Friday, July 31, 2009

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BSNL National Council Meeting Minutes-inf. by ashok hindocha M-9426201999

Sub: Minutes of the 21st meeting of the National Council held on 23rd June, 2009 under the chairmanship of Director (HR), BSNL Board.

The 21st meeting of National Council was held at 11:00 AM on 21st June, 2009 in the Conference Hall, Bharat Sanchar Bhavan, New Delhi. The list of participants is available in the enclosed Annexure.

2. At the outset, GM (SR) welcomed all the members of National Council, both from Official side and from Staff side in the newly constituted National Council after 4th membership verification. He mentioned that some of the staff side members are newly nominated members whereas others have been members of Staff side in the previous National Council. Thereafter at his request, all the members of National Council introduced themselves to the house.

3. In his inaugural speech, Chairman National Council welcomed Leader, Secretary and other members of Staff Side and also members from Official side in the newly formed National Council after the elections. He mentioned that we are going to have first meeting after 4th membership verification and congratulated Shri Namboodiri for winning the elections. He mentioned that under his able leadership, the management looks forward for the continued cooperation in dealing with matters of staff and their welfare. From management side, he assured continued cooperation and commitment to ensure welfare of the staff and to achieve the objectives of the company for sustained growth. Further, he mentioned that this meeting is taking place after a gap of approx. six months and during this period a lot of developments have taken place.

4. The Chairman further mentioned that the company is passing through a very critical juncture. During 2007-08, our profit was to the tune of Rs. 3000 crores and for the year 2008-09, the accounts are to be audited, but as per the initial estimates the profit is likely to come down to approx. Rs.100 crores. Our market share in mobile has declined to about 13% and now we are the 4th operator in wireless. There are certain positive things too, our market share in broadband has increased. Last year, we added about 2.5 million broadband connections as against 1.5 million during the previous year and with this our market share has increased to about 54% and no other operator is near BSNL. We have potential also in this area of business. During this year, we are going to add about 39 million wireless capacity, out of this 34 million is 2G and 5 million in 3G. Against this, about 11 million capacity in 2G and 0.5 million in 3G has already been rolled out. With the increased capacity, we are going to increase our revenue also during the current financial year. Tender for 93 million GSM lines for next three years has also been opened and it is under process. Another significant development relates to transformation of the company for which a consulting firm, M/s. BCG has been appointed for re-structuring business process of the company. With the assistance of M/s. BCG, we have identified vision, mission and goals of the company. He apprised the members that various pilot projects have been launched. These are, viz. Projects Shikhar, Vijay (Mobiles), Udan (LL&BB), Sanchay (cost cutting), Kuber (collection of outstanding revenue), Dosti (PCO) etc. launched by the company. In UP (East), Project Vijay has been very successful. These projects, if carried out, shall enhance our revenue.

5. After speaking at length about ‘vision’ and ‘mission’ of BSNL, the Chairman also spoke of the developments relating to staff matters –

• Payment of six months’ interest free salary advance
• Revision of HRA rates. This resulted in stoppage of CCA which in turn reduced the salaries of staff working in four metros. Instructions issued relating to continued payment of CCA in four metros.
• DOT issued instructions that the revised rules for pension calculation as per 6th CPC with regard to limit of DCRG, commutation table, emoluments, qualifying service, etc. is applicable to IDA pensioners of BSNL covered under Rule 37-A w.e.f. 1.1.2006. [PS : The order has since been put on hold by the Government.]
• Provision of limited access of BSNL intranet to the recognized union.
• Payment of TA/DA to the office bearers of unions and associations.
• Re-iteration of Instructions relating to reimbursement of the cost of third Coronary stent under BSNLMRS as per the procedure prevalent in CGHS
• JTO Exam 2008 has been held on 21.6.2009
• DOT has taken objection to the sending of representations by the unions and associations and the concern of DOT has been conveyed to the union on 19.3.2009. It is presumed, the unions have taken the advice of DOT in right perspective.
• Second amendment to CDA Rules.

6. While concluding his remarks, the Chairman once again extended warm welcome to the members of Staff side.

7. Executive Director (Finance) welcomed the members of the newly formed National Council, both from Staff side and management side. He mentioned that Director (HR) has already given an over-view of the company. We have plans for the coming year – restructuring and other issues. In the mobile sector, we are going to get 93 million capacity. We have to see that we get not only customers, but good customers and satisfied customers. In broadband sector, our share will further increase. Pilot projects have been launched to improve our functioning. We need to change our attitude and procedures. With these words, he once again welcomed the members of National Council.

8. Leader, Staff side welcomed the Chairman, Executive Director (Finance), members from management side, Secretary and other members from Staff Side. He extended warm welcome to all of them and mentioned that this is the first meeting after 4th membership verification. He thanked the management and the Chairman for re-constituting the National Council. Further, he mentioned that the notification relating to reconstitution of National Council has been issued only on 4th May, 2009, i.e. approx. six months after, and that too provisionally. Commenting on the constitution of National Council provisionally since some of the members are from unions other than the representative union, he mentioned that this practice is in vogue since 2002, immediately after the 1st membership verification in accordance with the understanding reached between the management and the staff side. Thereafter, similar practice was being followed after 2nd and 3rd membership verifications. As such, the management should not have any reservation on nomination of some members from unions other than the representative union. He stressed the need for a proper understanding between the management and the staff side for proper functioning of National Council. Further, he conveyed his sincere thanks to the Chairman for issuing instructions for payment of salary advance, grant of HRA at revised rates, protection of CCA in metro cities, extension of pensionary benefits to the retirees commensurate with the 6th CPC, allotment of office accommodation to National Council in the Eastern Court building. While assuring the commitment of the Staff side for betterment of the company, he mentioned that some issues are long pending and need prompt intervention of the management, viz. promotion policy, wage negotiation, pay anomaly issues, regularization of casual labourers, merger of IDA for retired employees, promotional avenues of SC/ST employees in the promotion policy by assuring constitutional safeguards, partial implementation of award etc. He stated that decisions are taken in the National Council to form Committees on certain issues of the employees and demanded that action taken reports of such committees should be submitted in every meeting of the National Council. He also referred to the part-time distance learning scheme introduced for executives and demanded that this should also be extended to non-executives. Regarding wage negotiation, he pointed out that some issues are still remaining for which successive and continued negotiations need to continue. On the functioning of the negotiating councils, the Leader, Staff side pointed out that the Rules of Business of the Councils were yet to be defined and demanded that the same should be brought in.

