Tuesday, September 29, 2009


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M.K. Pandhe, President, CITU
Published by:
CHQ, Dada Ghosh Bhawan, 2151/1, New Patel Nagar,
Opp. ShadipurBus Depot, New Delhi-110 008 Email:
chqbsnleu@sify.com, Website: www.bsnleuchq.com
(Presented in BSNL Trade Union class at
Thiruvananthapuram on 6th July, 2009)
Crisis in the Capitalist System
The whole capitalist system all over the world is in the grip of severe economic
crisis, the bottom of which is yet to be seen by the people. It commenced in the
middle of September, 2008 in the richest capitalist country - USA! The entire
world was shocked to hear the news that one of the topmost U.S. investment bank
in U.S.A. Lehman Brothers declared bankruptcy and openly pleaded inability to
pay money to the depositors. The bank had accumulated huge doubtful assets
which could not be recovered. It indulged in reckless housing mortgages without
assessing the capability of the debtors to repay the loans. The Bush administration
had to pump, huge amount to save the bank. The crisis created by irresponsible
behaviour of the bankers was to be resolved by using the poor and middle level tax
payers' money.
This was only the beginning. Big names in the financial circles in the world such
as Merrill Lynch, Morgan Stanley and Goldman Sacks had also followed suit and
Government of U.S.A. could save them by merging them and taking over their
doubtful assets. These banks had to give up their character as investment banks and
function as ordinary commercial banks. Another investment bank Bear Streams
reached the verge of bankruptcy and had to be saved by its merger with JP Morgan
Chase Bank. Before people could realize the gravity of the situation, the crisis
spread like wild fire affecting several banking and financial institutions. Many
found it difficult to believe when the largest insurance company in the world,
American Investment Group (AIG), faced bankruptcy and could be saved only
when U.S. Government had to shell out $150 billion to save it from liquidation.
Fannie Mac and Freddie Mac, leading investment companies faced total collapse
which could be saved only by nationalisation by the U.S. Government. Washington
Mutual and Wanchovia had to be taken over by the U.S. Government without
which they could not have been saved.
These sudden developments naturally resulted in panic all over U.S.A. and U.S.
Presidential candidate Barrack Obama had to say that crisis in Wall street had
become a crisis in all the streets. The champions of globalisation and free market
economy had no explanation to the people why such a crisis occurred in U.S.
economy. When Socialist system in Soviet Union and Eastern European countries
was dismantled, the capitalist economists started singing virtues of capitalist
system as the highest stage of human development. One economist had the
temerity to give title for his book "The End of History" to explain how Socialism
has failed which proved the superiority of the free market economy. Some
economists tried to explain that it was greed of some individual businessmen
which brought the collapse of the economic framework.
To understand the background of the crisis we must see the reckless policies
pursued by Bush administration. Public debt of U.S.A. doubled during the Bush
rule reaching a figure of $10.3 trillion. His reckless and unjust war in Iraq cost U.S.
over one trillion dollars to public exchequer. At the end of his eight year tenure the
bubble of U.S. economy busted. The most powerful capitalist economy which
advocated reduction in budget deficit for the developing countries itself was
indulging in budgetary deficit. The U.S. budget deficit which was $140 billion in
1997 rose to $800 billion in 2006 and exceeded $ one trillion in 2008.
The U.S. citizens were living on borrowed money. The average expenditure of a
U.S. citizen was estimated to be 60 per cent
more than the average income.
Utter Failure of Market Economy
The global financial crisis exposed the utter failure of the market economy
advocated by the World Bank, IMF and the WTO. The concept that the
Government should not play any role in economic matters indicated privatisation
of all economic undertakings at throw away prices. Moreover it visualised that the
market should be left to decide all matters relating to economy without any
regulation of the Government. It resulted in reckless business practices to make
quick money, high salaries and bonuses to Chief Executives of undertakings
without any restrictions from the Government and creation oMhe phenomenon of
subprime loan without ensuring that the indebted persons can repay the loans.
U.S.A. witnessed huge crisis of housing mortgages wherein the persons failed the
repay the loan creating toxic assets for the financial institutions.
The phenomenon of concentration of capital gave rise to the growth of monopolies
to control the global market. The cut throat competition among the leading Multi
National Corporations to increase the market share gave rise to several
malpractices among the big capitalists with tacit support from the capitalist
Governments. Several bureaucrats of the Government were also involved in the
process of quick money making. A bubble economy was created, and as several
economists warned earlier, the bubble was bound to burst one day and it actually
took place in September, 2008.
Paul Krugman, the Nobel Prize winning economist of U.S., who warned about the
crisis earlier stated, "Now the housing bubble has burst in turn leaving the financial
landscape strewn with wreckage. Even if the ongoing efforts to rescue the banking
system and unfreeze the credit markets work - and while it is, early days. Yet, the
initial results have been disappointing - it is hard to see housing making a
comeback any time soon. And if there is another buddle waiting to happen, it is not
obvious (New York Times News Service).
Similar statements have been made by several economists in U.S.A. There is
complete unanimity now among all the economists that the crisis is going to be a
long drawn one. However few realised that the crisis is shaking the very
foundation of capitalism itself.
Impact on the Capitalist World
The globalisation has strengthened the trend of internationalisation of finance
capital. For instance, several mining companies in U.S. are in control of foreign
financial companies while U.S. financial agencies are controlling several industrial
units in foreign countries. The finance capital showed a trend of going from one
country to another depending on a higher profit margin. Finance capitalist
increasingly gave emphasis on speculative share market transactions.
The economy in European countries were already facing acute recession during
2008. The second, third and fourth quarters of 2008 showed a decline in growth of
gross domestic product. The projected fall of GDP in European countries is
estimated at 0.4 per cent.
The decline in production also was seen in Japan in the year 2008 while the
projections for the year 2009 show further decline. The trend in other advanced
capitalist countries also showed the same picture.
The volatile prices of oil in the world showed clearly how by creating artificial
scarcity the oil cartels have been minting money. The oil price per barrel shot up
more than twice during 2008 but then drastically came down to $40 per barrel in
2009, when the global meltdown became a reality. However, the retail oil price
was still high in the market. In India for example, the price was brought down only
by Rs. two per liter.
The bailout packages prepared by several advanced countries included partial or
full nationalisation of banks or other financial institutions, taking over toxic assets
of financial institutions. Those who were advocating privatisation of banks and
financial institutions had to advocate taking over these institutions by the
Government as a means to save those companies. The total bailout packages all
over the world are estimated to be above $2 trillion.
To overcome the effect to economic meltdown most of the capitalist countries have
imposed job cuts on the working class. Over and above, the imposition of
deteriorating working conditions on the workers and even wage cuts have been
resorted to by the Governments of capitalist countries.
Several restrictions and even ban on migrant workers in advanced capitalist
countries were resorted to in a big way. The Obama administration imposed
restrictive taxes on companies who outsourced their jobs outside the country or
engage foreign labourers. Drastic action is being planned against illegal migrant
labour with a view to throw them out of the country.
In the name of taking protectionist measures, U.S. and other countries are
advocating purchase of their domestic products to reduce dependence on imports.
These measures will adversely affect the developing countries whose exports-will
be drastically cut!
The G-20 meeting of major heads of the State in London on 1st and 2nd April, 2009
could not come to definite conclusion to meet the global crisis. France and German
Governments opposed U.S. proposals while developing countries representatives
criticised the protectionist trends in advanced capitalist countries. The bailout
package of over $ one trillion visualised helped the capitalists to help their liquidity
problem. The financial assistance planned for developing countries is not likely to
materialise. The bailout packages do not give any relief to the workers who lost
their jobs due to economic melt down. It did not even accept the proposals given
by Prof. Joseph Stiglitz Commission to face the economic crisis and to come out of
it. Though the G-20 countries were representing overwhelming majority of the
world population, it failed to tackle the problems of the developing counters. D ue
to controversies among different countries, a patch up declaration was drafted.
Only some of speeches in the meeting indicated that the crisis is likely to be a long
drawn one whose bottom had not get been reached.
The massive demonstrations organised prior to the G-20 meeting and during the
meeting reflected the anger prevailing among the people all over the world. The
WFTU also gave a call to organise demonstrations in all the countries to oppose
the policies of globalization and capitalist meltdown. These demonstrations reflect
the growing discontent prevailing among the people in the world against the
policies of globalisation and neo-liberalisation.
Pointing out the drawbacks of measures taken by leading capitalist countries to
overcome the crisis, Fidel Castro noted, "these measures will bring more inflation,
more devaluation of the national currencies, more unequal exchange". He further
observed that the crisis would bring more knowledge of the truth of the capitalist
system, more consciousness among the workers, more rebellions and more
revolutions (Gramma'-JournalofCuba).
No worthnoting Impact in Socialist Countries
While the entire capitalist world was engulfed in a deep crisis, the impact on the
socialist countries was minimal.
The economy of China was affected to the extent it had exports to advanced
capitalist countries. As is known, China has surplus balance of trade in major
capitalist countries including U.S.A. Due to fall in exports to these countries due
the capitalist global downturn Chinese economy had to find a way to increase
domestic consumption and avert the crisis.
Chinese Government prepared a package of 4 trillion Yuan ($586 billion)
providing creation of new jobs, improving wage level of low paid workers. The
basic thrust of the Chinese policy makers was to improve the living standard of the
people which would absorb the additional production generated due to expansion
of industrial and agricultural output. Though in some quarter the rate of growth of
Chinese economy declined during 2008 the overall growth target of 8 per cent was
fulfilled by the Chinese economy. Even the Western economists have admitted this
achievement by the Chinese socialist society.
The Vietnam faced certain problem due to decline in exports but the Govt. took the
step of increasing domestic consumption and maintains the growth rate.
The economy of Cuba and North Korea had not many relations with advanced
capitalist countries and therefore did not face the impact of the global slowdown.
Setback to Unipolar World
The present global financial crisis has hit the influence of U.S. in the world and it
has shattered the dream of U.S. imperialists to dominate the world economy. The
