off basiic pay+DA.. Butt ttherre was a serriious diiscrriimiinattiion.. Whiille tthe
executtiives werre giiven 60% tto 80% iincrrease iin ttheiirr basiic pay,, tthe non--executtiives werre giiven onlly
20% tto 40% iincrrease..
Therrefforre tthe Uniions iin varriious Publliic Secttorr Underrttakiings have come ttogettherr tthiis ttiime underr tthe
bannerr off ““Commiittttee off Publliic Secttorr Underrttakiings”” ((CPSTU)) and deciided tto orrganiise sttrrugglles
so tthatt iin tthe ffiittmentt beneffiitt ttherre shoulld be no diiscrriimiinattiion bettween executtiives and non--
executtiives.. IItt allso deciided tthatt tthe wage negottiiattiion fforr non--executtiives shoulld nott be sttarrtted
befforre tthe iissue off orrderrs on tthe wage rreviisiion fforr executtiives,, so tthatt tthe iincrrease giiven iin case off
executtiives can be demanded fforr non--executtiives,, and tthe diiscrriimiinattiion can be avoiided.. The BSNL
Emplloyees Uniion was a parrttnerr iin tthe CPSTU and parrttiiciipatted iin allll tthe sttrrugglles and waiitted fforr
sttarrttiing negottiiattiion on wage rreviisiion unttiill tthe orrderrs fforr wage rreviisiion off executtiives werre rrelleased..
IIn BSNL,, tthe BSNL Emplloyees Uniion was tthe onlly Uniion tthatt parrttiiciipatted iin allll tthe sttrrugglles as
perr tthe calllls giiven by tthe CPSTU fforr achiieviing parriitty iin tthe wage iincrrease wiitth tthe executtiives.. The
ottherr Uniions((NFTE alllliiance)) wantted iimmediiatte settttllementt,, even befforre tthe rrellease off orrderrs fforr
executtiives on wage rreviisiion,, and wiitthoutt any sttrrugglles.. IIn such case we woulld have gott verry lless
iin wage iincrrease comparred tto executtiives.. Butt BSNL Emplloyees Uniion prreventted such lloss tto non--
executtiives by parrttiiciipattiing iin allll tthese sttrrugglles and by waiittiing fforr tthe negottiiattiion unttiill orrderr fforr
wage rreviisiion off executtiives iis rrelleased..
IIn tthe orrderrs iissued iin Marrch 2009 fforr wage rreviisiion off BSNL executtiives,, tthe managementt grrantted
30% iincrrease ((ffiittmentt beneffiitt)) iin tthe emollumentts ((Pay+68..8%DA)) on 1--1--2007.. Afftterr tthiis,, tthe
BSNL Emplloyees Uniion sttarrtted wage negottiiattiion,, and iin tthe ffiirrstt meettiing iitt sellff tthe managementt
offfferred 30% iincrrease on parr wiitth tthe executtiives.. Thus tthe sttrrugglles and sttrrattegy off BSNL
Emplloyees Uniion became successffull iin achiieviing parriitty iin ffiittmentt beneffiitt ((wage iincrrease)) wiitth
As a rresulltt off tthiis 30% ffiittmentt beneffiitt on pay+68..8% DA,, we coulld achiieve a consiiderrablle iincrrease
iin tthe wage rreviisiion.. The beneffiitt due tto tthiis ffiittmentt beneffiitt iis ffrrom Rs 1652//-- att llowestt llevell((fforr
tthose att tthe miiniimum basiic pay off Rs 4000//--iin Grroup D pay scalle on 1--1--2007)) tto Rs 5059//((tthose
iin BCR 10% Grrade--4 pay scalle iin Srr TOA//TTA cadrre wiitth basiic pay Rs 11175//-- on 1--1--2007))-- att
tthe hiighestt llevell fforr tthe non--executtiives.. Butt allmostt allll tthe jjuniiorrs iin tthe Grroup D appoiintted befforre
1--1--2007 iin BSNL arre mosttlly ((exceptt a ffew cases)) appoiintted on 1--10--2000 orr iin 2001 and tthus
tthey have drrawn 5 orr 6 iincrrementts as on 1--1--2007 and wiillll have attlleastt an iincrrease off Rs 2000//--..
Therrefforre tthe iincrrease iin basiic pay on 1--1--2007 iin tthe rreviised pay scalle comparred tto Pay+DP+DA
drrawn on 1--1--2007 wiillll be ffrrom Rs 2000//-- tto Rs 5000//--..
7.. Why a cllause “as and when BSNL managementt deciides ffor 78..2% DA merger ffor executtiives,,
tthe same beneffiitt may be exttended tto non--executtiives allso” iis added iin tthe agreementt?
As perr tthe DPE orrderrs datted 26--11--2008,, tthe ffiittmentt beneffiitt off 30% on pay+68..8% DA was grrantted
fforr tthe wage rreviisiion off executtiives iin allll PSUs.. As on 1--1--2007,, tthe DA was 68..8%.. Hence iitt was
agrreed tto giive 30% ffiittmentt on pay+68..8%DA.. Butt iiff tthe merrgerr off 50%DA wiitth basiic pay on 1--1--
2007 iis ttaken iintto consiiderrattiion,, tthe DA on 1--1--2007 wiillll be 78..2% iinsttead off 68..8%.. Accorrdiinglly
tthe DPE iissued orrderrs on 2--4--2009 fforr iimpllementtiing 30% ffiittmentt beneffiitt fforr executtiives on
pay+78..2%DA iinsttead off on Pay+68..8% DA.. Hence iin severrall ottherr PSUs tthe 30% ffiittmentt beneffiitt
was giiven on pay+78..2%DA,, botth fforr executtiives and non--executtiives.. Due tto tthe prresentt ffiinanciiall
siittuattiion,, tthe BSNL managementt rresttrriictted tthiis ffiittmentt beneffiitt tto 30% on Pay+68..8% DA.. Butt due
tto ourr sttrrugglles and prressurre,, tthe managementt agrreed tto consiiderr tthe iissue off grranttiing 30%
ffiittmentt beneffiitt on pay+78..2% DA afftterr some ttiime,, fforr executtiives and non--executtiives ttogettherr..
Hence tthiis cllause iis added iin tthe agrreementt.. IIn case tthe managementt agrrees fforr tthiis,, ourr rreviised
pay wiillll ffurrttherr iincrrease..
8.. How tthe pay off tthe offffiiciiall jjoiined newlly iin BSNL on or afftter 1--1--2007 wiillll be ffiixed iin tthe
reviised pay scalles and why?
These offffiiciialls wiillll be ffiixed diirrecttlly att tthe miiniimum off tthe rreviised pay scalle on tthe datte off ttheiirr
jjoiiniing iin BSNL.. Thiis iis because iitt iis nott pay rreviisiion fforr tthem.. Pay rreviisiion iis wiitth effffectt ffrrom 1--1--
2007.. Pay can be rreviised on 1--1--2007 onlly fforr tthose who have drrawn pay befforre 1--1--2007.. Siince
new pay scalle comes iintto effffectt ffrrom 1--1--2007,, and siince tthe new rrecrruiittees arre tto be appoiintted att
tthe miiniimum off tthe pay scalle,, tthose who arre appoiintted iin BSNL on orr afftterr 1--1--2007 wiillll be ttrreatted
as appoiintted att tthe miiniimum off tthe rreviised pay scalle on tthe datte off ttheiirr appoiinttmentt..
9.. IIn tthe agreementt tthere iis a cllause tthatt tthe non--executtiives can optt ffor tthe reviisiion off pay on
1--1--2007 or ffrom tthe datte off promottiion afftter 1--1--2007,, or ffrom tthe datte off nextt iincrementt iin
tthe exiisttiing scalle.. Whatt iis tthe beneffiitt off tthiis?
Thiis can be underrsttood by an examplle.. A Tellecom Mechaniic was prromotted as TTA afftterr 1--1--2007,,
say on 1--2--2007.. Hiis basiic pay iin tthe exiisttiing pay scalle iin TM cadrre was Rs 5920//-- on 1--1--2007..
On 1--2--2007 he was prromotted and ffiixed iin TTA exiisttiing pay scalle att Rs 7100//--.. IIn case tthe offffiiciiall
comes iintto rreviised pay scalle on 1--1--2007,, hiis pay wiillll be rreviised iin tthe TM pay scalle ffrrom tthe prre--
rreviised basiic pay Rs 5920//-- tto tthe rreviised basiic pay Rs 13000//--.. Butt iin case he optts tto conttiinue iin
tthe prre--rreviised pay scalle unttiill hiis datte off prromottiion tto TTA cadrre ((1--2--2007)),, tthen he wiillll conttiinue
iin tthe prre--rreviised TM pay scalle unttiill 31--1--2007 and wiillll gett ffiixed iin tthe rreviised pay scalle off TTA on
1--2--2007.. He was iin TTA pay scalle on 1--2--2007 wiitth basiic pay Rs 7100((prre--rreviised)).. Thiis basiic
pay off Rs 7100//-- iin tthe prre--rreviised pay scalle wiillll be rreviised as Rs 15580//-- wiitth effffectt ffrrom 1--2--
2007.. Siince iitt iis beneffiiciiall fforr hiim,, he wiillll optt fforr rreviised pay on tthe datte off prromottiion..
10.. Whatt aboutt tthose rettiired iin BSNL beffore 1--1--2007?
Wage rreviisiion iis nott applliicablle fforr tthem siince tthey have rrettiirred befforre 1--1--2007.. Butt ttheiirr pensiion
has tto be rreviised.. Forr pensiion rreviisiion,, ttherre iis no prroviisiion iin Rulle 37((A)) off CCS((Pensiion))Rulles..