9. Referring to customer issues, Leader Staff side mentioned that whenever a landline connection is disconnected due to non-payment, the landline connection is restored on receipt of payment, but the customer’s broadband connection is disconnected after 2-3 days because of poor coordination since the billing cycle of fixed line and broadband are generally different. This can be avoided. On the marketing issues, he demanded that whatever schemes are extended to BSNL franchisees, the same scheme should also be available at BSNL CSCs. Finally, he mentioned that upward growth of the company is not the concern only of the management, but staff side is equally concerned and assured full cooperation of the Staff side in this regard.

10. Secretary, Staff side welcomed the Chairman, National Council, Executive Director (Finance), Leader Staff side and members both from the management side and the staff side. He mentioned that this is the 4th National Council formed after formation of BSNL. A number of issues have been discussed in the 20th meeting of National Council and also in earlier meetings. He thanked the Chairman for congratulating him for getting elected in the 4th membership verification. He mentioned that in the new scheme of things, the issues whether developmental activities or staff issues will be discussed in detail and decisions taken. He referred to the information given by the Chairman relating to developmental activities. While thanking the management for associating workers in certain forums, he mentioned that the staff side feels that the workers are not involved in deciding the policies of the company. The workers are simply informed of the policies adopted by the management and they have to implement the same. There are about 2.5 lakh non-executive employees and they gain lot of experiences in the field relating to the services offered to the customers. The workers are either completely ignored or their suggestions are not taken in proper perspective. Without claiming workers representation in the Board as in the case of banks, he stressed the need for taking the workers into confidence while formulating and implementing new schemes. In this connection, he referred to an earlier meeting of National Council in which a decision was taken for formation of Works Committees at SSA level. In about 80% of SSAs, the Works Committees are not functional. The local level management is not interested to decide the policies in consultation with the staff side. The staff side urges upon the management to associate the workers and take them into confidence while formulating the policies, it will benefit the company.

11. Referring to 3G, Secretary Staff side mentioned that licence to BSNL was given long back, but the same has not been adequately exploited so far. This needs to be expedited. As regards 93 million GSM lines, he referred to the discussions he had with the Chairman, National Council and the CMD, BSNL. On the tender issue, he suggested that we should take the help of the Government so that no private company is able to intervene and cause any type of delay. He assured full cooperation of the Staff side.

12. Further, Secretary Staff side referred to the National Council under the Government set-up, which is presided over by the Cabinet Secretary. Without complaining against the present incumbent, he demanded that the National Council in BSNL should be chaired by the CMD so that prompt decisions are taken in the meeting itself. Similarly, he demanded that the chairmanship of the Standing Committee should also be upgraded to the level of Director (HR) for accelerating the decisions taken in the National Council. In order to have 8 meetings of National Council during this recognition period of two years, he demanded that next meeting can be held after two months since five months’ time has already elapsed after the membership verification. He mentioned that the recognized union is not getting copies of the orders issued by various sections in the Corporate office. Thereafter, he thanked the Chairman for allotting accommodation to the Staff side, National Council and requested for immediate handing over of the same. With the submission of its recommendations by the Promotion Committee on non-executive promotion policy, he mentioned that some issues not connected with promotion are still pending. A new Committee should be re-constituted so that the left over issues are urgently discussed. He also referred to the Anomaly Committee and requested the implementation of the decisions taken. While assuring the cooperation of Staff side, the Secretary mentioned that he wants management’s cooperation too in settling the issues in a very effective manner. With these observations, he once again thanked the management.

13. Another Staff Side member, Shri J.N. Mishra spoke about the need for role of non-executives in the restructuring of BSNL. Only senior level officers hold meetings in the Circles and take decisions. Secondly, items for discussion in the National Council are given in advance. Timely action be taken to settle the issues instead of informing the members in the meeting that the issues are being examined / looked into.

14. On the observations made by the Staff side, GM (SR) mentioned that immediately he is in a position to react to some of the issues, viz. –

• As regards constitution of National Council, he informed that the management did have certain reservations on inclusion of large number of outside members. However, the union also has completed the formality of submitting the list of members and their acceptance letters only on 2nd April, 2009, as such the delay is only procedural and not intentional. He stated that he agreed with Staff side that the provisional status of the National Council should not continue.

• Because of complexities involved, the Anomaly Committee issues can be discussed separately.

• Promotional avenues of SC/ST employees, the issue has been thoroughly examined and discussed before submission of its report by the Promotion Committee and the recommended promotional policy includes all constitutional safeguards for SC/ST employees.

• The issue of raising the level of National Council has already been discussed and finally settlement was made at the intervention of CMD by way of increasing the number of Staff side members in the National Council.

• On the demand of the Staff side for Action Taken Report, GM (SR) assured that a mechanism will be developed to keep the National Council members informed.

15. Thereafter, the following agenda items were taken up for discussion.

15.1 Mobile connections and free calls to Non-Executives - The Staff side raised a demand that a mobile connection be provided to all non-executive employees as in the case of executives, whether operational requirement is there or not. In response, the management side informed that mobile connections are provided to the executives only for operational requirements. After discussions, the management side suggested that it may not be possible to do away with the operational requirement, however effort will be made to bring, more number of non-executives under the coverage of operational requirement.

15.2 Reactivating the Works Committees - The Staff side mentioned that the Works Committees formed at SSA level are not functioning properly, and there is no mechanism to monitor their functioning. The Staff side further suggested that similar Committees can be formed at Circle level also. After discussions, the Chairman ruled that the Circles can be again advised to ensure proper functioning of the Works Committees and the instructions already issued shall be re-iterated. However, he pointed out that it may not be advisable to venture new areas and form these Committees at Circle level.

15.3 Non-settlement of pay anomalies - The staff side mentioned that an agreement was reached between the staff side and the management on the ways and means to settle the pay anomalies and aberrations which arose out of the wage settlement of 2002. However, since DOT has returned the file, BSNL should decide the cases immediately. In response to the demand of Staff Side, the management side pointed out that they couldn’t find any representative case. Further, the management side also pointed out that one of the types of aberrations was between pay of Group ‘D’ employees, who had passed the first screening test for Telecom Mechanic and were placed in the Lineman’s pay scale (which was subsequently upgraded) and those who passed the second screening test and were placed in the CDA pay scale of Rs.2750-4400/-. If the aberration is corrected by promoting employees passed in the first test to opt for lower pay scale, newer aberration will be created by application of non-executive promotion policy, which provides placement in higher pay scale after completion of residency period in a particular pay scale. Hence, the management side proposed a discussion in a separate meeting, preferably in the first week of July, 2009, to which the Staff side agreed to and also agreed to give representative cases..