hegemonistic policies adopted by the U.S. Government with a view to create a
unipolar world received a big jolt and possibilities of emerging a multipolar world
have become powerful. The aggressive position taken by U.S. imperialists to
expand NATO and establish U.S. missile defence system in Europe is being
resolutely opposed by Russia. Latin American countries have opposed U.S.
dominating designs and expressed solidarity with Cuba. The emergence of
Shanghai Club for developing strategic alliance between Russia, Central Asian
Republics, China and others have resulted in emergence of a new power centre.
The growing opposition to U.S. policies all over the world including West Asia
have undermined U.S. role in the world.
The global financial crisis has further aggravated the world situation against U.S.
imperialism and U.S. model of capitalism is no more acceptable to many capitalist
countries. The opposition to U.S. policies in G-20 meeting in London by French
and German Governments has highlighted this phenomenon.
The set back received by the concept of unipolar world has no doubt strengthened
the anti-imperialist forces all over the world. The emergence of multipolar world
with collapse of U.S's hegemonistic role is a welcome development which has been
buttressed by the global capitalist meltdown.
Bail out package for whom?
The UFA Government first claimed that the fundamentals of Indian economy were
strong and the global financial crisis would not adversely affect it. Former Finance
Minister P. Chidambaram had repeatedly assured the Indian people that Indian
economy is insulated from the global financial crisis. However, the impact soon
began to be felt by the Indian economy when export started falling and Indian units
were forced to cut their production.
The Reserve Bank of India was first to announce the bailout package by reducing
restriction on banks to give loans to needy corporate sector. Pressure was brought
on Indian banks to reduce rate of interest so that more credit was available to the
corporate sector. More concessions were given to housing loans which actually
helped the builders lobby.
Despite these concessions the production did not increase since these measures
failed to increase the purchasing power of the people. Many Corporate houses
utilised the cheaper credits to repay their costlier loans.
The UPA Government announced tax cuts and reduction in excise duty on some
items. However, the employers did not pass on the concession to the consumers
which failed to boost the market. Despite giving liberal concessions to export
industries, the exports did not pick up but export houses tried to misutilise the
The UPA Government did not take any measures to restore the import restrictions
which were withdrawn due to WTO conditionalities. Foreign goods continue to
enter Indian market freely adversely affecting the Indian commodities.
The stimulus package offered by the Government of India failed to overcome the
crisis but only added to the coffers of the Super rich. The 2008-09 budget of UPA
Government only added to the sops for the capitalists to enable them to garner
higher profits. The UPAGovernment miserably failed to protect the large number
of workers who lost jobs as a result of meltdown of the economy. The survey
conducted by the Union Labour Ministry found that five lakh workers lost their
jobs due to global financial crisis but no relief was given to the workers. Only ESI
Corporation announced some allowance fora period of one year which did not give
any benefits to most of the workers because their units were not covered by the ESI
The net result of the UPA Government's policy was that the capitalist class was
trying to put on the burden of the crisis on the shoulders of the working class and
the toiling people. The budgetary losses due to liberal concessions given to the
capitalist class were recovered by imposing tax burden on the common people.
The capitalist class which was responsible for the crisis was given relief to come
out of the crisis while the working class and the toiling people who were not at all
responsible for the crisis had to pay the cost for overcoming the crisis.
To maintain profitability of the capitalists, hours of work for the workers were
increased. A large number of units were working for 12 hours a day without paying
any overtime wages to the workers. Several units illegally announced wage cut for
the workers while some declared lay-off without taking statutory permission from
the Government of India and without paying wages to the workers. Illegal closure
of units became the order of the day. Despite labour laws were being violated
openly by the employers, the Union Labour Ministry connived at the steps taken
by the management in the name effacing the economic meltdown. In the Indian
Labour Conference held in February, 2009 all the central trade unions criticized the
policy of the UPA Government and demanded full implementation of the Labour
Laws and introduction of the employment insurance scheme but these appeals fell
on deaf years.
Role of Left and Trade Unions
The role played by the Left parties and the trade union movement in opposing the
UPA Government's policies of neo-liberalisation and privatization compelled the
Govt. to go slow on their programme of economic reforms. The Left parties
prevented UPA Govt. from disinvesting profit making public sector undertakings.
They did not allow Bill to privatize the Pension Scheme to be passed, they
prevented putting PF money of workers in share market, they prevented increasing
FDI in banking and insurance companies they prevented entry of FDI in retail trade
they did not allow UPA Govt. to handover Indian banks to MNCS etc.
These measures of the left parties prevented the global crisis from having wider
effect on the Indian economy. The. former Governor of Reserve Bank of India had
to admit that the global crisis did not affect the Indian banking industry since they
were in the public sector. Despite collapse of AIG, the largest insurance company
in the world became bankrupt, but LIC and GIG remained unaffected since they
were in public sector. The PF money and Pension funds of workers remained safe
since they were not privatized and not entered the share market in a big way as
visualized by the UPA Government.
Trade Union movement organized 3 nationwide strikes during UPA regime to
oppose the policies of globalization. It compelled the UPA Govt. to slowdown
their reform agenda which saved the country to some extent. The working class
and the people of India should note the positive role played by the left parties in
not allowing UPA Government to pursue neo-liberal policies recklessly.
Scandalous Participatory Notes
Despite the demand by the left parties to ban the operation of participatory notes in
the share market operations, the Ministry of Finance continue their role in the share
market manipulations. With the global financial crisis looming large the Govt. of
India did not take steps against the depredations of participatory notes but
withdrew certain restrictions imposed on these notes earlier by the Government of
India itself.
Participatory notes are defined as "Financial instruments used by investors or
hedge funds are not registered with the Securities and Exchange Board of India to
invest in Indian Securities".
Many persons do not know what is hedge fund. According to its definition it is "an
investment company that is organized as a limited partnership and uses high-risk
techniques in the hope of making large profit". It thus indulges in speculative
activity and plays an important role in manipulations in the share market
The participatory notes have become a device to make black money white or to
permit Havala money freely in share market. The Foreign institutional investors
who operate in Indian share market are also utilizingjhese notes for making quick
money and indulging in clandestine deals. According to an article published in
Hindu Business Line estimated that outstanding participatory notes account for
over 51 per cent of foreign money in India. It further states that Foreign
Institutional Investors control most of the floating stocks in the Indian share
market. According to an estimate the participatory notes increased from 2004 to
2007 by 11 times which shows the seriousness of their problem.
Business Line reports, "There have been estimates that show FIIS including
participatory notes holders, owning around 15-20 per cent of stock of the top 1000
companies in the bourses.
Now consider the promoters; they own over 50 per cent but those shares rarely
ever come to the market. The means that the FIIS have had a near ruling of the
market. In effect, they control the market because they not only own a chunk of
floating shares, they are also the most active".
Women - The Worst Sufferers
The global economic meltdown has affected the women most severely. The recent
ILO publication "Economic Meltdown Has a Woman's Face" has noted that 14
crore mothers in the Asian Pacific region's developing countries would be forced
into extreme poverty.
The ILO Report further points out, "For policy makers, failure to take into account
this gender dimension, especially at the lower end of the socio-economic scale
could be a critical miscalculation, worsening the working and living conditions of
millions, deepening economic and social inequalities and wiping out of a
generation of hard-won gains in pay inequality and workplace inequality. The
report continues "Shrinking global demand for clothes, textile and electronics as
well as for related business services use hotels, and restaurants means that women
will be the first to lose their jobs".
The capitalist society is trying to use women as a cheap source of labour. In a
period of global meltdown the capitalist class had been increasing their hours of
work and lowering their earning and thus making them cheaper. The conditions of
Anganwadi, ASHA and mid-day meal workers is a clear example of this. The
conditions of women workers in Bidi and Plantation industry had further been
deteriorated invoking them to adopt a path of struggle.
Satyam Swindle
The harrowing swindle by the management of Satyam Computer Services, the
fourth largest IT sector company of India has highlighted how the corporate
undertakings are minting money by resorting several illegal practices at the
connivance of the state administration. The Raju family having close contacts with
Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh have been blatantly making a mockery of
corporate governance.
The amount of swindle is estimated by some researchers works out to Rs.8000
crores. The dubious $1.6 billion deal to take over Matyas firm owned by one of the
promoters came to the forefront which exposed the greedy promoters who
accumulate ill-gotten wealth at the cost of vital interests of the company. The
shocking news had come that the company had over 13,000 fictitious employees
whose salary was paid by cheques. This involves the co-operation of the banks in
siphoning of the funds to Raju regularly by manipulating banking accounts. In this
case one of the auditors Price water Coopers role in helping the company to
prepare fictitious balance sheet and hide the misdeeds of Raju family has been of
crucial importance. The manipulations in the share market operation by the
company has also shocked the country.
Though the Government of India intervened and the company was taken over by
Mahindra, the bungling that is going on in the corporate sector is yet to be fully
brought to light. It is a clear' case of a capitalist management taking full advantage
of a deregulated free market economy with full patronage of the state
administration. The CBI has opposed release of Raju brothers on the ground that
they were influential persons and may destroy the evidence!
There are several such Satyams who are yet to be exposed. The length to which the
degenerated capitalism can go is exposed in this case but defenders of capitalist
system are trying to cover up such instances at the cost of genuine development of
national economy.
Swiss Bank Fraud
When India is suffering from the impact of global meltdown, reports had been
published of Indian Super rich depositing billions of dollars in secret Swiss Bank
accounts. Press reports estimate vary from Rs.40 lakh to 70 lakh crores of rupees
of such deposits!
This illegal money is the outcome of tax evasion, kickbacks received secretly while
signing collaboration agreements with foreign companies, havala transactions or
garnering of black money, commission demanded by Ministers, bureaucrats or
