Friday, July 15, 2016

National Executive Committee Meeting at NEW DELHI- inf. by Ashok Hindocha M-94262 54999 Resolutions

National Executive Committee Meeting at NEW
DELHI-         inf. by Ashok Hindocha M-94262 54999
(1) Seventh Verification:-
The NEC held at New Delhi on July 13/14
-2016 appreciates all the Branch/District/
circle Secretaries and CHQ office bearers fo
r their hard work during the time of 7
membership verification, bringing NFTE”s re
cognition. The NEC appreciates the support
given by SEWA, TEPU, PEWA and other alli
ance unions. The NEC appeal to all our
members and leaders to consolidate the gain
s fully. Rapport with alliance unions and
other friendly unions is a must. The NE
C records its thanks to one and all.
(2) 2
September Strike:-
The National Convention of all Centra
l Trade unions, Federations of various
industries have given a call of observing Na
tionwide strike on Sep 2,2016 against anti
labour, anti poor policies of the Govt.
There has been a serious attack on all prim
e labour laws which were fought and
won after much --.sacrific
e. The minimum wage of c
ontract labours has not been
changed for the past 8 years and even the
announced Rs.10000 is not implemented.
There has been attacks on CG
departments like Railways by
dismantling their coach
,loco factories and allowing the entry of pr
ivate .The defense section is thrown open to
US and other multinational endangering the
security of our country. The cheapest
phama industries is thrown to MNCs by 100% FD
I. Even the retail sector, real estate all
were given automatic approval of 100% FDI.
Most of the profit making PSUs are under
disinvestment process. Even strategic
sales are allowed in those PSUs. Interest
rates are cut for the savings but the
corporates are given 5 lakh
crore concessions through budgets.
The farmers suicide are increasing. The agr
iculture labour is jobless and in great
In telecom the networks are being dismantl
ed in the name of Tower corporation/OFC
out sourcing. In order to safe guard the inte
rests of the nation, poor and workers ,it is
our duty to be part of the Sept 2,2016 strike.
The NE call upon the Br
to organize the struggle effectively.
Aug 9-2016 –Strike explanatory meetings
Sep2- 2016- Strike As per
the call of central unions
(3) Up gradation of RM/Gr‘D‘ Scales NE4:-
The NE held on New Delhi on July 13/14
-2016.dealt the issue of stagnation of
thousands of RM/Gr ‘D’. The diff
erent alternatives spelt at National council are yet to be
considered and resolved. Re
cently the management commi
ttee approved up gradation
of executive scales. Un fortunately the issu
e of upgradation of RM/Gr’D’ scales to NE4
is pending. The NFTE has proposed on the m
odalities of DOP&T guidelines that all
RM/Gr”D” may be upgraded to multi tasking c
adres. The NE demands from the
management to resolve the long pending har
dships of RM/Gr”D”s by onetime up
gradation to NE4 scale.
(4) National Forum of BSNL Workers:-
The NE endorses the formation of National fo
rum with all our alliance unions. The NE
directs the CHQ to strengthen th
e forum by inviting the ot
her non-executive unions and
Associations and unite to hav
e a broader understanding and settl
ing the issues that are
affecting the employees and industry. The NE
assures all the unions and associations
that NFTE-BSNL will be second to
none in taking initiative fo
r broader mobilization on
the issues that are detriment
al to the growth of BSNL and
welfare of the employees.
The NE appeal to the unions like FNTO,BTEU
to be the part of this National Forum. The
NE directs the Circle/district
units to form forum at their respective level on the lines of
National forum of CHQ level before September, 2016.
(5) 3
Wage Revision in 2017 :-
The issue of wage revision of
non-executive of PSUs has
already become due. Earlier
Govt even assured that the wage revision
may be before 10 years periodicity. The NEC
held on July 13
& 14
at New Delhi from demands from
DPE to issue guidelines for
the wage negotiation in respect of non-executiv
es. The NE direct the branches to hold
demonstration on August 12,
2016 demanding DPE to iss
ue guidelines without any
The NE demands the BSNL management to
setup bilateral negotiating body with
officers and union representatives fo
r timely wage revision in 2017.
(6) The issue of PLI:-
The NE held on July 13
& 14
2016 at New Delhi appreciate
s the efforts made by the
President of the union in
making the management to accept the payment of PLI.
Unfortunately BSNLEU leadership
instead of Participating and enriching the discussions
failed to attend on March 30
2016 PLI meeting. The BSN
LEU leadership started its
mudslinging against NFTE leadership on
PLI (Bonus) issue and pressurized and
stopped the management
not to take any decision
for the payment of PLI.
The National Executive demands from t
he management to sort out the issue of
payment of PLI for 2014-15. The Nati
onal Executive demand that the Management
should place its proposal transparently for
further negotiation to have a formula for the
future. NFTE has already placed its views lik
e delinking PLI from
profit as well as
revenue targets. The formula should be bas
ed on physical parameter
and it should be
fair parameter as well as with assurance to pay Bonus.
(7) Policy a
nd Programme:-
The NE demands that the management to se
ttle the long pending issues without further
delay. The NE calls upon the employees to
observe call attenti
on day and Dharna on
the following issues.
(1) PLI

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