15.4 Inordinate delay in the implementation of Promotion Policy for the Non-Executives - The Staff side mentioned that an agreement was signed on the promotion policy of non-executives on 30.10.2008, but the orders implementing the same have not been issued so far and requested that immediate action is required to have the policy implemented. Responding to the demand of Staff side, the management side informed that orders will be issued immediately on receipt of DOT’s concurrence. Thereafter, the Staff side requested that the draft orders be shown to them before issue.

15.5 Refund of the CPF contribution, recovered for the past period - The Staff side pointed out that BSNL ordered recovery of CPF contribution at 12% of basic pay plus lDA from the BSNL recruitees vide its dated 12.08.2005 and the recovery has been effected for the past period also. Central PF Commissioner has informed that such recovery was against the provisions of the EPF scheme and had also directed to refund such contribution amount to the employees. Hence, the refund may be made without further delay. Reacting to the demand of Staff side, the management side informed that recovery of employees’ contribution on salary exceeding Rs.6500/- does not fall under violation of Para 32 of EPF scheme and the PF Commissioner has also been informed on 14.5.2009. Moreover, in a similar case, a WP has been filed in the Hon’ble High Court in Madhya Pradesh against the order issued by the Asstt. Provident Fund Commissioner, and the Hon’ble High Court has stayed the decision of APFC, Bhopal.

15.6 Provision of Internal Quota in the Recruitment Rules for cadre of Executive (Marketing & Sales) and Executive (HR) - Referring to RRs for Executives (Marketing & Sales) and HR and the BSNL management’s decision to recruit 400 Executives, the Staff side raised a demand for 50% quota for internal candidates as in the case of Management Trainees. In response to the demand, the management side informed that the proposal to recruit Executives, both in Marketing & Sales and HR, has been dropped for the present.

15.7 Allotment of vacant staff quarters on Lease ownership basis - The Staff side pointed out that a large number of quarters are lying vacant at Mumbai, in the P&T colonies in Sahar, Santa Cruz, Mulund, Mahim etc. and only 1/3 of the quarters in these colonies are occupied. The condition of the unoccupied quarters is in a poor shape. Similarly, lands belonging to BSNL in areas like Juhu Danda, Borivali etc have been encroached by outsiders. Accordingly, the Staff side proposed that the vacant quarters may be allotted to the employees and BSNL retirees preferably on Lease ownership basis. In response, the management side informed that the Management Committee of BSNL Board has approved the Policy of Utilisation of Vacant Staff Quarters and giving the quarters to other Corporations/Government employees. There is no provision in the policy for allotment of vacant staff quarters on lease/ownership basis to the BSNL retirees and the same cannot be agreed to. Regarding encroachment of land at Juhu Danda & Borivali, CGM Maharashtra Circle has been requested to get the encroachments removed and take action regarding proper utilisation of the land.

15.8 Conversion of JAO Part II competitive examination into a qualifying examination - The Staff side mentioned that in the past JAO Part II examination was a qualifying one and subsequently the same has been converted into a competitive examination. In order to fill up the large number of vacancies lying vacant, the Staff side requested to re-convert this into a qualifying one and to conduct the exam without further delay. Responding to the request of Staff side, it was informed from the management side that in DOT when JAO cadre was having all-India service liability, the exam was qualifying in nature but after formation of BSNL, when JAO was made a Circle cadre, the mode of recruitment was changed to (i) 50% by DR from open market (ii) 40% by internal examination, and (iii) 10% of the vacant posts by internal competitive exam only from Sr. Accountant / Jr. Accountants. As regards conduct of exam, recruitment against all the three modes, i.e. 50% quota, 40% quota and 10% quota is going to be held shortly for which instructions are being issued to DE Section. Hence, the management side concluded that it may not be feasible to make JAO Part-II exam as a qualifying exam.

15.9 Conducting of JTO, TTA examinations under LDCE quota - The Staff side pointed out that JTO, TTA examinations for the Internal Candidates have not taken place for years together under one pretext or the other. This is affecting the promotional prospects of the existing employees and requested that these examinations be held without further delay. In response to the demand of Staff side, it was informed by the management side that some of the successful candidates of the previous supplementary LDCE, 2004 for TTA have filed an SLP in the Supreme Court against the judgement of Madras High Court’s order for conducting supplementary exam. However, the possibility of holding the exam has been examined in consultation with Legal Cell and decided to hold TTA examination in places where Court case is not there, subject to outcome of SLP. As regards JTO, process has already been started for conducting LDCE for promotion to JTO cadre under both 15% quota and 35% quota. The scheme and syllabus for LDCE is being finalized by a Committee constituted for the purpose.

15.10 Conducting of Telecom. Mechanic LDCE examination - The Staff side argued that in a number of circles, since the Telecom Mechanic posts are lying vacant under LDCE quota, LDCE exam may be conducted without further delay. In response, the management side informed that notification for conduct of the exam in such of SSAs where vacancies exist will be issued within one month.

15.11 Reduction of service condition to appear for 35% quota in the LDCE promotion to JTO - The Staff side mentioned that to appear for the JTO LDCE, 10 years’ qualifying service is prescribed under the RRs. Normally, the qualifying service under LDCE is less than the service required for promotion in the normal course. In order to rectify the position, the Staff side demanded that RRs be suitably modified. Management side informed that promotion is only by way of LDCE and not in the normal course. Moreover, this issue has earlier been taken up by the Staff side and a proposal for reduction in eligibility condition to 7 years was placed before the Management Committee, but the same was rejected. However, in case the Staff side provides further inputs, the case can again be examined.

15.12 Closure of DTOs at Mumbai and Delhi - The Staff side referred to the decision of Management to close down ten DTOs in Mumbai city and demanded that these DTOs may be converted into Customer Service Centres, utilizing the existing staff of these DTOs. Even though BSNL is not providing services in Mumbai city, a large number of BSNL customers come to Mumbai every day, from various parts of Maharashtra circle. The Staff side requested for similar action in Delhi also. In response to the demand, the management side informed that due to new technological developments such as use of SMS, E-mail etc., the telegraph traffic has substantially declined. The daily average telegraph traffic of each closed Telegraph Office in Mumbai and Delhi was below 10 telegrams per day resulting in huge financial loss of about Rs. 40 lacs per annum per Telegraph Office. As regards converting these telegraph offices into customer service centres, the management side informed that due to non-provisioning of services by BSNL in Delhi and Mumbai, there is practically no sale of BSNL products in these two cities. In NTR New Delhi, the total revenue in the month of April, 09, for recharge of C-top up from all the telegraph offices put together is only one thousand while the expenditure is exorbitantly high. Therefore, conversion of these telegraph offices into Customer Service Centres is not justified.

