Tuesday, July 14, 2015

5th Circle Conference was organized by AIBSNLEA, Gujarat on 10.07.2015 at Hotel Rock Regency, Law Garden, Ahmedabad in a Grand Manner.-inf. by Ashok Hindocha M-94262 54999


5th Circle Conference was organized by AIBSNLEA, Gujarat on 10.07.2015 at Hotel Rock Regency, Law Garden, Ahmedabad in a Grand Manner.

www.bsnlnewsbyashokhindocha.blogspot.com M-94262-54999 hindochaashok@gmail.com
 Com. Shri Prahlad Rai, General Secretary, CHQ hoisted the association flag at 10.30 am in the presence of Com. P Venugopal, All India President, Com. R P Shahu, GS, AIGETOA, Com. C M Saste, OS (W), Com. M M Kanani, CHQ Adviser and all the CEC members, D.Ss, D.Ps, delegates and other members.
 Flag hoisted followed by slogan shouting “AIBSNLEA ZINDABAD”……………
 Com. T. Raja, F.S., submitted the accounts from 25.08.2012 to 05.07.2015 and the account was unanimously passed by CEC Members. FS furnished the details of the circle quota received from various branches and remittance of CHQ quota. FS also requested the District Secretaries to remit the remaining balance amounts due from their branches. Later the CS submitted his report to the CEC, to be placed before the conference and got approved. Similarly the FS also got his report approved which had to be placed before conference.
 During Open Session, Shri M S Dhillon Sir, PGM ATD, Com. Prahalad Rai, General Secretary, CHQ, Com. P Venugopal, All India President, Com. R P Shahu, GS, AIGETOA, Com. C M Saste, OS (West), Com. M M Kanani, CHQ Advisor (West), Smt. Anima Rai, GM (HR/Admn), Circle Office and other dignitaries were present.
 The function started by lighting the lamp. Com. Members coming from the different branches of SSAs from all over Gujarat, welcomed all the dignitaries to the dias by presenting bouquets. After opening remarks by the Circle President Com. Shri M K Ramachandran, Com. CS, Shri R M Belani, presented his key note address. Click here for Scan Copy.
 Shri P Venugopal, All India President, Shri R P Sahu, GS, AIGETOA, Shri M M Kanani, Advisor, CHQ, Shri C M Saste, OS (West) addressed the House and emphasized mainly on financial viability of BSNL, Organizational / HR issues, Customer delight Week / Month / Year etc.
 Our Guest of Honor, Smt. Anima Rai, GM (HR/Admn), Gujarat Circle expressed her views on various HR issues and limitation of Administration there on.
Com. Prahlad Rai, GS expressed his gratitude to the CS, CP and OS (W) for inviting him to attend the Circle Conference of Gujarat which is having special consideration in the organization of the AIBSNLEA due to hectic competition with sister Association.
 He mentioned that during the interaction with the members it is noticed that there are huge demands from the customer, but not able to meeting due to the shortage of materials.
He mentioned that Gujarat circle members and representatives are playing a vital role in the AIBSNLEA by taking up all the points required for the growth of the BSNL. He mentioned that BSNL which was making a huge profit once has started reducing the profit and subsequently making it loss gradually and reached it to around 8000 crores for the last financial year.
 The CMD BSNL and the entire BSNL as a whole is now in search of finding the ways and means to make the BSNL into a profit making PSU. The wrong policies of the Govt. and the failure of the BSNL management are responsible for the present situation of BSNL. He has briefed the history of the conversion of BSNL from the DoT/DTS/DTO and the various reasons for the loss making of BSNL by various anti BSNL policies and decisions like denying the commencement of GSM services for many years, compelling rural services, stoppage of ADC charges from 2008 onwards and Rs.2000 crores payment from USO in lieu of ADC withdrawal from July 2011. There is a total of 29000 telephone exchanges in the country, out of which 28000 are in rural areas which a compulsion for the BSNL to maintain it with huge financial loss.
 BSNL was not given a fare deal for spectrum allocation and arbitrarily enforced the 3G/BWA spectrum charges of Rs.18500 crores on BSNL. The reserve fund of more than 18500 crores taken away by the Govt. by way of spectrum charges, and other charges, notional loan of Rs.7500 crores recovery, interest for the paper loan @ 14.5% rate of interest for the period of 13 continuous years which is amount around 12000 crores.
 Pension contribution is being taken by the DoT on the highest of the pay scale instead of the actual basic Pay. License fee of 1200 crores and USO charges Rs.1800 crores are being charged by DoT from BSNL against the NTP 1999 provisions. Though BSNL is 100% Government owned company, there is no support from the Govt. to the BSNL instead all the amounts are taken away from the BSNL by the Govt. Rs. 1250 crores as rule deficit is yet to be paid by the DoT to the BSNL. About Rs.5000 crores of BWA spectrum is also yet to be refunded to BSNL.