The tthrree ffederrattiions who wellcomed fforrmattiion off BSNL and siigned agrreementt att tthatt ttiime have
ffaiilled tto rraiise tthiis iissue wiitth tthe Goverrnmentt.. Thiis iissue has come iintto ffocus because off wage
rreviisiion now.. Butt who has tto make tthe amendmentt iin tthe Rulle 37--A? Onlly Cabiinett can do iitt.. DoT
has tto send tthe prroposall and iitt iis prreparriing a Cabiinett Notte on tthiis iissue fforr tthe apprrovall off tthe
Cabiinett.. Butt iitt iis prroposiing pensiion rreviisiion on tthe basiis off equiivallentt CDA pay,, iinsttead off on IIDA
pay.. The rreason iis tthatt ttherre iis an orrderr datted 19--9--2003 iissued by tthe Deparrttmentt off Pensiion
iinsttrructtiing pensiion rreviisiion off tthose PSU emplloyees absorrbed ffrrom Goverrnmentt Deparrttmentt and
ttakiing pensiion on combiined serrviice((Goverrnmentt serrviice and PSU serrviice)),, on tthe basiis off
equiivallentt CDA pay,, iinsttead off IIDA pay.. BSNL Emplloyees Uniion mett tthe DoT autthorriittiies and allso
tthe Miiniistterr fforr Communiicattiions and demanded fforr pensiion rreviisiion on IIDA pay.. The BSNL
Emplloyees Uniion and Allll IIndiia BSNL--DoT Pensiionerrs Associiattiion arre serriiouslly and conttiinuouslly
ttrryiing tto achiieve pensiion rreviisiion on IIDA pay.. ((IIn tthe wage rreviisiion agrreementt tthe ffolllloiing iis
““The iissue off rreviisiion off IIDA pensiion iin rrespectt off emplloyees absorrbed iin BSNL and rrettiirred befforre
1--1--2007 and pensiion anomally iin rrespectt off BSNL absorrbed emplloyees rrettiirred prriiorr tto 31--7--2001
allrready sttand rrefferrrred tto DoT and may be purrsued by BSNL..””))
11.. Whatt aboutt tthose rettiired afftter 1--1--2007?
Wage rreviisiion ffrrom 1--1--2007 iis applliicablle fforr tthem.. Therre iis a posiittiive change iin tthe pensiion rrulles..
As perr tthe rrecentt orrderrs iissued by Deparrttmentt off Pensiion and endorrsed by DoT,, tthe pensiion wiillll
be callcullatted on llastt tten montths averrage pay orr llastt montth pay,, whiich everr iis advanttageous tto tthe
rrettiirree.. Thiis prroviisiion iis applliicablle w..e..ff 1--1--2006..Therrefforre even iiff an offffiiciiall rrettiirred on 31--1--2007,,
he wiillll gett hiis pay rreviised on 1--1--2007 and he wiillll be paiid pensiion on tthe basiis off hiis rreviised pay..
12.. How tthe miiniimum pay iis deciided iin tthe reviised pay scalle and why?
The BSNL managementt prroposed tto ffiix miiniimum pay iin tthe rreviised pay scalles by mullttiipllyiing tthe
miiniimum pay iin tthe exiisttiing pay scalle wiitth 1..91.. The exiisttiing NE--9 pay scalle miiniimum iis Rs
7100//-- iin tthe exiisttiing 7100--10100 pay scalle.. Thiis 7100 wiillll be mullttiiplliied wiitth 1..91 and iitt wiillll be Rs
13561//-- ((say Rs 13570)).. Thiis was rrounded tto Rs 13600//-- and ffiixed as tthe miiniimum pay iin tthe
rreviised NE--9 pay scalle.. Therrefforre tthe offffiiciialls newlly appoiintted iin BSNL on orr afftterr 1--1--2007 iin tthiis
pay scalle wiillll be ffiixed att tthe miiniimum off tthe rreviised pay scalle ((Rs 13600//--)) on tthe datte off ttheiirr
The rreason fforr haviing 1..91 as tthe mullttiiplliicattiion ffacttorr iis tthatt iin case off Executtiives allso tthe same
mullttiiplliicattiion ffacttorr off 1..91 was used tto deciide tthe miiniimum iin tthe rreviised pay scalle.. Forr examplle,,
tthe JTO((E1A)) pay scalle was 9850--250--14600 befforre pay rreviisiion.. IItt was prroposed tto be rreviised tto
Rs 18850--40500 by tthe managementt,, afftterr apprrovall ffrrom DPE.. The miiniimum Rs 18850//-- off tthe
rreviised scalle was 1..91 ttiimes off 9850//--((9850x1..91=18820 and iitt was adjjustted tto 18850//--)).. Siimiillarrlly,,
tthe E3 pay scalle off executtiives was Rs 13000--350--18250 and iitt was rreviised tto Rs 24900--50500..
The miiniimum Rs 24900//-- iis arrrriived by mullttiipllyiing tthe miiniimum off tthe prre--rreviised scalle ii..e Rs
13000//-- wiitth 1..91 and iitt wiillll be Rs 24830//-- and iitt was adjjustted tto Rs 24900//-- tto make iitt tthe
miiniimum iin tthe rreviised pay..
IIn ottherr PSUs allso ((lliike Food Corrporrattiion,, Conttaiinerr Corrporrattiion,, ECIIL ettc)) wherre wage rreviisiion
has ttaken pllace so ffarr,, tthe miiniimum off tthe exiisttiing pay scalle was mullttiiplliied wiitth 1..91 tto make iitt tthe
miiniimum off tthe rreviised pay scalle..
IIn Centtrrall Goverrnmentt allso allmostt tthe same mullttiiplliicattiion ffacttorr was applliied iin deciidiing tthe
miiniimum off tthe rreviised pay scalle.. Forr examplle tthe prre--rreviised pay scalle S--7((Posttall Cllerrk)) was
4000--100--6000 as perr 5th CPC scalles.. As perr 6th CPC rreporrtt tthe Goverrnmentt rreviised iitt tto Pay
Band 5200--20200 wiitth Grrade Pay 2400.. The Posttall Cllerrk rrecrruiitted newlly on orr 1--1--2006((datte off
effffectt off new pay scalles iin Centtrrall Goverrnmentt)) wiillll be appoiintted att tthe miiniimum off tthe rreviised
pay scalle whiich wiillll be 5200+2400=7600.. Rs 4000 mullttiiplliied wiitth 1..91 wiillll be Rs 7640//--.. Thus
same mullttiiplliicattiion ffacttorr off 1..91 was applliied fforr deciidiing tthe miiniimum iin tthe rreviised pay scalle..
Alltthough tthe BSNL Emplloyees Uniion ttrriied fforr a miiniimum iin tthe rreviised pay scalle equall tto
miiniimum iin tthe prre--rreviised pay scalle mullttiiplliied by 2..195 so tthatt iitt wiillll be equall tto tthe 30% iincrrease
on tthe prre--rreviised miiniimum pay+68..8% DA,, iitt was nott agrreed by tthe managementt.. We rrequestted
att lleastt fforr appllyiing tthe mullttiiplliicattiion ffacttorr off 2 iinsttead off 1..91.. Butt tthiis was allso nott agrreed.. Siince
tthe mullttiiplliicattiion ffacttorr fforr deciidiing tthe miiniimum off tthe rreviised pay scalle was 1..91 everry wherre as
dettaiilled above,, we werre compelllled tto acceptt iitt.. Morreoverr iin case tthe mullttiiplliicattiion ffacttorr fforr
deciidiing tthe miiniimum off tthe non--executtiive pay scalle iis 2..195 tto make tthe rreviised miiniimum equall
tto 30% ffiittmentt beneffiitt fforrmulla,, tthe miiniimum off NE--12 pay scalle prroposed fforr non--executtiives iin tthe
prromottiion polliicy((9200--250--13200)) wiillll be rreviised as 9200x2..195=20200,, whiich wiillll be morre tthan
tthe miiniimum off tthe rreviised JTO pay scalle((E1A))Rs 18850//--.. Such a systtem off llowerr llevell pay scalle
wiitth a miiniimum morre tthan tthe miiniimum off tthe hiigherr pay scalle iis nott possiiblle.. Therrefforre we werre
compelllled tto acceptt tthe 1..91 mullttiiplliicattiion ffacttorr..
13.. Whatt iis tthe effffectt off tthe maxiimum off tthe pay scalle on tthe sallary off tthe emplloyees? How tthe
maxiimum off tthe pay scalle was deciided iin tthe exiisttiing pay scalles?
IIff an offffiiciiall rreaches tthe maxiimum off tthe pay scalle and conttiinues iin tthatt pay scalle,, he can nott drraw
iincrrementt everry yearr siince he had allrready rreached tthe maxiimum.. How everr,, he wiillll be giiven
sttagnattiion iincrrementt once iin ttwo yearrs,, afftterr rreachiing tthe maxiimum.. Maxiimum tthrree such
sttagnattiion iincrrementts wiillll be giiven..