15.13 Review of the guidelines for compassionate Ground Appointments - The Staff side referred to BSNL’s instructions on Compassionate Ground Appointments, under which "Weightage Point System" has been introduced to assess the indigent condition of the family of the deceased employees, and mentioned that that this Weightage Point System, in practice, is creating hardship to the deserving families. Accordingly, the Staff Side demanded review of these guidelines. Reacting to the demand of Staff side, the management side informed that weightage Point System has been introduced only after its approval by the Management Committee of BSNL with a view that deserving cases may get appointment on compassionate grounds. The management side further argued that with the reduction of fixed lines for the last five years, the number of posts as well as number of vacancies for CGA are drastically reduced, as a result of which review of these guidelines may not yield fruitful results. To overcome the present situation, the management side suggested the staff side to ponder over the issue and come forward with any alternate proposal.

15.14 Acute delay on the clearance of CGA cases by BSNL Corporate Office - The Staff side complained that Compassionate Ground Appointments referred to the BSNL Corporate Office for approval by the Circles are considerably delayed. Moreover, in certain cases where the Circle office refers the CGA case to Corporate office with its recommendation is rejected. Considering the extreme difficulties being experienced by the families of the deceased employees, the Staff side requested that a special drive may be launched to clear the back log. In response to the complaint of Staff side, the management side clarified that after issuance of the guidelines in June 2007 w.r.t weightage point system, approx. 1920 cases have been received by Corporate office for consideration, out of which 765 cases have already been decided. Additional information from circles has been asked in nearly 300 cases. Special efforts will be taken to expedite the cases in next six months.

15.15 Delay in the full fledged launching of BSNL's 3G service - The Staff side mentioned that even though BSNL has got the 3G Spectrum much ahead of the Private players, yet BSNL has to launch the service in a full fledged manner throughout the country. As such, BSNL has to take steps on war-footing for launching full pledged 3G mobile service throughout the country to capture the market early. In this regard, the Chairman remarked that the issue has been adequately discussed in his opening address and special mechanism to focus on sales and marketing of 3G services has been prescribed.

15.16 Allotment of 10% Posts of JAOs to Senior Accountants on seniority cum fitness - The Staff side submitted that by virtue of their knowledge gained and possessed, Sr. Accountants already officiating as JAO may be promoted to the post of JAO on seniority-cum-fitness basis. The Staff side further submitted that with the conversion of Telecom Accounts cadres to Sr. TOA pattern, the cadres of Sr. / Jr. Accountants have been declared as wasting cadres and some of the Sr. Accountants even after putting in 22 years’ of service, are yet to be promoted. In response to the demand of Staff side, it was informed from the management side that 10% of the vacant posts in the grade of JAO have been exclusively reserved for Sr./Jr. Accountants, their zone of competition is also very restricted and they are not required to compete with all the departmental candidates which gives them a good chance of success. Thereafter, the Staff side requested for one time relaxation so as to enable Sr. Accountants with long service to get their long over-due promotion, the Chairman ruled that no relaxation can be given. Moreover, exam is going to be conducted and let them appear in the exam and qualify the same.

15.17 Increase in the quantum of OTA Rates - The Staff side mentioned that the OTA rates were fixed during 90s and are still continuing even after switching over by the officials to lDA Scale. The hourly rate fixed was based on CDA scale that was in operation at that time. Accordingly, the Staff side requested that the hourly rate of OTA both for normal day and holiday may be revised in consonance with the lDA scale operative from 1.10.2000. Reacting to the demand of Staff side, the management side informed that although the Fifth Pay Commission had recommended discontinuance of OTA except for Staff Car Drivers, Operational Staff and Industrial employees, but status-quo continued in BSNL. Hence, it will continue to be regulated at the existing rates (i.e. in the pre-revised scale) of admissibility. Therefore, the demand of the union cannot be agreed to.

15.18 Increase the age limit for selection as a faculty member - The Staff side mentioned that the age limit for selection as a member of faculty was fixed at 52 when the retirement age was 58 years. With the increase in retirement age to 60 years, the age limit for selection as a faculty member be also raised to 55 years. In response to the demand, the Management side informed that the age limit has already been enhanced to 55 years. Thereafter, the Staff side made a request for a copy of the relevant orders, to which GM (Trg.) readily agreed to.

15.19 TTA Exam - Conducting of pre-qualification test for the non plus two candidates - The Staff side demanded that in the revised scheme of LDCE for TTA under 40% quota, a provision be made for conduct of pre-qualification test for those candidates who do not possess plus two qualification and who wish to appear in the 40% LDCE for TTA, as has been done in the past. In response to the demand of Staff side, it was informed that any relaxation in the RRs gives rise to disputes in future. Further, when sufficient number of candidates with + 2 qualification are available, then no justification exists for providing relaxation. After prolonged discussions, finally the Management side agreed to take legal advice and in the light of legal advice would decide the conduct of pre-qualifying test, as a one time measure, for the forthcoming LDCE.

15.20 Declare holiday on 14th April of every year, on account of Ambedkar Jayanthi - The Staff side made a mention that 14th April is the birth anniversary of Bharat Ratna Dr. B.R. Ambedkar and it is being observed throughout the country. Since his birth anniversary is being observed as restricted holiday in BSNL, the Staff side requested that BSNL may declare 14th April of every year as holiday on account of Ambedkar Jayanthi. In response to the demand of Staff side, it was informed that whenever a holiday is declared by DoP&Trg, the same is also declared by BSNL for its offices. After much insistence by the Staff side, the management side agreed to refer the issue to the DOT.

16. The meeting ended with a vote of thanks to the Chair.


List of Members who participated in the 21st meeting of National Council
held on 23rd June, 2009

Management Side:

1. Director (HR) - Chairman
2. ED (Finance)
3. GM (Estt.)
4. GM (Pers.)
5. GM (Admn.)
6. GM (Training)
7. GM (EF)
8. GM (CA)
9. GM (FP)
10. GM (SR)
11. DGM (SR)
12. AGM (SR-II).

