D--7,, Tellegraph Pllace,, Golle Market,, New Dellhii – 110 001..
Forum/Circular 02-03-2015
2 Days Strike on 21-22 April 2015 by BSNL Employees
Serving of Strike Notice on 12th March 2015
Organise Massive Demonstrations - Hold Press Meetings
Dear Comrades,,
The Forum off BSNL Uniions & Associiattiions hearttiilly congrattullattes allll tthe comrades who
parttiiciipatted iin tthe Parlliiamentt March on 25 February 2015 and made iitt a resoundiing success..
Aboutt 5,,000 emplloyees ffrom allmostt allll tthe ciirclles parttiiciipatted wiitth tthe nearby ciirclles briingiing
iin llarge number off workers.. Though tthe polliice autthoriittiies deniied permiissiion tto organiise tthe
March,, tthe tthousands off emplloyees lled by tthe Generall Secrettariies marched ffrom tthe BSNL
Corporatte Offffiice tto tthe Parlliiamentt as deciided earlliier.. The march was sttopped near Janttar
Manttar by tthe polliice where iitt was convertted iin tto a ralllly.. Com.. C..Siingh,, Chaiirman Forum &
Generall Secrettary NFTE presiided and Com.. V..A..N..Namboodiirii,, Convener,, Forum wellcomed allll
and spoke on tthe demands off tthe workers ffor tthe Reviivall off BSNL.. The ffollllowiing Generall
Secrettariies / Leaders off tthe uniions addressed tthe ralllly: Coms.. P..Abhiimanyu (BSNLEU),,
K..Sebasttiin (SNEA),, Prahllad Raii(AIBSNLEA),, K..Jayaprakash(FNTO),, Suresh Kumar (BSNLMS),,
R..C..Pande (BTEU),, R..P..Sahu (AIGETOA),, N..D..Ram(SEWA BSNL),, Harii Siingh (BTU BSNL) and
Suniill Gauttam(SNATTA)..
Com..Tapan Sen,, M..P..,, Generall Secrettary CITU,, Dr.. Dharam Viir Gandhii,, M..P..,, Shrii Vriijjesh
Upadhyay,, Generall Secrettary,, BMS,, Smtt.. Amarjjiitt Kaur,, Secrettary AITUC,, Com.. Shiiv Gopall
Miishra,, Secrettary Generall AIRF& Secrettary JCM Sttaffff Siide addressed tthe ralllly and exttended allll
supportt tto tthe Save BSNL Campaiign.. They allso assured tthatt tthey wiillll ttake up tthe matttter wiitth
tthe Governmentt..
The Memorandum tto Priime Miiniistter demandiing iimmediiatte assiisttance and acttiion ffor tthe
Reviivall off BSNL siigned by llakhs off peoplle was presentted tto tthe Priime Miiniistter’’s offffiice by tthe
lleaders off tthe Forum.. The Forum congrattullattes and expresses iitts tthanks tto allll tthe lleaders and
workers who made tthe Parlliiamentt March a Hiisttoriicall Success..
Two days Strike on 21- 22 April 2015
The meettiing off tthe Forum helld on 27tth February 2015,, reviiewed tthe preparattiion ffor tthe sttriike,,
tthe Save BSNL Campaiign and tthe Conventtiions helld iin tthe ciirclles.. The ffiightt iis agaiinstt tthe anttii-
BSNL polliiciies and deciisiions off tthe governmentt and iitt requiires sttreamlliined preparattiions.. In
order tto compllette tthe Ciirclle Conventtiions,, and Siignatture Campaiign,, some more ttiime iis
necessary,, iitt was ffelltt.. Furtther,, organiiziing tthe sttriike ffrom 17tth March as proposed wiillll have
seriious complliicattiions beiing iin tthe end off tthe ffiinanciiall year.. As such,, tthe meettiing deciided tto
organiize a Two Days Sttriike on 21-22 Apriill 2015,, wiitth ffurtther sttrugglles iiff iissues are nott settttlled..
