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BSNLEU // 400 ((WR)) 08..04..2009
Shrii R..K.. Battra,,
PGM ((IIR)),, Chaiirman,,
Wage Reviisiion Commiittttee ffor
Non--executtiives,, BSNL,,
Easttern Courtt,, Janpatth,,
New Dellhii – 110001
Sub:: Wage reviisiion ffor BSNL non--executtiives – Periiodiiciitty and ffiittmentt fformulla –
IIn tthe wage negottiiattiion commiittttee meetiing helld on 02..04.2009,, tthe offffiiciall side proposed ttwo
alltterrnattiives on perriiodiiciitty fforr wage rreviisiion and ffiittmentt beneffiitt – ((a)) 30% ffiittmentt beneffiitt on parr
wiitth executtiives wiitth 10 yearr perriiodiiciitty fforr wage rreviisiion,, and ((b)) 10% ffiittmentt beneffiitt wiitth 5
yearr perriiodiiciitty..
The offffiiciiall siide sttatted tthatt tthe perriiodiiciitty fforr wage rreviisiion was 10 yearrs and ffiittmentt beneffiitt
was 30% fforr tthe executtiives and hence fforr non--executtiives tthe same was prroposed tto maiinttaiin
parritty.. The offffiiciall siide had ffurrttherr sttated thatt iin case 30% ffiittmentt benefiitt was to be giiven w..e..ff..
01..01..2007 fforr non--executtiives wiitth 5 yearr perriiodiiciitty fforr wage rreviisiion,, ttherre afftterr 5 yearrs,, ffrrom
01..01..2012,, anottherr 30% ffiittmentt beneffiitt was tto be giiven and iin such case afftterr 5 yearrs,, tthe
ffiittmentt beneffiitt woulld be 60% fforr non--executtiives and tthe executtiives woulld conttiinue tto have
30% ffiittmentt beneffiitt onlly siince ttheiirr wage rreviisiion perriiodiiciitty woulld be 10 yearrs.. The offffiiciiall
siide ffurrttherr sttatted tthatt as perr tthe guiidelliines iissued by DPE on wage rreviisiion fforr non--
executtiives,, ttherre shoulld be no confflliictt bettween tthe pay scalles off non--executtiives and
executtives and iin case 30% ffitment beneffiitt was tto be given now and anottherr 30% afftterr 5 yearrs,,
tthen afftterr 5 yearrs,, tthe hiighestt non--executtiive pay scalle woulld be morre tthan tthe llowestt
executtiive scalle and iitt woulld amountt tto confflliictt bettween tthe pay scalles off non--executtiives and
The sttaffff siide opposed tthese prroposalls and demanded 5 yearrs perriiodiiciitty wiitth ffiittmentt beneffiitt
on parr wiith executtiives.. The sttafff siide had statted tthatt tthe prroposalls and arrguments off tthe offfiiciiall
side werre based on assumptiions wiitthout any basiis..
IIn tthiis connecttiion,, we submiitt tthe ffollllowiing poiintts tto make tthe iissue cllearr::
1.. The second Pay Reviisiion Commiittttee Reporrtt,, tthe DPE orrderrs giiven fforr iimpllementtiing tthiis
rreporrtt and tthe DoT and BSNL orrderrs ttherreupon fforr iimpllementtiing wage rreviisiion fforr
executtiives have no where prescribed 10 year perriodicitty ffor tthe wage reviisiion effffectted
ffrrom 01..01..2007.. Therrefforre tthe offffiiciiall siide has no autthorriitty tto assume 10 yearr perriiodiiciitty
fforr wage rreviisiion fforr executtiives.. IItt iis ttherrefforre rrequestted nott tto brriing iin such assumpttiions
nott supporrtted by any autthorriitty,, iin tthe wage negottiiattiion..
