Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Meeting with CMD-BSNL-ND-News by ashok Hindocha-Rajkot(m-9426201999)

Meeting with CMD on Wage Revision

A meeting of United Forum leaders was held with CMD BSNL& Director(HRD) today, 29th April at 12 hours.

CMD wanted to know our demands on HRA & Interim Relief. Com. V.A.N. Namboodiri, General Secretary, BSNLEU & other leaders explained our demands in detail. The Management offered 4 months basic pay as I.R.. Staff side stated that this is inadequated and not acceptable. On HRA issue the management was not prepared to issue orders stating that there is a difference between Government decissions on VI CPC recommendations and IInd Pay Revision Committee recomandations. The staff side demanded issue of early orders on HRA w.e.f. November 2008 as ordered in the case of executives.

No decision could be arrived at as the mangement was not prepared to accept our demands. From BSNLEU in addition to General Secretay, Com. K.R.Yadav and Com S.C Bhattacharya attended.

JAO-PART-II Detail of Syllabus by Ashok Hindocha(M-9426201999)-Rajkot

JAO-Part-II Syllabus is as under
Accounting & costing 3 hours-300 marks
Paper-II Teleco Revenue 3 hrs 300 Marks
Paper-III Works account 3 hours 300 marks
Paer-IV-Business & Economics law 3 hours 300 marks
Paper-V Service rules & budgetd 3 hours 300 marks
paper-VI Precis Writting, Drafting & Grammer 3 hrs 150 marks
For more Detials
Ashok Hindocha-Rajkot

Latest information by Ashok Hindocha-Rajkot(M-9426201999)

Hellow How are you?
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ASHOK HINDOCHA-M-9426201999 Thanks
ओस्पेन्सकी ने गुरजिएफ से मिलनेसे पहेले एक बहोत कीमती किताब " टशियम आरगेनम " लिख चुकाथा पश्चिम के ईतीहास में लिखी गयी तीन किताबो में एक महत्वपुणँ किताब हे । और गुरजिएफ को कोय जानता भी नहीं था एक अनजान फ़कीर था जब ओस्पेन्सकी मिलने गया गुरजिएफ से कोय बीस मित्रो के साथ चुपचाप बेठा हुआ था । ओस्पेन्सकी भी थोडी देर बेठा फिर घबडाया न तो किसी ने परिचय कराया की कोन हे न गुरजिएफ ने पुछा की केसे आये हो बाकि जो बीस लोग थे वह भी चुपचाप बैठे थे तो चुपचाप ही बैठे रहे । पाच सात मिनिट के बाद ओस्पेन्सकी बेचनी बहोत बढ़ गयी । न वहा से उठा सके न बोल सके आखिर हिम्मत जुटाकर उसने कोई बीस मिनिट तक तो बर्दास्त किया , फिर उसने गुरजिएफ से कहा की माफ़ करिये यह क्या हो रहा हे ? आप मुझसे यह भी नहीं पूछते की में कोन हु ?

गुरजिएफ ने आंखे उठा कर ओस्पेन्सकी की तरफ देखा और कहा , तुमने खुद कभी अपने से पुछा हे की में कोन हु और तुम ने ही नहीं पूछा , तो मुझे क्यों कष्ट देते हो ? या तुम्हे अगर पता हो की तुम कोन हो तो बोलो । तो ओस्पेन्सकी के निचे से जमीन खिसकती मालूम पड़ी अब तक तो सोचा था की पता हे की में कोन हु ओस्पेन्सकी ने सब तरह से सोचा कही कुछ पता न चला की में कोन हु ? ।
गुरजिएफ ने कहा बेचनी में मत पडो कुछ और जानते होतो उस संबंध में ही कहो । कुछ नहीं सूझा तो गुरजिएफ ने एक कागज उठाकर दिया और कहा . हो सकता हे संकोच होता हो पास के कमरे में चले जाओ इस कागज पर लिख लाओ जो -जो जानते हो उस संबंध में फिर हम बात न करेगे और जो नहीं जानते हो उस संबंध में कुछ बाते करेगे ओस्पेन्सकी कमरे में गया उसने लिख हे सर्द रात थी लेकिन पसीना मेरे माथे से बहना शुरू हो गया पहेली दफा में पसीने - पसीने हो गया पहेली दफा मुझे पता चला की जानता तो में कुछ भी नहीं हु . सब शब्द मेरी आंखो में धूम ने लगे और मेरे ही शब्द मुझसे कहेने लगे
ओस्पेन्सकी तुम जानते क्या हो .......
और तब इसने वह कोरा कागज ही लाकर गुरजिएफ के चरणो में रखा दिया और कहा में कुछ नहीं जानता गुरजिएफ ने कहा अब तू जान ने की और कदम उठा सकता हे ।

आप क्या जानते हे .....
Raju द्वारा Discovery Way Of Life के लिए 4/28/2009 01:06:00 PM को पोस्ट किया गया

Monday, April 27, 2009

latest Wage Revision News by Ashok Hindocha(m-9426201999)

For Latest Wage Revision News pl. visit
U R Most wel-Come

A Bipartite Wage Negotiation Committee has been constituted
Vide O.M. No.LB-11021/19/06-L-I dated 25/1/2007 to go into
the wage structure of Class III & IV Port and Dock employees /
workers and allied matters w.e.f. 1st January, 2007. It is headed
by the Chairman, Indian Ports Association.


1. All India Port & Dock Workers Federation
2. All India Port & Dock Workers Federation (Workers)
3. Water Transport Workers Federation of India
4. Port, Dock & Waterfront Workers' Federation of India
5. Indian National Port & Dock Workers Federation


Latest News by Ashok Hindocha(m-9426201999)

अंधेरी रात में एक आदमी एक पहाड़ के कगार से गिर गया । अंधेरा था भयानक नीचे खाय थी बड़ी । किसी व्रुक्ष की जड़ो को पकड़ कर लटका रहा । चिल्लाया , चीखा , रोया । अंधकार धना था दूर-दूर तक कोई भी न था । सर्द रात थी कोय उपाय नहीं सुझता था व्रुक्ष की जड़े हाथो से छुटती मालूम पड़ती थी हाथ ठंडे होने लगे , बर्फीले होने लगे रात गहेराने लगी वह आदमी चीखता चिल्लाता हे व्रुक्ष की जड़ो को पकडे हे सारी ताकत लगा रहा हे ठीक उसकी हालत वेसी थी जेसी हमारी हे पकडे हे धन को पद को जोर से पकडे हुए हे की छुट न जायेलेकिन कब तक पकडे रहेता आखिर पकड़ भी तो थक जाती हे । और मजा तो ये हे की जितना जोर से पकडो उतने जल्दी थक जाते हे जोर से पकडा था , उंगुलियों ने जवाब देना शुरु कर दिया धीरे धीरे आंखो के सामने हाथ खिसक ने लगे । लेकिन कब तक पकडे रहेता आखिर पकड़ भी तो थक जाती हे । और मजा तो ये हे की जितना जोर से पकडो उतने जल्दी थक जाते हे जोर से पकडा था , उंगुलियों ने जवाब देना शुरु कर दिया धीरे धीरे आंखो के सामने हाथ खिसक ने लगे जड़े हाथ से छुटने लगी चिल्लाया रोया लेकिन कोय उपाय नहीं रहा आखिर हाथो से जड़े छूट गयी ।लेकिन तब उस घाटी में हंसी की आवाज गूंज उठी क्योकि नीचे कोय खाय नहीं थी जमीन थी अंधेर में दिखाय नहीं पड़ती थी वह नाहक ही परेसान हो रहा था और इतनी देर जो कष्ट उठाया वो अपनी पकड़ के कारण ही उठाया वह घाटी तो चीख पुकार से गूंज रही थी हंसी की आवाज से गूंज उठी वह आदमी अपने पर हंस रहा था ।जिन लोगो ने पकड़ के पागलपन को छोड़ कर देखा हे वे हँसे हे क्योकि जिस से वो भयभीत हो रहे थे वह हे ही नहीं । जिस म्रृत्यु से भय भीत हम हो रहे हे वह हमारी पकड़ के कारण ही प्रतीत होता हे ।पकड़ छुटते ही वह नहीं हे । जिस दुख से हम भयभीत हो रहे हे वह दुख हमारी पकड़ का हिस्सा हे ।पकड़ से पैदा होता हे पकड़ छुटते ही खो जाता हे । और जिस् अंधेंरें में हम पता नहीं लगा पा रहे हेकी कहा खड़े होंगे वही हमारी अंतरात्मा हे । सब पकड़ छुटते हे हम अपने में ही प्रतिष्ठित हो जाते हे
आपने भी तो कूछ पकडा हुआ नहीं हे ना..... छोड़ दो उसे फिर हँसी आयेगी । अपनी प्रतिक्रया यहाँ पर दिजए शिक्षा प्रद , अच्छा , बेकार अपने दोस्तों को हिंदी में मेसेज लिखने केलिए यहाँ क्लिक करे
एक गाँव में एक हजार के करीब बस्ती थी जहा से एक फ़कीर का निकलना हुआतो गाँव के एक आदमीने फ़कीर से पुछा की
आप लोगो को मंदिर के सबंध में सत्य के सबंध में समजाते हेकितने ही लोगो को समजाया होगा मगर उस मेसे किसी को सत्य मिला , मोक्ष मिला .....?