Union Side:

1. Shri R. Venkataraman - Leader, Staff Side
2. Shri V.A.N. Namboodiri - Secretary, Staff Side
3. Shri P. Abhimanyu
4. Shri J.N. Mishra
5. Shri V. Subburaman
6. Shri A.D. Patil
7. Shri Suresh Kumar
8. Shri K. Mohanan
9. Shri P.V. Sivasankaran
10. Shri V. Narayana
11. Shri B.R. Jakhatia
12. Shri Dharmendra Verma
13. Shri Dhiraj Chaudhary
14. Shri Hari Singh
15. Shri Babu Singh. M-9426201999

Honrable P.M"s Inspiresion Speech to young India-inf. by ashok hindocha M-9426201999

Latest Online India News Update Volume-VIII

Tags : Manmohan Singh, Independence Day, Youngsters, PM's speech
PM's speech inspires young India

School children cheering on the celebrations of
61st I-Day at the historic Red Fort

New Delhi: For the hundreds of students participating in the Independence Day celebrations today, the unearthly hour of waking up and the hard practice sessions over the last few days was compensated by the Prime Minister's inspiring speech which they said left them enthused about the future.
Students from various schools, who gathered at the Red Fort, appeared to be impressed with Prime Minister Manmohan Singh's dream of taking all communities and sections together for the country's development.

"If India has to become a developed nation, there should not be any division among its people. The Prime Minister rightly pointed out it," Shahanawaz, a class-X student from the Government Boys School, Jama Masjid, said.
In his speech, Singh said his government was committed to provide every child access to education. He also expressed concern over the children suffering from malnutrition. The kids who gathered on the occasion responded to the Prime Minister's speech with thunderous applause. They clapped 18 times during the 45-minute-long speech in which Singh highlighted the government's initiatives in social sectors like education, health and agriculture.

"He spoke about the government's priority areas that included education and agriculture. These are the real issues that need to be dealt with," Nagma, a student of Kendriya Vidyalaya No-2, said. She said the entire speech was inspiring for the children and youth who are dreaming of a better future. The government's measures in development of youth are appropriate steps in this direction, she said.
Clad in school uniforms, the students from across the city started coming to the Lal Quila from early morning. Some of the students had painted their face in tri-colour. Singh's speech had many references regarding the welfare of children and the youth.

He stressed on conservation of resources for next generations, saying "we have to think about the welfare and well-being of our children and grandchildren, their grandchildren and future generation".
"His caution on use of resources shows his concern for the next generations," Arun Sahu of Government Boys School said.

To inspire the students to march ahead, Singh also recalled his childhood when he had to struggle hard to pursue his studies amid lack of electricity supply and other basic facilities in his village.
"The Prime Minister's story itself is an encouragement for all of us. The way he progressed in life is inspiring," Kushagre, an eighth standard student, said.(PTI)

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Thursday, July 30, 2009 M-9426201999

Wage hikes larger in independent union plants

A study of 6,561 plants nationwide has shown that ones having independent labor unions saw larger wage growth than plants with workers affiliated with the two existing umbrella unions

The study, conducted by the JoongAng Ilbo and the Labor Ministry, also showed fewer cases of labor-management disputes in factories with independent unions.

The wage growth rate in workplaces with independent laborers was between 5.2 and 6.8 percent during a three-year period. Unionized workers under the Federation of Korean Trade Unions saw the rate of growth decrease from 4.5 to 3.9 percent while unionists affiliated to the Korean Confederation of Trade Unions saw a rate growth of 4.5 to 4.7 percent. In the first half of this year, wage growth in workplaces with no unionized laborers was 2 percent. Wage growth for unionists under the FKTU, independent workers and members under KCTU were 0.9, 0.8 and 0.5 percent, respectively.

¡°The reason why the rate for plants with independent laborers placed third this year is that those workers had voluntarily either frozen or cut wages,¡± said Kwon Hyuk-tae, a head of the Labor-Management Conflict Handling Division at Labor Ministry. ¡°The wage growth rate for independent workers is likely to surpass that of workers under FKTU when laborers of independent unions receive incentives by the end of this year.¡±

The study shows that plants under the KCTU witnessed over 100 labor-management disputes yearly since 2007. So far this year, there have been 38 disputes. Only two cases of labor disputes within factories with independent unionists occurred in 2007 and there were none last year. This year has seen one case. ¡°When we were under the KCTU until last March, we were ordered to stage strikes for the sake of the group¡¯s interest,¡± said Kim Ju-seok, head of a labor union at Ulsan NCC, a petrochemical product-making company. ¡°The KCTU did not consider issues within our firm.¡±

Unionized workers of Simpac ANC, a ferro-alloy maker, in Pohang, North Gyeongsang, staged strikes demanding the end of layoffs from 1998 to 2005 when the company was under bankruptcy protection. From time to time, Simpac unionized workers were either mobilized to support KCTU¡¯s political activities or that of other labor unions.

However, each Simpac worker received incentives worth 10 million won ($8,090) and company shares at the end of last year due to increased profits since unionists withdrew from the KCTU in January of last year. It was the first incentive in 10 years. Nam Ho-ki, 48, who has worked at the firm for 22 years, said workers once received nothing despite past profits. He said employees now believe there will be compensation if they work hard.

¡°While the company suffered from a deficit in the first half of this year due to the economic downturn, unionized workers first suggested a wage freeze,¡± said Choi Jin-shik, chairman of Simpac. ¡°The firm will do its upmost to run the business successfully so that management can offer workers incentives by the end of this year.¡±

Some said that changing characteristics of labor-management relations in Simpac are largely influenced by its labor union¡¯s withdrawal of membership from the KCTU. All the unionists voted in favor of the withdrawal.

The operation rate at Simpac was at 50 percent or lower before its union left the KCTU. It increased to 99 percent by the end of last year. The company was able to offer incentives to employees since the profits increased.

¡°The reason why wage growth is high among plants with either independent or no unions is that the more labor and management cooperate, the more profits they earn,¡± said Kim Dong-one, a business professor of Korea University in Seongbuk, Seoul.

By Kim Ki-chan, Chang Chung-hoon []

Cam’ron Launches New Music/Film Company, Readies Numerous Projects
Posted on July 30, 2009 (6 hours ago) · Words by Allen Starbury

After resurfacing this year from a long hiatus and dropping a new solo album, Cam'ron is trying to keep his business hand strong with the launch of a film/music company called The U.N. and Dipset West.

The Diplomats founder has teamed up with Omar "Iceman" Sharif, who has a long resume in both fields, for the launch of both companies, in hopes of helping launch the Dipset brand in Hollywood.

"When we started Dipset, it was more than just a crew, it was a movement. The U.N. is a continuation of that movement," said Cam'ron. "[Omar 'Iceman' Sharif] has made his name in the music and film industries brokering and securing multi-million dollar deals, merging hip-hop with Hollywood. His experience is exactly what we need to make strategic connections at the next level."

