www.bsnlnewsbyashokhindocha.blogspot.com M-9426201999


www.bsnlnewsbyashokhindocha.blogspot.com M-9426201999
IItems ffor Nattional Counciil
1) IImpllementtattiion off Prromottiion Polliicy fforr Non--Executiives
Agrreementt on prromottiion polliicy fforr non--executtiive emplloyees have been made
bettween BSNL managementt and rreprresenttatiive uniion on 30..10..2008,, afftterr prolonged
diiscussiion fforr aboutt ffourr yearrs.. Howeverr,, tthe same iis yett tto be iimpllementted..
IImmediiatte acttiion iis tto be ttaken fforr iimpllementtattiion off tthe same..
2) Rellaxattiion iin serrviice condiittiion as allso qualliiffiicatiion fforr appearriing iin
35% and 15% JTO LIICE
Therre arre a good numberr off vacanciies exiisttiing fforr prromottiion by LIICE iin 35% and 15%
quotta. But tthe numberr off elliigiiblle offfiiciials are lless tthan the vacanciies.. Whiille accorrdiing
tto prromottiionall polliicy,, an offffiiciiall wiillll gett upgrradattiion afftterr 8 yearrs.. Prromottiion by
examiinattiion shoulld have much lless elliigiibiilliitty condiittiion.. Furrttherr,, tthe elliigiibiilliitty condiittiion
iin goverrnmentt earrlliierr was onlly tthrree yearrs.. IIn viiew off tthe above,, we rrequestt tthatt
rrellaxattiion be giiven iin tthe ffollllowiing iissues..
a)) 7 yearrs perriiod fforr elliigiibiilliitty be rreduced tto 5 yearrs..
b)) The elliigibiilliity qualliffiicatiion be rreduced ffrrom Grraduattion wiitth Sciience subjjectts tto
Grraduattiion ((BSc // BA ettc..))
An earrlly deciisiion be ttaken iin tthe matttterr..
3)) Chiilld carre lleave tto women emplloyees
Govtt.. off IIndiia iin iimpllementtattiion off rrecommendattiions off VII Centtrrall Pay Commiissiion
has iissued orrderrs fforr chiilld carre lleave tto tthe women emplloyees.. Thiis has nott been
implementted by BSNL managementt so ffarr.. This be iimpllementted in BSNL..
4)) Restt rroom fforr women iin Corrporratte Offffiice
Eventthough a good numberr off women emplloyees arre worrkiing iin Corrporratte Offffiice,, no
rresttrroom // dorrmiittorry fforr tthem has been prroviided iin Corrporratte Offffiice.. Thiis be prroviided
5)) Prrobllems off prre – 01..01..2006 rrettiirred BSNL absorrbed DoT emplloyees
((a)) 50% IIDA Merrgerr
((b)) Pensiion rrevisiion w..e..ff. 01..01.2007
((c)) Anomally iin pensiion fforr tthose rrettiirred bettween 01..10..2000 and 30..07..2001
((d)) Mediicall beneffiitts
These iissues have been brroughtt tto tthe nottiice off tthe managementt severrall ttiimes butt
tthe iissues sttiillll rremaiin nott settttlled.. Earrlly necessarry acttiion iis rrequiirred,, so tthatt tthe
rrettiirrees gett tthe beneffiitt off tthe same..
6) Shiifftiing of BSNL CO sectiions iin Sttatesman Buiilldiing and Chandrrallok
Buiilldiing tto Bharratt Sancharr Bhawan & Eastterrn Courrtt
Alltthough mostt off tthe secttiions iin rrentted Sttattesman House have been shiifftted tto BSNL’’s
own offffiice Bharratt Sancharr Bhawan orr Eastterrn Courrtt,, same secttiions arre sttiillll
ffuncttiioniing iin Sttattesman House payiing hiigh rrentt.. Some secttiions arre worrkiing iin
Chandrrallok Buiilldiings whiich iis allso ttaken on rrentt.. IIn orrderr tto rreduce tthe costt on rrentt,,
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these offfiices may be shiifftted tto Bharat Sancharr Bhawan orr Easterrn Courtt by makiing
suiittablle arrrrangementts,, alltterrnattiions ettc..
