
www.bsnlnewsbyashokhindocha.blogspot.com M-9426201999
Recognised Union in BSNL
(Regiistered Under IIndiian Trade Uniion Act 1926.. Regn..No..4896)
CHQ:Dada Ghosh Bhawan,, Opp.. Shadiipur Bus Depot..,, New Dellhii – 110008
Emaiill: chqbsnlleu@siify..com,, websiite: bsnlleuchq..com
Phone:: ((O)) 011--25705385
V..A..N.. Namboodiirii ((R)) 011-- 23342848
Generall Secrettary Fax:: 011-- 25894862
BSNLEU/102 (Circular No.04) 06th February, 2010
Organiise Satyagraha / Jaiill Bharo
on 5th March, 2010
Call from Central Trade Unions
Dearr Comrrades,,
The rrockettiing prriice rriise off essenttiiall commodiittiies have made lliiffe miiserrablle fforr tthe aam admii
and tthe ttoiilliing masses off tthe counttrry.. The prriices off vegettablles have morre tthan doublled as allso
tthatt off rriice,, grrams ettc.. The goverrnmentt prroposall tto iincrrease prriices off pettrroll,, diiesell and cookiing
gas ettc.. wiillll iincrrease tthe prriices ffurrttherr.. Therre iis no rrespiitte fforr tthe common man ffrrom tthe spiirralliing
The glloball rrecessiion diid nott affffectt IIndiia verry serriiouslly due tto tthe Publliic Secttorr iinclludiing tthe
bankiing secttorr.. Howeverr,, emplloymentt and jjob opporrttuniittiies have gone down drrasttiicalllly.. The
sttiimullus package offfferred tto biig busiiness by tthe goverrnmentt has nott beneffiitted tthe worrkerrs..
Managementts and emplloyerrs arre fflloattiing allll llabourr llaws wiitth iimpurriitty wiitth conffiidence tthatt
tthe goverrnmentt wiillll nott iintterrfferre siince tthe neo--lliiberralliisattiion polliicy off tthe goverrnmentt iis compllettelly
anttii--worrkerr.. Explloiittattiion off tthe worrkerrs iin tthe unorrganiized secttorr conttiinues wiitthoutt any iintterrventtiion
off goverrnmentt..
The diisiinvesttmentt prrocess off Publliic Secttorr uniitts whiich was halltted durriing tthe ffiirrstt UPA
goverrnmentt due tto tthe sttiiffff opposiittiion off Lefftt Parrttiies supporrttiing tthe goverrnmentt and sttrrong prrottestt
ffrrom ttrrade uniions iis agaiin iin tthe prriiorriitty agenda off IIII UPA goverrnmentt.. Diivesttmentt has allrready
ttaken pllace iin NTPC..
IItt iis mostt wellcome tthatt tthe Centtrrall Trrade Uniions – CIITU,, AIITUC,, IINTUC,, HMS,, BMS,,
AIIUTUC,, TUCC,, AIICCTU and UTUC – have come ttogettherr tto prrottestt agaiinstt tthe anttii--worrkerr
polliiciies off tthe goverrnmentt.. The hiisttorriic Allll IIndiia Conventtiion helld att Mavallankarr Hallll,, New Dellhii on
14th Septtemberr,, 2009 had deciided fforr acttiion prrogrramme tto prrottectt tthe iintterrestt off worrkerrs wiitth tthe
ffollllowiing demands::
Conttaiin prriice rriise off essenttiiall commodiittiies tthrrough apprroprriiatte corrrrecttiive and uniiverrsall
diisttrriibuttiive measurres;; conttaiin specullattiion iin commodiitty marrkett..
Take concrrette prroacttiive measurres fforr emplloymentt prrottecttiion iin tthe rrecessiion sttrriicken
secttorrs allong wiitth tthe sttiimullus package beiing offfferred tto tthe concerrned enttrreprreneurrs..
Ensurre sttrriictt enfforrcementt off allll basiic llabourr llaws wiitthoutt any excepttiion orr exempttiion and
sttrriingentt puniittiive measurres fforr viiollattiion off llabourr llaws..