Maxiimum pay off tthe pay scalle iis deciided by tthe span off tthe pay scalle.. Span off tthe pay scalle
means tthe numberr off yearrs fforr whiich iincrrementts arre tto be giiven sttarrttiing ffrrom tthe miiniimum off tthe
pay scalle,, tto rreach tthe maxiimum off tthe pay scalle.. Forr examplle,, tthe prresentt NE--1 pay scalle ((Grroup
D Pay Scalle)) iis Rs 4000--120--5800.. IIn tthiis,, tthe miiniimum off tthe pay scalle iis Rs 4000.. Maxiimum off
tthe pay scalle iis Rs 5800.. Wiitth Rs 120//-- iincrrementt,, 15 yearrs span ((15 annuall iincrrementts)) iis
rrequiirred ffrrom Rs 4000//-- miiniimum tto rreach tthe maxiimum 5800//--.. Therrefforre tthe span off tthe pay
scalle iis 15 yearrs.. Allll tthe exiisttiing non--executtiive pay scalles ((NE--1 tto NE--11)) arre haviing 15 yearrs
The span off tthe prre--rreviised executtiive pay scalles iis 19 yearrs ((E1A)),,18 yearrs((E2A)),, 15 yearrs((E3)),,
12 yearrs ((E4,, E5,,E6)),, 8 yearrs((E9,, E9A))..
14.. IIs iitt necessary tto have a maxiimum ffor tthe pay scalle? Why iitt can nott be open ended wiitth outt
any maxiimum?
Open ended pay scalle wiillll have a miiniimum and iincrrementt rratte.. Butt iitt wiillll have no maxiimum.. Siince
maxiimum iis nott ttherre,, iincrrementts can be giiven conttiinuouslly wiitthoutt sttagnattiion.. Such open ended
pay scalles werre iimpllementted iin ONGC allrready,, siince 1997.. We allso demanded BSNL
managementt tto agrree fforr such open ended pay scalles.. Butt managementt ttolld a speciiall prrobllem iin
tthiis rregarrd.. The pensiion conttrriibuttiion fforr allll tthe BSNL emplloyees absorrbed ffrrom DoT iis beiing paiid
by BSNL tto DoT based on tthe maxiimum off tthe pay scalle off tthe emplloyee.. As llong as tthiis systtem
off Goverrnmentt pensiion iis ttherre,, tthiis iis tthe rrequiirrementt.. Therrefforre iitt iis necessarry tto have maxiimum
fforr tthe pay scalle..((Alltthough tthe Goverrnmentt iissued orrderrs afftterr iimpllementtattiion off siixtth pay
commiissiion pay scalles fforr Centtrrall Goverrnmentt Emplloyees sttattiing tthatt tthe pensiion conttrriibuttiion
can be paiid on basiic pay iinsttead off maxiimum off tthe pay scalle,, DoT ttolld tthatt iitt iis applliicablle onlly fforr
tthe Centtrrall Goverrnmentt Emplloyees on deputtattiion iin BSNL and nott fforr tthe absorrbed emplloyees))..
15.. Whatt was tthe proposall off tthe managementt on tthe span ffor deciidiing tthe maxiimum off tthe
reviised pay scalles? Whatt probllems arose wiitth tthatt proposall and how iitt iis sollved?
Managementt prroposed 12 yearrs span wherre as allll tthe exiisttiing pay scalles arre haviing 15 yearrs
span.. The arrgumentt off tthe managementt iis tthatt siince tthe pensiion conttrriibuttiion fforr allll emplloyees
absorrbed ffrrom DoT iis tto be paiid by BSNL tto tthe Goverrnmentt as perr tthe maxiimum off tthe pay scalle
and iin case tthe maxiimum off tthe pay scalle iis morre,, tthe expendiitturre on pensiion conttrriibuttiion wiillll be
morre,, and wiitth a serriious ffallll down iin tthe prroffiitts,, BSNL wiillll nott be iin a posiittiion tto bearr a biig
iincrrease iin pensiion conttrriibuttiion.. Managementt ffurrttherr arrgued tthatt wiitth new prromottiion scheme
prroviidiing prromottiion tto nextt hiigherr pay scalle afftterr everry 4//7//8 yearrs,, tthe span off tthe pay scalle can
be rreduced.. Furrttherr,, iitt iis tto be notted tthatt tthe NFTE--FNTO alllliiance wrrotte a lletttterr on tto tthe
managementt suggesttiing such rreducttiion iin tthe span off tthe pay scalle,, alltthough iitt was harrmffull fforr tthe
Wiitth tthiis 12 yearrs span iitt was ffound tthatt fforr severrall emplloyees,, tthe rreviised basiic pay wiitth 30%
ffiittmentt beneffiitt wiillll be morre tthan tthe maxiimum off tthe rreviised pay scalle and tthey wiillll have no scalle
tto gett tthe ffullll beneffiitt off 30% ffiittmentt.. Hence we rreffused tto acceptt such a shorrtt span fforr tthe rreviised
pay scalle.. We ttolld tthe managementt tthatt iin any case tthe maxiimum off tthe pay scalle can nott be
deciided by tthe managementt tto rreffuse ffullll beneffiitt off pay rreviisiion ((30% ffiittmentt beneffiitt)),, ffullll beneffiitt off
prromottiion polliicy ((tthe maxiimum off tthe hiigherr pay scalle tto whiich tthe prromottiion iis giiven shoulld nott
be lless tthan tthe basiic pay att whiich tthe offffiiciiall wiillll be ffiixed iin prromotted pay scalle)) and allso tthe
offffiiciiall shoulld fface no prrobllem off sttagnattiion.. We have collllectted severrall cases ffrrom allll overr tthe
counttrry and made an exhausttiive sttudy on tthe iissue and wrrotte severrall lletttterrs tto tthe managementt
expllaiiniing why iitt was necessarry tto iincrrease tthe span off tthe pay scalle tto 26 yearrs.. Due tto ourr
dettaiilled diiscussiion iin severrall meettiings and conttiinuous purrsuall,, ffiinalllly managementt agrreed tto
iincrrease tthe span off tthe pay scalle ffrrom tthe 12 yearrs prroposed by tthem tto 18 yearrs fforr NE--1,,21
yearrs fforr NE--2,,3,,4,, 7,,8,,9,,10,,11 pay scalles and 22 yearrs fforr NE--5 and 6 pay scalles..Thiis iis a grreatt
achiievementt.. IItt iis tto be notted tthatt tthe exiisttiing pay scalles fforr Non--Executtiives arre haviing 15 yearrs
span onlly.. Whiille tthe span off tthe JTO pay scalle was iincrreased ffrrom 19 yearrs tto 26 yearrs ((7 yearrs
iincrrease)),, we gott tthe span off ourr pay scalles iincrreased ffrrom 15 yearrs tto 21//22 yearrs ((6//7 yearrs
iincrrease)).. Thus we achiieved allmostt equall iincrrease iin span comparred wiitth executtiives.. The wage
negottiiattiion iis dellayed due tto tthiis siinglle iissue fforr morre tthan ttwo montths.. Butt ffiinalllly we werre ablle tto
prressurriise tthe managementt and agrree fforr iincrreasiing tthe span by 6//7 yearrs ((ffrrom 15 yearrs iin
exiisttiing scalles tto 21//22 yearrs iin rreviised scalles)).. Thiis wiillll hellp iin avoiidiing prrobllem off sttagnattiion tto
a grreatterr exttentt.. Had we siigned tthe agrreementt comiing underr tthe prressurre off tthe malliiciious
prropaganda off anttii--worrkerr lleaderrs off NFTE--FNTO alllliiance,, allll tthe emplloyees woulld have ffaced a
serriious prrobllem off sttagnattiion and everry emplloyee woulld have rreached tthe maxiimum iin tthe rreviised
scalles by now and woulld have been gettttiing iincrrementt once iin ttwo yearrs onlly iinsttead off iincrrementt
everry yearr.. Because off tthe consiisttentt sttand ttaken by us,, we achiieved iincrrease iin pay scalle span
on parr wiitth executtiives and avoiided sttagnattiion mosttlly.. IItt iis nott possiiblle tto avoiid sttagnattiion ffulllly as
llong as ttherre iis a maxiimum fforr tthe pay scalle.. Hence even iin case off executtiives allso tthe sttagnattiion
prrobllem iis ttherre iin tthe rreviised scalles tto a cerrttaiin exttentt and hence fforr executtiives,, afftterr rreachiing
tthe maxiimum off tthe pay scalle,, sttagnattiion iincrrementt iis prroviided everry ttwo yearrs.. We achiieved tthiis
fforr non--executtiives allso.. Hence tthe ffew offffiiciialls who rreach maxiimum off tthe pay scalle and conttiinue
iin tthe same scalle,, sttagnattiion iincrrementt wiillll be giiven everry ttwo yearrs on parr wiitth executtiives..((The
iimprrovementt on tthe iissue off tthe maxiimum off tthe pay scalles achiieved tthrrough prrottrractted
negottiiattiion iis iillllusttrratted iin tthe ttablle bellow::
Maxiimum off tthe rreviised pay scalle prroposed by tthe
managementt allong wiitth span giiven iin brrackett
on 17--11--2009
on 18--12--2009
on 24--12--2009
Maxiimum off rreviised
pay scalle ffiinalllly agrreed
by tthe managementt iin
tthe Agrreementt siigned
on 15--01--2010
NE--1 11100((12yearrs)) 13320((18 yearrs)) 13320((18 yearrs)) 13320((18 yearrs))
NE--2 11250((12 yearrs)) 13440((18 yearrs)) 13850((19 yearrs)) 14700((21 yearrs))
NE--3 11350((12 yearrs)) 13600((18 yearrs)) 14010((19 yearrs)) 14880((21 yearrs))
NE--4 11800((12 yearrs)) 13940((18 yearrs)) 14450((19 yearrs)) 15340((21 yearrs))
NE--5 12600((12 yearrs)) 14940((18 yearrs)) 15390((19 yearrs)) 16840((22 yearrs))
NE--6 13100((12 yearrs)) 15470((18 yearrs)) 15470((18 yearrs)) 17430((22 yearrs))
NE--7 15800((12 yearrs)) 18650((18 yearrs)) 18650((18 yearrs)) 20400((21 yearrs))
NE--8 18150((12 yearrs)) 21430((18 yearrs)) 21430((18 yearrs)) 23440((21 yearrs))
NE--9 19700((12 yearrs)) 23200((18 yearrs)) 23200((18 yearrs)) 25420((21 yearrs))
NE--10 21650((12 yearrs)) 25470((18 yearrs)) 25470((18 yearrs)) 27850((21 yearrs))
NE--11 23750((12 yearrs)) 28010((18 yearrs)) 28010((18 yearrs)) 30630((21 yearrs))
16.. Whatt iis tthe iincrementt ratte iin tthe reviised pay scalles? How iitt iis diifffferentt ffrom tthe exiisttiing
systtem off iincrementt ratte?