intermediaries of foreign companies have also been responsible for such secret
accounts. Before gun scam highlighted how the money goes to Swiss Banks as a
result of secret deal which is yet to be fully revealed to the Indian public.
Recently, UBS the largest Swiss Bank agreed to provide information to the U.S.
Government about secret accounts of American citizens. The U.K. Government
has also followed suit. However, despite demand of the left parties, the UPA
Government has not demanded such details about Indian citizens holding such
secret accounts in Swiss Bank. The lack of keenness by the Government of India
has been noted by Swiss newspapers.
The money deposited in such secret accounts is actually Indian assets illegally
flushed in Swiss Banks for money laundering or using it for wrong purposes. The
Government must confiscate these huge resources and use them for improving the
standard of living of the Indian people. Several Ministers and bureaucrats as well
as Industrial houses may be holding such secret accounts but the UPAGovt. is
protecting these elements for their ulterior objective.
The policy of over reliance on foreign capital by the NDA and UPA Governments
has increased the inflow of foreign in India since the commencement of the present
century. In the year 2001-02 the total inflow stood at $8.2 billion which increased
to $15.7 billion in 2003-04. It rose further to $21.4 billion in 2005-06 while in
2006-07 it jumped to $29.8 billion and further to $63.8 billion in 2007-08. A
sizable portion of this inflow was in the share market and speculative activities.
However, after the global financial crisis foreign capital started withdrawing from
India which drastically brought down the share market index. It also brought down
retail credit flow in the country. As pointed out by a well known economist Prof.
C.P. Chandrashekhar, "..the credit stringency generated by the exodus of capital
from the country and the uncertainties generated by the threat of default of retail
loans that now constitute a high proportion of total advances could freeze up retail
credit and curtail demand as in happening in the developed industrial countries!!"
Adverse Impact on Informal Sector
The National Commission for Enterprises in the Unorganized Sector in their
memorandum to the Govt. of India on the Global Economic Crisis and the informal
Economy in India on 26th November 2008 has noted, "It is critical for our country
to pay focused attention to protect, at the least, the livelihood security, employment
and income of the vast majority of the people who are either poor or vulnerable
and so doing stimulate overall economic growth". The size of such people is
estimated by the Commission at 88 crore! The Commission earlier estimated that
77 per cent of Indian population in the unorganized sector live with an average per
capita daily consumption below Rs.20 per day. It now observes, "However, during
the current slow down, it is precisely these people, the poor and vulnerable
engaged in informal sector enterprises or formally employed by the formal sector,
who will be affected the most adversely."
The Commission studied at length the impact of the crisis in the following manner.
1. Forty five per cent of the employment in the organized sector is without any
job security. In a period of crisis this strata is the first to lose jobs.
2. Thirty percent of Indian exports are contributed by small producers with
declining exports due to melt down sectors as handlooms, textiles, wearing
apparel, leather products, gems and jewellary, meal products, carpets, spices
and marine products are adversely affected. In March 2009 alone 70
diamond cutting workers in Gujarat committed suicide. The total loss of
jobs in the last six months is estimated at 15 lakhs.
3. Due to so called credit crunch the banks and financial institutions are
refusing to give credit to the small industry which is facing closure and
4. Due to slow down in the organized sector the ancillary units who supply
components to the larger units are starving for orders. The competition from
big manufacturers also is adding to the critical conditions of such small and
traditional units.
5. With steep price rise of essential commodities and absence of rise in their
income levels the vendors, workers in small units and marginal farmers are
experiencing drastic curtailment in their living standards leading to
6. Due to fall in international prices cheaper imports of several commodities
such as cotton, oilseeds are putting strain on Indian producers. The failure of
the Govt. to protect such sectors from cheaper imports is making them more
vulnerable. The withdrawal of quantitative restrictions on import of several
commodities have opened floodgates of imports of several commodities
which are produced in India in sufficient quantity.
As the Commission noted, "The combined impact of all the above effects on the
informal economy would be an increase in livelihood insecurity, decline in income
and an intensification in the conditions of poverty and vulnerability. The worst
affected segment of India's poor and vulnerable would be the casual laborers of
whom the poorest segment is constituted by the agricultural workers."
The commission has not dwelt with the plight of the migrant workers due to this
meltdown, who are among the worst sufferers in a period of crisis.
The left parties and the trade union movement demanded several measures to help
the worst affected persons so that they can face the crisis and maintain their
standard of living. The following are some of the urgent measures.
The Government of India must take steps to generate demand in the economy. For
this purpose through public expenditure infra-structural projects can be undertaken
which would generate jobs and create more demand in the economy.
The National Common Minimum Programme visualized employment guarantee
scheme for urban, rural and poor middle class sections of the society. Every family
was to be guaranteed 100 days job for one person in every family. However, the
programme was implemented only for rural areas and only a small segment was
covered. It was controlled by bureaucrats who indulged in corrupt practices
preventing genuine benefit to the needy people. The central trade unions demanded
that the scheme should coverall urban areas and a minimum of 180 days job as
proposed by ILO should be provided. Action should be taken against corrupt
officials and the scheme should be implemented in its true spirit.
The minimum wages of all informal sector workers should be increased at least by
20 per cent to increase their purchasing power so that they would be able to
consume more to maintain a proper standard of living. This would also boost the
demand for goods in the society and would result in reducing the extent of
economic meltdown.
Several lakhs of people are forced to do the work of Hawking and Vendoring to
make both ends meet. They do not get adequate earning to meet the essential
requirements of their families and are living an existence below the poverty line.
They do not get adequate facilitates of micro-finance from the financial
institutions. If the Govt. arranges financial assistance to them their conditions will
improve and this process will lead to increase in the domestic demand. Though
these persons are grouped as self-employed they are forced to adopt this
occupation due to non-availability of work as a wage labourer.
The marginal and small farmers are also facing the brunt of the crisis since they are
unable to get a proper price for their products. The procurement price fixed by the
Govt. is low and uneconomic for them. Moreover, the forward trading permitted by
the Government to purchase their products in advance at low prices by the
unscrupulous traders. The demand by the left parties and central trade unions to
ban the forward trading in essential commodities has not been accepted by the
Government of India with the result that this exploitative practice continues
The small and tiny sector of our industry gets less than 2 per cent of the total credit
available to the industrial sector as most of the credit is appropriated by the big
capitalists in the country. The democratic movement in the country must prevail
upon the Govt. to give credit to the small and tiny sector at concessional rate and
the share of credit to them must increase sizably. They require facilities of
marketing their product which the Govt. must give through a net work of sales
The Government of India has not investing much in granting social security to a
large section of our vulnerable population. The Human development of India is
extremely poor while the gains of economic development have been pocketed by
the affluent section of the society. Forty eight rich persons in India have income of
over Rs.5000 crores per annum who control one fourth of the total national income
of India while three fourth of our population are unable to get two square meals a
day. In Human Development, India ranks 128 among the 177 countries studied by
UNDP in 2007. Three years earlier India ranked 123 which shows that in human
development there is severe deterioration. Under these circumstances, the
Government of India must invest substantially in granting social security benefits
to the vast deprived sections of the society. This improvement in their living
conditions will increase the demand in the economy and which act as a real
stimulus to the industry in the country.
Struggle for Revolutionary Social Transformation
The global crisis of capitalism has raised to the forefront the basic issue that
capitalism cannot solve a single issue faced by humanity in the world. The bail out
package is only an attempt to save capitalism and profits of capitalists.
However, ideologically the working class all over the world does not fully
understand the real game of global capitalism. A large section of the working class
is still having illusion about the capitalist system who think that they would get
justice within the capitalist framework. The class collaborating leaders by the trade
union movement are hoodwinking the workers that the capitalist system can be
reformed and working class interests can be duly protected within the framework
of capitalist system. Though the working class is realizing the true nature of
capitalism the process needs to be made faster.
One must note that growing interest is taken all over the world to understand what
Karl Marx said about the capitalist system. The leading book stores all over the
world are displaying Marxist classics prominently and the number of readers
buying these books is swelling day by day.
Karl Marx and V. Lenin are no more absolute today. What they predicted about
capitalist system has proved to be correct.
This is an occasion for us to educate the working class about the real nature of
capitalist system and stress the need for transformation of the exploitative system.
Establishment of a Socialist system is the only alternative to capitalist system.
Those who criticized Karl Marx for calling profit as theft by the capitalists are now
compelled to speak about "greed for profit of some CEO's was the cause of the
present global financial crisis."
Ninety two years ago in 1916 while analyzing the role of Finance capital, Lenin
pointed out. "Financial Capital concentrated in a few hands and exercising a virtual
monopoly, extracts enormous and ever increasing profits from floating of
companies, issue of stock, state loans etc, strengthens the domination of Financial
oligarchy and levy tribute upon the whole society for the benefits of monopolists"
(Imperialism: The Highest stage of Capitalism).
Without ideological preparations of the working class, it is not possible to launch
powerful struggles against capitalist system. We must tell the workers that it is not
sufficient to fight against the effects of exploitation. We must ultimately prepare
ourselves to fight against the cause of exploitation itself.
It is, therefore, the duty of people of India to fight against every attempt of the
capitalist class to pass on the burden of the crises on the shoulders of the working
class. At the same time we should also call on the working class to be prepared to
fight against the moribund capitalist system itself which alone ensure
establishment of a world without crisis and exploitation. History has given the
responsibility on the working class of the world to be the "grave diggers" of
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(E-Mail to GS : gsaibsnlea@gmail.com)