Sharif, who serves as a partner and co-CEO, has extensive experience in music as well as films. In his musc career, he's executive produced over 40 albums, including projects with Onyx, ODB, Mariah Carey, AZ, Sheek Louch, Hell Rell, Killah Priest, RZA, Slim Thug, and Xzibit. In 2000, he helped Onyx secure a deal with the newly formed Koch Records, followed by helping Suge land distribution for Death Row Records catalog through Koch in 2002.

On the film side of things, he executive produced the 2002 hip-hop documentary "American Rap Stars," and recently brokered a $2 million dollar deal with Lions Gate for director/actor/rapper Sticky Fingaz's directorial debut, "A Day in the Life," actors such as Mekhi Phifer, Omar Epps, and Michael Rapaport.

Cam's film experience isn't too shabby either. In 2006, he made his screenwriting and directorial debuts in the direct to DVD film, "Killa Season," which went on to sell over 200,000 copies.

His new label already boasts a full roster of artists as well, including newcomers Charlie Clips, Byrd Lady, Vado, Fly Boyz, Begetz and Young Hustle.

Cam has several upcoming music projects coming, including The Gangsta Grillz Mixtape with DJ Drama, U.N.'s debut album, solo albums for Vado, Begetz and ultimately a solo album from Cam himself.

"We got a movie coming out called 'The Bakery' and then we'll drop the second installment of 'Killa Season,' " the rapper revealed. "Between the films and the music coming soon on U.N. and Dipset West, we gonna keep the 'hood in a frenzy."

Australian PM vows to create 50,000 'green' jobs M=9426201999

SYDNEY: Australia's prime minister promised Thursday to create 50,000 ``green'' jobs and apprenticeships to combat climate change and unemployment

Prime Minister Kevin Rudd has prioritized environmental legislation this year even as his government forecast that Australian unemployment would rise to 8.5 percent next year from the current 5.8 percent because of the global downturn.

``The government I lead will not stand idly by while thousands of young Australians have their hopes crushed by a global recession not of their own making,'' Rudd told a conference of his Labor Party.

The ``green'' jobs package includes 30,000 apprentice positions that offer training in environment-friendly building practices, such as installing solar energy panels and water recycling systems and retrofitting homes to be more energy efficient.

The program will also create 10,000 positions in a national Green Jobs Corps that will provide environmental training for unemployed people between 18 and 24 and employ them in public works projects, such as planting trees and restoring walking tracks. Money would also be poured into another 10,000 jobs that encourage sustainability and green building practices.

Rudd said the 94 million Australian dollar ($77 million) job creation and training program was aimed at helping youth obtain new skills ``that will be highly relevant to a lower-carbon economy in the future.''

The announcement was welcomed by Sharan Burrow, president of the Australian Council of Trade Unions, who called it ``a great step forward.''

``It's a recognition that here is a prime minister who is determined to act on unemployment,'' Burrow said.

Rudd's office did not immediately respond to AP questions on whether the money would be diverted from funds already in the budget or if Rudd planned to seek a new appropriations bill.

Rudd has focused heavily on the environment this year and is pushing tough legislation to curb Australia's emissions of carbon dioxide. Most opposition parties oppose the legislation, which goes before the Senate next month.

The 21 things White House staff can't tell Obama
Washington: Telling Barack Obama that "Hillary Clinton called" might land one in trouble, for this is one of the 21 things that the White House staff is barred from saying to the U.S. President.

According to the Politico, a list of 21 things the staff were not allowed to say to the President was circulated in the White House.

The 21 Things You Cannot Say to the President after a News Conference are:

1. Hey, we hear the Golf Channel is going to carry it next time. Well, actually, only the Golf Channel is going to carry it next time.

2. Don't worry. We'll get 'em next year.

3. Professor Gates called. He can't find his house keys.

4. You want to take a mulligan on this one?

5. We did try to plant a question about Bo, but nobody would go for it.

Quantum leap: PM to launch N-submarine on Sunday
India remembers valiant Kargil heroes on victory anniversary
Kargil hilltops lit up as India salutes war heroes
Bangladesh decides to preserve Jyoti Basu's ancestral house
25% of over the counter medicinal drugs may be spurious

Ashok Hindocha"s Kamal M-9426201999 M-9426201999 Ashok hindocha
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BSNLEU Latest News by ashok hindocha

[30.07.2009]United Forum Circular dated 28.07.2009 - 48 hours strike on 19 - 20 August, 2009<>

[30.07.2009]National Council decisions - BSNLEU protests improper minutes <>

[30.07.2009]Minutes of the 21st meeting of the National Council held on 23rd June, 2009 under the chairmanship of Director (HR), BSNL Board <>

[30.07.2009]143 members desert NFTE and FNTO and join BSNLEU in Jharkhand

80 members have deserted NFTE & FNTO and have joined BSNLEU at Ranchi. Similarly, 63 members have deserted NFTE & FNTO and have joined BSNLEU at Jamshedpur. CHQ greets and welcomes the Comrades who have chosen the right path. CHQ also congratulates our leaders of Ranchi, Jamshedpur District Unions as well as Jharkhand Circle Union.

[30.07.2009]1946 P&T Strike :- CHQ BSNLEU remembers the valiant P&T Workers who went on Indefinite strike in July 1946 against the British Imperialism. Thousands of workers and common people organised rallies in Madras and Kolkatta in support of the strike. All the political parties supported and congratulated the P&T workers for their heroic strike action.

[29.07.2009]General Secretary, BSNLEU letter to Shri P. Perumal, GS, PEWA <>

[28.07.2009]United Forum decides to go on 48 hours strike<>

[27.07.2009]BSNL Sports & Cultural meeting held on 27.07.2009 has taken the following decisions:

Kit allowance increased from Rs.1500 to Rs.2000 for All India
Kit allowance increased from Rs.2000 to Rs.2500 for Nationals
Sanchar krida awards increased from Rs.10000 to Rs.15000
Upto silver medal in national, cash awards are allowed for coaches
[Report from Com. John Verghese, Member Sports & Cultural Board]

[27.07.2009]General Secretary meets CMD BSNL <>

[25.07.2009]Where BSNL Stands ! <>

[24.07.2009]United Forum Meets: - Meeting of United Forum of BSNL union will be held at 1500 hours on 27th July, 2009 in the National Council Room, Eastern Court. Room No.230.

[24.07.2009]BSNL Employees Union / Joint Forum strongly oppose IPO<>

[24.07.2009]Standing Committee of National Council formed <>

[24.07.2009]Central Executive Committee at Mysore:- CEC Meeting of BSNL Employees Union will be held at Mysore from 27th to 29th August. Coms. Mohd. Amin, General Secretary, CITU, Shri Kuldeep Goyal, CMD BSNL and Shri Gopal Das, Director (HRD) and other important personalities will address.