Managementt agrreed tto grrantt iincrrementt att tthe rratte off 3% on rreviised basiic pay.. Thiis perrcenttage
systtem off iincrrementt iis morre beneffiiciiall tto tthe exiisttiing systtem off ffiixed iincrrementt.. IIn tthe exiisttiing pay
scalles,, tthe iincrrementt amountt wiillll rremaiin tthe same as llong as tthe offffiiciiall rremaiins iin tthe same pay
scalle.. Forr examplle iin tthe Grroup D Pay scalle 4000--120--5800,, as llong as tthe offffiiciiall conttiinues iin tthe
same pay scalle,, tthe iincrrementt wiillll be Rs 120//-- onlly and iitt wiillll nott iincrrease.. Butt wiitth iincrrementt
giiven as perrcenttage on basiic pay,, tthe amountt off iincrrementt wiillll go on iincrreasiing everry yearr.. Forr
examplle,, iin case an offffiiciiall iin NE--10((7800--225--11175)) pay scalle drrawiing basiic pay off Rs 9600//-- on
1--1--2007 iis ffiixed iin tthe rreviised pay scalle att tthe basiic pay Rs 21070//-- on 1--1--2007 and iin case hiis
iincrrementt iis due on 1--5--2007,, he wiillll drraw tthe ffollllowiing iincrrementts::--
1--5--2007=IIncrrementt off 3% on 21070=640//-- and hiis basiic pay on 1--5--2007 wiillll be Rs
1--5--2008=IIncrrementt off 3% on Rs 21710=660//-- and hiis basiic pay on 1--5--2009 wiillll be Rs
21710+660=Rs Rs 22370//-- and so on..
Thus tthe iincrrementt wiillll go on iincrreasiing everry yearr..
Because tthe iincrrementt tthus goes on iincrreasiing everry yearr,, ttherre wiillll be no ffiixed sttage iin tthe pay
scalle as att prresentt.. Everry body wiillll have hiis own ttrrack iin tthe pay scalle,, based on hiis basiic pay on
1--1--2007 iin tthe rreviised pay scalle,, by gettttiing 3% annuall iincrrementt on basiic pay.. Hence iitt iis verry
essenttiiall fforr each emplloyee tto maiinttaiin hiis own sallarry rrecorrd..
17.. How tthiis beneffiiciiall systtem off iincrementt as percenttage on basiic pay was achiieved?
Thiis systtem off iincrrementt as perrcenttage off basiic pay was iimpllementted iin some PSUs iin tthe
prreviious wage rreviisiion tthatt came iintto effffectt ffrrom 1--1--1997.. The CPSTU ((Commiittttee off Publliic
Secttorr Trrade Uniions)) deciided tto demand and ffiightt fforr achiieviing tthiis systtem iin allll PSUs and
orrganiised sttrrugglles on tthiis demand.. The BSNL Emplloyees Uniion parrttiiciipatted iin allll tthese
sttrrugglles.. As a rresulltt off tthese sttrrugglles and as a rresulltt off siimiillarr demand by tthe Centtrrall
Goverrnmentt emplloyees,, tthiis systtem off iincrrementt as perrcenttage off basiic pay was acceptted by 6th
CPC fforr Centtrrall Goverrnmentt emplloyees and allso by tthe PSUs fforr tthe wage rreviisiion ffrrom 1--1--2007
and accorrdiinglly tthe BSNL managementt allso acceptted tthiis systtem..
18.. How llong tthese reviised pay scalles comiing iintto effffectt ffrom 1--1--2007 wiillll conttiinue and when
wiillll be tthe nextt wage reviisiion?
As perr tthe guiidelliines iissued by tthe DPE on 9--11--2006,, tthe perriiodiiciitty fforr wage rreviisiion fforr non--
executtiives was tten yearrs.. Therrefforre tthe rreviised pay scalles tthatt come iintto effffectt ffrrom 1--1--2007
have tto be iin fforrce fforr tten yearrs ffrrom 1--1--2007 and nextt wage rreviisiion has tto come iintto effffectt ffrrom
1--1--2017.. Butt iin tthe PSUs,, unttiill 1996,, ffiive wage rreviisiions werre iimpllementted wiitth ffiive yearr
perriiodiiciitty and tthus everry ffiive yearrs tthe wages werre rreviised.. Butt iin tthe siixtth wage rreviisiion tthatt
was effffectted ffrrom 1--1--1997,, tten yearr perriiodiiciitty was iimposed by tthe Goverrnmentt as perr tthe
iinsttrructtiions off Worrlld Bank.. The uniions off varriious PSUs have come ttogettherr underr tthe bannerr off
CPSTU and opposed tthiis condiittiion off tten yearr perriiodiiciitty and demanded fforr ffiive yearr perriiodiiciitty..
Severrall sttrrugglles werre orrganiised and nottiice fforr sttrriike was allso giiven iin severrall PSUs.. BSNL
Emplloyees Uniion parrttiiciipatted iin allll tthese sttrrugglles.. A dellegattiion off tthe CPSTU mett tthe Prriime
Miiniistterr Manmohan Siingh allong wiitth Com Siittarram Yechurry CPII((M)) Polliittbeaurreau memberr on 27--
4--2008 and as perr tthe assurrance giiven by tthe Prriime Miiniistterr,, DPE iissued orrderrs on 1--5--2008
sttattiing tthatt tthe perriiodiiciitty can be any wherre bettween 10 tto 5 yearrs dependiing on tthe agrreementt
rreached on tthe basiis off barrgaiin bettween managementt and Uniion..
IIn severrall PSUs tthe Uniions agrreed fforr 5 yearr perriiodiiciitty wiitth ffiittmentt beneffiitt off 24% orr 23% ((lless
tthan 30%)) on tthe grround tthatt afftterr achiieviing tthiis 24% ffiittmentt beneffiitt iin tthe prresentt wage rreviisiion
wiitth effffectt ffrrom 1--1--2007,, iin tthe nextt wage rreviisiion afftterr ffiive yearrs w..e..ff 1--1--2012 anottherr 24%
ffiittmentt beneffiitt can be achiieved so tthatt by 1--1--2012 ttottall ffiittmentt beneffiitt wiillll be 48% iinsttead off 30%..
IIn BSNL we ffoughtt fforr 5 yearr perriiod agrreementt wiitth ffiittmentt beneffiitt nott lless tthan 30%.. We coulld
nott go down bellow 30% ffiittmentt beneffiitt because tthe rrettiirriing offffiiciialls wiillll gett morre pensiion wiitth 30%
ffiittmentt,, and allso tthe pensiion iis beiing rreviised everry tten yearrs by tthe Goverrnmentt,, nott ffiive yearrs..
Juniiorrs allso wantted iimmediiatte settttllementt wiitth 30% ffiittmentt beneffiitt siince tthey ffelltt tthatt iitt iis doubttffull
whettherr anottherr wage rreviisiion iin 2012 iis possiiblle siince tthe tthe prroffiitts off BSNL arre comiing down
and tthe ffiinanciiall condiittiion off BSNL iis goiing down.. Due tto tthiis prrobllem,, BSNL emplloyees can nott
acceptt ffiittmentt beneffiitt lless tthan 30%.. Butt because off tthiis,, whettherr 10 yearr perriiodiiciitty shoulld be
acceptted? IIn such case,, when wage rreviisiion ttakes pllace iin ottherr PSUs agaiin afftterr 5 yearrs,, BSNL
emplloyees wiillll have no such wage rreviisiion w..e..ff 1--1--2012 and tthey can have nextt wage rreviisiion
afftterr tten yearrs,, w..e..ff 1--1--2017 onlly.. Therrefforre BSNL Emplloyees Uniion ttrriied iitts llevell bestt and
orrganiised ttwo days sttrriike on tthe iissue off ffiive yearr perriiodiiciitty wiitth 30% ffiittmentt beneffiitt..
Fiinalllly a comprromiise was rreached wiitth tthe managementt rregarrdiing perriiodiiciitty.. Ten yearr perriiodiiciitty
wiillll nott be menttiioned iin tthe agrreementt.. A cllause was added iin tthe agrreementt tthatt tthe perriiodiiciitty
wiillll be rreduced fforr non--executtiives iiff rreduced fforr executtiives.. Thus a possiibiilliitty off achiieviing nextt
wage rreviisiion allong wiitth executtiives,, wiitth lless tthan tten yearr perriiodiiciitty iis securred,, allong wiitth
achiievementt off 30% ffiittmentt beneffiitt..
19.. Wage Reviisiion was due wiitth effffectt ffrom 1--1--2007.. Butt tthe agreementt was siigned iin January
2010 onlly.. Why so much dellay?
