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BSNLEU // 604((DEV)) 09..05..2009
Shri Kuldeep Goyall,
Bharatt Sanchar Bhawan,,
New Dellhii – 110001
Sub::-- Alllleged huge lloss tto BSNL iin Wiimax Franchiise..
These has been a llott off rreporrtts iin tthe prress aboutt tthe huge lloss tto BSNL iin tthe prroposed
Wiimax ffrranchiise by BSNL.. IItt is even rreporrted thatt 75% off the accrued rrevenue wiilll go tto
tthe prriivatte pllayerr whiille BSNL wiillll gett onlly 25%..
Allllegattiions have allso been made iin tthe prress tthatt tthe shorrtt lliistted companiies fforr BSNL
Wiimax ffrranchiise arre companiies owned by a ffamiilly which arre rregiistered on a siingle datte
wiitth tthe same nottarry,, audiittorr,, wiittnesses,, addrress and emaiill IID.. IItt iis alllleged tthatt tthe
ownerrs off tthe companiies arre cllose tto prresentt Communiicattiion Miiniistterr..
IItt iis allso sttatted iin tthe prress rreporrtts tthatt ““IIff tthe currrrentt prrocess off allllottmentt goes ahead,, iitt
wiillll mean giiviing 20MHz specttrrum wiitthoutt any iinvesttmentt and offfferriing ffrree use fforr tthese
companiies assetts lliike BSNL’’s 50,,000 communiicattiion ttowerrs,, 20,,000 offffiices and 2 miilllliion
km off ffiibrre nettworrk,, ffrree off costt..””
The worrkerrs arre verry much concerrned aboutt tthese rreporrtts,, whiich iiff ttrrue,, wiillll rresulltt iin
huge lloss tto the company and a very bad name tto tthe managementt.. IItt iis surrprisiing that
tthe BSNL managementt iis keepiing siillence iin tthiis matttterr..
We demand tthatt the managementt expllaiin tthe dettaiils off tthe Wiimax ffrranchiise wiitthoutt any
ffurrttherr dellay so tthatt tthe publliic and worrkerrs who arre sttake hollderrs arre iinfforrmed off tthe
Thiis may kindlly be ttrreatted as urrgentt..
Thankiing you,,
Yourrs Siincerrelly,,
General Secretary
Copy to:- All Directors of BSNL Board for information and necessary action.
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