www.bsnlnewsbyashokhindocha.blogspot.com M-9326201999
Recognised Union in BSNL
(Regiistered Under IIndiian Trade Uniion Act 1926.. Regn..No..4896)
CHQ:Dada Ghosh Bhawan,, Opp.. Shadiipur Bus Depot..,, New Dellhii – 110008
Emaiill: chqbsnlleu@siify..com,, websiite: bsnlleuchq..com
Phone:: ((O)) 011--25705385
V..A..N.. Namboodiirii ((R)) 011-- 23342848
Generall Secrettary Fax:: 011-- 25894862
BSNLEU//102((CIIRCULAR NO..21)) 30th December,, 2009
Dearr Comrrades,,
CHQ wiishes a happy and prrosperrous new yearr 2010 tto allll ourr memberrs and wellll wiisherrs.. Lett tthe
New Yearr be a yearr ffullll off acttiiviittiies tto prromotte and deffend tthe iintterrestts off tthe common peoplle and
tthe ttoiilliing masses..
Wage Reviisiion:: -- Wage Negottiiattiion iis iin tthe llastt sttage.. Therre arre some morre iissues tto be
sorrtted outt lliike span off tthe scalle,, uniifforrm ettc.. The managementt iis verry parrttiicullarr tto abolliish tthe
uniifforrm and connectted allllowances whiich we cannott agrree att allll.. We wantt tthe span off scalles tto be
iincrreased,, whiich tthey arre verry rrellucttantt tto agrree.. We hope tto sorrtt outt tthe iissue befforre tthe nextt
meettiing on 5tth Januarry 2010.. The meettiing ffiixed fforr 29tth Decemberr,, 2009 had tto be posttponed siince
mostt off tthe offffiiciiall memberrs arre eiittherr on ttrraiiniing orr on lleave.. We wantt tto ffiinalliise tthe agrreementt
by 5tth Januarry,, 2010 iittsellff..
Anomally Reportt:: -- The rreporrtt has been ffiinalliised wiitth tthe agrreementt tthatt tthe diifffferrence off lless
amountt tthan tthe jjuniiorr iin tthe jjuniiorr grrade wiillll be sorrtted outt by grranttiing perrsonall pay tto tthe seniiorr iin
tthe hiigherr grrade,, siince tthe DOT has nott agrreed tto apprrove tthe earrlliierr agrreementt sttattiing tthatt tthe
iissue can nott be settttlled underr FR orr by tthe prroviisiions off tthe Reviised Pay Rulles.. The agrreementt
wiillll now go tto Managementt Commiittttee and tthen tto BSNL Boarrd afftterr apprrovall off whiich tthe
necessarry orrderrs wiillll be iissued.. Thiis iissue need nott go tto DOT fforr apprrovall.. CHQ iis ttrryiing fforr
gettttiing earrlly orrderrs..
Promottiion Polliicy:: -- Generrall Secrrettarry iis ttrryiing tto meett tthe Secrrettarry,, DOT tto gett tthe apprrovall
fforr prromottiion polliicy.. IIn case iitt iis tto be sentt fforr DPE,, tthen we have allrready demanded tthe
managementt tto iimpllementt tthe polliicy wiitthoutt prrejjudiice tto tthe 9200 scalle beiing apprroved..
CEC Meettiing:: -- The nextt Centtrrall Executtiive Commiittttee Meettiing iis deciided tto be helld att Bhopall
((M..P)) ffrrom 14tth tto 16tth Febrruarry 2010.. CEC memberrs arre rrequestted tto book tthe ttiickerrs earrlly tto
ensurre rreserrvattiion.. The nottiice has allrready been iissued as allso publliished iin tthe Tellemessage
Januarry 2010..
Allll IIndiia Confference:: -- The Fiifftth Allll IIndiia Confferrence off BSNLEU wiillll be helld att
Thiirruvanantthapurram by tthe ffiirrstt--second week off May 2010.. Recepttiion Commiittttee wiillll be fforrmed
shorrttlly.. Diisttrriictt and Ciirrclle Confferrences whiich arre due shoulld be conductted wiitthoutt dellay.. The
numberr off dellegattes elliigiiblle wiillll be iinttiimatted on tthe basiis off tthe CHQ quotta rreceiived iin 2008 and
Membershiip Campaiign:: -- CHQ hopes tthatt serriious efffforrtt and campaiign have allrready been
sttarrtted by tthe Ciirrclle//Diisttrriictt//Brranches tto enrroll maxiimum memberrs durriing tthe one montth,, 16tth
Decemberr tto 15tth Januarry 2010.. Maxiimum efffforrtt may be made iin tthiis rrespectt..
A II B D P A:: -- Ciirrclle//Diisttrriictt Secrrettarriies arre rrequestted tto ttake iiniittiiattiive iin ffiirrmiing tthe Ciirrclle and
Diisttrriictt Brranches off tthe rrecenttlly fforrmed Allll IIndiia BSNL DOT Pensiionerrs Associiattiion((AIIBDPA))..
Diisttrriictt and Ciirrclle Conventtiions be orrganiised fforr tthiis purrpose wiitthoutt dellay..
Conffederattiion off Centtrall Govtt.. Emplloyees and Workers:: -- 23rd Nattiionall Counciill off
Centtrrall Govtt.. Emplloyees and worrkerrs was helld att New Dellhii ffrrom 4tth tto 6tth Decemberr 2009
prresiided overr by Com.. K..Vyas,, Prresiidentt.. Com..V..A..N..Namboodiirrii,, Generrall Secrrettarry,, BSNLEU
addrressed tthe dellegatte sessiion on 5th Decemberr and conveyed tthe grreettiings off tthe BSNL worrkerrs..
He allso menttiioned aboutt tthe iissues off tthe BSNL Pensiionerrs on 50% merrgerr off IIDA,, Pensiion
rreviisiion ettc.. whiich rrequiirre urrgentt settttllementt.. Coms.. S..K..Vyas and K..K..N..Kutttty have been rre--
ellectted as Prresiidentt and Secrrettarry Generrall rrespecttiivelly..
Wiitth Warrm Grreettiings,,
Yourrs Frratterrnalllly,,
Generall Secrettary
www.bsnlnewsbyashokhindocha.blogspot.com M-9426201999
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