Happy Ugadi (Gudi Padwa), Chaitra Sukladi
and Cheti Chand.
CHQ wishes all a very Happy Ugadi (Gudi Padwa), Chaitra Sukladi and Cheti Chand. Let the festivals bring peace, prosperity and happiness to all the people.
www.bsnlnewsbyashokhindocha.blogspot.com M-94262 54999 hindochaashok@gmail.com
The Joint Circle Executive Committee meeting of Gujarat circle was held at Ahmedabad, today the 20-03-2015. The meeting was held to successfully organise the two day strike on 21st and 22nd April, 2015. Com.A.M.Patil, circle secretary, BSNLEU, welcomed everyone. Com.C.Sigh, GS, NFTE & President, Forum, presided over the meeting and delivered his address. Thereafter, com. P. Abhimanyu, GS, BSNLEU, com. K. Sebastin, GS, SNEA, com. Prahalad Rai, GS, AIBSNLEA and com. Suresh Kumar, GS, BSNL MS addressed the gathering and stressed on the importance to successfully organise the two day strike. Thereafter, the circle secretaries of BSNLEU, NFTE, SNEA, AIBSNLEA, BSNL MS, ATM and AIGETOA spoke and assured that the strike would be successfully organised in Gujarat circle. Finally, the circle level Forum of Gujarat circle was formed. Com.A.M.Patil, CS, BSNLEU is elected as the Convener and com.N.J.Bhatia is elected as the President. The meeting ended with slogans to successfully organise the strike and to save BSNL.<> www.bsnleuchq.com www.bsnlnewsbyashokhindocha.blogspot.com M-94262 54999 hindochaashok@gmail.com
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