फ़कीर ने कहा आप मुझे कल सुबह मिलने आना

वह सुबह फ़कीर से मिले गया । तो फ़कीर ने कहा तु गाँव में जाओ
और गाँव में सभी आदमियों की आकाँक्षा क्या हे वो जान के सूचि बनाकर लेआनावह आदमी गाँव में गया और सब से पूछा की आपकी क्या इच्छा हे क्याआकाँक्षा हे किसीने धन माँगा किसी ने पद , ज़मीन जायदाद , ........
वो आदमी सूचि बना कर फ़कीर के पास आया उसने फ़कीर को सूचि बताएफ़कीर ने कहा इसमे से कोय भी सत्य नहीं चाह्ता तो में उसे नहीं दे सकता
में लोगो को पानी दे सकता हु प्यास नहीं

आप को क्या चाहीये सूचि में लिखवा दीजीये॥

आप कोभी मिलेगा पर प्यास ( Receptivity ) होनी जरुरी हे ।

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Latest News by Ashok Hindocha(M-9426201999)

प्रस्तुतकर्ता Raju on Friday, April 24, 2009
नदी में डूबते हुए आदमी ने पुल पर चलते हुए आदमी को आवाज़ लगायी "बचाओ बचाओ" पुल पर चलते आदमी ने निचे रस्सी फेकी और कहा आओ नदी में डूबता हुआ आदमी रस्सी नहीं पकड़ पा रहा था रो रो कर चिल्ला रहा था में मरना नहीं चाहता ज़िंदगी बड़ी मेहेंगी है कल ही तो मेरी एक कंपनी में नौकरी लगी है .. इतना सुनते ही पूल बराबर चलते आदमी ने अपनी रस्सी खीच ली और भागते भागते वो कंपनी में गया उसने वहां बताया की अभी अभी एक आदमी डूबकर मर गया है और तरह आपकी कंपनी में एक है जगह खाली कर गया है ... में बेरोजगार हूँ मुझे ले लो .. रेसप्सनिस्ट बोली दोस्त तुमने देर कर दी, अब से कुछ देर पहले हमने एक आदमी को लगाया है जो उसे धक्का दे कर तुमसे पहले यहाँ आया है!Story Post By Milan Patel
BSNL Latest News by Ashok Hindocha(M-9426201999)pl.visit

BSNL Latest News by Ashok Hindocha(M-9426201999)

Com.Ashok Hindocha addressing Meeting at Amreli

Friday, April 24, 2009

BSNL Latest News by Ashok Hindocha(M-9426201999)

24.04.09]Press Release dated on 24.04.2009 - BSNL Employees observed mass-fast on duty on 24th April throughout the country <>

[24.04.09]CONGRATULATIONS: - United Forum and CHQ-BSNLEU convey warm congratulations to all non-executive employees of BSNL for massive participation in to-day’s (24.04.2009) Mass-Fast while on duty wearing black badges. Report of massive demonstrations and successful observance of the programme has been received from all parts of the country. Com. V.A.N. Namboodiri, General Secretary, BSNLEU and other leaders of United Forum addressed a massive gathering at Corporate Office (New Delhi) during recess period. They called for intensifying the struggle and make the strike on 19 – 20 May a resounding success.

The strike notice and successful observance of to-day’s programme has already created impact on the BSNL management. Director (HRD) called the union for discussion. He offered 4 months’ Basic Pay as IR. Union emphatically told the management that less than 4 months’ Basic + D.P. is not acceptable as IR, Union also demanded that revised rates of HRA be paid according to Central Govt. rates from the same date i.e. September’08. Union also forcefully argued for 5 years wage agreement with fitment benefit at per with executives. The discussion is still inconclusive. Get prepared for the coming struggles including May 19-20 strike.
For More Details pl. Vist

Latest News by Ashok Hindocha-Rajkot(M-9426201999)

Rural areas fuel telecom growth in India
Friday,24 April 2009, 00:22 hrs Comment(0)PrintForward
New Delhi:When most sectors are bearing the brunt of global economic slowdown, India's telecom industry is continuing with its high growth saga, thanks to the expanding subscriber base in the rural areas.

India last month saw the highest number of subscriber addition, 15.87 million, about three times the population of countries like Finland, Denmark and Singapore.

A majority of the numbers were from the rural market with the urban market becoming more or less saturated. The mobile handset replacement market and the switch from landline telephony to mobile telecom have also been the driving force for such robust growth.

"The overwhelming number of connections that are added every month is due to the reach of the network to those sections of society it had never touched before," T.V. Ramachandran, director general of GSM operators' lobby Cellular Operators Association of India (COAI), told IANS.

The country, which already boasts of the second-largest telecom user base in the world after China and ahead of the US, now has 429.72 million telecom subscribers, in both the wireless and mobile segments, with a record growth of 59.48 percent last fiscal.

According to the industry watchdog, Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI), the overall tele-density in the country reached 36.98 at the end of March.

"The current numbers have exceeded our forecast also. And with this pace, we should be able to achieve about 800 million subscribers by 2012," Ramachandran said. The key factors driving the voluminous growth in rural areas are affordability and government policies.

Sunil Dutt, country head of Samsung's telecom division, is also upbeat about the industry's growth rate.

"We expect the mobile handset market to grow by 10-15 percent this year, largely driven by first time users in the tier II, III, IV cities as well as the replacement segment in the metros and larger cities," Dutt said.

With almost 13 million new connections being added every month, the industry's prospects are bright, he said.

"Also, with both the handset makers and the service providers working towards expanding their penetration and customising their products and services for the semi-urban markets, I see the mobile sector in India sustaining its growth," Dutt added.

However, some telecom experts believe that this is just a temporary phenomenon and the high growth rate would continue for a maximum of 8-10 more quarters.

"These numbers would continue for 8-10 quarters, owing to low sim card prices, but then for how long will these sim cards produce money for telecom operators? This is a major issue," Jaideep Ghosh, communications director of global consultancy firm KPMG, told IANS.

"The growth is good, but the penetration of telecom services in the rural areas has not been impressive," he added.

COAI's Ramachandran also said, "No matter how many millions of subscribers we add, the penetration would still remain at 60-70 percent even after two-three years."

Talking about the challenges ahead, he said a very limited spectrum was available for many players in the market. Moreover, the government needs to reduce duties and levies to spur greater growth.

"This sector delivers the most to the country; yet we don't get any benefit from the government," Ramachandran said, adding: "We deserve the best support owing to the unprecedented growth."
For Latest news pl. visit

Latest News by Ashok Hindocha-Rajkot(M-9426201999)

Rural areas fuel telecom growth in India
Friday,24 April 2009, 00:22 hrs Comment(0)PrintForward
New Delhi:When most sectors are bearing the brunt of global economic slowdown, India's telecom industry is continuing with its high growth saga, thanks to the expanding subscriber base in the rural areas.

India last month saw the highest number of subscriber addition, 15.87 million, about three times the population of countries like Finland, Denmark and Singapore.

A majority of the numbers were from the rural market with the urban market becoming more or less saturated. The mobile handset replacement market and the switch from landline telephony to mobile telecom have also been the driving force for such robust growth.

"The overwhelming number of connections that are added every month is due to the reach of the network to those sections of society it had never touched before," T.V. Ramachandran, director general of GSM operators' lobby Cellular Operators Association of India (COAI), told IANS.

The country, which already boasts of the second-largest telecom user base in the world after China and ahead of the US, now has 429.72 million telecom subscribers, in both the wireless and mobile segments, with a record growth of 59.48 percent last fiscal.

According to the industry watchdog, Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI), the overall tele-density in the country reached 36.98 at the end of March.

"The current numbers have exceeded our forecast also. And with this pace, we should be able to achieve about 800 million subscribers by 2012," Ramachandran said. The key factors driving the voluminous growth in rural areas are affordability and government policies.

Sunil Dutt, country head of Samsung's telecom division, is also upbeat about the industry's growth rate.

"We expect the mobile handset market to grow by 10-15 percent this year, largely driven by first time users in the tier II, III, IV cities as well as the replacement segment in the metros and larger cities," Dutt said.

With almost 13 million new connections being added every month, the industry's prospects are bright, he said.

"Also, with both the handset makers and the service providers working towards expanding their penetration and customising their products and services for the semi-urban markets, I see the mobile sector in India sustaining its growth," Dutt added.

However, some telecom experts believe that this is just a temporary phenomenon and the high growth rate would continue for a maximum of 8-10 more quarters.

"These numbers would continue for 8-10 quarters, owing to low sim card prices, but then for how long will these sim cards produce money for telecom operators? This is a major issue," Jaideep Ghosh, communications director of global consultancy firm KPMG, told IANS.

"The growth is good, but the penetration of telecom services in the rural areas has not been impressive," he added.

COAI's Ramachandran also said, "No matter how many millions of subscribers we add, the penetration would still remain at 60-70 percent even after two-three years."

Talking about the challenges ahead, he said a very limited spectrum was available for many players in the market. Moreover, the government needs to reduce duties and levies to spur greater growth.

"This sector delivers the most to the country; yet we don't get any benefit from the government," Ramachandran said, adding: "We deserve the best support owing to the unprecedented growth."
For Latest news pl. visit

BSNL Latest News by ashok Hindocha-Rajkot(M-9426201999)

नई दूरसंचार कंपनियों के लिए आसान नहीं होगा ऋण जुटाना

सिद्धार्थ / मुंबई 04 21, 2009

अब दूरसंचार ऑपरेटरों को लाइसेंस या अधिाकर पत्र दिखाकर बैंकों से कर्ज लेने में परेशानी हो सकती है।

रिजर्व बैंक के नए आदेशों के अनुसार अथोराइजेशन, अधिकार पत्र और लाइसेंस अब नए कर्ज लेने में काम नहीं आएंगे। अभी तक मूर्त संपत्ति के रुप में मानते हुए बैंक इन्हें गारंटी के रुप में स्वीकार कर लेते थे। इसका बड़ा असर नई दूरसंचार कंपनियों पर पड़ सकता है।

एक बैंकर के अनुसार किसी खास तरह की बुनियादी ढांचा परियोजना में करीब आधा कर्ज प्रतिभूतियों, गारंटी और अन्य जमानतों के जरिए हासिल किया जाता था। इसमें से आधा हिस्सा दूरसंचार लाइसेंस को बतौर जमानत पेश कर हासिल किया जाता था। पर अब इस तरह उठाए गए कर्ज को असुरक्षित माना जाएगा और इसका जोखिम भी 125 प्रतिशत होगा।

इससे बैंको की पूंजी पर्याप्तता पर दबाव बढ़ जाएगा क्योंकि उनको उन परियोजनाओं के लिए ज्यादा पैसे रखने होंगे जहां जमानत के रुप में अधिकार या आथोरिटी दी हुई है। बैंकरों का कहना है कि उदाहरण के लिए हाईवे निर्माण जैसी अन्य परियोजनाओं में कर्जदाता टोल से उगाही जाने वाली रकम पर शुल्क लगाते हैं।

बिजली परियोजनाओं के विकास के लिए इस्तेमाल जमीन को जमानत के तौर पर रखा जाता है। जबकि मशीनरी कर्जदाता के पास रखी होती है। मोबाइल सेवा परिचालन शुरू किए जाने के लिए सरकार ने दूरसंचार कंपनियों को लगभग 120 लाइसेंस दिए हैं। इनमें आधा दर्जन कं पनियां पूरे भारत में सेवाएं देने की संभावना तलाश रही हैं।

हरेक कंपनी को सेवा शुरू करने के लिए लगभग 10,000-15,000 करोड़ रुपये की जरूरत है। मौजूदा कंपनियां भी अपनी मौजूदगी बढ़ाने के लिए कर्ज जुटा रही हैं। अपनी विस्तार योजनाओं पर अमल करने के लिए कोष जुटाने वाली मौजूदा कंपनियों को पैसा देने से पहले ऋणदाता कॉलेटरल की कीमत के निर्धारण के लिए लाइसेंस की बाजार कीमत का आकलन करते हैं।

ऐसे में कंपनी के लिए अगर लाइसेंस की कीमत 500 करोड़ रुपये है तो यह उधार लेने वाले के लिए कॉलेटरल जरूरत कम करने के लिए हाल में जारी किए गए लाइसेंस की कीमत के एवज में रखा गया है। पूरे भारत में लाइसेंस की कीमत 1,651 करोड़ रुपये है जिसमें 4.4 मेगा हट्र्ज स्पैक्ट्रम मुफ्त होता है।
For BSNL Latest News pl. Visit:

Thursday, April 23, 2009

News by Ashok Hindocha-Rajkot(M-9426201999)

प्रेम प्रभु का प्रसाद

मानव जीवन अनमोल है। इसे सुखी बनाने के लिए हम न केवल कई प्रकार के कार्य, बल्कि लगातार प्रयत्न भी करते रहते हैं। लेकिन जब हम लोग जीवन के विभिन्न अनुभवों से गुजरते हैं, तो पाते हैं कि धन और सभी रिश्ते-नाते होने के बावजूद हम सुखी नहीं हो रहे हैं!

