Tuesday, September 15, 2009


www.bsnlnewsbyashokhindocha.blogspot.com M-9426201999
Recognised Union in BSNL
(Regiisttered Under Indiian Trade Uniion Act 1926.. Regn..No..4896))
CHQ::Dada Ghosh Bhawan,, Opp.. Shadiipur Bus Depott..,, New Dellhii – 110008
Emaiill:: chqbsnlleu@siiffy..com,, websiitte:: bsnlleuchq..com
Phone:: ((O)) 011--25705385
V..A..N.. Namboodiirii ((R)) 011-- 23342848
Generall Secrettary Fax:: 011-- 25894862
BSNLEU//204 ((NC)) 15..09..2009
Shrii Shakeell Ahmad,,
GM ((SR)),, BSNL,,
Bharatt Sanchar Bhawan,,
Janpath, New Dellhi – 110 001
Sub:: Dharna and sttriike programme observed by BSNLEU – reg..
Reff:: Your lletttter no.. BSNL//7--10//SR//2009 datted 14th Septtember,, 2009
Wiitth rrefferrence tto yourr lletttterr no.. ciitted above,, II wiish tto sttatte tthe ffollllowiing..
BSNL emplloyees uniion iis an orrganiizattiion whiich sttrronglly belliieves iin peaceffull negottiiattiions fforr tthe
settttllementt off tthe demands off tthe emplloyees.. IItt rresorrtts tto agiittattiionall prrogrramme onlly as a llastt rresorrtt,, and
tthatt ttoo when the demands arre unrreasonably rrejected by the autthorrittiies..
Since iitt’’s iincepttion iin tthe yearr 2001,, allll tthe ttrrade uniion actiions conductted by BSNLEU have been
peacefull.. Neverr the members off BSNLEU have resorrtted tto any viiollentt orr unllawfful metthod, during tthose
ttrrade uniion acttiions..
The 48 hourrs sttrriike on 19th and 20th Augustt,, 2009 was calllled on by tthe Uniitted Forrum,, afftterr dully adopttiing
llegall prrocedurres.. Due tto tthe rreasonablleness off tthe demands,, and allso because off tthe adamantt attttiittude
exhiibiitted by tthe managementt,, worrkerrs massiivelly parrttiiciipatted iin tthe sttrriike iin allll tthe ciirrclles.. The ffactt tthatt
nearrlly 70 perr centt off tthe BSNL Non--Executtiives have parrttiiciipatted iin tthe sttrriike,, goes tto prrove tthe
corrrrecttness off deciisiion ttaken by tthe lleaderrshiip off Uniitted Forrum iin giiviing tthe sttrriike callll..
Howeverr,, tthe managementt,, especiialllly tthe SR Secttiion,, ttrriied tto porrttrraiitt,, wiitth cooked up ffiigurres,, tthatt tthe
sttrriike has ffllopped.. Nott sattiisffiied wiitth tthatt,, now iitt has come up wiitth sttorriies tthatt tthe parrttiiciipantts off tthe
sttrriike were iinvollved in preventting non--sttrriikiing employees ffrrom entterring the offffiices.. We fiirrmly rrejjectt tthis
IIt is an open secrrett thatt tthe SR Secttion,, under tthe presentt GM ((SR)),, has been adoptiing an hostiille
attttiittude ttowarrds tthe BSNL Emplloyees Uniion.. IItt has ttaken a numberr off stteps tto ““clliip tthe wiings off
BSNLEU””,, as wellll as tto sttrrengtthen some off tthe Non--Recogniised uniions tthrrough ““back--doorr”” metthods..
Haviing seen tthatt allll iitt’’s attttemptts tto weaken tthe BSNLEU have ffaiilled,, tthe SR secttiion iis now ttrryiing tto
buiilldup a case wiitth tthe cllearr iinttentt tto ttarrniish tthe iimage off tthe uniion,, by llevelliing wiilld allllegattiions..
Howeverr,, we arre prreparred tto llook iintto tthe compllaiintt off tthe CCA,, Bhopall,, prroviided a copy off tthe
compllaiintt iis ffurrniished tto us..
As regarrds tthe tthrreat off ‘‘de--rrecogniitiion’’ conttained iin tthe above ciited lletttterr,, I wiish tto onlly rremiind tthatt
BSNLEU iis tthe uniion whiich has been ellectted tthrree ttiimes by tthe emplloyees,, wiitth overrwhellmiing supporrtt..
Hence,, iitt wiillll make good sense iiff managementt desiistts ffrrom makiing such tthrreatts..
Yourrs siincerrelly,,
[[V..A..N.. Namboodiirii]]
Generall Secrettary
Copy tto: ((1)) The Chiieff Labourr Commiissiionerr, Govtt.. off IIndiia,, Shrram Saktthii Bhawan,, Rafii Marg,,
New Dellhii – 110 001
((2)) Shrrii Kulldeep Goyall,, CMD,, BSNL
((3)) Shrrii Gopall Das,, Diirrecttorr ((HRD)),, BSNL

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