7)) IIssue off purrchase orrderr fforr 93 miilllliion GSM lliines
Wiitth much ffanfarre,, tthe ttenderr fforr 93 miillliion GSM llines was fflloatted morre tthan one year
back.. The marrkett sharre and rrevenue has gone done due tto crrunch off mobiille lliines
durriing tthe llastt one and hallff yearrs.. The purrchase orrderr fforr tthe new ttenderr iis allso nott
Immediatte actiion is requiirred on tthe parrtt off management tto iissue purrchase orrderr and
tto ensurre avaiillabiilliitty off GSM lliines tto be prroviided tto tthe applliicantts..
8)) Austterriitty measures tto reduce unnecessarry expendiitturre iin BSNL
The rreprresenttatiive uniion has broughtt tto tthe notiice off the managementt severrall arreas
wherre expendiitturre can be rreduced,, speciialllly iin viiew off tthe downffallll iin rrevenue and
profiitt of the company. Some off tthem arre giiven bellow::
((a)) Shiiffttiing off offffiices ffrrom rrentted buiilldiings..
((b)) Vehiiclle polliicy tto be rrevamped fforr maxiimum uttiilliizattiion
((c)) Reduce fforreiign & domestiic tourrs
((d)) Reduciing buiilldiing maiinttenance expendiitturres
((e)) Reduce ellecttrriiciitty and watterr charrges
((ff)) Sttop holldiing off meettiings iin costtlly ffiive sttarr and tthrree sttarr hottells
((g)) Sttop huge maiinttenance charrges,, ttemporrarry advances ettc..
((h)) Dellay iin cllaiimiing off USO ffund iin ttiime ffrrom CCAs
((ii)) Abolliish Tellephone Adviisorry Commiittttees
Therre arre so many ottherr arreas wherre tthe expendiitturre can be currttaiilled orr compllettelly
sttopped.. Urrgentt acttiion iis necessarry so tthatt tthe wastteffull expendiitturre can be rreduced..
9)) Regullarriisattiion off llefftt outt casuall llabourr
On tthe eve off fforrmattiion off BSNL,, as perr assurrance giiven by cabiinett and as perr sttrriike
agrreementt,, orrderrs werre iissued by DoT viide No.. 269--94//1998--STN IIII datted 29..09..2000
fforr rregullarriizattiion off llefftt outt casuall llabourr..
Accorrdiinglly managementt sancttiioned postts fforr rregullarriizattiion off elliigiiblle casuall llabourr
and many werre regullarriized w..e.ff.. 1..10..2000.. Butt att tthe same ttiime many llefft outt casuall
llabourr werre agaiin llefftt outt due tto admiiniisttrrattiive llapse..
IIn viiew off tthe jjudgementt off tthe Consttiittuttiion Bench off Hon’’blle Suprreme Courrtt datted
10..04..2006 iin Umadevii case CA No..3595--3612 off 1999,, BSNL managementt ttook tthe
sttand thatt tthe scheme off rregullarriizattiion off casuall llabourr announced viide DoT orrderr
menttiioned above was unttenablle and iitt iis nott possiiblle tto rregullarriize tthe llefftt outt casuall
labourr as perr tthiis scheme.
IIn tthiis connecttiion tthe ffollllowiing iinsttrructtiion iissued by tthe DoP&T viide iitts No..
49019//II//2006--Estttt ((C)) datted 11--12--2006 iis siigniiffiicantt..
““A Consttiituttiion bench off tthe Suprreme Courrtt in ciiviil appeall No..3595--3612/1999 ettc. iin
tthe case off Secrrettarry Sttatte off Karrnattaka and Orrs.. Vs.. Uma Devii and ottherrs has
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rreiiterratted tthatt any publliic appoiinttmentt has tto be iin tterms off tthe Constiittuttionall
Scheme.. Howeverr,, tthe Suprreme Courrtt iin parra 44 off tthe afforresaiid jjudgementt datted
10--4--2006 has diirrectted tthatt tthe Uniion off IIndiia,, tthe Sttatte Goverrnmentts and ttheiirr
iinsttrrumenttalliittiies shoulld ttake stteps tto rregullarriize as a one ttiime measurre tthe serrviices
off such iirrrregullarrlly appoiintted,, who arre dully qualliiffiied perrsons iin tterrms off tthe sttattuttorry
rrecrruiittmentt rrulles fforr tthe postt and who have worrked fforr tten yearrs orr morre iin dully
sancttiioned postts butt nott underr tthe coverr off orrderrs off courrtts orr ttrriibunalls.. The Apex
Court has cllariifiied tthatt iif such appoiinttment iittselff iis iin iinffracttiion off the rrulles orr iif iitt iis iin
viiollattiion off tthe prroviisiions off tthe Consttiittuttiion,, iillllegalliitty cannott be rregullarriized..””