सुखी होने के लिए जब हम गुरु, वेद आदि का सहारा लेते हैं, तो पाते हैं कि यदि प्रभु से प्रेम किया जाए, तो जीवन में आनंद ही आनंद मिल सकता है।

वास्तव में, ईश्वर व परमात्मा की तलाश के लिए इधर-उधर भटकने के बजाय हमें स्वयं में उनकी तलाश करनी चाहिए।

साथ ही साथ, हमें दूसरे लोगों में भी परमात्मा को इसलिए खोजना चाहिए, क्योंकि सभी जीव ईश्वर के ही अंश हैं। इसके लिए आवश्यकता है, तो बस इस बात की कि हम सबसे प्रेम करना

सीखें। प्रेम के सामने सभी यज्ञ, दान आदि व्यर्थ हैं। प्रेम ही हैं हरि महर्षि नारद के अनुसार, ईश्वर से अगाध प्रेम ही भक्ति कहलाती है। जब आप ईश्वर को अपना सर्वस्व मानते हैं, तो उन्हें अपना माता-पिता, भाई और सखा की तरह ही मानें। यदि आप सारी कामनाएं, लोभ, अहंकार आदि को परे रख कर उनसे प्रेम करने लगते हैं, तो वे भी आपको अपना मान लेते हैं।

इसीलिए कहा गया है कि जो उनका अपना हो गया, भला उसे संसार के दुख कैसे सता सकते हैं? ईश्वर प्रेम स्वरूप है। आपका प्रेम ही उनको आकर्षित कर सकता है। कहा भी गया है-

प्रेम हरी को रूप है त्यों हरी प्रेम स्वरूप। एक ह्वैदुई ऐसे लसैज्यों सूरज और धूप।

प्रेम हरि का स्वरूप है, इसलिए जहां प्रेम है, वहीं ईश्वर साक्षात रूप में विद्यमान हैं। निश्छल प्रेम जरूरी आप प्रभु से प्रेम करना सीख गए, तो मतलब आप साधक हो गए। प्रभु के साधक की योग्यता जाति, कुल, धन, गुण या विशेष धर्म आदि के आधार पर निर्धारित नहीं होती है।

यदि आप छल, कपट, स्वार्थ, अहंकार आदि से रहित होकर प्रेम करते हैं, तो यही आपकी सही योग्यता है। जिस प्रकार जल के लिए मछली और चंद्रमा के लिए चकोर व्याकुल होने लगता है, ठीक उसी प्रकार यदि आपका मन बिना प्रभु को याद किए व्याकुल रहने लगता है, तो इसका मतलब यही है कि आप उनसे निश्छल प्रेम करने लगे हैं। यदि आप निरंतर प्रभु से इसी तरह प्रेम करते रहेंगे, तो कुछ ही दिनों में आपके चेहरे पर अलौकिक आभा दिखाई देने लगेगी। साथ ही, आपको दुख और सुख, दोनों ही ईश्वर के प्रसाद के समान मालूम होने लगेगा। इस प्रेम में मगन हो कर ही भक्त प्रह्लाद पिता के दिए हुए सभी कष्ट हंसते हुए सह जाते हैं, मीराविष का प्याला पी जाती हैं, विदुर पत्नी वस्त्र पहनना भूल जाती हैं और गोपिकाएं लोक-लाज को भूल कर पूर्णिमा की रात्रि में रात भर कृष्ण के साथ नृत्य करती हैं। चैतन्य महाप्रभु ने ईश्वर प्रेम में न केवल घर-द्वार त्याग दिया, बल्कि प्रत्येक जीव में उन्हें प्रभु ही दिखलाई देने लगे। वास्तव में, जब साधक ईश्वर प्रेम में रम जाते हैं, तो उनका अपना वजूद खत्म हो जाता है। कबीर के अनुसार, सच्चे प्रेम में भक्त और भगवान एक हो जाते हैं।

प्रेम की सार्थकता सिद्ध हो जाती है। प्रेम का आनंद प्रेमी ही अनुभव करता है। जैसे गूंगा व्यक्ति केवल गुड का स्वाद अनुभव कर सकता है, शब्दों में व्यक्त नहीं कर सकता। ठीक उसी प्रकार हम प्रभु-प्रेम को शब्दों में बयान नहीं कर सकते हैं। प्रेम की विधियां ईश्वर से प्रेम करने की अनेक विधियां हैं, जैसे-ईश्वर के भक्ति-गीतों को सुनना, उन्हें याद करना, कीर्तन, भक्ति-भाव से पूजन-वंदन करना आदि। यदि आप ईश्वर से प्रेम करते हैं, तो भाव जरूरी है न कि बाह्य आडंबर। उदाहरण के लिए हम प्रभु राम के प्रति शबरी की भक्ति देख सकते हैं। यदि साधक को ऐसा लगता है कि ईश्वर की भक्ति के लिए किसी अन्य चीजों का सहारा लेने जैसे -मंदिरों में चढावा आदि देने से ईश्वर का प्रेम मिल जाएगा, तो यह सोच गलत है। क्योंकि यहां भाव की प्रधानताहै।

सच तो यह है कि यदि आप निर्मल मन से केवल ईश्वर का नाम ले लेते हैं, तो यही काफी है। ज्ञान, ध्यान, विद्या, मती मत विश्वास अनेक। बिना प्रेम सब धूरिहै, अग जग एक अनेक। अर्थात बिना प्रेम के सभी साधन व्यर्थ हैं। सच तो यह है कि उस सर्वशक्तिमान को प्रेम के अलावा, कोई अन्य क्रिया या वस्तु कभी नहीं रिझा सकती है। इसलिए भगवान कृष्ण गीता में कहते हैं -- मययेवमन आधत्स्व,मयिबुद्धि निवेशय।निवसिष्यसिमयेवअतऊ‌र्ध्व न संशय:। तुम अन्य सारी वस्तुओं और क्रियाओं से अपना ध्यान हटा कर केवल मुझमें दिल लगाओ, क्योंकि ऐसा करके ही तुम मेरे हृदय में निवास कर पाओगे। मुझे पाने का एकमात्र उपाय मुझसे प्रेम होना ही है। इसमें तुम्हें कोई संदेह नहीं होना चाहिए। इसलिए हमें सभी दुखों को भूल कर ईश्वर के प्रति अपना मन लगाना चाहिए और उनसे प्रेम करना चाहिए। -[रामकुमार शुक्ल]

ईमेल करें मैसेंजर के द्वारा भेजें प्रिंट संस्‍करण

BSNL Latest News by Ashok Hindocha-M-0426201999-pl.see union website for latest news-be alert

[23.04.09]United Forum rejects the paltry Interim Relief and fitment offered by management - Letter from Shri Gopal Das, Director (HRD) to Com. V.A.N. Namboodiri, General Secretary, BSNLEU and Reply from Com. Namboodiri to Shri Gopal Das <> <>

[23.04.09]A letter to PGM (IR) - Walk-out from wage negotiation committee due to unreasonable attitude of the management <>

[23.04.09]Defeat the game of the management to deceive non-executives in wage revision <>

[23.04.09]Notice for strike and other programme of action for settlement of Wage Revision <>

Kindly visit

BSNL Latest News by Ashok Hindocha-AIBSNLEA-CHQ-ND-News

No. AIBSNLEA/CHQ/SR/2009 Dated 22.04.2009

The DGM (SR)
New Delhi – 110001

Subject : Recommendations for the recognition / conduct of membership verification for Executives-reg.

Ref. : File No. BSNL/31-2/SR/2009(Pt.) dated 25.02.2009, 16.03.2009 and 25.03.2009


In the above cited reference and subject matter, it is submitted that regarding rules, structure, tiers, size of Executive Bodies, period of recognition for the Service Association and amount of membership subscription etc. are well defined in our Association’s constitution. However, we are for singular recognition of Service Association and seek the following clarifications before framing of associated rules for the recognition / conduct of membership verification for Executives in BSNL :

1. What are the additional facilities going to be offered after recognition to the Majority Association ?
2. Are there any guidelines from DPE to ask such suggestions ?
3. Whether the recognition / conduct of verification for Executives Association may be conducted without completing the Absorption Process of Gr. A officers in BSNL ?

We would therefore request you to kindly provide above mentioned information at the earliest so that appropriate suggestions / recommendations for the recognition / conduct of membership verification for Executive Association, may be submitted immediately.