Last updated:- Sunday, September 27, 2009 01:26:06 PM

EDITOR: Com. PRAHLAD RAI, GS; Designed & Maintained by Com. H.Y. Andeli CS, Bangalore [hyandeli@bsnl.co.in]

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Literature for JAO Part II Examination

Our Tamilnadu Circle has published Master Guide on JAO Part II Examination papers. Copies can be had by sending the money through EMO/DD/Cheque. Total cost is Rs. 800/- (including packing charges). Rebate is given for bulk orders. For more details, Contact Com. S. Sivakumar, Sr. AO, Circle President, AIBSNLEA O/o GM Telecom, BSNL, KUMBAKONAM-612001 (Tamilnadu), MobileNos. 09486102121, 09486102192

Wish you a very happy festival of Vijaya Dashami

25.09.2009 : GS, President, AGS (Fin) and FS met Secy (T) and discussed regarding IDA pension revision and ITS absorption issue. Secy (T) informed that Cabinet Note on both the issues is ready for circulation to Nodal Ministries but the same will be sent to the Nodal Ministries for comments by the new Secy (T) since he is retiring on 30.09.2009.

25.09.2009 : GS, President, AGS (Fin) and FS met Member (Technology) Shri Chandra Prakash, Ex CGM Maharashtra Circle and congratulated him on assuming the high office of Member (Tech) DOT. Shri Chandra Prakash, Member (Tech) while discussing regarding viability of BSNL advised all the BSNL employees to provide quality service and to devote for the growth of BSNL. We requested him to extend his support to BSNL.

25.09.2009 : GS, President and AGS (Fin) met CMD BSNL and discussed ?

(a) Payment of 60% arrears ? CMD BSNL mentioned that the matter is under consideration with the BSNL Management Board but in the last meeting of BSNL Board it was decided to explore the possibilities to reduce the 30% fitment benefit given to the Executives on revision of pay scale. He informed that shortly Executive Associations will be called to discuss the matter, thereafter the decision in this regard will be taken. We strongly protested against such move and requested for early payment of 60% arrears.

(b) Implementation of DPE OM dated 02.04.2009 regarding 78.2% IDA fitment ? We requested for early implementation of 78.2% IDA fitment as per DPE OM dated 02.04.2009. CMD mentioned that this issue will also be decided along with 60% arrears payment. We expressed our serious concern against delay in implementation.

(c) Viability of BSNL ? CMD appealed to strengthen the Marketing and Sales units of BSNL so that BSNL services are sold through retailers to customers. He also impressed upon to improve the quality of service.

(d) Regularisation of adhoc STS level officers ? CMD assured to look into the matter.

25.09.2009 : Communication made by GS :

Letter-1 : To Director (HR) BSNL regarding Non-conducting of LICE for PA/PS by field units

Letter-2 : To Director (HR) BSNL regarding Creation of the Posts of PPS in the field units

Letter-3 : To CMD, BSNL regarding Restructuring & Promotional Policy for Personal Assistants

Letter-4 :To CMD, BSNL regarding Restructuring & Promotional Policy for Personal Assistants (Reminder)

Letter-5 : To Director (HR) BSNL regarding Updation of designations in HR Package

Letter-6 : To Director (HR) BSNL regarding Upgradation of Stenos (dying cadre) to Personal Assistant as a onetime measure

Letter-7 : To CMD, BSNL regarding Common R/R for P.As/P.Ss working in the field units and Corporate Office

25.09.2009 : United Forum of BSNL Executives Associations' writes to CMD BSNL regarding Non-implementation of DPE order for payment of 78.2% DA in fitment benefit w.e. from 01.01.2007 in BSNL. Click here for letter
24.09.2009 : AIBSNLEA's persistent efforts yielded result in releasing the letter regarding Anomaly due to accrual of increment of junior earlier than the senior after fixation of pay in revised pay scale on implementation of 2nd PRC Click Here for Letter
24.09.2009 : GS, President, AGS (Fin), AGS (PS/CSS/others) met Director (HR) and discussed ?

(a) Change of designations as per the grade on Time Bound Promotion ? We impressed upon for deciding designations in the grade on Time Bound Promotions as per the recommendations of Joint Committee of BSNL officers and the representatives of United Forum of BSNL Executives? Associations submitted in May 2008. Director (HR) after detailed discussions, advised us to submit more proposals / suggestions in this matter and assured to discuss the matter with the concerned officers.

(b) Common RRs of PAs/PSs of field units and BSNL CO ? We requested to have common RR for the PAs/PSs of field units / BSNL CO after absorption in BSNL. Dir (HR) assured to look into the matter.

(c) Creation of PPS posts in field units and Sr. PPS posts in BSNL CO ? We requested to create PPS posts in field units and Sr. PPS posts in BSNL CO as available in DOT and other Ministries. Dir (HR) assured to look into the matter.

(d) One Time up gradation of Steno Grade-III to PA cadre ? We requested to promote 270 Steno Grade-III of field units and some Steno Grade-III Non-Executives who have been granted ACP benefit in PAs (Executive Grade) to the post of PA by taking one time relaxation.

(e) Payment of 78.2% IDA pay fitment benefit ? We expressed our serious concern against non-implementation of DPE OM dated 02.04.2009 regarding 78.2% IDA pay fitment benefit in the revised pay scales, enhancement of Transport Allowance and Teaching Allowance etc. Dir (HR) mentioned that BSNL should earn profit then only all the DPE/DOE orders can be implemented. He assured to examine the revised Teaching Allowance wherein the recoveries are being made in the revised IDA pay scale due to 7.5% special pay instead of 15%.

24.09.2009 : GS, President, AGS (Fin), AGS (PS/CSS/others) met GM (Estt) and discussed ?

(a) Payment of 60% arrears ? We expressed our serious concern against delay in payment of 60% arrears of revised IDA pay scales. GM (Estt) mentioned that matter is under consideration to the competent authority.

(b) Payment of 78.2% IDA pay fitment benefit ? We expressed our serious concern against non-implementation of DPE OM dated 02.04.2009 regarding 78.2% IDA pay fitment benefit in the revised pay scales, enhancement of Transport Allowance and Teaching Allowance etc. GM (Estt) mentioned that all the decisions are yet to be taken by the BSNL Management. He also mentioned that all these benefits can only be ensured when Company makes profit. He assured to examine the revised Teaching Allowance wherein the recoveries are being made in the revised IDA pay scale due to 7.5% special pay instead of 15%.

23.09.2009 : Website of our Hyderabad Telecom District branch has been launched on 19.09.2009 by Circle Secretary, Andhra Pradesh Circle Com. J. Saibaba. The address is http://aibsnleahtd.webs.com. The concept was conceived by Advisor-III CHQ Com K. JaiRam, and was implemented by Sri B. Sridhar. Congratulations to Com Keshava Rao, DS, HTD, Com Sridhar and all the members of HTD branch.

23.09.2009 : BSNL Corporate Office issued clarifications regarding Depositing of 60% of arrears of pay in GPF Click Here for Letter
22.09.2009 : Appointment order based on the results of LICDE for the appointment to the cadre of JTO(Civil) by promotion to filling up of 50% vacancies Click Here for order
22.09.2009 : Transfer and posting in the cadre of STS Click Here for order
22.09.2009 : Transfer and posting in the cadre of SDEs Click Here for order
19-9-2009: CEC MEET OF KERALA CIRCLE AT ERNAKULAM:- GS, President and Vice President-I, attended and addressed the Circle Executive Committee meeting of Kerala circle at Ernakulam on 19-9-2009. Com. GS and President appraised in detail the status of HR issues and the issues resolved with the effort of our association. They mentioned that BSNL MTRR ?s has paved the way for regularization of ad-hoc Group-'A' Executive in BSNL and now Group-'B' officers can also inspire their promotion to JAG/SAG level post. The expressed dissatisfaction for debarring Civil/Electrical/Arch engineers having diploma qualifications for the post of Executive Engineers and demanded immediate modification. They also expressed dissatisfaction against MTRR?s and DGM Rectt. wherein the existing Executives are debarred to compete on the pretext of age and qualification. The demanded that all officiating JTO?s should be regularized at the earliest as one time measure and their pay fixation should be made under FR22(I)a(1). The also resented against non-increasing of transport allowance to the BSNL executives even as per 6th CPC recommendation, whereas JAG and above level executives have been provided with vehicles against DPE guidelines. They demanded that BSNL management should impose austerity measures to reduce heavy expenditures of Foreign Trips/ Air Trips in business class, stay in five star hotels and arranging seminars, conferences in big hotels. They demanded immediate absorption of ITS officers in BSNL as assured by CMD/secretary (telecom). The congratulated Kerala circle being the highest profit making circle and appealed all the circles to make the profit as being made in Kerala Circle. The requested to provide quality service, so that customer?s demand BSNL?s services only.

Com T K Mangalanandan, Br. Secretary Ernakulam welcomed CHQ officer bearers and CEC members attended the meeting. Com. Sreekumary Amma Circle President, Com. K Aantony Circle Secretary and Com. Mohandas Asst. Circle Secretary in their welcome address discussed Circle/All India level issues. Com. K S Rarajasekharan Nair Vice- President -I (CHQ) extended vote of thanks.

Click Here for Glimpses => Photo1 Photo2 Photo3 Photo4 Photo5 Photo6

19.09.2009 : Change in M.P.Telecom Circle website address : http://www.aibsnleamp.in/ This New web site of MP Circle was inauguarated by Hon'ble CMD,BSNL.Click here for Photo-1;Photo-2
18.09.2009 : BSNL Corporate Office issued letter for Grant of Productivity Linked Incentive (PLI) to the staff of BSNL for the year 2008-09 Click Here for Letter
18.09.2009 : BSNL issued Clarifications regarding JAO Part-II internal Competative examination against 40% and 10% quotas Click Here for Clarifications-letter
18.09.2009 : United Forum of BSNL Executives' Associations writes to CMD, BSNL regarding request to incorporate appropriate modification in the RRs of Management Trainees issued vide notification no. 400-106/2007-Pers.I dated 03.09.2009-Provisions discriminatory and against natural justice Click Here for Letter
18.09.2009 : GS, President and AGS(F) met ED(F) and requested for early release of 60% arrear payment case. Delay is causing serious resentment amongst Executives. ED(F) assured for clearing the case today itself and will be sent to Competent Authority for approval.
18.09.2009 : GS writes to Chairman (TC) & Secy (T) regarding Instruction of DOT Establishment Section to BSNL Management in violation of Hon?ble Supreme Court Judgment. Click here

17.09.2009 : Communication made by GS :

Letter-1 : To CMD BSNL regarding Denial of promotion to JAG posts from DE/CAO.

