Wage Negotiation Dated 15-04-09
Prepare for struggle for better wage revision
In the meeting of the wage negotiation held today, 15th April 2009, the management proposed that for five year period agreement, fitment benefit would be less than 30% but it can be bargained. Union demanded that the fitment benefit should be as per executives with five year periodicity also. Management side proposed three times of basic pay as advance, The Union rejected it and demanded that it should be a substantial amount. The official side will discuss with the management the demand of the staff side and will hold next meeting shortly. The Unions threatened strike if the justified demands of the workers are not accepted.
Let us be prepared for serious struggle if the management does not agree for our demands.
NFTE-FNTO has made secret agreement with the management for a very small amount of interim relief and have already given wide publicity that the Interim Relief will be agreed today between the management and the BSNLEU. It was also propagated by them that since agreement has already bean reached by them with management, there will be no meeting of the committee today as scheduled. The first proposal of the management was only for two months basic pay to be given as interim relief. NFTE-FNTO have already agreed for this with the management and wanted to compel us also to take a similar decision and blame us later. This conspiracy became clear during the discussions. We strongly opposed and rejected the small offer which made the official side to reconsider and consult with the management.
NFTE — FNTO also is propagating for accepting 10 year agreement instead of 5 year agreement as per the desire of the management. A big conspiracy has been hatched between the management and the NFTE-FNTO so that they will get more support from the management on facilities etc. Earlier they had agreed for IPO and VRS for certain facilities and now they want lesser benefit for the workers to get some more concessions for their unions.
Let us defeat the conspiracy and get a better deal for the workers.
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