Thanking you,

Your sincerely,

(Prahlad Rai)
General Secretary
Copy to :
1. GM (Trg), BSNL, New Delhi
2. GM (SR), BSNL, New Delhi
for kind information please

Latest News/matters by ashok Hindocha-Rajkot(M-9426201999)

Aasiya's blog URL:
Essential things that are no longer free
Posted in: HealthScience
Sunday 19th, April 2009Comment(34)Print Forward

Aasiya Maryam

Senior Software M...Once upon a time, long long ago, so long ago that no one remembers, there were things which we could get for free: Nature, fresh air, a healthy body, a meditative mind, giving sharing caring relationships and a God-centered soul. These were the things India and Indians were famous for … and today they are no longer free.
The great expanses of natural sceneries, the peace and tranquility of great green paddy fields, the hum of bees, the singing of birds, an availability of proximity to Nature. Nearness to Nature kept us always in gratitude, admiration and wonder, in a prayerful state of mind. Today we do not even have enough trees in our cities, there is so much pollution that Nature gets stifled. Thus Nature is no longer free.
Next, clean pure air to fill our lungs to our fill, the time to meditate, to walk amongst clean green surroundings, to derive the double benefit of Nature, exercise and solitude. Today most educated people live in cities where the pollution levels have been classified as below safety levels … so we find burdened with poverty of clean fresh air. So clean fresh air is no longer free.
A healthy body stands on 4 pillars: Exercise, Attitude, Rest and Nutrition.
(a) Exercise: requires time and mood. We are highly competitive, highly stressed out and lack of time and mood are the easiest excuses for lack of exercise.
(b) Attitude: must be Positive Mental Attitude. Reading newspapers which carry negative stories of crime and exploitation are conducive to stress and worry, migraines, lack of sleep and erosion of trust and faith in fellow human beings. Negative attitude is more prevalent and free advice is available esp to place obstacles for others’ progress.
(c) Rest: should be adequate: neither too much nor too little and at the most optimum time. Optimum time for rest is at night 10pm to early morning 4am. How many of us have the luxury to enjoy rest during this time? Late night life at parties or at work, night shifts, and the great TV serials all contribute towards loss of adequate sleep and rest.
(d) Wholesome Nutrition: as per WHOs Recommended Daily Allowance. First of all we do not know the components of the RDA, the foods we must consume to ensure that we get the RDA daily into our bodies. The vegetables and fruits we consume are treated with fertilizers and contain traces of urea. We no longer grow our own vegetables and fruits and we do not have time to cook meals in slow flame so that the phytonutrients are not lost.
Thus, wrt Health we know that we are paying the price with disorders and diseases in India. Refer to blog “Health Awareness is a must for Indians“ for further details.
Remember any leisurely evening meal when the whole family, often joint family would get together and share the happenings and highlights of the day. Do u now have the time for spending with relatives and friends? The new mantra of quality time does not hold water any longer … ‘cos relationships require both Quantity and quality. This is especially so due to the complexity of choices available with the youth to go astray. It is of course better to have lots of quantity of quality time together. The fad today is to take a video capture and replay that for next 3 months cos the parent(s) is away on travel for work. When the father (or working mother … and often even the stay-at-home mother) are busy in their own worlds of office, travel, cell phone, pagers and worrisome thoughts and do not establish the emotional bonds with their children during the childs youth ... it is not fair to expect that the child will have the time to take care of aged parents. Thus with absence of joint families, a sharing caring atmosphere for growing up is no longer free
Relationships with ourselves: when we do not have time to spend with our near & dear ones who make use of all their rights of proximity to interrupt us as and when they feel they need our attention, then imagine your own self … who will remind us to spend time with ourselves … and this is a very important ingredient to future successes. We know 5 to 10 minutes of solitude, visualization and positive self-affirmations does a great deal of good … but where is the time? For ourselves, for prayer and for increasing our nearness to God? The prayers we say today are like … with God all things are possible. God + 1 = Impossible become I am Possible. So we need to start thinking of God as tangible … and daily not ritual but a daily, hourly, ever-available friend for counseling, for listening to our worries, for giving us courage and directions, who will help us achieve our goals, dreams and worthwhile desires.
Thus just as freedom is not free, u have to work for it. Success will not chase u, u have to earn it thru persistent consistent small small efforts done on a daily basis. Similarly in order to have the essential items: Nature, fresh air, a healthy body, a meditative mind, giving sharing caring relationships and a God-centered soul, we have to put in appropriate and right action on a DAILY basis in persistent consistent manner to achieve and maintain all these ‘bare essentials of life’.

About the Author: Naseem Mariam is the editor of "Management that Soars" Newsletter & author of "Project Serenity - How to gain happiness and peace". Her writings draw life from her 24 years experience as software Project Manager. Let her guide you towards Faster All Round Success and a Stress Free, Joyous Life. Her free ebook and newsletter tell you how. Subscribe with a mail to

Wage Revision Latest News by Ashok Hindocha(M-9426201999)

The Director HRD BSNL has written a letter to recognized union (-G.S,Shri VAN Namboodiri)BSNLEU to consider ten years wage revision elaborating the benefits of the same. Here some Imp./salient features of 10/5 year Wage Revision.

Salient features of 10 years Wage Revision:

1.30% Fitment benefit as was given to executives will be applicable to non executive also.
2.As the pension revision is done once in ten yeas, there will not be any confusion on that score.
3.There will not be two categories of wage revision and the different periodicity for executive and non executives.
4.Wage revision exercise can be completed within a time reasonable timeframe.
5.The quantum of advance will be more than the one suggested by the management.

Salient features of 5 year Wage Revision:

1.Prior approval of Ministry is necessary.
2.Fitment benefit may not be equal to that of executives which will affect the pay/pension prospects of employees who are due to retire within next five years.
3.There may be confusion in pension revision due to change in periodicity.
4.Wage revision exercise likely to prolong.
5.The quantum of advance suggested by Management (three months Pay) is to meager to consider.
For reading full text of the letter please click.

Our Union members /blog viewers may send their views to this blog/Circle/Dist/ CHQ as early as possible.views may be sent to:
Ashok Hindocha-Secretary-BSNLEU-WTR-Rajkot

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

BSNL Wage Revision Latest News by Ashok Hindocha-Rajkot(M-9426201999)

22.04.09]United Forum of BSNL Unions

Wage Negotiating Committee meeting held today (22.04.2009) and the talks failed. BSNL Management refused to meet the Minimum Demands on Interim Relief and Fitment Formula. In protest, the Staff Side Staged Walkout from the meeting declaring Trade Union Action. The following programme of Trade Union Action are decided by the United Forum.

Programme of Action

24.04.2009 One Day Fast While on Duty

19.05.2009 & 20.05.2009 Two Days' Strike

If no improvement is seen, it is decided to declare Indefinite Strike during the First Week of June 2009.

Mobilise - Campaign - Implement

Sd/- V.A.N. Namboodiri (GS, BSNLEU), Sd/- V. Subburaman (GS, TEPU), Sd/- Suresh Kumar (GS, BSNLMS), Sd/- Hari Singh (GS, BTU BSNL), Sd/- B.R. Jakhatia (GS, SEWA BSNL), Sd/- A.D. Patil (GS, AIBCTES), Sd/- Dhiraj Chaudhari (GS, SNATTA)


Wage Revision Latest News by Ashok Hindocha-Rajkott(M-9426201999)in Todays Meeting Leadres walkedout from Meeting

"WORKERS ARE NOR BEGGERS" WE Wll Fight for our Right

In toadys(dtd.22-04-2009) wage Revision Commitee Meeting was held at New-Delhi with Wage Revision Committee-The BSNLEU Leadres walked-out from the Meeting as our geneune Demands are not accepted by the Manaemenent/wage revision committee.
"Workers are Not the "BEGGERS"
We will fight for our Right.
Descrimination should not be allowed.
the detail progrrame will be issued by BSNLEU-CHQ-ND & Circle Union-Gujarat
late us wait
BE ready for Fight.workerrs unity Zindabad

BSNL Wage Revision Latest News by Ashok Hindocha(M-9426201999)

Wage Revision Latest News by Ashok Hindocha-Rajkot

Hellow how are you?
I hope U will be fine

ACCORDING BSNLEU-CHQ-ND in Todays(dtd 22-04-2009) wage Revision Commottee Meeting
there is no positive result.BSNl Management(wage Revision Committee)is not accepting/not ready to Give as per our genene Demand.
For our Genune Demand United Forum(BSNLEU)will fight for our Right.details are awaited from CHQ-Nd & Circle, we will fight for our right
Don"t Worry & Be Happy & support Com VAN namboodiri & alliance team
for details pl. visit
Posted by ashokhindocha"s-kamal at 4:49 AM 0 comments
latest News by Ashok Hindocha(M-9426201999)

'How real are the figures on black money abroad?'

Business Standard / New Delhi April 22, 2009, 0:41 IST

Though there are different views on the Global Financial Integrity numbers that the BJP cites, getting the money back to India is not going to be an easy task.

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Convener, Swadeshi Jagran Manch

‘The OECD threat of sanctions has got some tax havens to cave in — so India can get its funds back if it joins the global crusade. Apart from the Congress, other political parties want this’

A lot of ‘black wealth’ from India flows to Switzerland every year. This is not what LK Advani is saying, but is something Dominique Dreyer, the Swiss Ambassador to India, said at the 60th anniversary of the Indo-Swiss Friendship Treaty last year. The first serious work on the global stock of illicit money was done by Raymond W Baker, a Harvard and Brookings scholar. His book Capitalism’s Achilles Heel — Dirty Money and How to Renew Free Market System (2005) estimates the stock of illicit money at $11.5 trillion, to which one trillion gets added annually. Around $500 billion a year flow to the rich from the rest, according to Baker. Aided by the Ford Foundation, the Baker-headed Global Financial Integrity (the GFI is a programme of the Washington-based Centre for International Policy) has estimated the country-wise flows of illicit money. It puts the outflow from India during 2002-06 at $137.5 billion (Rs 6.88 lakh crore). How much more could the loot since 1947 be? Dev Kar, who was involved in the GFI study, has clarified that the GFI estimates of the loot from India are an understatement.

Can India win the loot back from Swiss banks and elsewhere? It’s doable, but this requires a sustained global effort. India needs to get the past loot back and to stop ongoing plunder. Safe havens and secret banks make this pillage unstoppable by any nation on its own. Collective coercion is needed. The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) formulated transparency rules which were approved by the G20 in 2004; and by the UN Committee of Experts on International Co-operation on Tax Matters in 2008. The US, UK, France and Germany are now using the OECD and G20 platforms to threaten the Swiss and the rest with sanctions if they do not mend their laws to comply with the OECD norms. So far, six tax havens including the Swiss have succumbed. Forced by the economic crisis, the West, for whom financial secrecy was a sacred part of an individual’s privacy, has taken a U-turn to declare it as evil today. The day secret banking is outlawed is not far off. But India needs more. Richard Murphy, a chartered accountant in the UK who fights against tax havens, says that developing countries (read India) need a better model to break the secrecy than the OECD one — under which the country seeking information needs to give the name and account numbers of the suspected looter. India needs to fight for a better regime.