As expllaiined above,, tto prreventt tthe dangerr off non--executtiives gettttiing lless ffiittmentt beneffiitt tthan
executtiives as happened iin tthe llastt wage rreviisiion iin PSUs,, we werre compelllled tto waiitt unttiill tthe
iissue off orrderrs on wage rreviisiion off executtiives.. IIn tthe Executtiives wage rreviisiion orrderr 30% ffiittmentt
beneffiitt was giiven wiitthoutt menttiioniing perriiodiiciitty.. Butt managementt ttrriied tto iimpose a condiittiion on
non--executtiives tthatt 30% ffiittmentt beneffiitt can be giiven onlly when 10 yearr perriiodiiciitty iis acceptted.. IIn
tthe lletttterr wrriitttten by tthe Diirrecttorr ((HRD)),, BSNL tto Com Namboodiirrii GS BSNLEU on 22--4--2009,,
whiich was ciirrcullatted tto allll emplloyees by tthe managementt,, iitt was sttatted tthatt tthe perriiodiiciitty off 10
yearrs applliicablle fforr executtiives as rrecommended by 2nd Pay Reviisiion Commiittttee woulld be
applliicablle fforr non--executtiives and tthe same ffiittmentt beneffiitt off 30% grrantted tto executtiives woulld be
grrantted fforr non--executtiives.. Thiis sttattementt off Diirrecttorr ((HRD)) was ffallse and miislleadiing.. No such
tten yearr perriiodiiciitty was rrecommended fforr tthe executtiives by tthe Second Pay Reviisiion Commiittttee
and no such tten yearr perriiodiiciitty was menttiioned iin tthe wage rreviisiion orrderr iissued by BSNL
managementt fforr tthe executtiives.. IItt was sttatted iin tthiis orrderr tthatt tthe perriiodiiciitty woulld be as perr tthe
deciisiion off DPE.. The questtiion tthatt came befforre us was iin case we siigned fforr 10 yearr perriiodiiciitty fforr
non--executtiives,, and ttherreafftterr tthe DPE deciides perriiodiiciitty lless tthan tten yearrs fforr executtiives,, tthen
nextt wage rreviisiion wiillll be earrlliierr fforr executtiives tthan non--executtiives.. We had tto ffiightt agaiinstt tthiis
diiscrriimiinattiion.. Alltthough ttherre was dellay due tto tthe attttiittude off tthe managementt,, ffiinalllly we werre
successffull iin achiieviing wage agrreementt wiitthoutt menttiioniing 10 yearr perriiodiiciitty and wiitth tthe cllause
tthatt iiff perriiodiiciitty iis rreduced fforr executtiives,, tthe same wiillll be applliicablle fforr non--executtiives.. Therrafftterr
tto sollve tthe prrobllem off span off tthe pay scalle,, iitt ttook attlleastt ttwo montths ttiime.. Therrefforre tthe dellay
was due tto tthese rreasons..
20.. How tthe DA wiillll be paiid afftter iimpllementtattiion off reviised pay scalles w..e..ff 1--1--2007?
As perr tthe exiisttiing systtem,, DA wiillll be grrantted tto ffulllly neuttrralliise tthe prriice rriise.. Siince tthe enttiirre DA
68..8% wiillll be merrged wiitth pay on 1--1--2007 iin tthe pay rreviisiion,, ttherre wiillll be no DA on 1--1--2007 on
rreviised pay.. Hence on 1--1--2007,, DA on rreviised pay wiillll be 0 and ttherreafftterr iitt wiillll iincrrease as
bellow,, tto compensatte tthe prriice rriise ffulllly::
off DA
Ratte off
DA iin
0..0 0..8 1..3 4..2 5..8 6..3 9..2 12..9 16..6 16..9 18..5 25..3
Thus based on tthe iincrrease iin tthe prriice rriise,, tthe DA wiillll iincrrease once iin everry tthrree montths on 1st
Januarry,, 1st Aprriill,, 1st Jully and 1st Octtoberr everry yearr as perr tthe orrderrs iissued by DPE..
21.. Some offffiiciialls newlly recruiitted afftter 1--1--2007 wiillll gett Pay+DA on reviised pay lless tthan whatt
tthey have allready drawn iin tthe exiisttiing pay scalles,, on tthe datte off ttheiir jjoiiniing.. Whatt
proviisiion iis tthere ffor prottecttiing tthese offffiiciialls ffrom such reducttiion?
Thiis prrobllem iis iillllusttrratted by tthe ffollllowiing examplle::
a)) A diirrectt rrecrruiittee TTA was appoiintted on1--10--2009.. Therrefforre on 1--10--2009 hiis basiic pay was
tthe miiniimum off tthe exiisttiing pay scalle ii..e..,, Rs 7100.. On 1--10--2009 tthe ffollllowiing iis pay+DP+DA
on exiisttiing pay scalle:: Pay=7100;; DP=3550//--;; DA=6560;; Tottall=Rs 17210;;
b)) On 1--10--2009,, he wiillll be ffiixed att tthe miiniimum off tthe rreviised pay scalle ,, Rs13600//--.. The DA on
rreviised pay iin Octtoberr 2009 iis 25..3%.. Therrefforre tthe DA on 13600//-- pay iis Rs 3441//--.. Hiis
pay+DA as perr rreviised pay wiillll be 13600+3441=Rs 17041;; Therrefforre tthe offffiiciiall wiillll be drrawiing
17210--17041=Rs 169//-- lless iin Pay+DA on hiis datte off jjoiiniing,, afftterr wage rreviisiion..
c)) We diiscussed tthiis iissue wiitth tthe managementt and iitt was agrreed nott tto iimpllementt tthiis
rrecoverry,, by grranttiing tthiis diifffferrence as perrsonall pay tto be adjjustted iin ffutturre iincrrease iin
pay+DA.. Forr executtiives allso,, tthe newlly rrecrruiitted JTOs gott tthe same prrobllem iin ttheiirr wage
rreviisiion and iitt was agrreed tto prrottectt iitt as perrsonall pay..
d)) Butt tthiis prroviisiion iis applliicablle onlly iin case tthiis diifffferrence arriises on tthe datte off jjoiiniing iin BSNL
and nott subsequenttlly.. Thiis iis because wage rreviisiion iis concerrned wiitth rreviisiion off exiisttiing
wage fforr tthose jjoiined iin BSNL prriiorr tto 1--1--2007 orr wiitth ffiixiing tthe miiniimum wage iin tthe rreviised
pay scalle fforr tthose jjoiined on orr afftterr 1--1--2007.. Thiis coulld nott be sollved because fforr tthe
prresentt ttherre iis no prrocedurre avaiillablle fforr sollviing iitt..
22.. Whatt wiillll happen tto tthe exttra iincrementt grantted ffor tthe offffiiciialls iin BCR grade one year
beffore ttheiir rettiirementt siince tthey diid nott gett Grade--IIV promottiion?
a)) Those who gott tthiis exttrra iincrrementt and rrettiirred bettween 1--1--2007 tto 31--3--2008—fforr tthem tthe
new prromottiion polliicy iis nott applliicablle.. Hence ttherre iis no chance fforr tthem tto gett any prromottiion
rrettrrospecttiivelly afftterr ttheiirr rrettiirrementt.. Therrefforre ttheiirr exttrra iincrrementt has tto be prrottectted,, iin
tterrms off tthe rreviised pay scalles.. Forr tthose among tthem who gott tthiis exttrra iincrrementt befforre 1--1--
2007,, iitt wiillll be added tto tthe basiic pay fforr callcullattiing tthe 30% ffiittmentt beneffiitt whiille ffiixiing ttheiirr
rreviised pay.. Thus ttheiirr exttrra iincrrementt wiillll be merrged and iincrreased iin tthe rreviised pay.. Forr
tthose among tthem who gott tthiis exttrra iincrrementt afftterr 1--1--2007,, iitt wiillll be giiven as an exttrra
iincrrementt off 3% on ttheiirr rreviised pay and iitt wiillll be iinclluded fforr callcullattiing pensiion..
b)) Those rrettiirred afftterr 31--3--2008--iiff tthey gett prromottiion as perr new prromottiion polliicy rrettrrospecttiivelly,,
wiitth datte off effffectt fforr such prromottiion befforre 1--1--2007,, tthey wiillll gett nextt hiigherr scalle and hence
tthe exttrra iincrrementt wiillll nott be ttherre siince iitt was giiven iin lliieu off such prromottiion and ttheiirr pay on
1--1--2007 wiillll be rreviised iin such prromotted pay scalle.. IIn case off tthose among tthem who wiillll gett
prromottiion as perr tthe new prromottiion polliicy afftterr 1--1--2007,, tthey can eiittherr have ttheiirr exttrra
iincrrementt iin ttheiirr rreviised pay scalle wiitthoutt ttakiing such prromottiion orr tthey can fforrgo tthe exttrra
iincrrementt and ttake tthe prromottiion as perr tthe new prromottiion polliicy,, whiich everr iis beneffiiciiall fforr
23.. Whatt are tthe probllems creatted by tthe managementt on tthe iissue off iincrease iin HRA and how
tthose probllems were sollved?
HRA rrattes werre rreviised by DPE((Deparrttmentt off Publliic Entterrprriises)) tto 30% on basiic pay fforr sttattiions
wiitth 50 llakhs orr morre popullattiion,, 20% off basiic pay fforr sttattiions wiitth 5 tto 50 llakh popullattiion and
10% fforr sttattiions wiitth lless tthan 5 llakh popullattiion.. The same was deciided by Centtrrall Goverrnmentt
fforr iitts emplloyees as perr tthe rrecommendattiions off tthe Siixtth Pay Commiissiion.. These rrattes werre
applliicablle on rreviised pay scalles fforr tthe executtiives off PSUs ffrrom tthe datte off apprrovall off tthe rreviised
pay scalles by ttheiirr concerrned Deparrttmentt,, butt tthe datte has tto be on orr afftterr 26--11--2008..