Strike Notice on 12th March 2015 – Lunch Hour Demonstrations
The Sttriike Nottiice wiillll be served on 12tth March 2015 siigned by allll Generall Secrettariies afftter a
massiive demonsttrattiion att tthe BSNL Corporatte Offffiice.. Allll Generall Secrettariies are requestted tto
be presentt on tthe day.. On tthe same day,, Lunch hour demonsttrattiions wiillll be organiized iin allll
SSAs/Ciirclles.. Press confferences shoulld be helld on tthe same day att ciirclle llevells tto giive wiide
Signature Campaign
Even afftter submiissiion off tthe Memorandum tto tthe Priime Miiniistter on tthe day off Parlliiamentt
March on 25tth February,, more bundlles off siignattures are beiing receiived.. Itt has now been
deciided tthatt tthe ttiime ffor compllettiing tthe Siignatture Campaiign iis exttended up tto 31stt March..
The SSA / Branch Secrettariies are requestted tto ensure siignattures ffrom tthe peoplle and send iitt
tto tthe Convener,, Forum att Dellhii,, so as reach beffore 31stt March 2015..
Circle /SSA Conventions
Generall Secrettariies are enttrustted wiitth tthe ttask off holldiing tthe ciirclle llevell conventtiions wherever
tthe same has nott been helld so ffar.. These iincllude A..P..,, Maharashttra,, A&N,, ALTTC,, Assam,,
BRBRAITT,, Chhattttiisgarh,, Gujjaratt,, Haryana,, H..P..,, Jharkhand,, NTR,, Odiisha,, Inspecttiion Ciirclle,,
TF Mumbaii,, TF-Kollkatta,, Uttttarakhand,, UP(Westt) and BSNL C..O.. In addiittiion,, Joiintt Diisttriictt llevell
Conventtiions and Branch Generall Bodiies shoulld he helld tto spread tthe message off tthe sttriike..
Generall Secrettariies and Ciirclle Secrettariies shoulld ttake iiniittiiattiive ffor tthe same and ensure tthatt
tthese are conductted wellll beffore tthe sttriike.. The iinttenttiion iis tthatt each and every emplloyee
shoulld be conttactted and mottiivatted ffor tthe sttriike..
Wallll Postters wiillll be priintted by tthe Nattiionall Forum as requiired by uniions.. The same wiillll be
pllaced iin tthe websiittes off tthe uniions & associiattiions,, so tthatt tthe Ciirclle Secrettariies can ttake iitt
and priintt llocalllly iin tthe regiionall llanguage and supplly..
Dear Comrades,
The Raiillway budgett as wellll as tthe Centtrall Budgett has been presentted iin tthe Parlliiamentt.. Whiille
tthe Raiillway budgett proposes handiing over off Raiillway Sttattiions tto priivatte corporattes ffor
moderniisattiion,, tthe maiin budgett has proposed tto diisnvestt Publliic Secttor Uniitts and allso sttrattegiic
salle off certtaiin lloss makiing PSUs.. BSNL has allways been a ttargett off tthe governmentt ffor
diisiinvesttmentt.. Itt iis,, tthereffore,, off uttmostt iimporttance tthatt BSNL emplloyees have tto prepare
tthemsellves ffor a ‘‘Do or Diie Battttlle’’ tto reviive tthe BSNL,, whiich iis tthe bread wiinner off llakhs off
Uniitted sttrugglle iis mostt iimporttantt.. The sttriike preparattiions – conventtiions,, Lunch hour
Demonsttrattiion,, Siignatture Campaiign ettc.. have tto be jjoiinttlly organiised tto briing conffiidence tto tthe
We are on a crusade tto deffend,, reviive and sttrengtthen BSNL,,tthe serviice proviider tto crores off
peoplle spread iin allll partts off tthe counttry.. We cannott allllow tthe governmentt tto diisiinvestt or
priivattiise tthiis nattiionall assetty tto pllease tthe corporattes,, Indiian and fforeiign.. We have tto be
prepared tto deffend BSNL tto tthe llastt drop off our bllood..
Towards the 2 Days Striike on 21-22 Apriill 2015!
Wiitth Warm Greettiings,,
Convener,, Forum M-94262 -54999 M-94262 -54999
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