Tuesday, September 15, 2009


SR CELL, Corporate Office
8th Floor, Bharat Sanchar Bhawan,
Harish Chander Mathur Lane,
Janpath, New Delhi-110 001
No.BSNL/7-10/SR/2009 Dated, the 14th September, 2009
The General Secretary,
BSNL Employees Union, &
Convener, United Forum of BSNL Unions,
New Delhi.
Sub: Notice for massive dharna on 11th August, 2009 at SSA / Circle level and 48-
hours strike on 19-20 August, 2009 for settlement of wage revision and other
demands - regarding
This is further to my letter of even number dated 7th September, 2009 under which
your attention was drawn to the incidents of preventing non-striking employees from entering
the office premises and not allowing the office premises to be opened at certain places with
the request to advise the members of your union to act in such a manner that does not
adversely affect the image of the organization and does not put the customers to any
2. Chief Controller of Accounts in the Ministry of Communication & IT at Bhopal has
taken a serious view of the matter and has complained that even the vehicles and staff of
DOT were not allowed to enter the gate of BSNL Bhavan during the strike period on 19-20
August, 2009. He has also requested for suitable instructions to the unions to avoid
recurring of such a situation in future.
3. In the given circumstances, I once again request you to advise the members of your
union to ensure that during any dharna, demonstration or strike, the non-striking employees
are not prevented either from entering the office premises or performing their duties; and
entrance of the buildings / office premises are not forcibly kept closed, failing which, I am
afraid, the management would be left with no other alternative but to take other
administration actions including de-recognition of the union.
Yours faithfully,
(Shakeel Ahmad)
G.M. (SR), BSNL C.O.
Copy for info to :-
2. CCA, MP Telecom Circle, Bhopal.
3. Director (SR), DOT
4. CGMs, BSNL – They are requested to ensure that during any demonstration, dharna
etc., apart from routine actions, adequate steps are also taken to ensure that nonstriking
employees are not prevented from entering the office premises and entrance
of all the BSNL buildings are kept open so that non-striking employees/visitors are not
put to any inconvenience.

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