Siince tthe rreviised pay scalles fforr BSNL executtiives werre apprroved by DoT on 27--2--2007,, tthese HRA
rrattes on rreviised pay werre applliicablle fforr tthem wiitth effffectt ffrrom 27--2--2009.. Therrefforre fforr tthe BSNL
non--executtiives allso,, tthese HRA rrattes arre tto be applliied on rreviised pay wiitth effffectt ffrrom 27--2--2009
siince ttherre can nott be diifffferrentt ttypes off HRA systtem fforr emplloyees iin tthe same company..
Due tto ourr nottiice fforr ttwo days sttrriike on 19th and 20th May 2009,, managementt agrreed tthiis iin
prriinciiplle and allso iissued orrderrs fforr payiing tthese rrattes tto non--executtiives on pay+DP iin tthe exiisttiing
pay scalles wiitth effffectt ffrrom 27--2--2009 pendiing rreviisiion off pay scalles.. Therrefforre tthe managementt
had no ottherr alltterrnattiive exceptt tto agrree fforr iimpllementtiing tthese HRA rrattes on rreviised pay wiitth
effffectt ffrrom 27--2--2009..
Butt tthe managementt diid nott do so and crreatted prrobllem and rresiistted tto iincllude tthiis iin tthe wage
agrreementt.. The managementt was encourraged tto do so because off tthe supporrtt giiven by NFTE--
FNTO alllliiance whiich made a biig prropaganda tthatt tthe rreviised HRA rrattes woulld nott be giiven on
rreviised pay wiitth effffectt ffrrom 27--2--2009,, butt onlly ffrrom tthe datte off siigniing tthe agrreementt..
We have wrriitttten a dettaiilled lletttterr tto tthe managementt rregarrdiing tthe jjusttiiffiicattiion fforr tthe HRA rreviised
rrattes on rreviised pay wiitth effffectt ffrrom 27--2--2009 on parr wiitth tthe executtiives.. We diiscussed tthe iissue
wiitth tthe managementt severrall ttiimes.. Fiinalllly even on tthe datte((15--1--2010)) off siigniing tthe agrreementt
allso tthe managementt siide diid nott agrree fforr a llong ttiime tto acceptt iitt.. Afftterr ourr decllarriing tthatt iitt woulld
nott be possiiblle tto siign tthe agrreementt wiitthoutt tthe paymentt off HRA on parr wiitth executtiives and
ffurrttherr decllarriing tthatt such diiscrriimiinattiion woulld nott be ttollerratted by tthe emplloyees,, tthe
managementt siide acceptted ourr demand and agrreed fforr paymentt off HRA on parr wiitth executtiives
wiitth effffectt ffrrom 27--2--2009..
24.. Whatt aboutt iincrease iin perks and otther allllowances?
Due tto tthe severre ffallll iin rrevenue and prroffiitts and due tto tthe ffactt tthatt BSNL iis allrready iin lloss
operrattiionalllly,, managementt diid nott iincrrease perrks and allllowances consiiderrablly fforr executtiives and
overrallll tthe same prrocedurre iis ffollllowed fforr non--executtiives..
The ttrransporrtt allllowance iis nott iincrreased iin case off executtiives and fforr us allso iitt iis nott iincrreased fforr
tthe same rreason.. Howeverr a cllause was putt iin tthe agrreementt tto rreviiew tthe ttrransporrtt allllowance on
1--1--2012 orr allong wiitth executtiives iiff iitt iis earrlliierr tto 1--1--2012..
Food allllowance was abolliished fforr executtiives.. Butt iin ourr case tthe ffood allllowance was rrepllaced by
Skiillll Upgrradattiion Allllowance @ 2% on basiic pay everry montth and iitt wiillll be paiid ffrrom tthe datte off
siigniing tthe agrreementt.. The RMs who werre rregullarriised ffrrom casuall mazdoorr on 1--10--2000 on tthe
fforrmattiion off BSNL wiillll now have basiic pay off Rs 5080//-- as on 1--10--2009 iin tthe exiisttiing pay scalle..
On 1--1--2007 hiis basiic pay wiillll be Rs 4720//-- and he wiillll be ffiixed att rreviised pay Rs 10360//-- on tthatt
datte and by 1--10--2009 he wiillll rreach rreviised basiic pay off Rs 11350//-- afftterr drrawiing tthrree iincrrementts
iin tthe rreviised scalle.. The skiillll upgrradattiion wiillll be 2% on 11350//-- ii..e Rs 227//--,, whiich iis morre tthan tthe
exiisttiing Rs 225//-- ffood allllowance and iitt wiillll go on iincrreasiing allong wiitth iincrrease iin basiic pay and
hence beneffiiciiall tthan tthe exiisttiing ffiixed amountt off Rs 225//--.. ((Tiillll tthe datte off siigniing tthe agrreementt,,
tthe ffood allllowance wiillll conttiinue as iitt iis..)).. IIn case off tthose iin hiigherr scalles,, tthe skiillll upgrradattiion
allllowance wiillll go uptto Rs 600//-- perr montth ((The maxiimum pay iin rreviised NE--11 pay scalle iis Rs
30,,630//-- and fforr tthose who rreached tthiis pay tthe skiillll upgrradattiion allllowance wiillll be Rs 613//--..
Rurrall allllowance rremaiined Rs 100//-- as iitt iis,, and Cyclle maiinttenance allllowance,, cash handlliing
allllowance,, ffiixed conveyance arre iincrreased by 50%..
Regarrdiing Speciiall Compensattorry Allllowances and Ottherr Speciiall Allllowances avaiillablle tto Norrtth
Eastt//Siikkiim//Ladakh//A&N iisllands ettc,, tthe allllowances beiing giiven as perrcenttage wiillll be conttiinued
wiitth tthe same perrcenttage,, butt on rreviised pay wiitth effffectt ffrrom tthe datte off siigniing tthe agrreementt..
The allllowances wiitth ffiixed rratte dependiing on tthe pay sllabs arre iincrreased by 75% wiitth effffectt ffrrom
tthe datte off siigniing tthe agrreementt.. Tiillll tthe datte off siigniing tthe agrreementt,, tthe exiisttiing systtem wiillll
conttiinue.. Whiille tthe executtiives werre giiven tthe rreviised rrattes off tthese allllowances ffrrom 27--2--2009,,
managementt diiscrriimiinatted agaiinstt non--executtiives by agrreeiing tto giive tthese rreviised rrattes ffrrom tthe
datte off siigniing tthe agrreementt onlly.. Keepiing iin viiew off tthe anxiietty off tthe emplloyees fforr an
agrreementt wiitthoutt any ffurrttherr dellay,, tthe Uniion was compelllled tto agrree fforr tthiis..
Managementt has nott agrreed tto iincrrease OTA rratte iinspiitte off a llott off prressurre ffrrom us.. The Siixtth
Pay Commiissiion iin ffactt rrecommended fforr abolliittiion off OTA.. Howeverr tthe Goverrnmentt has nott
ttaken any deciisiion so ffarr and ttherrefforre ttherre was no rreviisiion iin OTA rratte fforr Centtrrall Goverrnmentt
emplloyees.. Underr tthese ciirrcumsttances,, we coulld make tthe managementt tto agrree fforr rreviiewiing
OTA rrattes on 1--1--2012..
25.. Whatt aboutt Uniifform and washiing allllowance?
Managementt demanded tthe Uniion tto agrree fforr abolliittiion off Uniifforrm on tthe grround tthatt mostt off tthe
emplloyees arre nott wearriing tthe uniifforrm giiven tto tthem.. We ttolld tthatt tthiis can nott be tthe rreason fforr
abolliittiion off uniifforrm.. IIff prroperr suiittablle uniifforrm iis giiven allong wiitth suiittablle washiing allllowance,,
emplloyees wiillll wearr uniifforrm.. We allso ttolld tthatt ffrrom CMD tto Grroup..D allll emplloyees off BSNL
shoulld wearr uniifforrm.. Managementt ttolld tthatt uniifforrm iis tto be abolliished tto miiniimiise tthe expendiitturre
iin viiew off tthe ffiinanciiall condiittiion off BSNL and prroposed tthatt iinsttead off uniifforrm,, some ottherr
compensattiion can be giiven.. Butt we have nott agrreed fforr abolliittiion off uniifforrm and demanded iitts
conttiinuattiion.. Fiinalllly a comprromiise was rreached tthatt tthe uniifforrm and washiing allllowance wiillll
conttiinue wiitthoutt change unttiill an alltterrnatte polliicy iis deciided afftterr negottiiattiion wiitth tthe rreprresenttattiive
uniion.. The alltterrnatte polliicy can be uniifforrm fforr allll orr some compensattiion iin pllace off uniifforrm.. Any
how iitt wiillll be deciided onlly by negottiiatted settttllementt wiitth uniion..
26.. How tthe iincrease iin matterniitty lleave was gott acceptted by tthe managementt?
