Thursday, April 23, 2009

Wage Revision Latest News by Ashok Hindocha(M-9426201999)

The Director HRD BSNL has written a letter to recognized union (-G.S,Shri VAN Namboodiri)BSNLEU to consider ten years wage revision elaborating the benefits of the same. Here some Imp./salient features of 10/5 year Wage Revision.

Salient features of 10 years Wage Revision:

1.30% Fitment benefit as was given to executives will be applicable to non executive also.
2.As the pension revision is done once in ten yeas, there will not be any confusion on that score.
3.There will not be two categories of wage revision and the different periodicity for executive and non executives.
4.Wage revision exercise can be completed within a time reasonable timeframe.
5.The quantum of advance will be more than the one suggested by the management.

Salient features of 5 year Wage Revision:

1.Prior approval of Ministry is necessary.
2.Fitment benefit may not be equal to that of executives which will affect the pay/pension prospects of employees who are due to retire within next five years.
3.There may be confusion in pension revision due to change in periodicity.
4.Wage revision exercise likely to prolong.
5.The quantum of advance suggested by Management (three months Pay) is to meager to consider.
For reading full text of the letter please click.

Our Union members /blog viewers may send their views to this blog/Circle/Dist/ CHQ as early as possible.views may be sent to:
Ashok Hindocha-Secretary-BSNLEU-WTR-Rajkot

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