2.. The arrgumentt off tthe offffiiciiall siide tthatt tthe executtiives werre giiven onlly 30% ffiittmentt beneffiitt iin
tthe wage rreviisiion was only parrttlly ttrrue.. The minimum pay of tthe rreviised pay scalle off CMD
was Rs..80,,000/--.. Even afftterr addiing 30% ffiittmentt beneffitt on the emollumentts (Pay + 68..8%
DA)) based on maxiimum pay off tthe CMD ((Rs..31,,500)),, iitt was onlly Rs..69124//-- wherre as tthe
miiniimum rreviised pay off tthe CMD was Rs..80,,000//--.. IIn ffactt att tthe miiniimum llevell,, tthe
emollumentts ((Pay + 68..8% DA)) werre iincrreased by 72..34%.. Thiis means fforr tthe CMD,, att
miiniimum llevell 72..34% ffiittmentt beneffiitt was giiven..
3.. The rrattiio bettween grroup D miiniimum ((Rs..4000)) and CMD’’s maxiimum ((Rs..31500)) was
1::7..875.. IIn tthe rreviised pay scalle off CMD,, tthe maxiimum pay was Rs..1,,25,,000.. Therrefforre
tto maiinttaiin tthe exiisttiing parriitty off 1::7..875,, iin tthe rreviised pay scalles,, tthe miiniimum pay off
Grr..D ((Non--executtiive miiniimum pay)) has tto be deciided as Rs..15873//--.. Thiis iis an iincrrease
off 135% iin tthe emollumentts on Rs..4000 pay ((Pay + 68..8% DA)).. Therrefforre tto maiinttaiin tthe
existiing parritty between tthe miniimum and maximum wage,, the non-executtiives have tto be
giiven ffiittmentt benefiitt off 135%..
4.. IIn tthe guiidelliines iissued by tthe Goverrnmentt fforr tthe 6th wage rreviisiion iin PSUs wiitth effffectt
ffrrom 01..01..2007,, tthe same cllause tthatt ttherre shoulld be no confflliictt bettween tthe wage
rreviisiion off executtiives and non--executtiives was ttherre,, as iin tthe guiidelliines fforr 7th wage
rreviisiion.. Thiis does nott mean tthatt tthe maxiimum pay scalle off non--executtiive shallll nott be
morre tthan tthe miiniimum pay scalle off tthe executtiives.. We arre giiviing bellow a ffew examplles
tto prrove tthatt iin severrall PSUs,, some off tthe pay scalles off non--executtiives werre morre tthan
tthe pay scalles of executtiives..
ONGC ((Pay Scalles afftter 6tth Wage Reviisiion))
Executtiive Non--Executtiive
E 0 10750 – 16750 S--IIII 11400 ((Open ended))
E 1 12000 – 17500 S--IIIIII 13070 ((Open ended))
E 2 13750 – 18700 S--IIV 15200 ((Open ended)
BHEL ((Pay Scalles afftter 6tth Wage Reviisiion))
Executtiive Non--Executtiive
E 1 8600 – 14600 S--3A 8600 – 14600
E 1A 10750 – 16750 S--4 10750 – 16750
IIn tthiis connecttion,, iitt iis to be notted tthatt as perr DPE orrderrs, the E 0 scalle aftter 6th wage rreviisiion
was 6550 – 11350,, E--1 scalle was 8600 – 14600 wherre as iin BSNL,, tthe NE--IIII ((8570 – 12245))
and NE--12 ((9200 – 250 – 13200)) arre hiigherr tthan tthese scalles..
Therrefforre the tterrm ““conflliictt” iin tthe DPE guidelliines does nott mean tthatt non-executiive pay scalle
shoulld nott be morre tthan executtiive pay scale.
The DPE has iissued orrderrs on 02..04..2009 fforr grranttiing tthe ffiittmentt beneffiitt based on Pay +
78..2% DA iinsttead off Pay + 68..8% DA,, afftterr ttakiing DA merrgerr iintto consiiderrattiion..
IIn viiew of allll tthe above ffactts,, we demand forr 5 yearr perriodicitty and ffiittmentt beneffiitt on parr witth
tthe executtiives so tthatt tthe exiisttiing parriitty 1::7..875 rrattiio iis maiinttaiined bettween miiniimum pay off
non--executtiive and maxiimum pay off CMD..
Yourrs Siincerrelly,,
Generall Secrettary
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