Take stteps fforr rremovall off allll rresttrriicttiive prroviisiions based on poverrtty lliine iin rrespectt off
elliigiibiilliitty fforr coverrage off tthe schemes underr tthe Unorrganiised Worrkerrs Sociiall Securriitty Actt
2008 and crreatte Nattiionall Fund tto prroviide fforr Nattiionall Flloorr Levell Sociiall Securriitty tto allll
unorrganiised secttorr worrkerrs..
Sttop diisiinvesttmentt off sharres off Centtrrall Publliic Secttorr Entterrprriises;; iinsttead use ttheiirr
grrowiing rreserrve and surrpllus fforr expansiion and moderrniisattiion purrposes and allso fforr
rreviivall off siick Publliic Secttorr Underrttakiings..
As tthe ffiirrstt sttep Allll IIndiia Prrottestt Day was obserrved on 28..10..2009 by jjoiinttlly orrganiiziing
demonsttrrattiion,, rralllliies ettc..
Sattyagraha // Jaiill Bharo on 05..03..2010
As tthe nextt sttep,, iitt has been deciided tto orrganiize Sattyagrraha // Jaiill Bharro on 5th Marrch,, 2010
tthrroughoutt tthe counttrry..
The demands rraiised by tthe Centtrrall Trrade Uniions arre diirrecttlly connectted wiitth tthe iissues off
tthe ttoiilliing masses off tthe counttrry.. BSNL Emplloyees Uniion iis parrtt off tthiis movementt and has
orrganiized allll prrogrrammes calllled fforr by tthe Centtrrall Trrade Uniions..
CHQ calllls upon allll Ciirrclle // SSA // Brranch Secrrettarriies tto iimmediiattelly prreparre fforr tthe
successffull iimpllementtattiion off tthe prrogrramme jjoiinttlly wiitth tthe ottherr uniions // ffederrattiions.. Co--orrdiinatte
wiitth tthe Joiintt Commiittttees att yourr llevell and ensurre maxiimum parrttiiciipattiion off BSNL Worrkerrs..
You arre allso rrequestted tto send dettaiilled rreporrtt on tthe prrogrramme,, prrefferrablly wiitth phottos..
Allll IIndiia Confference att Thiiruvanantthapuram
The Vth Allll IIndiia Confferrence off BSNLEU wiillll be helld att Thiirruvanantthapurram ((Kerralla)) iin tthe
second week off May 2010.. The datte wiillll be ffiinalliized wiitthiin a ffew days.. The Recepttiion Commiittttee
iis beiing fforrmed and allll arrrrangementts wiillll be made fforr tthe successffull conductt off tthe confferrence..
Centtrall Executtiive Commiittttee Meettiing
The CEC Meettiing wiillll be helld att Bhopall ffrrom 14th tto 16th Febrruarry,, 2010.. Trrade Uniion
lleaderrs allso Seniiorr Offffiicerrs wiillll be addrressiing tthe CEC..
Wage Reviisiion
The Managementt Commiittttee off BSNL iin iitts meettiing on 3rd Febrruarry,, 2010 has apprroved
tthe wage rreviisiion fforr non--executtiive emplloyees.. Now iitt has tto be apprroved by tthe ffullll BSNL Boarrd
whiich wiillll be helld by tthe ffourrtth week off Febrruarry.. Afftterr Boarrd apprrovall,, iitt wiillll be fforrwarrded tto DoT
fforr iitts apprrovall siince pensiion iis iinvollved..
Promottiion Polliicy
CHQs demand fforr iimpllementtattiion off tthe Prromottiion Polliicy,, wiitthoutt waiittiing fforr apprrovall fforr
9,,200--13,,200 scalle whiich iis awaiittiing apprrovall off DPE,, iis beiing ffavourrablly consiiderred by tthe
Managementt.. Deciisiion iis expectted soon..
Wiitth Warrm Grreettiings,,
Yourrs comrradelly,,
Generall Secrettary
Copy tto:: Allll Diisttrriictt // Ciirrclle Secrrettarriies..
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