Thursday, May 7, 2009

Latest BSNL Lews by Ashok Hindocha(M-9426201999)

06.05.2009 : Meeting with CMD BSNL: GS, AGS(F) & GS SNEA(I) met CMD BSNL & expressed their serious concerned against delay in finalization of Group 'A' RRs and regularization of adhoc Group 'A' officers in BSNL. CMD mentioned that he has already directed Dir(HRD) to regularize the adhoc Group 'A' officer immediately & also mentioned that Group 'A' RRs will be finalized shortly after getting comments from the BCG. We strongly opposed the BCG intervention at this stage when the Group 'A' RRs have been approved by BSNL Management Committee & mentioned that any dilution elusion or delay in finalization of Group 'A' RRs will force the executives to start the Organizational acion. CMD assured to look into matter.
CMD also mentioned that in month of April'2009 about 1.5 million GSM lines have been added, which is very less to our requirement and the revenue of BSNL is also coming down. He also mentioned that in some Circles like Rajasthan, UP(W) etc the growth is in negative side which is a matter of serious concerned. He appealed to concentrate for the growth of Telecom Services & revenue.

06.05.2009 : Annual General Body Meeting of Retired Officers Welfare Association (ROWA) GS, AGS(F) attended & addressed the annual General Body Meeting of Retired Officers Welfare Association (ROWA)- Registered. Com. M.K. Bagchi, President & H.S. Nanda, GS ROWA in their address apprised in detail the problems being faced by retired officers of DoT/BSNL/MTNL. Com. GS in his address briefed the status of the pressing issues of pensioners in BSNL / MTNL. He also explained the efforts of AIBSNLEA in settling the issues of pensioners from DoT/DPE/DOP&T and Law Ministry
06.05.2009 : GS, AGS(F) met GM(FP) & discussed
(i) Allowing local officiating promotion to fill up vacant JAG posts: We requested to allow local officiating promotion to fill up vacant DGM(F) posts in Circle from adhoc CAOs. GM(FP) assured to process the case for approval to the Competent Authority at the earliest.

(ii) Consideration of request / tenure transfer cases of CAOs/AOs : We requested to consider all pending transfer cases of CAOs /AOs who have completed or completing Two years period on 30.06.2009:- GM(FP) informed that matter is under consideration but the substitutes are to be provided for which some agreed policy to be adopted. He also assured that if Competent Authority allows local officiating promotion against vacant DGM(F) posts, the CAOs request for transfer / retention will be considered.

(iii) Holing of JAO Part - II Exam on old pattern :- GM(FP) informed that JAO Part - II Exam on the basis of BSNL Corporate Office instruction issued in year 2003.

(iv) Upgradation of ACAOs post to CAOs :- We requested to upgrade all vacant ACAOs [JTS Group 'A'] posts to CAOs posts since no recruitment in ACAOs cadre is available : GM(FP) assured to process the case to Competent Authority for approval.

06.05.2009 : Due to continuous and untiring efforts of AIBSNLEA 15 Chief Engineers have been regularized which will pave the way for regularization of other Group 'A' officers Click Here for list
06.05.2009 : Congratulations ! DPC cleared file in the evening of 05.05.2009 for promotion of about 70 JTO(C) to SDEs Post
06.05.2009 : GS writes to CMD BSNL regarding delay in finalisation of Group “A” RRs and regularisation of adhoc STS Group “A” level BSNL Executives. Click for letter
05.05.2009 : GM(SR) invited AIBSNLEA Representatives to have discussions on Group 'A' RRs. GM (Estt.), GM (Pers.) and GM (Training) were also present in the meeting. We categorically mentioned that Group 'A' RRs framed on the basis of Joint Committee of BSNL Officers and the representatives of BSNL Executives Associations recommendation & approved by BSNL Management Committee should not be delayed on the pretext of getting comments / suggestions of BCG or any other agency at this stage.
05.05.2009 : GS, AGS(HQ) met GM(CA) and discussed regarding review of ACP benefit withdrawal order JTO(C) : We requested that since the ACP benefit granted to BSNL Executive in other disciplines in the upgraded IDA pay scales has been allowed the similar benefit of ACP in the upgraded IDA payscale to JTO(C) can't be denied. GM(CA), ACP Withdrawal Committee Member, assured to look into the matter.
05.05.2009 :GS, AGS(HQ) and AGS(F) met GM(Estt.) and discussed
(a) Issuance of clarifications regarding revised pay fixation order of JTO-2005 Batch :- We requested to decide the date of joining of 2005 JTOs Batch i.e. Oct'2006 so that financial loss to the JTOs joined after Jan'2007 are not put in loss: GM(Estt.) assured to examine the case on the basis of feedback provided by the Association.