India must be a leader in this global crusade. But look at what it does instead. It does not welcome the OECD endeavours, it does not join the G20 efforts, nor does it ask for the Indian names hidden in the secret LGT Bank data offered by the German government. The media claims that the officials here have advised the Indian envoy in Germany not to pester the government there for the LGT bank secrets! Worse, not long ago, India allowed the fugitive Ottavio Quottrocchi to take back the Bofors loot kept frozen by the Central Bureau of Investigation. All this has led to a perception that India is not serious about getting its illicit wealth back. This perception, which undermines our moral character and impedes our efforts, needs to change. But, a welcome national consensus is emerging today with the BJP, CPI(M), AIADMK, SP and BSP — but regrettably not the Congress — taking up the issue. It is primarily a global battle with national effort as a critical additive. A determined India can do it. The global situation cannot be more ideal for its efforts.

Member of Parliament, Rajya Sabha

‘The GFI has a range of $4.7-$22.7 billion but the BJP cites only the top figure. Since the data doesn’t account for capital inflows, it is incomplete and has other problems as well’

That there are Indians with Swiss bank accounts is incontrovertible. There can also be no dispute on the fact that we need to try and get this money back. We have had amnesty schemes in the past — some have succeeded and some have not. But in the six years that LK Advani’s party was in power, did they take a single step to get details of Indian accounts in Swiss banks? In contrast, after the Liechtenstein bank disclosures on individuals who had accounts with it, our government has been in touch with the German authorities to get details of the Indians who have deposits there. That said, how much money there is in overseas banks? The question of how to get it back, and whether this can be done in the period Advani has in mind, all come later.

The BJP leader has cited obscure sources on the internet, none of which are really reliable. He has also used the Global Financial Integrity (GFI) report of the Washington-based Centre for International Policy. But the GFI estimates are based on modelling, they are not based on bank records of individuals. And while using this report, the BJP has deliberately suppressed vital aspects of the study. I have corresponded with the main author of the report to corroborate the points I’m making.

First, the study is academic in nature. It is not like the Liechtenstein data which has individual records.

All the capital flight from India in the period 2002-06, which the report tries to estimate, took place through under-invoicing of exports (to keep export dollars abroad) or through over-invoicing of imports (to send out more dollars than actually required). The kind of trade policy reforms that are being carried should logically have reduced the amount that was traditionally kept abroad through such mis-pricing. More important, the GFI methodology is not as robust as you’d think. The methodology relies on the difference in the unit price that is obtained from India’s exports data and that obtained from the US import data — in the case of exports, it is India’s import data and US export data. This works well in high-value exports where the unit values are easily arrived at. But since most Indian trade is in low-value segments where the unit values are not available at sufficiently disaggregated levels, this makes the exercise somewhat dicey.

The GFI study cites a range for capital flight. As the main author of the study Dev Kar puts it, “When one is talking about the clandestine outflow of black money from a country, it is much harder to defend a number than to defend a range of possible outflow values." The range the study gives is between $4.7 billion and $22.7 billion each year between 2002 and 2006. Advani cites only the top figure. The change in exchange rates would also affect the figures for the later years, but the BJP does not mention this.

The GFI exercise looks at gross outflows from trade mispricing. It does not account for capital inflows which also need to be taken into account since black money also comes back. When you look at India’s capital account, there is a negative flow; that is, there is a possible reversal of capital flight! This knocks the bottom out of the Advani campaign.

Once you keep these factors in mind it becomes pretty clear the ‘data’ cited by Advani does not exist, and he is distorting the studies he’s quoting.

(As told to Sunil Jain)

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Posted by ashokhindocha"s-kamal at 4:28 AM 0 comments
Latest News by Ashok Hindocha(M-9426201999)

6% growth in worst-case scenario: CEA

Rituparna Bhuyan & John Samuel Raja D / New Delhi April 22, 2009, 0:21 IST

The country’s economy is expected to grow by around 6 per cent in the current fiscal, even in the worst-case scenario of global recession prevailing till March 2010, according to Arvind Virmani, chief economic adviser in the Ministry of Finance.

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The growth projection matches with the Reserve Bank of India’s (RBI) estimate of 6 per cent expansion in Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in 2009-10. But it is higher than the median forecast of 5.7 per cent by professional forecasters, according to a survey done by the central bank.

“The worst-case scenario assumes that the global economy would be still in recession till March 2010. Even in that scenario, I expect the Indian economy to grow by 6 per cent, plus or minus 0.5 per cent,” Virmani told Business Standard.

However, in the best-case scenario of the global economy recovering after September 2009, he predicts the growth rate of around 7 per cent in 2009-10.

In this case, the growth rate in the current fiscal would be similar to the previous one that ended in March 2008, where growth was bouyant in the first half before the global economic crisis put a spanner on expansion. “The implication (of best case scenario) is that the growth as a whole may average out to be the same as the previous year,” he added.

Both the World Bank and International Monetary Fund have predicted the world economy to contract by 0.5 to 1.7 per cent for the first time in 60 years. India’s growth, according to the two global institutions, is also expected to fall below the 5 per cent mark.

Virmani, however, did not give up the sector-wise break-up of growth except to say that agricultural output, which has nearly 18 per cent weight in GDP, would post a normal growth rate of 2.5-3 per cent.

The government, along with the RBI, had implemented series of measures aimed at boosting economic demand. In particular, excise duty on most products has been reduced by 6 percentage points. The central bank too has reduced repo rates — the rate at which it lends to commercial banks — by 4.25 percentage points since September 2008. These measures are expected to cushion the impact of economic slowdown at a time when private investment, which drove economic growth, has slumped because of uncertainty.

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Posted by ashokhindocha"s-kamal at 4:19 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Latest Things/information by Ashok Hindocha-Rajkot-(M-9426201999)

Posted by Raju on Tuesday, 21 April, 2009

एक आदमी को सिगरेट पीने की आदत हे , उसे सारी दुनिया बुरा कहेती हे . दुसरे को माला फेर ने की आदत हे , उसे सारी दुनिया अच्छा कहेती हे . जो सिगरेट ना पिए तो मुसीबत मालूम पड़ती हे . जो माला फेर ताहे अगर न फेरने दो तो मुसीबत मालूम पड़ती हे दोनों गुलाम हे ।
एक को उठते ही सिगरेट चाहिए , दुसरे को उठते ही माला चाहिए माला वाले को माला न मिले तो माला की तलफ लगती हे अगर न फेरने दो तो मुसीबत मालूम पड़ती हे , दोनों गुलाम हे ।
एक को उठते ही सिगरेट चाहिए. एसे बुनियाद में बहोत फासला नहीं हे सिगरेट भी एक तरह का माला फेरना हे धुआं भीतर ले गए, बाहर ले गये ,भीतर ले गए, बाहर ले गये - मनके फिरा रहे हे ,बाहर ,भीतर . धुएं की माला हे . जरा सुक्ष्म हे . मोती के माला स्थुल हे . कोय आदत इसी नहो जाए की मालिक बन जाये . मालकियत बचाकर आदत का उपयोग कर लेना यही साधना हे मालकियत खो दी , और आदत सवार हो गई तो तुम यंत्रवत हो गए अब तुम्हारा जीवन मूर्च्छित हे ।

इसे लोग भी हे जो पूजा न करे रोज , तो बेचेनी लगती हे , उसे पुछो की पूजा करने से कुछ आनंद मिलता हे ? वो कहते हे , आनंद तो कुछ मिलता नहीं लेकिन न करे तो बेचेनी लगती हे
आदते बुरी होया भलि, इससे कोई भेद नहीं पड़ता जब आदते मालिक हो जाये तो बुरी हे .तुम मालिक रहो तो कोय आदत बुरी नही गुलामी बुरी हे मालकियत भली हे ।

संसार में कुछ भी बुरा नहीं हे स्वामित्व तुम्हारा हो तो संसार में सभी कुछ अच्छा हे स्वामित्व खो गया तुम गुलाम हो जाओ तो आदते बुरी हो या भलि, इससे कोई भेद नहीं पड़ता जब आदते मालिक हो जाये तो बुरी हे .तुम मालिक रहो तो कोय आदत बुरी नही गुलामी बुरी हे मालकियत भली हे जीवन में आदते जरुरी हे . बस इतना ध्यान रखना की आदत मालिक न हो जाये . स्वामित्व खो गया तुम गुलाम हो जाओ तो वह गुलामी चाहे कितनी ही कीमती हो , खतरनाक हे . हीरे - जवाहरात लगेहो जंजीरों पर तो उसको आभुषण मत समझ लेना वे खतरनाक हे वह महेगा सोदा हे ।

अपने को गंवाकर इस जगत में कमाने जेस कुछ भी नहीं हे ।

For Latest News pl. Visit://
Posted by ashokhindocha"s-kamal at 7:26 AM 0 comments
Monday, April 20, 2009
kem chho?

Kem Chho?
Majama ne?
Posted by ashokhindocha"s-kamal at 7:48 AM 0 comments
JAOPART-II SYLLABUS/Information by Ashok Hindocha-Secretary-BSNLEU-WTR-Rajkot(M-9426201999)


(TO JAO PART-II Candidates)

The results of JAO Part-I Screening Test has been announced by most of the Circles. A large number of candidates have found themselves successful.

The JAO Part-II Examination will be held shortly. This will be the last chance to write in JAO PART-II OLD SYLLABUS.

The details of the syllabus is given on the reverse side of this letter.

The following books are available with us. Please pass on the information to the candidates so that they can place the order and get the books through V.P.P.

1. Printed Telecom Accounts Manual Rs. 200/-
2. Printed P&T FHB Vol. III (Part 1, 2 & 3) Rs. 250/-
3. Printed P&T Manual Vol. X Rs. 350/-
4. Naithani’s complete Solved Paper
(All papers VII to XI)
for Telecom/BSNL JAO Exam. Rs. 300/-
Guides For
Telecom Accounts-I
5. Master Guide to Telecom Revenue A/c
(Paper VII & VIII) for JAO Part-II Rs. 300/-
Telecom Accounts-II
6. Master Guide To Telecom A/cs. Rs. 275/-
(Cash & Works) (Paper IX &X)
Since the examination is on Competitive basis, get the books early (without waiting for announcement of examination dates), make good preparations, obtain top ranks and succeed.
The orders can be placed on:
R. Ramachandran*
74, Third Floor,
Arjun Nagar, New Delhi-110029
Mobile: 98682 11477 Email:

* former General Secretary, AIP&T AFSOA

(Books will be sent by V.P.P. – Postal Charges will be extra.)