Com. C.K. Gundanna, Circle Secretary, Karnataka and Convenor, Reception Committee, Mysore with other Comrades are putting in best efforts for making all arrangements for the Central Executive Committee.

[24.07.2009]Meeting with GM (SR)<>

[24.07.2009]Members from NFTE-BSNL & NUBSNLW (FNTO) joined BSNLEU:- 41 members from NFTE-BSNL and NUBSNLW (FNTO) joined BSNLEU in CTO, New Delhi. We welcome these new members. CHQ congratulates Com. Munshi Lal, District Secretary, BSNLEU, CTO Branch and other leaders.

[24.07.2009]Welcome Comrades!:- As per report from Com. M.K. Alam, District Secretary, Surendranagar (Gujarat), 30 Comrades have left NFTE and FNTO and joined BSNLEU. Congratulations ! Welcome to BSNLEU.

[22.07.2009] Joint Forum press release dated 22.07.2009 <>

[22.07.2009]Wage Revision: General Secretary, BSNLEU met CMD, BSNL on 22.07.2009 and requested for appointment of Chairman, Wage Negotiation Committee and demanded early settlement on pay revision. Shri S.R. Kapoor, Executive Director (Finance), is appointed as Chairman, Wage Negotiation Committee.

[22.07.2009] BSNL will be listed and 10% shares will be sold - says Secretary, DoT <>

[21.07.2009] General Secretary, BSNLEU meets Director (HRD) >

[21.07.2009] Welcome to BSNLEU:- Entire membership coming to about 125 of NFTE joined BSNLEU in CGMT office Patna under the leadership of Com. Randhir Singh Yadav, District Secretary, as per report from Com. B.P. Singh, Circle Secretary, Bihar.

Another 50 members from NFTE and FNTO have joined BSNLEU in Muzaffarpur District, Bihar.

We welcome all to BSNLEU and congratulate Com. B.P. Singh, Circle Secretary and other leaders of Bihar.

[21.07.2009] Director (HRD) replies to BSNLEU regarding complaints on GM (SR) - Shri Gopal Das, Director (HRD) DO. No. BSNL/39-1/SR/2009 dated 8th June, 2009 <>

[21.07.2009] Joint Forum Letter to CMD, BSNL - Discussion of CMD with Joint Forum Unions on 16th July 2009 – strong protest against the wrong and mischievous minutes issued <> <>

[21.07.2009] CENTRAL TRADE UNIONS OPPOSE DISINVESTMENT: - All Central Trade Unions, including INTUC, have strongly opposed the disinvestment programmes of the Central Government. A Joint Statement has been issued signed by AITUC, CITU, HMS, INTUC, AICCTU etc. opposing the anti-worker policy of the Government like price rise, job losses, disinvestment, violation of basic labour laws etc.

A National Convention will be held in New Delhi on the 14th September 2009 to chalk out common future programmes. BSNLEU welcomes this new development. See Joint Statement <>
M-9426201999 Ashok Hindocha

Aditya Birla Nuvo Q1 net loss at Rs 35 crore

MUMBAI: Aditya Birla Nuvo, the diversified company of the Aditya Birla group, on Wednesday, said its consolidated net loss in the first quarter
widened to Rs 35.3 crore, compared with a loss of Rs 28.3 crore in the previous year, due to slower sales in some businesses.

The company that has interests in garments, life insurance, telecom, among others, saw its sales grow 3.7% in the same period to Rs 3,214.30 crore.

In a statement issued on Wednesday, Aditya Birla Nuvo said it posted higher net sales in the life insurance, telecom and garments businesses, while the BPO and garments business were able to boost operating profit.

Referring to specific businesses, Aditya Birla Nuvo said in life insurance, under Birla Sun Life, renewal premiums surged by 64% to Rs 526.9 crore, driven by high persistency.

Lower strain of new business premium reduced the net loss from Rs 146.8 crore to Rs 111.1 crore. In stockbroking, a new business that Aditya Birla Nuvo is confident about, net profit of Apollo Sindhoori grew from Rs 2.1 crore to Rs 2.7 crore, due to improved volumes. The Aditya Birla private equity fund has been successfully launched and “is getting encouraging response,” said Nuvo.

Ashok Hindocha"s KamalM-9426201999

M-9426201999 ashok Hindocha

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

International newsby ashok hindocha M-9426201999

World unions join push for jobs
(Pressure on for employment incentives, loans to redundant workers and retraining.

People check employment information at the Can Tho City job creation centre. — VNA/VNS Photo Thanh Vu
HA NOI — Trade union representatives from 18 countries gathered in Ha Noi yesterday to discuss measures to secure employment for workers amid the global economic crisis.

The seminar was used as a forum for information and experience sharing aimed at formulating trade union strategies for securing employment, income and livelihood for union members and workers, said President of the Viet Nam General Confederation of Labour Dang Ngoc Tung.

"The global financial crisis and economic downturn have resulted in significant impacts to every country and all people throughout the world. Workers were the first to suffer," he said. "According to unsubstantiated data, 67,000 workers were laid off in Viet Nam in 2008, 25 per cent of them female. In the first quarter of 2009, 65,000 workers lost their jobs," said Tung.

"Although the Government of Viet Nam and other countries launched stimulus packages worth of billions of US dollars, economies remain in crisis and the risk of unemployment and underemployment remains a great challenge to workers and trade unions," he said.

"On a worldwide level, figures show that unemployment has been consistently growing at a very fast pace," said World Federation of Trade Unions General Secretary George Mavrikos. He added that in early 2009, it was estimated that 40 million workers lost jobs.

In order to ease the burden and consequences of the crisis on workers and people, the federation proposed that public investments and jobs should be created with full labour rights. Workers should receive real wage and pension increases and social spending for workers should also be increased.

Mavrikos also added that dismissing workers should be prohibited and that real aid should be provided to unemployed workers without exception; there should be full respect of labour rights for immigrants, young workers and women; and cancellation of third world country debts was also necessary.

To assist enterprises and redundant workers, confederation President Tung said the Vietnamese Government had taken various measures to stabilise the macro economy, ensure social security, help enterprises overcome difficulties and secure workers’ employment. Measures included a capital lending scheme at a preferential rate, tax reductions, trade promotion and building houses for people and workers.

The confederation proposed the Government work out assistance policies for redundant workers, including providing no-interest loans to enterprises facing difficulty due to the crisis for a period of 12 months to pay worker salaries. Loans from the National Fund for Employment could be given to redundant workers at low interest rates for self-employment or vocational training.

