A meettiing off tthe wage negottiiattiion commiittttee ttook pllace on 08..04..2009.. Coms..
V..A..N.. Namboodiirii,, P.. Abhiimanyu,, P.. Asoka Babu,, K..R.. Yadav and Miihiir Das Guptta,,
ttogetther wiitth otther lleaders off tthe Uniitted Forum parttiiciipatted iin tthe ttallks..
Botth tthe proposalls made by tthe offffiiciiall siide,, iin tthe meettiing helld on 02..04..2009,, ii..e..,,
10 year agreementt wiitth 30% ffiittmentt and 5 year agreementt wiitth 10% ffiittmentt,, were
ttottalllly rejjectted by tthe sttaffff siide.. As regards periiodiiciitty off wage reviisiion,, we made iitt
cllear tthatt we woulld accept onlly a 5 year agreement and there iis no questiion of
acceptiing a ten year agreement..
As regards ffiittmentt,, we made iitt cllear tto tthe offffiiciiall siide tthatt we wantt pariitty wiitth tthe
ffiittmentt giiven tto tthe Executtiives att tthe ttop llevell and nott att tthe llower llevell.. Among tthe
Executtiives,, 72% ffiittmentt iis giiven att tthe CMD llevell att miiniimum pay.. Whereas,, onlly
30% ffiittmentt iis giiven ffor tthe llower llevell executtiives.. There iis no pariitty among tthe
variious llevells off executtiives.. Hence,, iitt iis unffaiir tto giive us onlly 30% ffiittmentt,, iin tthe
name off pariitty wiitth tthe executtiives..
We demanded tthatt iin allll ffaiirness,, tthe Non-Executtiives shoulld be giiven ffiittmentt att par
wiitth tthe ttop llevell Executtiives.. Ottherwiise,, tthe exiisttiing rellattiiviitty iin tthe BSNL wiillll be
diistturbed.. The miiniimum pay iin BSNL iis 4000 and tthe miiniimum off CMD’’s pay scalle
(hiighestt pay scalle iin BSNL) priior tto executtiives wage reviisiion was 27,,750.. However,,
tthe CMD scalle miiniimum iis now reviised tto 80,,000.. Hence,, tthe non-executtiive
miiniimum pay shoulld allso be reviised iin such a manner,, so tthatt tthe rellattiiviitty wiitth tthe
CMD scalle iis maiinttaiined..
To maiinttaiin tthiis rellattiiviitty,, 30% ffiittmentt iis nott suffffiiciientt ffor tthe Non-Executtiives.. To
maiinttaiin tthe rattiio off exiisttiing 1::7..875 bettween Group D miiniimum pay and CMD
maxiimum pay,, 135% ffiittmentt beneffiitt iis requiired.. We allso poiintted outt tthatt ffiittmentt
beneffiitt on pay+78..2% off pay was allllowed ffor executtiives as per recentt DPE order
and same iis tto be allllowed ffor non-executtiives.. The offffiiciiall siide coulld nott countter tthe
reasoniing iin our argumentt and assured tto come back afftter diiscussiion wiitth tthe ttop
On tthe questtiion off IIntteriim Relliieff,, Offffiiciiall Siide saiid tthatt tthey coulld giive an advance
equiivallentt tto ttwo montths basiic pay.. We ttolld tthatt tthiis iis quanttum iis very pallttry and
demanded advance off Rs..50,,000 tto 80,,000.. On tthiis iissue allso,, offffiiciiall siide assured
tto come back afftter diiscussiion wiitth ttheiir Hiigher-ups.. The nextt meettiing iis ffiixed tto be
helld on 15..04..2009..
The sttaffff siide representtattiives diiscussed tthe devellopmentts and came tto tthe
concllusiion tthatt giiviing callll ffor agiittattiionall programme may become necessary,, iiff
iimprovementt iis nott tthere iin tthe nextt meettiing tto be helld on 15..04..2009.. IItt iis allso
deciided tthatt a lletttter shallll be wriitttten tto tthe CMD iimmediiattelly communiicattiing tthiis
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