JAY JAY GARVI GUJARAT - make Gujarat Circle shining againHome Project JAY JAY GARVI GUJARAT
Purpose MAKE GUJARAT CIRCLE SHINING AGAIN M-9426201999www.bsnlnewsbyashokhindocha
2nd Meeting of Project Jay Jay Garvi Gujarat an initiative to make Gujarat Circle shining again held at Ahmedabad on 18.9.2009 at 5.30pm. Representatives from all Unions & Associations as well as other staff members participated in the meeting. A detailed discussion on the strategy to be adopted for launching of initiative took place and it has been unanimously decided to form a Core Committee consisting of Circle Secretaries of all Unions & Associations. This core committee will decide the priority areas on which initial focus to be given to make Gujarat Circle profitable in this current financial year. The core committee will also form subcommittees to oversee the various activities as directed by Core Committee and submit its reports from time to time. The meeting of Core Committee will be held at Ahmedabad on 29th September, 2009 at 14.00 hrs and also decided to have an open meeting at 5.30pm on the same day in which all the employees of BSNL can participate.
Photo-I, Photo-2, Photo-3 & Photo-4
2nd Project Jay Jay Garvi Gujarat Meeting on 18-09-2009 at Ahmedabad. Venue: Conference Hall, 11th Floor, Telephone Bhawan, C.G. Road, Ahmedabad - 380 006 at 5.30pm. We expect your valued suggestions with solutions. Be there!
Click here for suggestions received from Shri M.M.Kanani, AGM (Plg) & Branch Secretary, AIBSNLEA, Surendranagar.
Click here for additional suggestions received from Shri J.S. Dobaria, Branch Secretary, AIBSNLEA, C/E/A Branch.
Click here for additional suggestions received from Shri Rajesh Nayyer, JTO, Mehsana.
Click here for Suggestions received from Shri Ravindra Babu, ACS-I, Gujarat Circle
Click here for Selected valid suggestions/solutions received from BSNL Gujarat Circle Employees. All are requested to send their suggestion with solution on E-mail immediately so that we can have a fruitful discussion during next meeting scheduled to be held on 18th September, 2009 at Ahmedabad.
SALIENT POINTS DISCUSSED DURING THE 1ST MEETING OF PROJECT JAY JAY GARVI GUJARAT AN INITIATIVE TO MAKE BSNL GUJARAT CIRCLE SHINING AGAIN HELD AT AHMEDABAD ON 9.9.09. Click here for copy. All are requested to send their suggestion with solution on E-mail address immediately so that we can have a fruitful discussion during next meeting scheduled to be held on 18th September, 2009 at Ahmedabad.
As decided in the meeting held on 9.9.09 to meet the Unions, who could not attend the first meeting due to some preoccupation, today Shri Amalendu Guha met Shri R.R. Verma, AGS CHQ & District Secretary, ATD & Shri N.J. Bhatia, Circle Secretary, NFTE and appraised them regarding the launching of Project Jay Jay Garvi Gujarat. They have appreciated the efforts made in this direction and they have also given many valuable suggestions, which we have taken note of. They have been invited to participate in the meeting scheduled to be held on 18th September, 2009 for which they have consented and agreed to remain present in the aforesaid meeting. Photo-I & Photo-II
As decided during the meeting held on 09.09.09, the next meeting of project Jay Jay Garvi Gujarat will be held on 18.09.2009 at Ahmedabad. The exact venue & time will be communicated through this website. All are requested to prepare their suggestions/solutions on the issues discussed on 09.09.09 and send the same on before 15.09.09, so that we can have a fruitful discussion on the issues and also can take concrete decision on further course of action to make Gujarat Circle shining again. Click here for a list of points identified. Any point is left out the same may also be intimated.
A letter addressed to CMD,BSNL C.O., New Delhi, CGMT, Gujarat Circle & other senior officers of Gujarat Circle signed by following representatives of employees BSNL, Gujarat Circle intimating formation of project Jay Jay Garvi Gujarat an initiative to make BSNL Gujarat Circle shining again and authorising Shri Amalendu Guha, DE (Extl), Vastrapur, ATD, Ahmedabad for making communication with administration and other agencies on behalf of employees of BSNL in consultation with the Circle Secretaries of all Associations & Unions.