 There was no GSM tender in BSNL since last 7 years and last year only 15.5 million 7th phase GSM tender was finalized which gave some relief, but to improve the quality of service more GSM lines/ Radio equipments are immediately required. In many circles, even 3G cards are lying faulty in absence of AMC/ Repair and poor back up of power plant in BTS is adversely affecting quality of service. Though BSNL is having resources, manpower, infrastructure, we are not allowed to work and make the BSNL profitable organization.
 Many perks have been stopped by the BSNL due to the shortage of funds and if such situation continuous there may be problem for the salary in the future. GS mentioned that disinvestment will not help BSNL which is proven from the history of MTNL. It is due to the struggle of the trade unions, we could stop disinvestment, VRS, merger of ITI, un-bundling of copper conductor, creation of tower subsidiary, etc.
 He mentioned that Association is very well aware of the concern of the executives and non-executives for going on trade union action, but it is compulsory on the part of the Association to struggle continuously to achieve the required result.
 He mentioned that certain materials that is telephone instruments, cables, ADSL Modems, MLLN modems are being procured and have started supplying to the field. The core network equipment to strengthen the long distance media is also being procured along with the NGN equipment by BSNL. The customer delight month and customer delight year was conducted by the Association which has a very good result. He appealed all the members to give wide publicity for the recent order of night free calling throughout the country to any network from 9 pm to 7 am and the All India roaming free services introduced w.e.f. 15.6.2015 and take benefit out of it to strengthen the customer base.
 He requested all the comrades to ensure the quality service to the customers, increase the customer base, change the attitude towards the customers. HR issues related to the executives and viability issues will be taken up and pursued with the management by the CHQ. Implementation of E2-E3 pay scale, CPSU cadre hierarchy, notional promotion from 1.10.2000, CPCs of various cadres, filling up the vacant posts, seniority cases, Pay anomaly cases, AD (OL), pay scale up gradation, option cases of JAOs 2010 batch in field units, PPS post creation, filling up the posts of Group B, STS, JAG, SAG, HAG, Board of Director, various issues related to the pensions etc. He mentioned that within 2 – 3 months period he expects to settle the issues of 78.2% fitment benefit to BSNL pensioners, which is under active consideration of the DOT.
 He mentioned that whatever efforts are required to be made at the level of BSNL management and DOT will be taken care by the Association, but making the Gujarat Circle as a profit making circle, when other circles viz. Kerala, Orissa, etc. can make profit. It is your action and efforts only will result in making the circle a profitable circle for which he appealed everyone to enter in to action.
 Our Chief Guest of the Open Session, Shri M S Dhillon, Pr. General Manager, ATD, in his speech elaborately touched about the shortage of various maintenance material which in turn resulted in revenue loss to the BSNL as well as deficiency in capturing new business. He requested all the Executives present in the conference hall to actively participate in growth of the BSNL and to publicize the ‘Free Night-calling scheme on LL’ and ‘Free Roaming for Mobile Customers’.
 Open Session concluded with Vote of Thanks by Com. M K Ramachandran, Circle President and followed by National Anthem.
 The afternoon session started with All District Secretaries reports, their activities, membership details etc. Members elaborated their queries on various issues and the same was replied by our Honorable Circle Secretary and our beloved General Secretary in detail. Session was concluded with active interaction of all.
 Later on, Shri R S Parihar was nominated as Preceding election Officer assisted by Shri Amlendu Guha in the presence of All India President, Shri P Venugopal and Com. Shri C M Saste, OS (W), New Circle Body was formed Unanimously.
 Shri C R Ranga, CAO (Salary), ATD as Circle President
Shri J K Patel, AGM (TP), Circle Office as Circle Secretary
Shri V P Sharma, CAO (Fin) West, ATD as Finance Secretary.
All Office bearers of new body taken the oath in the presence of August House. The Circle Conference was concluded by Vote of Thanks by Shri Ashok Hindocha, Assistant Finance Secretary.

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