Letter-2 : To CMD BSNL regarding Provision of 3G facilities to the Executives of BSNL.

Letter-3 : To CMD BSNL regarding Expenditure Management-Austerity Measures and rationalisation of expenditure.

Letter-4 : To CMD BSNL regarding Grant of perks & allowances to Executives.

Letter-5 : To CMD BSNL regarding Non-payment of leave encashment by CGM NCES Circle.

Letter-6 : To CMD BSNL regarding Request for converting Nagaland SSA of NE-II Circle as 1 year tenure-deteriorating law & order situation.

Letter-7 : To CGMT Chennai TD regarding Extension to the existing adhoc committee of AIBSNLEA in Chennai TD.

Letter-8 : To PGM (Electrical) regarding request for transfer in the cadre of EE (E).

Letter-9 : To GM (FP) regarding regular CAO case of Shri Mool Chand Prajapat, Sr. AO.

Letter-10 : To GM (FP) regarding request for transfer in the cadres of CAO/AO.

Letter-11 : To GM (Pers) regarding request for modification/correction in TES Gr. B seniority list.

Letter-12 : To GM (Pers) regarding request for transfer in the cadre of DE.

Letter-13 : To GM (Pers) regarding request for modification in transfer orders in the cadre of SDE.

Letter-14 : To GM (Estt) regarding fixation of pay in the revised pay scale.

17.09.2009 : Click here for the memorandum regarding HR issues of Executives given by AIBSNLEA MP Circle Branch to CMD, BSNL during his visit to Bhopal.
17.09.2009 : GS, President, AGS (HQ), FS, AFS and President KTD met Member (F) Ms. Vijayalakshmi K. Gupta and welcomed her on assuming the high office of Member (F) DOT. Some important issues were discussed as under ?

(a) Financial support to BSNL as per NTP 1999 ? We requested Member (F) for extending the financial support to BSNL as assured in NTP 1999 i.e. reimbursement of license fee on urban wired lines / GSM service, payment from USO fund to BSNL, OPEX charges to BSNL and free allocation of 3G spectrum to BSNL in lieu of ADC withdrawal etc. Member (F) advised to submit the note on the above issues for further detailed discussions. She asked that how BSNL can become more profit making PSU. We apprised about the efforts being made to improve the quality of service and strengthening of marketing and sales units. We also impressed upon to complete the process of ITS officers? absorption in BSNL. So that they can have sense of belongingness and commitment to BSNL.

(b) Differed option from CDA to IDA pay fixation after 01.10.2000 to BSNL Executives as per Presidential Order ? We apprised in detail the history of the case and requested for early settlement in view of our letter dated 01.09.2009. As per the direction of DOT BSNL Management tried to collect the data for financial implications in the matter but that could be completed due to impracticable approach. Member (F) assured to look into the matter.

(c) 50% IDA merger with basic for BSNL pensioners ? We requested to provide 50% IDA merger with basic for BSNL pensioners retired before 01.01.2007. We explained the history of the case. Member (F) asked the status of the case and assured to look into the matter.

17.09.2009 : GS, President, AGS (HQ), FS, AFS and President KTD met concerned officers of DOT and discussed ?

(a) Approval of E1A, E2A, E9A and E9B revised IDA pay scales in BSNL ? We expressed our serious concern against delay in approving the E1A, E2A, E9A and E9B revised IDA pay scales in BSNL. It is understood that internal finance is not convinced from the letter sent by BSNL and has returned the case to concerned section of DOT for submitting the case with full justification to approve intermediate IDA pay scales in BSNL. Now the concerned section of DOT is preparing the full justification based on the DO letter of CMD BSNL and shortly will be sent to internal finance of DOT for further sending to DPE for approval. We pleaded that E1A and E2A intermediate IDA pay scales in BSNL were already approved by DPE in the old IDA scales hence there should not be much problem in approving the pay scales.

(b) JTO 2005 batch pay reduction case ? We apprised in detail the reduction of pay in revised IDA pay scales is being faced by the JTOs 2005 batch who joined after 01.01.2007 from their batch mates who joined prior to 01.01.2007. It was clarified by the concerned authority that the matter is to be sorted out by BSNL Management since it is not a pay anomaly case and do not require DOT/DPE approval.

(c) Payment of pension to MTNL pensioners under rule 37A ? It is understood that during inter-ministerial discussions the issue has not been agreed by DOP&W but DOT and MTNL Management is continuously pursuing the case for favourable settlement.

16.09.2009 : GS, AGS (HQ), AGS(C/E/Arch./TF met PGM (BW) and discussed -

(a) Deficiencies in BSNLMS RRs - We expressed our serious concern regarding not allowing existing Executives of Civil/Electrical/Arch. Engineering wings having diploma to the Executive Engineer promotion based on qualification in the BSNLMS RRs. PGM (BW) clarified that at the time of framing of BSNLMS RRs their feedback was not taken into consideration. However, the matter has been taken up with the competent authority wherein the existing about 105 Executive Engineers (Civil) are being deprived from regularisation and will be facing reversion. We strongly opposed the move.

(b) ACP withdrawal review committee report - PGM (BW) confirmed the receipt of ACP withdrawal review committee report headed by Shri Pradeep Nagpal, GM (SP). He informed that the report is now submitted to BSNL Management through GM (Estt.) for consideration.

14.09.2009 : GS, President, AGS (HQ), AGS(F), AGS(C/E/Arch./TF), Adviser-I and Circle President KTD met GM (Pers) and discussed-

(a) Modifications in BSNLMS RRs- We strongly resented against the provisons of BSNLMS RRs wherein the Civil/Electrical/Arch. Engineers having diploma qualification are debard from Executive Engineer promotion. It is against the DoT RRs and DOP&T instructions. GM (Pers.) after detailed discussion assured to look into the matter.

(b) Regularisation of Adhoc STS level Executives- GM (Pers) informed that the regularisation process will shortly be completed.

(c) DPC form SDE(T) to DE- GM (Pers) informed that reply has been filed in the Hon?ble High Court J&K against stay order. The next date of hearing will be decided shortly by the Hon?ble High Court J&K.

(d) Notification of LDCE to fillup about 4000 posts of SDE(T) ? GM (Pers) informed that the syllabus, mode of Examination have been approved by BSNL Management Committee. GM (Rectt.) will notify LDCE shortly.

14.09.2009 : GS, AGS(F) , Circle President KTD met GM (Estt.) and discussed-

(a) Allowing Deferred option in IDA Pay Fixation after 01-10-2000 till the promotion/ retirement as per PO- We expressed our serious concern against non-sending required information to DoT for settlement of the issue. GM(Estt.) informed that despite the several reminders the information regarding financial implications in this matter have not been received. However the reply will be sent to DoT within 2-3 days.

(b) Payment of PLI- GM (Estt.) informed that the issue has been discussed in today?s BSNL Board Meeting.

14.09.2009 : GS, President, AGS(F) and AGS(C/E/Arch./TF) met GM (FP) and discussed-

(a) Regularisation of Adhoc CAOs- GM (FP) informed that the regularisation process is in advance stage and efforts are being made to complete the process by the end of September-09

(b) DPC from JAO to AO- GM(FP) informed that the DPC from JAO to AO has been completed and the promotion order will be issued in the next week.

(c) DPC of 1999 JAO Batch- We requested to hold DPC for 1999 JAO Batch as per the clarification issued by DoT. GM (FP) informed that the matter is under consideration. DoT is being further requested to hold the DPC since it was due in DoT period before absorption of JAOs in BSNL. We pleaded for settling the case in BSNL itself.

14.09.2009: 3rd Circle Conference of Rajasthan Circle held on 12-13.09.2009 at Jodhpur: GS, President, Vice-President-II, AGS (HQ), Auditor and Advisor-I attended and addressed 3rd Circle Conference of Rajasthan Circle held on 12-13.09.2009 at Jodhpur. Glittering and colourful Open Session was organised at ?Sindhu Mahal?, Jodhpur. Open Session was attended by Hon?ble MP (Lok Sabha) Shri Badri Ram Jakhar, Director (HR) BSNL Shri Gopal Das, CGMT, Rajasthan Telecom Circle Shri G.K.Agrawal, GM (Pers.) Shri R.K. Mishra, GM (F) Rajasthan Telecom Circle Shri G.L.Meena & GMTD Jodhpur Shri R.D.Arya.

Circle Secretary, Rajasthan in his welcome address requested Director (HR) to declare 5 SSAs of Rajasthan Circle viz. Barmer, Jaisalmer, Banswara, Sriganganagar and Nagaur as Tenure SSAs as already declared by CGMT Rajasthan. The request has already been sent by Rajasthan Circle to BSNL Corporate Office.

Hon?ble MP (Lok Sabha, Pali) Shri Badri Ram Jakhar asked BSNL Management to implement Rs. 300 Scheme for some more time so that the rural subscribers can also avail this facility. He also mentioned that BSNL mobile should not be disconnected during conversation.

GMTD, Jodhpur in his address welcomed Dir (HR), CGMT, Rajasthan, GM (Pers) and all the delegates of AIBSNLEA at Jodhpur. He explained the efforts made for the growth of BSNL services in Jodhpur area.

GM (F), Rajasthan Telecom Circle informed that the Circle has obtained good profit (122 Crore) last year which is third largest profit in the country and first in Northern Region. He also informed that the average revenue of Rajasthan Circle is 110 Crore / month.

GM (Pers.) told that BSNL is in process to sort all the pending issues related to TES Gr. B seniority as early as possible. He also advised the Executives to not to go for court cases for early settlement of seniority issues. He also informed the house that an SLP has been filed by BSNL for early settlement of all the disputes of TES Group ?B? seniority. He assured for early completion of regularisation process of all adhoc level Executives. He mentioned that the reply to Hon?ble J&K High Court in stay order granted against adhoc DE?s DPC has been filed today. He apprised that notification for TES Gr. B LDCE to fill up more than 4000 SDE (T) posts is being notified shortly. He advised that Executives may send their representations to him through e-mail which is convenient in dealing the cases.