Subject I : Telecom Accounts – I

Paper VII – Theory without books – 2 hrs. 100 marks
Paper VIII – Practical – with books – 2 ½ hrs. 100 marks
Prescribed books:
1. P&T FHB Vol.I (Genl. Principles and cash)
2. Indian Telegraph Acts and Rules
3. P&T Manual Vol. IX
4. P&T Manual Vol. XII
5. P&T Manual Vol. XIV
6. P&T FHB Vol. V
7. Telegraph Guide Part-I
8. Telecom Accounts Manual (Chapter XII dealing with Accounts with Railways / Canal Administrations regarding billing of rental etc. for leased Lines / Guaranteed Offices)
9. MIS reports of appropriate years for Telephone / Telecom. Revenue for operating expenses / performance indicators.
Subject II : Telecom Accounts – II
Paper IX – Theory without books – 2 hrs. 100 marks
Paper X – Practical – with books – 2 ½ hrs. 100 marks
Prescribed books:
1. P&T FHB Vol. I (Genl. Principles and cash)
2. P&T FHB Vol. III (Part-1, II and III)
3. P&T FHB Vol. IV
4. P&T Manual Vol. X
5. P&T Manual Vol. XV
6. Telecom Accounts Manual (Chapter 1 to 7 and II)
7. Book of Account Office forms Vol. I
8. Book of P&T Account Forms

Subject III : Civil Works Accounts Rules and Procedure
Paper XI –with books – 3 hrs. 150 marks
Prescribed books:
1. CPWA Code
2. CPWD Manual
3. Book of Forms
Total (i) Three Subjects (ii) Five Papers (iii) 550 Marks
Posted by ashokhindocha"s-kamal at 3:30 AM 2 comments
Consitition of Local Council-Rajkot-Approved by GMTD-Rajkot First Meeting on 21-04-2009

(Registered under Indian Trade Union Act 1926, Regn. No. 4896, New Delhi)


Kasturba Road Tele.EX.Bldg,
first Floor, B/H chaudhary High school
RAJKOT-360 001
1, Panchayat Nagar Main Road M-94262-01999, Phone-0281-
University Road E- mail;
Opp: - Panchayat Nagar bus Stop
RAJKOT-360 005
Web Blog:-

Information Regarding Constitution of LOCAL Council-SSA Rajkot

GMTD-RJ LR.NO. HRD/BSNL EU/LOCAL COUNCIL/2009-11/4 dated at RJ the 12-03-2009

The GMTD-Rajkot has constituted the LOCAL Council for the period from 27-01-2009 to 26-01-2011

Administration Side:-

1. GMTD-RJ -chairman
2. DGM (ADMN) Member
3 DGM (Planning) - Member
4 DGM (Finance) - Member
5 Area Manager (City) :- Member
6 Area Manager (Rural) :-Member
7 AGM (Admn) :-Member


1. P.K. Thakker, Rajkot Leader
2. N.K.Trivedi Rajkot Secretary
3 R.P.Joshi Rajkot Members
4 P.V.Dadhania Rajkot
5 N.S.Karia Rajkot
6 A.K.Hindocha Rajkot
7 Smt.N.B.Solanki Rajkot
8 N.G.Parmar Rajkot
9 S.R.Solanki Rajkot
10 B.L.Rathod MORVI
11. Nasir Ahmad Wankaner
12 M.B.Bhalodi Gondal
13. S.D.Davda Jetpur
14 D.L.Gowani Upleta

For BSNL NEWS pl. Visit:-
Posted by ashokhindocha"s-kamal at 12:15 AM 0 comments
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BSNL Latest News By ashok Hindocha-Rajkot(M-9426201999)

'How real are the figures on black money abroad?'

Business Standard / New Delhi April 22, 2009, 0:41 IST

Though there are different views on the Global Financial Integrity numbers that the BJP cites, getting the money back to India is not going to be an easy task.

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Convener, Swadeshi Jagran Manch

‘The OECD threat of sanctions has got some tax havens to cave in — so India can get its funds back if it joins the global crusade. Apart from the Congress, other political parties want this’

A lot of ‘black wealth’ from India flows to Switzerland every year. This is not what LK Advani is saying, but is something Dominique Dreyer, the Swiss Ambassador to India, said at the 60th anniversary of the Indo-Swiss Friendship Treaty last year. The first serious work on the global stock of illicit money was done by Raymond W Baker, a Harvard and Brookings scholar. His book Capitalism’s Achilles Heel — Dirty Money and How to Renew Free Market System (2005) estimates the stock of illicit money at $11.5 trillion, to which one trillion gets added annually. Around $500 billion a year flow to the rich from the rest, according to Baker. Aided by the Ford Foundation, the Baker-headed Global Financial Integrity (the GFI is a programme of the Washington-based Centre for International Policy) has estimated the country-wise flows of illicit money. It puts the outflow from India during 2002-06 at $137.5 billion (Rs 6.88 lakh crore). How much more could the loot since 1947 be? Dev Kar, who was involved in the GFI study, has clarified that the GFI estimates of the loot from India are an understatement.

Can India win the loot back from Swiss banks and elsewhere? It’s doable, but this requires a sustained global effort. India needs to get the past loot back and to stop ongoing plunder. Safe havens and secret banks make this pillage unstoppable by any nation on its own. Collective coercion is needed. The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) formulated transparency rules which were approved by the G20 in 2004; and by the UN Committee of Experts on International Co-operation on Tax Matters in 2008. The US, UK, France and Germany are now using the OECD and G20 platforms to threaten the Swiss and the rest with sanctions if they do not mend their laws to comply with the OECD norms. So far, six tax havens including the Swiss have succumbed. Forced by the economic crisis, the West, for whom financial secrecy was a sacred part of an individual’s privacy, has taken a U-turn to declare it as evil today. The day secret banking is outlawed is not far off. But India needs more. Richard Murphy, a chartered accountant in the UK who fights against tax havens, says that developing countries (read India) need a better model to break the secrecy than the OECD one — under which the country seeking information needs to give the name and account numbers of the suspected looter. India needs to fight for a better regime.

India must be a leader in this global crusade. But look at what it does instead. It does not welcome the OECD endeavours, it does not join the G20 efforts, nor does it ask for the Indian names hidden in the secret LGT Bank data offered by the German government. The media claims that the officials here have advised the Indian envoy in Germany not to pester the government there for the LGT bank secrets! Worse, not long ago, India allowed the fugitive Ottavio Quottrocchi to take back the Bofors loot kept frozen by the Central Bureau of Investigation. All this has led to a perception that India is not serious about getting its illicit wealth back. This perception, which undermines our moral character and impedes our efforts, needs to change. But, a welcome national consensus is emerging today with the BJP, CPI(M), AIADMK, SP and BSP — but regrettably not the Congress — taking up the issue. It is primarily a global battle with national effort as a critical additive. A determined India can do it. The global situation cannot be more ideal for its efforts.

Member of Parliament, Rajya Sabha

‘The GFI has a range of $4.7-$22.7 billion but the BJP cites only the top figure. Since the data doesn’t account for capital inflows, it is incomplete and has other problems as well’

That there are Indians with Swiss bank accounts is incontrovertible. There can also be no dispute on the fact that we need to try and get this money back. We have had amnesty schemes in the past — some have succeeded and some have not. But in the six years that LK Advani’s party was in power, did they take a single step to get details of Indian accounts in Swiss banks? In contrast, after the Liechtenstein bank disclosures on individuals who had accounts with it, our government has been in touch with the German authorities to get details of the Indians who have deposits there. That said, how much money there is in overseas banks? The question of how to get it back, and whether this can be done in the period Advani has in mind, all come later.

The BJP leader has cited obscure sources on the internet, none of which are really reliable. He has also used the Global Financial Integrity (GFI) report of the Washington-based Centre for International Policy. But the GFI estimates are based on modelling, they are not based on bank records of individuals. And while using this report, the BJP has deliberately suppressed vital aspects of the study. I have corresponded with the main author of the report to corroborate the points I’m making.

First, the study is academic in nature. It is not like the Liechtenstein data which has individual records.

All the capital flight from India in the period 2002-06, which the report tries to estimate, took place through under-invoicing of exports (to keep export dollars abroad) or through over-invoicing of imports (to send out more dollars than actually required). The kind of trade policy reforms that are being carried should logically have reduced the amount that was traditionally kept abroad through such mis-pricing. More important, the GFI methodology is not as robust as you’d think. The methodology relies on the difference in the unit price that is obtained from India’s exports data and that obtained from the US import data — in the case of exports, it is India’s import data and US export data. This works well in high-value exports where the unit values are easily arrived at. But since most Indian trade is in low-value segments where the unit values are not available at sufficiently disaggregated levels, this makes the exercise somewhat dicey.

The GFI study cites a range for capital flight. As the main author of the study Dev Kar puts it, “When one is talking about the clandestine outflow of black money from a country, it is much harder to defend a number than to defend a range of possible outflow values." The range the study gives is between $4.7 billion and $22.7 billion each year between 2002 and 2006. Advani cites only the top figure. The change in exchange rates would also affect the figures for the later years, but the BJP does not mention this.

The GFI exercise looks at gross outflows from trade mispricing. It does not account for capital inflows which also need to be taken into account since black money also comes back. When you look at India’s capital account, there is a negative flow; that is, there is a possible reversal of capital flight! This knocks the bottom out of the Advani campaign.

Once you keep these factors in mind it becomes pretty clear the ‘data’ cited by Advani does not exist, and he is distorting the studies he’s quoting.

(As told to Sunil Jain)

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Latest News by Ashok Hindocha(M-9426201999)

6% growth in worst-case scenario: CEA

Rituparna Bhuyan & John Samuel Raja D / New Delhi April 22, 2009, 0:21 IST

The country’s economy is expected to grow by around 6 per cent in the current fiscal, even in the worst-case scenario of global recession prevailing till March 2010, according to Arvind Virmani, chief economic adviser in the Ministry of Finance.

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The growth projection matches with the Reserve Bank of India’s (RBI) estimate of 6 per cent expansion in Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in 2009-10. But it is higher than the median forecast of 5.7 per cent by professional forecasters, according to a survey done by the central bank.

“The worst-case scenario assumes that the global economy would be still in recession till March 2010. Even in that scenario, I expect the Indian economy to grow by 6 per cent, plus or minus 0.5 per cent,” Virmani told Business Standard.

However, in the best-case scenario of the global economy recovering after September 2009, he predicts the growth rate of around 7 per cent in 2009-10.

In this case, the growth rate in the current fiscal would be similar to the previous one that ended in March 2008, where growth was bouyant in the first half before the global economic crisis put a spanner on expansion. “The implication (of best case scenario) is that the growth as a whole may average out to be the same as the previous year,” he added.

Both the World Bank and International Monetary Fund have predicted the world economy to contract by 0.5 to 1.7 per cent for the first time in 60 years. India’s growth, according to the two global institutions, is also expected to fall below the 5 per cent mark.

