www.bsnlnewsbyashokhindocha.blogspot.com M-9426201999
Press Rellease 04..01..2010
Joint Forum calls for Agitational
Programmes to Save BSNL
The Joiintt Forrum off BSNL Associiattiions // Uniions off Executtiives and Non--Executtiives iin iitts
meetiing helld on 1st Januarry,, 2010 has deciided to organiize agittattiionall progrrammes
prrottesttiing agaiinstt tthe deciisiion off BSNL Boarrd tto keep tthe mobiille lliines ttenderr purrchase on
holld on tthe pllea off CVC iinquiirry and demandiing tthe goverrnmentt and managementt tto
iimmediiattelly iissue purrchase orrderr fforr tthe 93 miilllliion GSM lliines so tthatt BSNL iis enablled tto
prroviide ffurrttherr mobiille connecttiions tto tthe peoplle..
The BSNL iis starrved off GSM llines since 2007,, when tthe ttender off 43 miilllliion GSM lines werre
rreduced tto hallff by BSNL Boarrd at tthe behestt off vestted iintterrestts.. Even tthe purrchase off 2..25
miilllliion lliines was ffiinalliized onlly afftterr tthe enttiirre tthrree llakh executtiives and Non--executtiive wentt
on sttrriike on 11th Jully,, 2007.. IItt was assurred llatterr tthatt tto compensatte,, a mega ttenderr off 93
miilllliion GSM lliines wiillll be fflloatted and wiillll be avaiillablle wiitthoutt dellay..
Even afftterr allmostt ttwo yearrs tthe mega ttenderr fforr 93 miilllliion has nott matterriialliized tto purrchase
orrderr. Att everry sttage therre was conttiinued bllocks and opposiittiion.. M//s Nokiia Siemens
Nettworrks, which was disquallifiied ffrom tenderr on ttechnicall grrounds wentt to A..P.. High Courrtt
tto sttop tthe ttenderr.. An ‘‘IInttegrriitty panell’’ was asked tto llook iin tto ‘‘iirrrregullarriittiies’’.. Botth ffound no
iirrrregullarriitty and tthe case iin Hiigh Courrtt was diismiissed.. Butt befforre prroceediing ffurrttherr tthe
BSNL Boarrd iin iitts meettiing on 30th Decemberr has deciided tto wiitthholld tthe ttenderr on tthe pllea
off some CVC iinquiirry as tto how and why tthe managementt has negottiiatted tto rreduce tthe rrattes
wiitth M//s Erriicosson afftterr tthe ttenderr was ffiinalliised.. IItt iis wellll known tthatt such negottiiattiions
usualllly ttake place so thatt the costt is reduced.. In tthe llastt tenderr allso tthis prrocedurre was
adoptted tto tthe beneffiitt off tthe company..
Allrready due tto GSM lliines crrunch and connectted iissues marrkett sharre off BSNL has gone
down tto 16..38%..IIn mobiilles iitt iis iin 4th posiittiion and iin ttottall off lland lliine & mobiille iitt iis iin 3rd
posiittiion.. IItt tthe GSM ttenderr purrchase orrderrs arre nott iissued tthen ttherre wiillll no lliines tto prroviide
and BSNL wiillll ffurrtther go down..
The Joiintt Forrum whiich mett on 1st Januarry,, 2010afftterr dettaiilled deciisiion has deciided tto
rrequestt tthe iintterrventtiion off Prriime Miiniistterr so tthatt BSNL iis allllowed tto go wiitth prrocurriing tthe
mobiille lliines.. Hundrreds off ttellegrrams have allrready been sentt tto Prriime Miiniistterr by ourr lleaderrs
att Ciirrclle and Diisttrriictt llevell seekiing PM’’s iintterrventtiion.. Joiintt Forrum has allso calllled upon tthe
enttiirre worrkerrs tto demonsttrratte on 5th Januarry on ttheiirr demands..
We seek the supporrtt of alll peoplle iin our ffight fforr jjusttice..
Joiintt Forum off BSNL Uniions
www.bsnlnewsbyashokhindocha.blogspot.com M-9426201999
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