The Centtrrall Goverrnmentt had iincrreased tthe matterrniitty lleave ffrrom 135 days tto 180 days.. Butt BSNL
managementt diid nott iincrrease iitt and conttiinued wiitth 135 days lliimiitt on tthe pllea tthatt iitt was a
Company and Goverrnmentt rrulles werre nott applliicablle.. BSNL Emplloyees Uniion severrall ttiimes
diiscussed tthiis iissue wiitth tthe managementt.. BSNL Emplloyees Uniion had rrequestted tthe Women
M..Ps tto rraiise tthiis iissue iin tthe Parrlliiamentt.. CPII((M)) Polliitt Burreau memberr and M..P Comrrade Brriinda
Karratt had rraiised tthiis iissue iin tthe Parrlliiamentt tthrrough a questtiion tto tthe Miiniistterr.. Underr tthese
ciirrcumsttances,, tthe managementt came fforrwarrd and acceptted tthe demand and iissued orrderrs fforr
executtiives tto iincrrease tthe matterrniitty lleave tto 180 days and allso agrreed wiitth BSNL Emplloyees
Uniion iin tthe wage rreviisiion agrreementt tto exttend tthe same fforr tthe non--executtiives..
27.. Whatt aboutt Bonus//PLII?
Tiillll now,, botth tthe executtiives and non--executtiives iin BSNL arre beiing paiid Prroducttiiviitty Liinked
IIncenttiive((Bonus)) based on tthe rrattiing off tthe perrfforrmance off BSNL as a wholle.. Forr excellllentt grradiing
1..4 ttiimes off basiic pay,, fforr verry good grradiing 1..1 ttiimes off basiic pay,, fforr good rrattiing 0..85 ttiimes basiic
pay and fforr ffaiirr rrattiing 0..75 ttiimes basiic pay iis beiing paiid tto allll emplloyees subjjectt tto miiniimum and
maxiimum lliimiitts.. Butt tthe Deparrttmentt off Publliic Underrttakiings((DPE)) iissued guiidelliines rrecenttlly tto
iinttrroduce a new systtem off Perrfforrmance Rellatted IIncenttiive fforr tthe executtiives iin allll PSUs .. The
BSNL managementt wantted tto iinttrroduce tthe same systtem fforr non--executtiives allso,, on tthe pllea tthatt
ttherre can nott be separratte schemes fforr paymentt off IIncenttiive((Bonus)) tto tthe executtiives and non--
executtiives.. The iidea behiind tthiis new scheme iis tthatt tthe iincenttiive iis tto be based on tthe
perrfforrmance off tthe Ciirrclle//Diisttrriictt.. Thiis means iitt wiillll diifffferr ffrrom Ciirrclle tto Ciirrclle dependiing on tthe
perrfforrmance.. Butt tthe dettaiills off tthe scheme arre nott yett evollved.. IIn prriinciiplle we arre nott fforr such
diifffferrence iin paymentt off iincenttiive ffrrom ciirrclle tto ciirrclle.. We wantt tthatt allll BSNL emplloyees
tthrroughoutt tthe counttrry shoulld be paiid tthe same iincenttiive as iis done ttiillll now.. Therrefforre iin tthe wage
rreviisiion agrreementt we diid nott commiitt tto acceptt whatt everr tthe managementt deciides.. IItt was agrreed
tthatt tthe new scheme wiillll be evollved tthrrough negottiiatted settttllementt wiitth tthe rrecogniised uniion..
28.. Whatt iis tthe effffectt off iimpllementtattiion off promottiion polliicy on wage reviisiion?
IIn case tthe prromottiion polliicy iis iimpllementted befforre iimpllementtattiion off tthe wage rreviisiion,, tthe
offffiiciialls gettttiing prromottiion as perr tthe prromottiion polliicy befforre 1--1--2007 wiillll be pllaced iin ttheiirr
prromotted pay scalle befforre 1--1--2007 and on 1--1--2007 tthey wiillll have ttheiirr pay rreviised iin ttheiirr
prromotted pay scalle.. Thus tthey wiillll have morre beneffiitt iin wage rreviisiion.. The BSNLEU has
rrequestted tthe managementt tto iimpllementt tthe prromottiion polliicy iimmediiattelly,, lleaviing tthe NE--12
scalle whiich rrequiirres apprrovall off DoT//DPE.. ((The NE--12 pay scalle iis rrequiirred onlly fforr grranttiing tthe
prromottiion as perr tthe polliicy tto tthose who arre iin NE--11((Grrade--4 off Srr..TOA//TTA))..Afftterr apprrovall off
NE--12 scalle tthey can be prromotted tto tthatt scalle as perr ttheiirr datte off elliigiibiilliitty)).. Managementt iis
prrocessiing tthe case fforr earrlly iissue off orrderrs..
29.. Whatt aboutt tthe Casuall//Conttractt llabor?
Due tto tthe perrsiisttentt efffforrtts off BSNLEU and BSNL Casuall & Conttrractt Worrkerrs Federrattiion,, BSNL
managementt iissued orrderrs viide No.. 269--11//2009--Perrs--IIV//LE datted 1--1--2010 fforr paymentt off wages
tto Casuall llaborr on parr wiitth tthe Grroup D pay scalle iin Centtrrall Goverrnmentt based on 6th CPC
rrecommendattiions.. Thiis orrderr came iintto effffectt ffrrom 1--1--2010.. The TSM wiillll gett wage based on tthe
ffollllowiing callcullattiion,, wiitth effffectt ffrrom 1--1--2010::
a)) Miiniimum basiic pay iin Grroup D --1S rreviised pay scalle iin Centtrrall Goverrnmentt =Rs 5740
b)) Add tthe numberr off iincrrementts drrawn so ffarr,, @ 3% on miiniimum pay
eg:: iin case tthe TSM drrawn 8 iincrrementts and was att 3020 iin prre--rreviised pay scalle,, tthen tthe
basiic pay afftterr addiing tthese 8 iincrrementts wiillll be 5740X((1..03))8=7271
c)) Add HRA @30%((Dellhii iis ttaken as examplle,, butt iin ottherr sttattiions iitt wiillll be
d)) Add CDA on 1--1--2010=7271X27%=1963
e)) Tottall perr montth=7271((Basiic Pay))+2181((HRA))+1963((CDA))=Rs 11415
ff)) Daiilly wage=11415//30=Rs 381
IIn case off Casuall Mazdoorr tthe rreviised daiilly wage iis based on rreviised miiniimum basiic
pay+CDA,, callcullatted as bellow,, as on 1--1--2010::
a)) Miiniimum rreviised basiic pay=5740
b)) CDA @ 27% on 1--1--2010=1550
c)) Sallarry perr montth=5740+1550=7290
d)) Daiilly wage=Rs 243
Thiis iis a good achiievementt.. Butt we have tto conttiinue tthe efffforrtts fforr paymentt off wages tto casuall
llaborr based on IIDA pay scalle iinsttead off CDA pay scalle and allso fforr achiieviing tthe goall off
rregullarriisiing tthe Casuall mazdoorrs//TSMs..
Regarrdiing Conttrractt Laborr,, we arre conttiinuiing ourr efffforrtts tto prressurriise tthe managementt fforr
iimpllementtiing sttattuttorry wages and allll ottherr prroviisiions lliike EPF,, ESII ettc fforr tthem..
30.. Whatt iis tthe rolle off NFTE--FNTO alllliiance iin wage reviisiion?
They ttrriied ttheiirr llevell bestt tto harrm tthe emplloyees.. Whiille BSNLEU was ttrryiing tto brriing maxiimum
beneffiitt fforr tthe emplloyees iinspiitte off tthe ffalllliing ffiinanciiall condiittiion off BSNL,, tthey prropagatted tthatt we
shoulld agrree whatt everr iis prroposed by tthe managementt.. They made a biig prropaganda durriing llastt
verriiffiicattiion tthatt BSNLEU iis dellayiing wage agrreementt.. Accorrdiing tto tthem tthe agrreementt shoulld be
siigned iin 2007 orr 2008 iitt sellff,, befforre wage rreviisiion orrderr was iissued fforr BSNL executtiives iin 2009
Marrch.. IIff tthatt was done,, we woulld nott have gott 30% ffiittmentt beneffiitt on parr wiitth executtiives.. When
tthe orrderr fforr executtiives was rrelleased and managementt prroposed 30% ffiittmentt on parr wiitth
executtiives,, butt wiitth 10 yearr perriiodiiciitty,, tthey have made a biig prropaganda tthatt BSNLEU shoulld
agrree fforr 10 yearr perriiodiiciitty and siign tthe agrreementt iimmediiattelly.. We iignorred ttheiirr malliiciious and
anttii--worrkerr prropaganda and ffiinalllly achiieved perriiodiiciitty on parr wiitth executtiives and iin case tthe nextt
wage rreviisiion fforr executtiives ttakes pllace befforre 10 yearrs,, fforr us allso same perriiodiiciitty wiillll be
applliied.. IIn case we siigned fforr 10 yearrs as demanded by NFTE--FNTO,, we woulld have llostt iin
perriiodiiciitty comparred tto executtiives.. When we asked tthem tto jjoiin allong wiitth us iin tthe sttrriikes and
sttrrugglles fforr achiieviing a betttterr wage rreviisiion fforr emplloyees,, tthey diid nott jjoiin.. Even tthough we ttolld
tthem tthatt tthey wiillll be allllowed tto siign as wiittness orr iin any ottherr mannerr on tthe wage agrreementt
alltthough tthey arre unrrecogniised,, tthey rreffused fforr parrttiiciipattiing iin tthe diiscussiion and sttrrugglles on
fflliimsy grrounds.. They have wrriitttten a lletttterr tto tthe managementt fforr rreduciing tthe span off tthe pay scalle
so tthatt emplloyees wiillll sttagnatte iimmediiattelly afftterr wage rreviisiion.. Theiirr onlly iinttenttiion iis tto hellp tthe
managementt and worrk agaiinstt tthe emplloyees.. When we arre ttrryiing fforr iincrrease iin tthe span off tthe
pay scalles fforr tthe beneffiitt off tthe emplloyees,, tthey made a prropaganda among tthe emplloyees tto
wiitthdrraw memberrshiip ffrrom BSNLEU.. Att everry sttep tthey ttrriied ttheiirr llevell bestt tto harrm tthe
emplloyees iin tthe wage rreviisiion.. We coulld overrcome allll ttheiirr conspiirraciies and achiieved tthe bestt
possiiblle wage agrreementt despiitte tthe detterriiorrattiing ffiinanciiall condiittiion off BSNL..