CGMT, Rajasthan in his address apprised in detail the developmental activities and plans of Rajasthan Circle i.e. 28 lacs GSM Mobile connections and 2.5 lacs Broadband connections target. He explained that ITS officers are ready to exercise option for BSNL in case the committee recommendations of Shri M. Sahu, Ex Jt. Secy (T) are accepted by the Govt. In BSNL the PGMs/CGMs IDA pay scales are not yet finalised. He impressed upon the viability of BSNL & improve the quality of service in BSNL.

CHQ President in his address forced on the viability of BSNL & early payment of 60% arrears. Vice President has requested for early settlement of absorption issue of ITS in BSNL. He also requested for early settlement of seniority cases in BSNL.

Com GS in his address expressed sincere gratitude and thanks to Dir (HR), GM (Pers) for accepting the invitation to attend the Conference at Jodhpur. He discussed all important HR issues e.g. regularisation of adhoc STS level Executives and immediate filling up of vacant DGMs posts in all disciplines. He strongly demanded for modification of BSNLMS RRs related to Civil/Electrical/Arch Engg wings of BSNL wherein Diploma holders are deprived to the EE post promotion, regularisation of officiating JTOs (about 2200), implementation of FR 22 (I) a (i) settlement of SDEs (T) seniority cases, ACP withdrawal case of JTOs / SDEs (C), DPC from SDE (T) to DE adhoc to fill up about 2500 DEs vacant posts, modifications in MTRRs removing age and qualification criteria for internal MT exam, immediate payment of 60% arrears and implementation of DPE OM dated 02.04.2009, revision of transport allowance, teaching allowance, amendment in DGM RRs, revision of AD (OL) pay scale, revision of IDA pension, immediate absorption of ITS officers in BSNL, filling up of 4000 SDEs (T) LDCE quota posts, 3G service connections to all Executives, payment of PLI to all Executives as per DPE guidelines, implementation of BSNL 100 days programme and curtailment in the operative expenditure etc. He appealed all Executives to provide quality Telecom services to the customers. He impressed upon for strengthening of marketing and sales units of BSNL to sale out BSNL products. He demanded that Govt. of India should extend financial support to BSNL as assured in the NTP 1999.

Director (HR) informed about the restructuring of BSNL as recommended by BCG & assured all the Executives that no reduction will be done in the present perks & allowances. He mentioned that this year 2008-09 the PLI to the Employees may be distributed as per DPE guidelines after the approval of BSNL Board in its meeting on 15.09.2009. He informed that from next fiscal, Performance Related Pay (PRP) will be implemented in all the Circles & the PLI will not be distributed uniformly. He explained that BSNLMS RRs have been notified but 100% problems cannot be sorted out. Allowances/Perks depend on the profitability of the Company. Non-Executives have been given 6 months pay advance, their wage negotiation is yet to be completed. He assured that the issues raised by GS, AIBSNLEA will be looked into. To increase the profit of BSNL Broadband connections increase is required. 22 million connections are being added this year. Leasing of infrastructure will earn more revenue, BTS should work 24 hours. The additional leased lines/band width in those areas where lot of potential is there, we need lot of marketing infrastructure, earlier we were not tuned to marketing area. BSNL?s manpower is 3 lacs employees and if 20% work force is involved in it best results can be achieved. Regarding project plans and developmental activities, CGMs should start similar efforts in consultation of Unions / Associations. Sales outlets increase is required. More efforts are required for improvement in services. No delay for rectification in faults. Why BTS should remain faulty? Network updation is a dynamic process. Constant monitoring is required to provide. Quality of service can be improved with the available resources. 90-95% customers will switch over to BSNL from private operators if the fault duration is less. Close monitoring is required in a pragmatic manner. Customer will remain with us. Capacity is utilized, it will give more revenue. Rajasthan Circle is good Circle and giving good revenue. PRP will be paid on 3 profits i.e. 5% of the overall profit of the company, Circles/SSAs and personal performance for the FY 2009-10, 2010-11. PRP is the strong motivation to good performance.

Shri M.L.Pareek, Retd. CAO, Circle President was felicitated on his retirement on superannuation on 31.07.2009. He extended vote of thanks. The open session continued for 5 hours from 16:30 hrs to 21:30 hrs. The conference hall was jam packed. Click Here for Glimpses

14.09.2009:BSNL Corporate Office issued orders

(i) Transfers/Postings in the grade of SDE(C) Click Here for Order

(ii) Transfers/Postings in the grade of EE(C) Click Here for Order

14.09.2009: BSNL Corporate Office issued letter for Furnishing of missing ACRs in respect of Executives of AFS Click Here for Letter & List of Wanting ACRs
11.09.2009: TELECOM PLAYERS GO RURAL:- Click Here for NEWS-Details
11.09.2009: INDIA ADDS OVER 93 LAKH GSM USERS in August 2009 :-However,State-run Bharat Sanchar Nigam (BSNL), which is struggling with its expansion plans due to delayed tenders, has added 13.56 lakh new users in the said month, about 3 lakhs less than its July addition. Its total GSM subscriber base stood at 5.2 crore with a market share of 15.52 per cent. For details Click Here
11.09.2009: Executives Promotion Policy-Clarification issued by BSNL CO:- Click Here for Order copy
11.09.2009: JTO(ELECTRICAL) POSTING ORDER ISSUED BY BSNL CO:- Click Here for Order copy
10.09.2009 : Com. K. Satyanarayana, President during his visit to A&N Circle on 08.09.2009 attended & addressed the Special General Body Meeting of AIBSNLEA A&N Circle at Port Blair. Com. President in his address apprised in detail the status of HR issues and discussed viability of BSNL. In the interactive session he clarified all quarries made by the members to their satisfaction. Com. Circle President R. Srinivasan and Circle Secy. A&N Circle in their welcome addresses discussed the Circle / CHQ level problems. A large number of members attended the meeting. Click here for CS (A&N) Report
10.09.2009: GS, AGS(F) met ED(F) & discussed

(a) Payment of 60% arrear of revised pay scale:- We requested ED(F) for early clearance of the case for payment of 60% arrears on revised pay scale . ED(F) assured that the case will be sent after vetting to the Competent Authority within one or two days.

(b) Implementation of DPE OM dated 02.04.2009:- We requested for the implementation of DPE OM dated 02.04.2009 regarding 78.2% IDA fitment benefit. ED mentioned that the matter is in consideration to the Management but he was non-committal on the issue.

09.09.2009: BSNL Corporate office issued letter for Furnishing of ACRs regarding promotion of the officers working as STS on adhoc basis to Executives (STS) on regular basis Click Here for letter All the Circle Secretaries are requested to send the demanded ACRs immediately to Corporate Office.

09.09.2009: BSNL Corporate office issued orders regarding promotion of JTOs to the grade of SDE (Telecom) in BSNL against 67% seniority-cum-fitness quota (promotion quota) Click Here for Letter

09.09.2009: First Circle Executive Committee meeting of the AIBSNLEA, Maharashtra Circle :- The First Circle Executive Committee meeting of the AIBSNLEA, Maharashtra Circle was held at Hotel Ishwar Inn, Mahabaleswar on 09.09.09. The flag hosting was done by the Circle Vice President Shri Rokade at 09:09:09 hours. Shri Prahlad Rai, G.S. AIBSNLEA from New Delhi has attended the meeting on a special invitation. Shri A. Kulkarni, G.M. Satara was the Chief Guest. Besides, Shri V.P. Kulkarni, Circle Secretary, Shri K.P. Nair AGS (GD), Shri C.M. Sasthe O.S. (W), Shri S.H. Mokashi Advisor from CHQ was present in the meeting. Shri Rokade Circle Vice President presided over the meeting.

District organization of AIBSNLEA, Satara has arranged a grant welcome to all the CHQ & Circle Executive members.

During the address, Shri Prahlad Rai has informed about various developments in the BSNL as regards the withdrawal of ADC charges, Licensee Fee, Allocation of Spectrum, heavy reduction in profit of BSNL, ITS absorption, PLI, payment of 60% arrears, merger of 50% DA of pensioners, pension, 3G, EVDO, Project Sikhar, etc. etc. He has also given a detailed information about all the various types of grievances of the executives in various disciplines like Engg, Accounts, Civil, Electrical, Architectural, PA/PS, AD OL, etc. and the status of the grievances.

He has expressed his serious concern about the reduction in profit and the way the performance of the BSNL in the field. He has appealed all the members present in the meeting to take a serious note of the reduction of profit and take appropriate remedial action to make the Maharashtra Circle as a profit making circle which should stand as an example for other Circles. He assured that all the grievances related to the executives will be taken up with the BSNL management and will be settled amicably and favourably. He has appealed the members to be adaptable with the changed competitive scenario.

Shri A. Kulkarni, G.M. Satara in his address expressed his appreciation for a very informative speech by Shri Prahlad Rai, G.S. He has informed that during his tenure as G.M. he had dealt with so many Unions / Associations and he found the AIBSNLEA an organization with a positive attitude and congratulated Shri Prahlad Rai for heading such a good organization. He appealed all the members to take the competition as a challenge and be more vigilant and tricky in remaining as a number one organization of the country.

During the question answer section, Shri Prahalad Rai has replied to all the queries raised by the house.

Shri Prahalad Rai has expressed his sincere thanks to the District organization of AIBSNLEA and the Circle Secretary and Circle Executive Committee for organizing the CEC at Mahabaleswar in a nice manner and inviting him for the meeting and giving the opportunity to address the gathering.

09.09.2009: Special General Body meeting at Pune: A special General Body meeting was arranged at Udyan Prasad Karyalay Pune (Maharashtra Circle). The hall was jam packed with a huge gathering. Meeting was started with a welcome speech by Branch president Shri. H.F.Chaudhary. Then Dist. Secretary Shri. V.R.Deshpande raised the issues like vehicle shortage, unnecessary transfers in circle, missing of names in seniority list, increase in age limit for new management recruitment,ITS absorption etc. After that Org.Sec. West Shri.C.M.Saste in his address discussed the issues of ITS absorption, Gr.A RR, recruitment of MT etc.