Based on tthe above ciirrcullarr off DoP&T,, a llarrge numberr off casuall llabourrerr werre
regularriized iin the Centrrall Goverrnment Departtmentts llike Customs,, Centrrall Excise,,
IIncome Tax,, Miiniisttrry off watterr rresourrces,, and iin PSUs lliike NTPC,, IIndiian Miinerrall
Corrporrattiion ettc.. Unfforrttunattelly,, tthiis was nott done iin BSNL despiitte tthe assurrance off tthe
managementt tto ttake necessarry acttiion fforr rresttarrttiing tthiis prrocess off rregullarriizattiion..
Furrttherr,, among tthese lleffttoutt casuall llabourr,, a good numberr arre elliigiiblle fforr TSM sttattus
as on 1--8--1998.. IItt was deniied by tthe managementt iiniittiialllly iin tthe name off tthe ASG’’s
opiiniion on tthe above saiid Suprreme Courtt judgmentt. Butt tthe same Suprreme Courrtt
rreffused tto grrantt sttay on tthe Orriissa Hiigh courrtt’’s jjudgmentt fforr grranttiing TSM sttattus tto
some such casuall llaborr and diirrectted tto iimpllementt tthe Oriissa High Courtt Judgmentt..
BSNL Corrporratte Offffiice iissued orrderrs fforr grranttiing TSM sttattus tto tthe pettiittiionerrs.. IItt iis
rrequestted tthatt iinsttead off conffiiniing tthiis tto tthe pettiittiionerrs allone,, tthe TSM sttattus be
exttended tto allll elliigiiblle casuall llaborr,, iin orrderr tto averrtt ffurrttherr courrtt cases..
In viiew off the above iimmediiatte acttiion be ttaken tto sorrt outt and sollve tthe iissue so tthatt
casuall llabourrs engaged fforr many yearrs be rregullarriized wiitth outt ffurrttherr dellay..
((10)) Perrsonall upgrradattiion off qualliiffiied and offffiiciiattiing JTOs
The offffiiciialls qualliiffiied iin tthe 1999 & 2000 examiinattiions,, ttrraiined and offffiiciiattiing as JTOs
fforr tthe llastt ffew yearrs arre yett tto be giiven rregullarr postts as JTOs.. The rreprresenttattiive
uniion has requested thatt tthey may be prromotted by perrsonalllly upgradiing ttheiirr postts..
Though tthey arre diischarrgiing ttheiirr duttiies as JTO,, tthey arre deprriived off allll beneffiitts as
JTOs.. An earrly deciisiion iin tthe matttterr iis rrequiired tto post tthem so JTO att lleastt by
upgrradattiion off postts..
((11)) Rellaxattiion off educattiionall qualliiffiicattiions ffor RM ffor appeariing iin TM
As perr Recrruiittmentt Rulles fforr TM,, Grroup ‘‘D’’ offffiiciialls arre elliigiiblle tto appearr fforr examiinattiion
fforr prromottiion tto Tellecom Mechaniic wiitth outt any condiittiion off educattiionall qualliiffiicattiion.. Butt
iin tthe case off RM // TSM,, ttherre iis tthe condiittiion off Xtth sttandarrd pass.. The grroup ‘‘D’’ and RM
arre botth grroup ‘‘D’’,, tthey arre iintterrchangeablle and many Grroup ‘‘D’’ werre rredesiignatted as
RM.. IIn such a siittuattiion,, diiscrriimiinattiion bettween tthese cadrres have no jjusttiiffiicattiion..
IItt iis,, ttherrefforre rrequestted tthatt RM be allllowed tto appearr iin tthe examiinattiion fforr prromottiion tto
TM wiitthoutt any condiittiion off educattiionall qualliiffiicattiion as iin tthe case off Grroup ‘‘D’’..
www.bsnlnewsbyashokhindocha.blogspot.com M-9426201999