31.. Whatt are tthe llessons tto be llearntt ffrom tthe experiience off wage reviisiion?
a)) Uniitted sttrrugglle allong wiitth ottherr PSU uniions underr tthe bannerr off CPSTU hellped us iin achiieviing
30% ffiittmentt beneffiitt,, perriiodiiciitty on parr wiitth executtiives and 3% iincrrementt.. These arre tthe majjorr
achiievementts.. Therrefforre we have tto sttrrengtthen tthiis uniitty off PSU emplloyees underr tthe bannerr
off CPSTU.. Ourr parrttiiciipattiion iin tthe sttrrugglles as perr tthe CPSTU calllls sttrrengtthened tthese
sttrrugglles and have giiven good rresulltts.. Therrefforre we shoulld ffurrttherr sttrrengtthen tthiis uniitty..
b)) The sttrriike iin ttellecom secttorr iin BSNL allone iis nott ffulllly effffecttiive siince tthe serrviices arre nott
effffectted and ttherre iis alltterrnatte arrrrangementt fforr ttellecom serrviices by ottherr ttellecom companiies..
Ourr sttrriike has some iimpactt iin compelllliing tthe managementt tto agrree fforr perriiodiiciitty on parr wiitth
executtiives.. Butt tto be ffulllly effffecttiive iin tthe sttrriikes we shoulld orrganiise tthe worrkerrs iin prriivatte
ttellecom companiies allso so tthatt allll can sttrriike ttogettherr and sttop tthe enttiirre ttellecom systtem fforr
effffecttiive rresulltt..
c)) The NFTE--FNTO alllliiance has become anttii--worrkerr alllliiance and iitt diiviided tthe worrkerrs so tthatt a
secttiion off tthe worrkerrs diid nott parrttiiciipatte.. We shoulld conttiinue tto make allll efffforrtts tto brriing tthem
iin tthe sttrrugglle prrogrrammes and iin case tthey arre nott wiilllliing,, such lleaderrs shoulld be iisollatted
ffrrom worrkerrs iin orrderr tto sttrrengtthen tthe uniitty off tthe BSNL emplloyees..
d)) ((Ourr wages arre due tto tthe earrniings off BSNL.. Butt due tto tthe wrrong polliiciies iimpllementted
iinttenttiionalllly by tthe Goverrnmentt tto desttrroy BSNL fforr tthe beneffiitt off prriivatte ttellecom companiies,,
BSNL iis allrready iin operrattiionall lloss as dettaiilled above.. We shoulld rrealliise tthe grraviitty off tthe
siittuattiion.. We have tto orrganiise tthe sttrrugglle fforr prrottecttiing and devellopiing BSNL iin tthrree ffrrontts::
ii)) Allll emplloyees shoulld worrk dediicattedlly and exttend betttterr serrviice tto tthe custtomerrs and
see tthatt tthe sharre off BSNL iin tthe ttellecom serrviices marrkett iincrreases wiitth a llarrge scalle
iincrrease iin tthe numberr off custtomerrs.. To popullarriise tthiis rrequiirrementt,, tthe ffollllowiing iis
added iin tthe wage rreviisiion agrreementt::
The rrecogniised uniion has agrreed tto exttend ffullll supporrtt tto allll iiniittiiattiives ttaken by tthe
managementt fforr ffurrttherr iimprroviing tthe worrk culltturre..
Managementt and rreprresenttattiive uniion agrree tto cooperratte fforr crreattiing a harrmoniious
iindusttrriiall rrellattiionshiip conduciive tto tthe grrowtth off BSNL’’s sharre iin tthe ttellecom serrviices
marrkett.. IItt has allso been agrreed tthatt rrettrraiiniing off iitts emplloyees consiisttentt wiitth skiilllls and
ttechnollogy wiillll be underrttaken,, wherreverr necessarry,, especiialllly iin tthe conttextt off
ttechnollogiicall changes..””
IImprrovementt off worrk culltturre and exttensiion off betttterr serrviices tto tthe custtomerrs and
makiing allll efffforrtts fforr iincrreasiing tthe numberr off BSNL subscrriiberrs iin llarrge scalle iis a parrtt off
ourr sttrrugglle fforr saviing and devellopiing BSNL and allong wiitth iitt fforr saviing ourr ffutturre..
Therrefforre we shoulld ttake tthe iiniittiiattiive by ttuniing ourrsellves wiitth tthiis rrequiirrementt and
iimprroviing tthe worrk culltturre..
iiii)) The NDA Goverrnmentt and tthe UPA Goverrnmentts ttherreafftterr have been ttrryiing tto desttrroy
BSNL iin orrderr tto hellp tthe prriivatte ttellecom companiies.. Severrall hurrdlles werre crreatted tto
scuttttlle tthe devellopmentt off BSNL.. Onlly afftterr tthe one day sttrriike iin 1997 by allll tthe
executtiives and non--executtiives ttogettherr,, tthe Goverrnmentt was compelllled tto allllow BSNL tto
prrocurre GSM equiipmentt tto a cerrttaiin exttentt iin orrderr tto meett tthe demand fforr prroviidiing cellll
phone connecttiions.. Agaiin tthe Goverrnmentt and ottherr iinsttiittuttiions off tthe Sttatte arre puttttiing
severrall hurrdlles iin prrocurriing tthe 93 miilllliion GSM equiipmentt as perr tthe ttenderr ffiinalliized by
BSNL.. On tthe one hand tthe Goverrnmentt iis puttttiing brrakes iin tthe devellopmentt off BSNL
and on tthe ottherr hand tthe Prriime Miiniistterr iis holldiing meettiings wiitth Communiicattiions
Miiniistterr,, DoT//BSNL autthorriittiies fforr prrottecttiing tthe ffiinanciiall viiabiilliitty off BSNL!! The solluttiion
tthey arre ttrryiing tto iimpose iis tto sellll 10% off tthe sharres off BSNL tthrrough IIPO.. Accorrdiing tto
tthem tthe onlly way tto save tthe BSNL iis tto sellll iitt iin phased mannerr and prriivattiise iitt ffiinalllly..
The rreall aiim iis tto hand overr tthe morre tthan 40 llakhs crrorres worrtth assetts off BSNL sprread
overr tthrrough outt tthe counttrry,, tto tthe biig capiittalliistts--IIndiian and Forreiign.. Unlless such
polliiciies arre deffeatted,, we can neiittherr save BSNL norr ourr ffutturre.. Therrefforre we have tto ffiightt
agaiinstt tthese wrrong polliiciies off tthe Goverrnmentt,, by uniittiing allll non--executtiives and
executtiives iin tthe sttrrugglle..
iiiiii)) Att prresentt tthe Capiittalliistt--lland llorrd cllasses arre conttrrolllliing tthe polliittiics and tthey arre ablle tto
see tthatt tthe polliittiicall parrttiies rreprresenttiing ttheiirr iintterrestts arre ablle tto gett majjorriitty iin tthe
ellecttiions and fforrm Goverrnmentts att Centtrre and iin varriious sttattes.. So ffarr,, tthe parrttiies
rreprresenttiing tthe iintterrestt off tthe worrkiing cllass and tthe peoplle—tthe llefftt and democrrattiic
parrttiies arre ablle tto gett majjorriitty iin tthrree Sttattes onlly—Kerralla,, Bengall and Trriipurra.. When tthe
Lefftt gott 60 M..Ps and tthe UPA--1 Goverrnmentt depended on ttheiirr supporrtt,, tthe Goverrnmentt
att tthe Centtrre was nott ablle tto go ahead wiitth iitts pllans fforr prriivattiisiing PSUs and prriivattiisiing
pensiion.. IItt was compelllled tto brriing Nattiionall Rurrall Emplloymentt Guarranttee Actt fforr prroviidiing
100 days guarrantteed worrk perr yearr iin rrurrall arreas.. The Lefftt Goverrnmentts iin Kerralla,,
Bengall and Trriipurra iimpllementted lland rrefforrms and prrottectted tthe rriightts off tthe worrkiing
cllass.. Therrefforre iitt iis necessarry tto change tthe ballance iin polliittiics iin ffavorr off tthe worrkiing
cllass and peoplle by sendiing morre rreprresenttattiives off worrkiing cllass tto
Parrlliiamentt//assemblliies.. Butt tthiis iis possiiblle onlly by tthe acttiive parrttiiciipattiion off tthe worrkiing
cllass iin tthe polliittiics.. Therrefforre besiides orrganiisiing tthe sttrrugglle tto iimprrove tthe worrk culltturre,,
tthe sttrrugglle agaiinstt tthe wrrong polliiciies off tthe Goverrnmentt,, we have tto parrttiiciipatte iin tthe
polliittiicall sttrrugglle fforr changiing tthe polliittiics off tthe counttrry iin ffavorr off worrkiing cllass and
P.. Asokababu
Asstt.. Generall Secrettary,, BSNLEU
www.bsnlnewsbyashokhindocha.blogspot.com M-9426201999