Com. GS in his address apprised in detail the efforts of AIBSNLEA for the settlement of important issues i.e. implementation of Executives Promotion Policy, holding of DPCs to fill up all vacant STS/Group B Grade posts, Implementation of transparent transfer policy, GSM Telephone with handset to all BSNL Executives, Notification of BSNLMS RRs, Regularization of Adhoc STS level Executives, Implementation of revised pay scales with 30% fitment etc. and discussed in detail the issues related to the viability of BSNL. He appealed all executives to concentrate on providing quality service and to change the attitude towards customers.

In the end President Shri. H.F.Chaudhary gave the vote of thanks.

Afterward a separate meeting was held with the executives of Electrical and Civil wing in which Com. GS elaborately explained the developments in civil and electrical wing and cleared all the queries raised by the executives.

08.09.2009: BSNL Corporate Office issued orders regarding

(i) Grant of Perks and Allowances to the Executive Employees (including un-absorbed officers who are working in BSNL on deputation/deemed deputation) Click Here for Letter

(ii) Grant of Allowance to the Executive Employees (including un-absorbed officers who are working in BSNL on deputation/deemed deputation) on revised pay Click Here for Letter

(iii) Grant of Headquarter Allowance to the Executive Employees (including un-absorbed officers who are working in BSNL on deputation/deemed deputation) on revised pay Click Here for Letter

(iv) Grant of Training Allowance to the Executive Employees (including un-absorbed officers who are working in BSNL on deputation/deemed deputation) on revised pay Click Here for Letter

08.09.2009: GS met GM (Estt.) & Discussed

(i) Revision of Perks & Allowances ? GM (Estt.) informed that the order regarding revised Perk & Allowances will be issued Today. It is understand that the Perks is decided 2% of BASIC (IDA) as professional allowances only. Diet allowance is stopped & other allowance will remain same.

(ii) Implemented of DPE order dated 02-04-2009 regarding 78.2 % fitment benefit ? GM (Estt.) maintained that the issue is under consideration but could not be implemented due to non settlement of Non- Executives wage revision. We pleaded that the DPE order could not be held up on the pretext of Non- Executive wage revision settlement.

(iii) Payment of 60% Arrears ? We requested for early payment of 60 % arrears of revised IDA pay scales. GM (Estt) informed that the case has already been processed to the Competent Authority for approval. He expected the approval will be coming shortly.

(iv) Payment of PLI for year 2008-09- GM (Estt.) informed that this issue has also being submitted to the BSNL Management. After the approval of BSNL Board, the decision will be taken.

08.09.2009: GS met GM(FP) & discussed

(i) Regularization of Adhoc CAOs- GM (FP) informed that he is personally talking to all GM (F) throughout the country for immediate sending of missing ACRs to BSNL Corporate Office. He assured that the regularization process will be completed in this month only.

(ii) DPC for JAO to AO - GM (FP) informed that the DPC is in advance stage and efforts are being made to issue promotion order from JAO to AO (about 435) by the end of Sept? 2009.

07.09.2009: AIBSNLEA succeeded in getting released the clarifications from BSNL Corporate Office to stop the wrong recoveries of 66 SDEs of Raj. Telecom Circle regarding stepping of pay Click Here for Letter

07.09.2009 : CHQ office bearers visit at Chennai:- Com. President , AGS(Engg.), OS(South) & Advisor-III visited Chennai from 01.09.2009 to 03.09.2009. Com. Sathyamurthy (OCS) , Com. Raju (FS), Com. Doraiarasu (CWC member TN circle) and Com. S. Ravikumar, JTO Chennai accompanied them. During the visit four new branches were formed. All the Executives? of various disciplines including DGMs took much interests and promised of mobilizing more members. CHQ Office bearers in their address apprised in detail regarding formation of Adhoc circle body and regarding dissolution of earlier circle body of Chennai Telephones due to Anti Association activities. The CHQ office bearers to strengthen the Adhoc circle body suggested to induct following Executives? of Chennai circle: (1) Shri S. Ravikumar JTO as ACS, (2) Shri M. Mohan, DGM (Marketing) as Vice President-I and (3) Shri B Jones Samula Raj Adyar as Vice President- II (iv) Shri P. Sangli, CAO, Org. Secy. It is also recommended that circle conference of Chennai Telephone circle should be held on 10th October 2009. Large number of Executives? of various disciplines participated actively.

07.09.2009 : GS and Adviser-1 met GM(Pers.) & discussed regarding

(a) Regularization of DE(Adhoc):-We expressed our serious concern against delay in completing the regularization process of Adhoc STS Executives?. GM(Pers) mentioned that still 3 circles i.e. BSNL CO, ETR and Bihar circles some eligible adhoc DEs ACRs are missing. Efforts are being made to complete the ACRs. The vigilance clearance of all eligible DEs have been called for, shortly the process will be completed. He also assured that the regularization process will be completed simultaneously in all disciplines i.e. Finance & Accounts, Civil/ Electrical/ Architectural/ Telecom Factories wings.

(b) DPC from SDE(T) to DE :- We expressed our resentment against delay in holding DPC from SDE(T) to DE. The reply to Hon?ble J&K High Court is also being delayed against stay order. GM(Pers) mentioned that the reply has been prepared and submitted to advocate for further necessary action. We pleaded that many SDEs during last 4 months have retired without getting even Adhoc DE promotion. As soon as the stay is vacated, single DPC should be conducted to fill up all vacant DEs posts. GM(Pers) assured to look into the matter.

(c) Issuance of promotion order of 63 JTOs qualified SDE(E) LDCE:- We requested for early issuance of promotion order of 63 JTOs qualified in SDE (E) LDCE . GM(Pers) informed that the case has come to his office and after examining the issue an early action will be taken in the matter.

(d) Consideration of pending request transfer cases of SDEs/DEs :- We requested to consider pending transfer cases of SDEs/ DEs taken up by this association. GM(Pers.) mentioned that he has instructed the section to examine and put up the cases for consideration. GM (Pers) also informed that shortly 200 Executives? will be posted in ALTTC Ghaziabad in Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) project. The volunteers are being called shortly.

(e) Posting of excess JAG/SAG level officers in BSNL CO:- We expressed our serious concern against excess posting of JAG/SAG level officers in BSNL CO without sanctioned posts and required infrastructure. GM (Pers) mentioned that JAG/SAG level officers are being posted in BSNL CO in new services. We pleaded that by reorganizing the existing sections the new services can be distributed among existing officers only. It will reduce the financial burden and the optimum output will be taken.

(f) SLP against Hon?ble Shimla High Court judgment on payment of back wedges admitted :- GM(Pers) informed that the BSNL CO SLP against Hon?ble Shimla High Court judgment on payment of back wedges has been admitted. He also mentioned that to avoid several court cases it has been prayed to give clear instructions for implementation of one recruitment rule for fixing the TES Group B officers seniority.

04.09.2009 : Transfer and Posting of SDEs(Tenure)-Order issued-Click Here for ORDER COPY,

03.09.2009 : Open Session of Branch Conference of Mathura District Branch at Mathura GS, AGS(HQ), OS(N) attended and addressed the Open Session of Branch Conference of Mathura District Branch at Mathura on 03.09.2009. Shri R.S. Pandey, GMTD Mathura was the Chief Guest, Shri P.K. Shrivastava, DGM, Mathura was the Guest of Honor. Shri R.S. Pandey, GMTD in his address mentioned that AIBSNLEA is the Association having balance approach in getting settled the issues. He also discussed the issues related to Viability of BSNL and Challenges before BSNL. By proving quality Telecom Services and better customer satisfaction, customers? base can be increased.

Com. GS in his address apprised in detail the efforts of AIBSNLEA for the settlement of important issues i.e. implementation of Executives Promotion Policy, holding of DPCs to fill up all vacant STS/Group ?B? Grade posts, Implementation of transparent transfer policy, GSM Telephone with handset to all BSNL Executives, Notification of BSNLMS RRs, Regularization of Adhoc STS level Executives, Implementation of revised pay scales with 30% fitment etc and discussed in detail the issues related viability of BSNL. He appealed all executives to concentrate to provide quality service and to change to attitude towards customers.

Sh. R.K. Chudamani, Branch Secy. and Sh. Lakhan Singh, President welcomed the gusts. Sh. Devash Kumar, AGS (HQ) and Sh. Satish Kumar, Org. Secy.(N) in their address discussed the organizational activities. Sh. Bhadoria, Circle Secy. UP(W) while discussing the ALL India/ Circle issues assured to hold the Circle Conference on 9th Oct?2009 positively.

03.09.2009 : BSNL issued Notice for recruitment of Management Trainee. Click Here for ==>Notice for recruitment of Management Trainee and Application form for Management Trainee
03.09.2009 : BSNL Corporate Office issued Recruitment Rules of Management Trainees [Revised] Click Here for Letter
02.09.2009 : On the occasion of ?The 6th Global HR Summit 2009? held on 27th - 28th August 2009 at Noida, BSNL honoured with ?Amity HR Excellence Award for Best Human Resource Development Practices?. We congratulate Director (HR), BSNL and his HR Team for the prestigious Award. Click Here

02.09.2009 : Communication made by GS -

Letter-1 : To GM (FP) regarding request transfers in the cadre of CAO/AO.

Letter-2 : To CGM UP (W) Circle regarding cancellation of transfer of Branch Secretary, AIBSNLEA, Agra.

02.09.2009 : GS, AGS (F), Advisor-I met Director (HR) and discussed ?

(a) Regularisation of adhoc STS level Executives ? We requested to complete the regularisation process of adhoc STS level Executives in all disciplines together. Dir (HR) immediately spoke to GM (Pers) and advised him to speak all concerned PGMs/GMs of Accounts and Finance, Civil/Electrical/Arch wings to ensure completion of regularisation process by 15th Sept 2009 positively.

