Meeting with DIR(HRD), BSNL.
GS, SNEA & AIBSNLEA along with other office bearers met DIR(HRD) and discussed
a) Non finalization of R/R for STS equivalent and above (Group A R/R):- We strongly protested against the non finalization of the R/R in the Board meeting held yesterday even though it was placed before it two months back on 26/02/2009. If the Management was serious on the matter, it would have definitely cleared in this Board meeting. We clearly told the Management that further delay is not acceptable to us as the agreement was reached almost one year back on this issue and the entire Executives are waiting for almost nine years of formation of BSNL for this R/R for their regular promotion. We also made it clear that we will not accept any proposal in the name of BCG on the already agreed HR issues. DIR(HRD) informed that the Govt. nominees in the Board made some suggestions and sought some more details which has to be further discussed in the Board meeting. He assured that the R/R will be finalized in the next Board meeting itself as assured to us and he will take full efforts for the same. Since CMD, BSNL was out of station we could not meet him on this serious development.
b) Implementation of additional DA of 9.4% for fixation of pay as per the DPE order dated 02-04-2009: We strongly pleaded for the implementation of the Govt. decision taken on the IDA for pay fixation w.e.f 01-01-2007 based on the recommendations of Group of Ministers (The GoM formed after the strike by the Oil Sector Officers Association). For pay fixation DA has to be taken as 78.2% instead of 68.8% as per the revised order. DIR(HRD) informed that the profit of BSNL also has to be taken into account as it is having financial implications. Since it is a Govt. decision applicable to all CPSUs for pay fixation, BSNL is having no other option, but to implement the same, we informed the Management.
We will chalk out our future course of action on both the issues after meeting CMD also in this regard.
c) Transfer and postings in the cadre of SDE/DE etc. The pending request transfer cases in different cadres also discussed and the personnel section is issuing a consolidated list of transfer orders.
16 th April 2009FINALIZATION OF RECT. RULES FOR STS EQUIVALENT AND ABOVE (GROUP A R/R): The BSNL full board meeting held on 16/04/2009 not finalised the R/R. It is learned that the directors from DoT made some suggestions which has to be discussed further. The proposed R/R approved by the management Committee was placed before the board in its last meeting held on 26/02/2009.
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