1. Shri M.K. Dave, Circle Secretary, BSNLEU
2. Shri M.K. Raval, Circle President, FNTO
3. Shri M.S. Vohora, Circle Secretary, TEPU
4. Shri Aslam Pathan, ADS, ATM
5. Shri B.J. Chudasama, Circle Secretary, SNATTA
6. Shri A.H. Shaikh representative of Motor Drivers
7. Shri V.J. Patel, District President-ATD, SNEA (I)
8. Shri R. Paswan, Circle Secretary, AIGETOA
9. Shri Amalendu Guha, Circle Secretary, AIBSNLEA
Representatives of employees of BSNL Gujarat Circle proved that they are united by attending whole heartedly the first meeting at Ahmedabad of project "JAY JAY GARVI GUJARAT" an initiative to make BSNL Gujarat Circle shining again. A large number of employees participated in the meeting apart from leaders of various Unions & Associations. Details will follow. Click here for Photo-I, Photo-II, Photo-III, Photo-IV, Photo-V, Photo-VI, Photo-VII.
Send your suggestions to
A meeting of all unions and Associations is fixed on 9th September, 2009 at 17.30 hrs. For more details contact Shri Ravindra Babu on Mobile No.94266 94866. Please send your suggestions to make Gujarat Circle Shining again to
Please co-operate
As a part of making BSNL Gujarat Circle shining and Jay Jay Garvi Gujarat initiated by our Association, today Office Bearers of Circle Body, Circle Office Branch, Ahmedabad Telecom. District Branch & Civil/Electrical/Architectural Branch available at Ahmedabad met at 17.30 hrs. and discussed various ways and means to achieve the goal. Various suggestions offered by the participants have been evaluated and the same are being taken-up with the senior officers at the helm of affairs of Gujarat Circle & SSAs. We have decided to invite the leaders of all Unions & Associations to discuss further and to march together in this direction. The tentative date for meeting with other Unions & Associations is fixed on 09.09.09 at 17.30 hrs. We have made a beginning and we do hope that with the support of all Unions & Associations, we will achieve our goal of making Gujarat Circle shining once again. Please send your suggestions to
Friends, you all are aware that Gujarat Circle has fallen in red tap for the successive second year with the loss to the extent of Rs 269 crores and for payment of our salaries etc. we have to depend on the surpluses of other tiny circles like J&K, Jharkhand and Chhattisgarh etc.
Once Gujarat Circle was regarded as one of the potential revenue generating circles and all of a sudden what has happened to this circle during last three years. There is dip in the income to the extent of 20.75% and increase in expenditure is 6.77% as compared to the financial accounts of 2006-07 and profit of 281.78 crores in 2006-07 has been brought down to the loss of 269.12 crores in 2008-09.
CMD’s 100 days programme is being discussed at various forum in the circle with series of meeting amongst the senior officers at helm of affairs, yet no improvement is in sight and there continues to be dip in revenue and negative growth in Land Line segment. Almost all the SSAs have shown negative growth in this segment during the ongoing 100 days’ programme except Bhavnagr, Bharuch, Godhra, Himatnagr and Palanpur. We appreciate and congratulate the Heads of these SSAs for the efforts they have taken in real sense of implementation of 100 days’ programme. The loading of Land Line in the circle as on 31-03-2009 was 53.43% which has scaled down to 52.16% as on 31-07-2009 and this trend of negative growth continues.
Enough is enough, now it is high time for all of us executives or non-executives to concentrate and work hard to restore the glorious past of circle. AIBSNLEA, Gujarat Circle has decided to take initiative in this direction. We have already identified the areas where we have to concentrate but still we need some more information/ suggestions. We, therefore request all executives/non-executives in the circle to mail their suggestions to Kindly suggest us the areas where we have to improve, to reduce expenditure and to increase revenue so as to make our circle once again a profitable circle. Senior officers at the helm of affairs of Gujarat Circle including SSA Heads will be apprised of your suggestions.
We have to collectively wakeup the sleeping elephant and come out of the barriers of Unionism and Associationism and to work as a team to achieve our goal. We have already lost five months of current financial year 2009-10 and have only less than seven months left for us to bring back the positive growth, to increase revenue, to decrease operating avoidable expenditure and to restore profit.
Let us make together BSNL Gujarat Circle M-9426201999
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