Virmani, however, did not give up the sector-wise break-up of growth except to say that agricultural output, which has nearly 18 per cent weight in GDP, would post a normal growth rate of 2.5-3 per cent.

The government, along with the RBI, had implemented series of measures aimed at boosting economic demand. In particular, excise duty on most products has been reduced by 6 percentage points. The central bank too has reduced repo rates — the rate at which it lends to commercial banks — by 4.25 percentage points since September 2008. These measures are expected to cushion the impact of economic slowdown at a time when private investment, which drove economic growth, has slumped because of uncertainty.

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Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Latest News by Ashok Hindocha-Rajkot(M-9426201999)

एक आदमी को सिगरेट पीने की आदत हे , उसे सारी दुनिया बुरा कहेती हे . दुसरे को माला फेर ने की आदत हे , उसे सारी दुनिया अच्छा कहेती हे . जो सिगरेट ना पिए तो मुसीबत मालूम पड़ती हे . जो माला फेर ताहे अगर न फेरने दो तो मुसीबत मालूम पड़ती हे दोनों गुलाम हे ।
एक को उठते ही सिगरेट चाहिए , दुसरे को उठते ही माला चाहिए माला वाले को माला न मिले तो माला की तलफ लगती हे अगर न फेरने दो तो मुसीबत मालूम पड़ती हे , दोनों गुलाम हे ।
एक को उठते ही सिगरेट चाहिए. एसे बुनियाद में बहोत फासला नहीं हे सिगरेट भी एक तरह का माला फेरना हे धुआं भीतर ले गए, बाहर ले गये ,भीतर ले गए, बाहर ले गये - मनके फिरा रहे हे ,बाहर ,भीतर . धुएं की माला हे . जरा सुक्ष्म हे . मोती के माला स्थुल हे . कोय आदत इसी नहो जाए की मालिक बन जाये . मालकियत बचाकर आदत का उपयोग कर लेना यही साधना हे मालकियत खो दी , और आदत सवार हो गई तो तुम यंत्रवत हो गए अब तुम्हारा जीवन मूर्च्छित हे ।

इसे लोग भी हे जो पूजा न करे रोज , तो बेचेनी लगती हे , उसे पुछो की पूजा करने से कुछ आनंद मिलता हे ? वो कहते हे , आनंद तो कुछ मिलता नहीं लेकिन न करे तो बेचेनी लगती हे
आदते बुरी होया भलि, इससे कोई भेद नहीं पड़ता जब आदते मालिक हो जाये तो बुरी हे .तुम मालिक रहो तो कोय आदत बुरी नही गुलामी बुरी हे मालकियत भली हे ।

संसार में कुछ भी बुरा नहीं हे स्वामित्व तुम्हारा हो तो संसार में सभी कुछ अच्छा हे स्वामित्व खो गया तुम गुलाम हो जाओ तो आदते बुरी हो या भलि, इससे कोई भेद नहीं पड़ता जब आदते मालिक हो जाये तो बुरी हे .तुम मालिक रहो तो कोय आदत बुरी नही गुलामी बुरी हे मालकियत भली हे जीवन में आदते जरुरी हे . बस इतना ध्यान रखना की आदत मालिक न हो जाये . स्वामित्व खो गया तुम गुलाम हो जाओ तो वह गुलामी चाहे कितनी ही कीमती हो , खतरनाक हे . हीरे - जवाहरात लगेहो जंजीरों पर तो उसको आभुषण मत समझ लेना वे खतरनाक हे वह महेगा सोदा हे ।

अपने को गंवाकर इस जगत में कमाने जेस कुछ भी नहीं हे ।

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Monday, April 20, 2009

Hindi-latest detail/matters-By ashok Hindocha-rajkot

स्व + भावः Posted by Raju on Sunday, 19 April, 2009

एक आदमी ने बुध्ध के मुह पर थूक दिया
उन्होंने अपनी चादर से थूक पोंछ लिया
और उस आदमी से कहा , कुछ और कहेना हे ?
बुध्ध ने कहा , यह भी तेरा कुछ कहेना हे ,
वह में समज गया ; कुछ और कहेना हे ?
आनंद बुध्ध का शिष्य था , बहोत क्रोधित हो गया ,
वह कहें ने लगा , यह सीमा के बहार बात हो गयी

बुध्ध का चचेरा भाई था उसकी भुजाए फड़क उठी , उसने कहा बहोत हो गया
वह भूल ही गया के वो भिक्षु हे , सन्यासी हे बुध्ध ने कहा की उसने जो किया वो क्षम्य हे ।
तू जो कर रहा हे वो और भी खतनाक हे उसने कुछ किया नहीं सिर्फ़ कहा हे

कभी ऐसी घडियां होती हे जब तुम कुछ कहेना चाहते हो , लेकिन कह नहीं सकते
शब्द छोटे पड़ जाते हे . किसी को हम गले लगा लेते हे .कहेना चाहते थे , लेकिन इतना ही कहने से कुछ काम न चलता की मुझे बहोत प्रेम हे - वह बहुत साधारण मालूम पड़ता हे - तो गले लगा लेते हे
इस आदमी को क्रोध था वह गाली देना चाहता था लेकिन गाली इसको कोई मजबूत नहीं मिली
इसने थूक कर कहा . बात समज में आ गयीहम समज गए इसने क्या कहा अब इसमे झगडे की क्या बात हेउस आदमीसे बुध्ध ने पूछा आगे और कुछ कहे ना हे ॥?

वह आदमी शमिँदा हुआ . वह बुध्ध के चरणों में गिर पड़ा उसने कहा मुझे क्षमा कर दे .
में बड़ा अपराधी हुं और आज तक तो आपका प्रेम मुझ पर था , अब मेने अपने हाथ से गंवा दिया .
बुध्ध ने कहा की तू उसकी फिकर मत कर क्योकि में तुझे इसलिए थोड़े ही प्रेम करता था की मेरे ऊपर थूकता नहीं थामुजसे प्रेम वैसा ही हें जेसे की फुल खिलता हें और सुगंध बिखर जाती हें
अब दुश्मन पास से गुजरता हें उसे भी वह सुगंध से भर देगी वह खुद ही रुमाल लगा ले , बात अलग . मित्र निकल ताहे थोडी देर ठहर जाए फुल के पास और उनके आनंद में भागीदार हो जाए बात अलग कोई न निकले रास्ते से तो भी सुगंध बहेती रहेगी

क्योकि मेरा स्वभाव प्रेम हें

आप भी देखे आप का स्वभाव क्या हें

स्वभाव यानि स्व + भावः आप को क्या अच्छा लगता हें
प्रेम , शान्ती, करुना , लोभ , दया , लालच , ईषा , क्रोध ................
जेसा आप का स्वभाव होगा वेसी ही आप के आस पास सुगंध होगी

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गाँव के नेताजी Posted by Raju on Saturday, 18 April, 2009
एक आदमी ने गाँव के नेता जी को किसी बात पर सच्ची बात कह दी ।
कह दिया कि उल्लू के पटृठे हो!

अब नेताजी को उल्लू का पटृठा कहो तो नेता जी कुछ ऐसे ही नहीं छोड देगें।
उन्होनें अदालत मे मुकदमा मानहानि का चलाया।मुल्ला नसरुद्दीन नेता जी के पास ही खडा था तो उसको गवाही मे लिया ।

जिसने गाली दी थी नेताजी को , उसने मजिस्ट्रेट को कहा कि होटल में कम से कम पचास लोग ,जरुर मैने उल्लू का पटृठा शब्द का उपयोग किया है; लेकिन मैने किसी का नाम नही लिया । नेता जी कैसे सिध्ध कर सकते हैं कि मैने इन्ही को उल्लू का पटृठा कहा है।

नेता जी ने कहा : सिध्ध कर सकता हूँ। मेरे पास गवाह हैं। मुल्ला को खडा किया गया ।
मजिस्ट्रेट ने पूछा कि मुल्ला , तुम गवाही देते हो कि इस आदमी ने नेता जी को उल्लू का पटृठा कहा है! मजिस्ट्रेट ने कहा : तुम कैसे इतने निशिचत हो सकते हो? वहाँ तो पचास लोग मौजूद थे, इसने किसी का नाम तो लिया नहीं। नसरुद्दीन ने कहा : नाम लिया हो कि न लिया हो, पचास मौजूद हों कि पांच सौ मौजूद हों , मगर वहां उल्लू का पटृठा केवल एक था ।

वह नेता जी ही थे ! मै अपने बेटे की कसम खाकर कहता हूँ कि वहां कोई और दूसरा उल्लू का पटृठा था ही नहीं , यह कहता भी तो किसको ?

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JAO-Part-II Syllabus-Latest News by ashok Hindocha(M-9426201999)


(TO JAO PART-II Candidates)

The results of JAO Part-I Screening Test has been announced by most of the Circles. A large number of candidates have found themselves successful.

The JAO Part-II Examination will be held shortly. This will be the last chance to write in JAO PART-II OLD SYLLABUS.

The details of the syllabus is given on the reverse side of this letter.

The following books are available with us. Please pass on the information to the candidates so that they can place the order and get the books through V.P.P.

1. Printed Telecom Accounts Manual Rs. 200/-
2. Printed P&T FHB Vol. III (Part 1, 2 & 3) Rs. 250/-
3. Printed P&T Manual Vol. X Rs. 350/-
4. Naithani’s complete Solved Paper
(All papers VII to XI)
for Telecom/BSNL JAO Exam. Rs. 300/-
Guides For
Telecom Accounts-I
5. Master Guide to Telecom Revenue A/c
(Paper VII & VIII) for JAO Part-II Rs. 300/-
Telecom Accounts-II
6. Master Guide To Telecom A/cs. Rs. 275/-
(Cash & Works) (Paper IX &X)
Since the examination is on Competitive basis, get the books early (without waiting for announcement of examination dates), make good preparations, obtain top ranks and succeed.
The orders can be placed on:
R. Ramachandran*
74, Third Floor,
Arjun Nagar, New Delhi-110029
Mobile: 98682 11477 Email:

* former General Secretary, AIP&T AFSOA

(Books will be sent by V.P.P. – Postal Charges will be extra.)