(b) Regularization of Officiating JTOs (Qualified TTAs) : We requested for regular promotion of 2200 officiating JTOs as regular JTOs: GM(Estt.) informed that court case in Punjab and Haryana High Court at Chandigarh is still pending and the next date of hearing is given 22nd July'2009.

(c) Grant of Allowances & Perks to Executives in the revised IDA Pay Scale :- GS(Estt.) & Chairman of Perks Committee informed that Committee report on perks & allowances is ready and the same will be sent to Management Committee after approval of Competent Authority. He also mentioned that Perks & Allowances depends on Profit of the Company.

05.05.2009 : GS writes to CMD BSNL regarding diversion of posts of JTO (T) from DR quota to 35% departmental quota – Orders of Hon’ble High Court of Haryana and Punjab in CWP No. 5608/2007 dated 30.05.2008 . Click for letter
05.05.2009 : GS writes to Dir (HRD) regarding non-considering of adhoc increment consequent on adhoc promotion. Click for letter
05.05.2009 : GS writes to CMD BSNL regarding marketing needs to be done on commercial lines. Click for letter
05.05.2009 : GS writes to Shri R. Ashok, Member (Finance), Telecom. Commission, New Delhi-110001 regarding request for grant of meeting Click Here for Letter
04.05.2009 : GS writes to GM (FP) / GM (Pers) for inter-Circle transfer requests in the cadres of CAO/AO/AAO/JAO and SDE (T).
04.05.2009 : GS, AGS (HQ) and AGS (F) met GM (Pers) & DGM (Pers) and discussed –

(a) Request / Tenure transfers of SDEs (T) and DEs – We extended thanks for consideration of long pending request / tenure transfer cases of SDEs (T) and DEs and further requested to consider some more pending cases of SDEs / DEs. GM (Pers) assured to look into the matter.

(b) Cancellation of 119 SDEs transfer orders – We expressed our serious concern against delay in canceling the 119 SDEs un-implemented transfer orders issued before one year even after the direction given by the competent authority. GM (Pers) assured that the matter is being examined and soon the action will be taken.

(c) DPC from JTO (T) to SDE (T) – We requested early issuance of promotion order from JTO (T) to SDE (T) to fill up about 2300 SDEs (T) posts against seniority-cum-fitness quota. DGM (Pers) informed that the DPC work has been completed on 28.04.2009 and the postings on promotion are being finalised and after approval the competent authority, promotion order will be issued. We may expect promotion order in the second week of May 09.

(d) DPC from SDE (T) to DE – We expressed our serious concern against delay in completing the DPC process to fill up about 1500 DEs posts. DGM (Pers) informed that mostly ACRs from all the Circles have been received and shortly the DPC work will be completed.

(e) Filling up of all vacant DEs posts – We extended thanks for calling the ACRs to fill up additional about 1300 DEs posts. We requested to call more ACRs of eligible SDEs (T) to fill up all vacant DEs posts. DGM (Pers) assured that remaining ACRs to fill up all vacant DEs posts (about 300 more) will be called shortly.

(f) Notification for LDCE to fill up vacant TES Gr. B posts – DGM (Pers) informed that the letter has already been sent to DE Cell for notification for LDCE to fill up vacant TES Gr. B posts of LDCE quota. He also informed that the notification will be issued shortly and the LDCE will be conducted on OMR sheet (objective type).

04.05.2009 : Transfer and posting orders in STS grade (DE), SDE (T), EE (E), SDE (E) and tenure transfer order of SDE (E) issued.

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