Saturday, June 4, 2016

New Service Tax in BSNL Bills from 1 June 2016 M-9426254999
Your BSNL Bills might be high from this June, and this is not from BSNL, As per the directives of Central government service tax is going to be hiked from 14.5% to 15% from June 1st 2016, and this hike will be at 0.5% as Krishi Kalyan Cess from the previous gross BSNL postpaid Bill value. This New Credit of Krishi Kalyan Cess paid on BSNL Bills is for the input services shall be allowed to be used for payment of the proposed Cess on the Output service provided by a service provider. The Krishi Kalyan Cess will be in addition to the Service Tax and Swachh Bharat Cess already levied on such Taxable Service. Relevant Extract from Finance Act, 2016 regarding levy of Krishi Kalyan Cess. This might not be a major price change for the user. Any taxes as such are collected through BSNL Bills or through any other services from the people, is to build revenue for the centre in turn to offer better services to its citizens. Major tax as we all know is income tax, whatever we are earning it will directly taxable under applicable slabs. But this income tax is only applicable for higher revenue earning segment only. BSNL Bills Service Tax Krishi Kalyan Cess Service Tax as such a key element in any country economics, can play a crucial role to balance an economy and even to control inflation also. Service tax when implemented in 1994, they have considered only 3 different types of services, and those were the days, where white list of applicable services for service tax was defined, the addressing mechanism was changed from the year 2013, negative list regime came in to existence as there was list where service tax was excluded. If you see the statistics of the collected revenue from the service tax is growing year by year, This revenue will be used for the education, health and for the necessities of our own citizens. On the other hand if we increase service tax, demand of the products will come down and on long term inflation can be minimized, this is a standard practice for inflation effected economies. But there should be a balance for considering the hike of service tax as, it may directly affect the people who are really in need of those services. Here what I am trying to tell is, If there is an increase on hospital service charges, obviously it may affect people for whom to pay the gross bill itself a bit difficult. In the same line as on date, mobile calling facility became a basic necessity for any common man, As a phone call may give a peace of mind after knowing their loved ones are safe. Most of theBSNL Mobile Plan customers are happy with minimum recharges and minimum BSNL Bills, may be people are having a broadband connection, it is not as a luxury, but as a requirement for his kid studies. Here If Government has to consider separately for low bill value subscribers to exclude from service taxes, for minimum recharges and for minimum broadband speed and bill service tax should be excluded, normal user will be very happy about the Governments decision for making to kept aside from service tax issues with more benefit. So the BSNL Bills of Mobile, Landline, BSNL Broadband, WiMAX etc.. and Prepaid Services like Top Ups, Special Tariff Vouchers and all BSNL recharges will be cost more with effect from 1st June 2016, which was intimated by BSNL to all their subscribers already through SMS. BSNL Call Forwarding 'Free To Home' Services Launched BSNL Growth Rate Recorded, Stands As Top Mobile Operator BSNL Receives The Best PSU Awards 2015 BSNL Driving GCI Ranking Of India To Best By 2017 M-94262 54999

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