Subject I : Telecom Accounts – I

Paper VII – Theory without books – 2 hrs. 100 marks
Paper VIII – Practical – with books – 2 ½ hrs. 100 marks
Prescribed books:
1. P&T FHB Vol.I (Genl. Principles and cash)
2. Indian Telegraph Acts and Rules
3. P&T Manual Vol. IX
4. P&T Manual Vol. XII
5. P&T Manual Vol. XIV
6. P&T FHB Vol. V
7. Telegraph Guide Part-I
8. Telecom Accounts Manual (Chapter XII dealing with Accounts with Railways / Canal Administrations regarding billing of rental etc. for leased Lines / Guaranteed Offices)
9. MIS reports of appropriate years for Telephone / Telecom. Revenue for operating expenses / performance indicators.
Subject II : Telecom Accounts – II
Paper IX – Theory without books – 2 hrs. 100 marks
Paper X – Practical – with books – 2 ½ hrs. 100 marks
Prescribed books:
1. P&T FHB Vol. I (Genl. Principles and cash)
2. P&T FHB Vol. III (Part-1, II and III)
3. P&T FHB Vol. IV
4. P&T Manual Vol. X
5. P&T Manual Vol. XV
6. Telecom Accounts Manual (Chapter 1 to 7 and II)
7. Book of Account Office forms Vol. I
8. Book of P&T Account Forms

Subject III : Civil Works Accounts Rules and Procedure
Paper XI –with books – 3 hrs. 150 marks
Prescribed books:
1. CPWA Code
2. CPWD Manual
3. Book of Forms
Total (i) Three Subjects (ii) Five Papers (iii) 550 Marks

BSNL Local Council Approved by GMTD-Rajkot-News by Ashok Hindocha-Rajkot(M-9426201999)

(Registered under Indian Trade Union Act 1926, Regn. No. 4896, New Delhi)


Kasturba Road Tele.EX.Bldg,
first Floor, B/H chaudhary High school
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Information Regarding Constitution of LOCAL Council-SSA Rajkot

GMTD-RJ LR.NO. HRD/BSNL EU/LOCAL COUNCIL/2009-11/4 dated at RJ the 12-03-2009

The GMTD-Rajkot has constituted the LOCAL Council for the period from 27-01-2009 to 26-01-2011

Administration Side:-

1. GMTD-RJ -chairman
2. DGM (ADMN) Member
3 DGM (Planning) - Member
4 DGM (Finance) - Member
5 Area Manager (City) :- Member
6 Area Manager (Rural) :-Member
7 AGM (Admn) :-Member


1. P.K. Thakker, Rajkot Leader
2. N.K.Trivedi Rajkot Secretary
3 R.P.Joshi Rajkot Members
4 P.V.Dadhania Rajkot
5 N.S.Karia Rajkot
6 A.K.Hindocha Rajkot
7 Smt.N.B.Solanki Rajkot
8 N.G.Parmar Rajkot
9 S.R.Solanki Rajkot
10 B.L.Rathod MORVI
11. Nasir Ahmad Wankaner
12 M.B.Bhalodi Gondal
13. S.D.Davda Jetpur
14 D.L.Gowani Upleta

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Saturday, April 18, 2009


Meeting with DIR(HRD), BSNL.

GS, SNEA & AIBSNLEA along with other office bearers met DIR(HRD) and discussed

a) Non finalization of R/R for STS equivalent and above (Group A R/R):- We strongly protested against the non finalization of the R/R in the Board meeting held yesterday even though it was placed before it two months back on 26/02/2009. If the Management was serious on the matter, it would have definitely cleared in this Board meeting. We clearly told the Management that further delay is not acceptable to us as the agreement was reached almost one year back on this issue and the entire Executives are waiting for almost nine years of formation of BSNL for this R/R for their regular promotion. We also made it clear that we will not accept any proposal in the name of BCG on the already agreed HR issues. DIR(HRD) informed that the Govt. nominees in the Board made some suggestions and sought some more details which has to be further discussed in the Board meeting. He assured that the R/R will be finalized in the next Board meeting itself as assured to us and he will take full efforts for the same. Since CMD, BSNL was out of station we could not meet him on this serious development.

b) Implementation of additional DA of 9.4% for fixation of pay as per the DPE order dated 02-04-2009: We strongly pleaded for the implementation of the Govt. decision taken on the IDA for pay fixation w.e.f 01-01-2007 based on the recommendations of Group of Ministers (The GoM formed after the strike by the Oil Sector Officers Association). For pay fixation DA has to be taken as 78.2% instead of 68.8% as per the revised order. DIR(HRD) informed that the profit of BSNL also has to be taken into account as it is having financial implications. Since it is a Govt. decision applicable to all CPSUs for pay fixation, BSNL is having no other option, but to implement the same, we informed the Management.

We will chalk out our future course of action on both the issues after meeting CMD also in this regard.

c) Transfer and postings in the cadre of SDE/DE etc. The pending request transfer cases in different cadres also discussed and the personnel section is issuing a consolidated list of transfer orders.

16 th April 2009FINALIZATION OF RECT. RULES FOR STS EQUIVALENT AND ABOVE (GROUP A R/R): The BSNL full board meeting held on 16/04/2009 not finalised the R/R. It is learned that the directors from DoT made some suggestions which has to be discussed further. The proposed R/R approved by the management Committee was placed before the board in its last meeting held on 26/02/2009.

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Friday, April 17, 2009

Latest News By ashok Hindocha-Flight Information

Flight Guide
Jet Airways
Origin Destination Days Of
Operation Departure
Time Arrival
Time Flight No.
Rajkot Bombay Daily 9:25 (M) 8:55 9W356
Rajkot Bombay Daily 8:30 (E) 8:05 9W346

Air India
Rajkot Bombay Daily 7:25 (E)
6:35 145

Jet Airways - +91-281-2450201 - 2450200

Air India - +91-281-2222733 - 2233329

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BSNL Latest News By Ashok Hindocha(M-9426201999)

17.04.09] Meeting with Member(F) / DoT on 17th April 2009:

Com. V.A.N. Namboodiri, GS and Com. P. Asokababu, AGS met Shri R. Ashok, Member(Finance)/ DoT today (17th April'09). Member(F) assured to settle 50% IDA Merger for BSNL Retirees within one month. He further assured to consider the issue of Pension on additional increment granted in lieu of Grade-IV and to consider the anomaly in case of IDA merger for those retired between 01.01.07 and 30.09.07. ------ V.A.N. Namboodiri, General Secretary, BSNLEU

[17.04.09] Good News! Promotion Policy approved by BSNL Full Board on 16th April'09 after much discussion. Now, after cooling period of about a fortnight, it will be sent to DoT for approval, since new higher pay scales are being introduced. We are making all out efforts for early approval. - V.A.N. Namboodiri, General Secretary, BSNLEU

BSNL Latest News by Ashok Hindocha-Rajkot(M-9426201999)

16.04.2009 : BSNL Board meeting

GS(officers Union) spoke to CMD BSNL and requested to approve the benefit of merger of 50% DA with basic pay for fitment purpose, effectively amounting to 78.2% w.e.f. 01.01.2007 in today’s BSNL Board meeting. CMD mentioned that the matter will be looked into. It is understood that non-executive promotion policy has been approved by the BSNL Board in today’s meeting. Gr. A RRs were discussed but left to BCG for examining and to submit the report. The benefit of merger of 50% DA with basic pay for fitment purpose, effectively amounting to 78.2% w.e.f. 01.01.2007 and perks and allowances to BSNL Executives on new IDA pay scales were not the part of agenda. These issues are yet to be approved by the BSNL Management Committee.

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Thursday, April 16, 2009

BSNL Latest NEWS By Ashok Hindocha(m-94262-01999)Promotion Policy Approved by BSNL Board

[17.04.09] Good News! Promotion Policy approved by BSNL Full Board on 16th April'09 after much discussion. Now, after cooling period of about a fortnight, it will be sent to DoT for approval, since new higher pay scales are being introduced. We are making all out efforts for early approval. - V.A.N. Namboodiri, General Secretary, BSNLEU

BSNLEUCHQ-ND Wage Revesion Views/Relevent information

According to CHQ-BSNLEU-ND
Yes! We lack that ‘expertise’ & ‘experiences’ which NFTE-FNTO boast!

FNTO has alleged that BSNLEU has got neither experience nor expertise to clinch any issue. We agree with them that BSNLEU does not have that ‘experience’ and that ‘expertise’ to clinch issues. A perusal of the track record will establish that NFTE-FNTO have sufficiently that ‘experience’ and that ‘expertise’ which we lack. The following few examples are sufficient for proving this.

1. NFTE-FNTO took 7 years for clinching One Promotion orders in 1980s. For this they agreed for ban on creation of posts and surrendered 15% in basic cadre and 5% in supervisory cadre.

2. NFTE-FNTO took another 6-7 years for ‘clinching’ second promotion. For this they surrendered additional 5% posts in basic cadre and 1% in supervisory cadre. Thus NFTE-FNTO took 13-14 years for ‘clinching’ with ‘expertise’ only two promotions after 16 and 26 years. For that they surrendered a total 20% posts in supervisory and 6% posts in basic cadres due to which more than one lakh posts were abolished. BSNLEU which has not that ‘experience’ discussed with management and within 4 years made agreement for four promotions after every eight years for new recruitees and 4-7-8-8 for DoT absorbees without surrendering any posts and not agreeing to any other anti-worker proposals.

3. When the Railway workers went on strike on the demand of Bonus in 1974, our group in NFPTE and Confederation went also on strike. NFTE-FNTO scoffed at us ridiculing whether there is ‘Bonus in China or Russia?’. Due to the strike, first Railway workers got Bonus and then P&T.

4. NFTE-FNTO agreed for 75% Bonus for 2002-2003 as per their ‘expertise’. BSNLEU which does not have that ‘expertise’, through its ‘lack of experience’ got the balance of 25% of Bonus, when it got recognition.

5. NFTE-FNTO surrendered one advance increment as per FR22(1)(a)(1) for promotions in 1999 through their ‘expertise’ and ‘experience.’
BSNLEU got it restored in the New Promotion Policy through lack of that ‘expertise’ and ‘experience’.

6. In the 1st wage negotiation NFTE demanded a minimum of Rs. 3400/- whereas others demanded Rs. 4400/-. Because of its ‘expertise’ and ‘experience’ only Rs. 4000/- could be clinched.

There are umpteen examples and track record of NFTE-FNTO ‘expertise in clinching’ with management and ‘experience’ in surrendering the rights of workers.

BSNLEU don’t have that ‘expertise’ and ‘experience’. Our track record and experience is pro-worker and not pro-management. Our track record is not surrender of rights of workers but fight for workers rights and settle them.

BSNL workers fully understands the role of both BSNLEU and NFTE-FNTO. That is why even combining together, NFTE-FNTO, the biggest two federations in DoT had to eat dust in the 4th membership verification losing more than 50,000 votes compared to what they got in first membership verification. Now they want to act against the workers since they did not vote for them. We sympathise with NFTE-FNTO in their sad plight.