(b) Declaration of NE-II Circle as one-year tenure ? We condemned the heinous and cowardly attack (by un-identified persons) on Mr. G. Dattatreya Babu, AGM (Plg), in the streets at Dimapur (Nagaland) in the evening of 01.09.2009 when he was coming out of the office. He got badly injured and was taken to hospital where his condition is stable. We requested for immediate intervention and declaring NE-II Circle as one-year tenure. Dir (HR) assured to discuss the matter with CGM, NE-II Circle and mentioned that Central Govt. officers/employees tenure in NE-II Circle is 2 years only. To reduce the tenure matter will be examined.

02.09.2009 : GS, AGS (F), Advisor-I met GM (FP) and discussed ?

(a) Regularisation of adhoc CAOs ? We expressed our serious concern against delay in calling ACRs for the period 2008-09 for the DPC of regularisation. GM (FP) assured that efforts are being made to complete the regularisation process by the end of Sept 2009.

(b) DPC from JAO to AO ? We requested to complete the DPC process from JAO to AO. GM (FP) mentioned that the DPC from JAO to AO is in advanced stage and efforts are being to release the promotion order by the end of this month.

02.09.2009 : GS, AGS (F), Advisor-I met GM (Pers) and discussed ?

(a) Regularisation of adhoc STS level Executives ? We expressed our serious concern against delay in completing the regularisation process of adhoc STS level Executives. GM (Pers) mentioned that due to untiring efforts most of the Circles have sent the ACRs except A&N and ETP Circles. He assured completion of regularisation process by Sept 2009 positively.

(b) Consideration of pending request transfers of DEs/SDEs ? We requested for immediate consideration of request transfer cases. GM (Pers) mentioned that all pending cases are being examined and transfer orders will be issued shortly.

02.09.2009 : DPC for regularisation of adhoc STS Gr. A. ACR status as on 02.09.2009

02.09.2009 : GS writes to CMD BSNL regarding Method of pay fixation in IDA pay scale in respect of absorbed officials of BSNL who were promoted after 01.10.2000 and opted IDA pay scales from the date of their promotion / retirement. Click Here
01.09.2009 : Director (HR) called AIBSNLEA and SNEA representatives to discuss about payment of PLI/Incentive for the FY 2008-09. The meeting was attended by GS, AGS (F) and GS, AGS (SNEA). Dir (HR) explained that as per DPE guidelines 5% of the distributable profits can be paid i.e. 5% of Rs. 574 crores comes Rs. 28 crores and that can be distributed among 55,000 Executives which will be amounting Rs. 5000/- per head. We requested to make the PLI/Incentive payment minimum to Rs. 10,000/- per head.

(b) Payment of 2nd installment of arrears on account of implementation of 6th CPC recommendations ? We requested for early implementation of DOE order No. 1/1/2008-IC dated 25.08.2009 and endorsed by DOT regarding Payment of 2nd installment of arrears on account of implementation of 6th CPC recommendations on the revised IDA pay scales. Dir (HR) mentioned that the matter is under consideration. Shortly the decision will be taken.


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Baby is born after nine years – Company’s future health will decide whether it is groomed in a robust manner or gets deformed.

Promulgation of BSNL MS recruitment Rules required extraordinary perseverance, pursuance, Organizational pressure, and, of course, unprecedented amount of patience before the final breakthrough was recently achieved. Yes, nine years - long as it may seem – was a mixture of both the inspiration and perspiration. Inspiration in that a radical and novel concept of elimination of JTS in functional path and an emphatic shift in integration of seniority between DRs and PRs from JTS to JAG conceived by us decades before was finally attained, and the success of bringing about this critical change in fixation of seniority from JTS to JAG undoubtedly required some bold deliberations and bolder decisions. Big questions were raised when we started talking and discussing the new concept and serious apprehensions were expressed about the final outcome of our effort in this direction. Doubts about the final outcome of this new and significant beginning by the critics emanated from the fact that all previous half hearted attempts at even marginal improvements had failed miserably. And hence the concept itself was beyond imagination and digestion, because the scope of this new concept was not marginal but substantial. But then we went ahead with our business boldly, banking on the strength and commitment of our comrades and the rightful and deserved merit of our cause.

Perspiration was the remaining part of the story. Relentlessly we fought at all the levels, at various stages, forcing open all the locked doors in the way, without tiring – without giving up an inch. And the final result was a fair deal, the deal that we had asked for - the deal for which we had bargained for. More than 30 years of deprivation that our cadres were subjected to without any respite was at last broken down. Our predecessors, all of them, without exception, had to step out of the doors of DOT/ BSNL after 35 and 40 years of service just carrying the labels of Retd. Sr. SDEs. But, today we are extremely satisfied that the new formulation because of our sustained actions will open the doors for the hitherto forbidden and undreamt territories of STS, JAG and even SAG (GM) for the younger generations, the efforts and sacrifice of the elders, as always and naturally, standing good for the youngsters. It is quite natural that in a militant and committed organizational set up there are some who have to bear the cross so that the others may live in bliss. The elders will not mind it, but, on the contrary, they will be extremely happy and consider privileged to have done something for the posterity. We salute them. But, we do not know whether the youngsters are meticulously analyzing the likely impact of this momentous achievement. Because many of them are still in a wonderland with their minds filled with pipe -dreams. We have only hope that they come down to the earth. We have worked out for them several streams of fast track promotion and by raising the integration level from the JTS to the JAG level all the bottlenecks have been broken open. With the pay scales and time-bound promotions worked out through the hard work of this Association, we are sure that no one can complain. And we do not have to explain.

Moreover, there is always scope for further improvements in any new dispensation. The only thing that we have to clearly understand is that gate which was hitherto locked for decades has been opened and to what extent we are in a position to penetrate in future just depends on how solidly and unitedly like a rock we stand and struggle in the days to come to secure further career improvements. This breakthrough has to be viewed and analyzed in a broader context, without prejudice, without sectarian considerations. If we do that, we can surely understand and realize what promise it holds for us in the future.

But then when we clamour for and win over the justified rights, let us not forget that we will have to impose ourselves with the responsibility of keeping this Company going. Not only going but going as the first rated Company not only in the country but also in Asia that was our envisaged vision. That is where we always look at the status of the company vis-à-vis our performance on the market and profit fronts, pushing many of our justified demands to the back-burner so that this Company may not only survive but also rise above the rest of the competitors. And again it is not for nothing. We do not even deny some selfish motives. If ITI was an example, today Air India is a trendsetter because there we see pink slips not only for the employees but even for the Management. Naturally no one can permit a delinquent organization to continue without profit - without the right market share. Yes, we are visionaries in selfishness too. We dream of a great salary package and even greater career advancements for our members. And for that we have no doubt that the performance of the organization only counts and gives us the platform to ask for more – to ask for the better – and to earn it rightfully and nobly. Yes, we are selfish for the cause of the Executives – and that makes us even more selfish for the Company.

That is precisely why we focus on the issue at hand. Even as the balance sheets unfold we see the profits falling by huge percentages. And that is not a happy sight for us. We see the market shares falling steadily. During the first three months of the current year 2009-10, which we started with a firm resolve, our market share has fallen from 77.42% to 76.80 % in the Landline, from 16.20% to 15.52% in the mobile and from 18.98 to 17.89 in the total. When Airtel has crossed 100 million and raises its profit even for the current quarter by 24%, shall we stay as dumb onlookers with excuses for the failures of our Company on both fronts? We reported the dismal performance of our Company in the mobile sector in May 09 as a mere 0.4 million as against the set target of 3 million. Similarly in June we have been able to achieve just about 0.8 million v/s a target of 3 million. But the Airtel has been consistently doing around 2.8 million in all the last 3 months. In fact we stand a poor fifth among our national rivals in mobile growth during 2009-10, even the midget Aircel getting the better of us.

That is why we have been fully supporting, with no holds barred, the earnest efforts of the Management to elevate the status of the Company in every way. We have been fully endorsing the 100 days’ programme of the CMD. Although in the landline sector he has set a target of zero net growth or shall we say net decline in 2009-10, the first three months again display poor, no, dismal readings. We have lost around 5. 52 lakh connections during the first quarter, despite the modest target, with almost all Circles, except NE-II, contributing towards massive losses. And the major culprits being Maharashtra, losing around 1 lakh customers, followed by A.P. with 62,000 losses, Gujarat with over 48,000 and W. Bengal with 46,000 odd losses. Why we are going through the figures. Yes, we want the Circles and our Organizations there to look up and ensure an arrest in the erosion. Similarly on the Revenue front the target set by the CMD in the landline sector for 2009-10 is a very modest 9698 crores. The performance of the first two months viz. Apr & May cannot be called scintillating, with income of less than 1600 crores. If the erosion in the base is not arrested, the decline in revenue is also going to be steeper. We need not find out the reason. And the reason is supported by the statistics for May where the revenue was less by around 15 crores from April when we lost the base by about 1.75 lakh. This clearly means that we are not doing much and much more is desired. Unless definite improvement is brought forth by our cadres, definitely called and are the backbone of this Company, this Association will not be able to pursue aggressively other cadre issues. Dear Comrades, we have to understand this simple logic. Therefore it is up to us to perform and deliver.

We know that even some of our hard core members feel upset about our present stand and continuous focus on issues of growth. But then we will continue, because we can never afford to remain short-sighted. We have to set our sights into the distance. And there see it clearly, not imagine that we see only the oasis and not the deserts, if they really are there. The time for illusions is over and it will reach us nowhere but our doom. And when we see the deserts we will be able to see the oasis from where we should be able to get the right nourishment. And that is what we, fully consciously, are doing at present. No one can deter us from our job. Because we are answerable to not only to the personal glories of the present, that brings us immediate crowns. We are answerable to the posterity- to the society - and to the Nation, simply because we belong to the Company, to the society and to the Nation. We are a national asset. We belong to none but the great Indian Public. And we owe an answer to them if we fail. Sure, Comrades, we shall not fail in our endeavour, we shall not fail the Company, we shall not fail our great India.

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