" People’s Committees of provinces and city could advance the State budget to pay wages to workers who have lost their jobs and can not recover wages owed to them because their employers have run away," he said.

"The confederation has regularly updated information about the unemployment situation and union information from different levels for the implementation of programmes supporting affected workers," Tung said.

These programmes include co-ordinating with local authorities to help unemployed workers get jobs; providing them with vocational training and funding job creation.

Losing jobs

G R Shivashankar, chairman of the Trade Union Co-ordination Centre of India, said workers were losing their jobs in many sectors, particularly in the construction, banking, automobile, metal, tourism, information technology and communications industries.

"Migrant workers are the worst sufferers of the economic crisis. Thousands of workers have lost their jobs and have been forced to return to their countries," he said.

"It is the duty of the working class to strengthen their struggle against imperialist forces. The federation plays a role in mobilising and encouraging working people all over the world to continue their struggle against imperialist-capitalist exploitation," Tung said.

"While reiterating its commitments to strengthen the unity of international workers, the Trade Union Co-ordination Centre suggests that more regular interactions between trade unions at the regional level are necessary to exchange views and share experiences," he said.

Representative from the Chinese delegation, Li Zhipei, said "To fight against the financial crisis, the Chinese Government has made timely adjustments to its macro economic policies together with policies aimed at creating more jobs."

"Chinese trade unions have always put workers first and made great efforts in tiding over the crisis, focusing on saving jobs and keeping proper wage levels; requesting enterprises, especially State-owned ones, to be socially responsible while calling on workers to make efforts to save energy and reduce waste at enterprises," he said.

"Various measures such as flexible working hours, on-the-job training and job transfers have been adopted to avoid wage cutting or dismissal of employees," Li added.

"Trade unions at all levels have offered job services and job guidance for graduates and those from needy families are the first in line to attend skills training courses or qualify for internships; organised job fairs; taken initiative to employ some graduates from poor families in the union-run activities; encouraged and supported new graduates in starting up their own businesses by offering entrepreneurship training, policy consultancy, project development and micro-financing," he added.

Participating countries at the seminar included Australia, Bangladesh, Brazil, Cambodia, Congo, China, Cuba, Cyprus, Greece, India, Japan, Laos, Nigeria, the Philippines, South Africa, Syria, Sudan and Viet Nam. — VNS

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

latest film News by ashok hindocha M-9426201999

'Love Aaj Kal' - of love across ages
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From correspondents in Delhi, India, 09:30 AM IST

Its songs have already become a hit and the promos are good, but 'Love Aaj Kal' is an acid test for actors Saif Ali Khan and Deepika Padukone as their last couple of films have turned out to be duds at the box office. There are indeed lots of expectations from this romantic comedy that releases Friday.

Despite giving 2008's first hit in 'Race', Saif's 'Tashan', 'Thoda Pyaar Thoda Magic' and animated venture 'Roadside Romeo' (voice-over) fell flat at the box office. So did Deepika's much-hyped 'Chandni Chowk To China' opposite Akshay Kumar.

'Love Aaj Kal' is not only Saif's first outing this year, it is also his debut as producer.

''Love Aaj Kal' is garnering a lot of buzz. In fact it is after long that a proper love story is coming on screen. The concept is novel and will draw a good initial. It is also expected to re-boost Saif and Deepika's career after their flops,' Delhi-based distributor Joginder Mahajan told IANS.

'The promotion of the film has been very good and the songs are already a hit. Moreover Saif is in a double role in the movie, which will be something to watch out for,' he added.

Directed by Imtiaz Ali, the movie has been co-produced by Saif, Dinesh Vijan and Sunil A. Lulla.

Also starring Rishi Kapoor, Shweta Gulati and Rahul Khanna, the movie is said to be a remake of Taiwanese film 'Three Times', which the producers have denied. Neetu Singh also makes her comeback with the film in a cameo.

''Love Aaj Kal' is one of the most relevant films to come out in a long looks at relationships in a very new light and a very new language,' Vijan posted on the movie's official website.

'The film's storyline is such that any common man can relate to it. It's so real and as you watch the film, you would feel that so many instances shown in it have happened to you too in real life,' said Deepika.

'The film has a universal appeal. Whether it's the younger or the older generation, all will be able to identify with the proceedings,' she added.

Showing love in two different eras - 1965 and 2009 - through Veer Singh and Jai Vardhan Singh respectively, the film is about the essence of love that never changes.

While Jai treats matters of the heart without passion and parts with from his lady love Meera (Deepika) in the name of being practical, Veer is naive about his love for Harleen (Shweta) and travels long distances to catch a glimpse of her, but fails to open his heart in front of her.

As both stories unfold, the broad message it gives is that relationships might be different in different eras, but the experience of being in love remains the same.

The film has got an unprecedented buzz due to its share of controversies too.

First it was in the news for its unabashed kissing scenes and the lead actors mouthing expletives and then the Punjabi Cultural And Heritage Board objected to Saif's bearded look and reasoned that Sikhs do not sport a trimmed beard as sported by him in the film.

All controversies at rest, the director is neither excited nor nervous before the release.

'I'm completely stone-hearted at the moment. I'm still doing 16 hours of work for the film's promotion and don't have time to feel the excitement or the nervousness,' Ali said.

(Staff Writer, © IANS)

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BSNLEU-CHQ-ND Latest News by ashok Hindocha
[27.07.2009]United Forum decides to go on 48 hours strike<>

[27.07.2009]BSNL Sports & Cultural meeting held on 27.07.2009 has taken the following decisions:

Kit allowance increased from Rs.1500 to Rs.2000 for All India
Kit allowance increased from Rs.2000 to Rs.2500 for Nationals
Sanchar krida awards increased from Rs.10000 to Rs.15000
Upto silver medal in national, cash awards are allowed for coaches
[Report from Com. John Verghese, Member Sports & Cultural Board]

[27.07.2009]General Secretary meets CMD BSNL <>

[25.07.2009]Where BSNL Stands ! <>

[24.07.2009]United Forum Meets: - Meeting of United Forum of BSNL union will be held at 1500 hours on 27th July, 2009 in the National Council Room, Eastern Court. Room No.230.

[24.07.2009]BSNL Employees Union / Joint Forum strongly oppose IPO<>

[24.07.2009]Standing Committee of National Council formed <>

[24.07.2009]Central Executive Committee at Mysore:- CEC Meeting of BSNL Employees Union will be held at Mysore from 27th to 29th August. Coms. Mohd. Amin, General Secretary, CITU, Shri Kuldeep Goyal, CMD BSNL and Shri Gopal Das, Director (HRD) and other important personalities will address.

Com. C.K. Gundanna, Circle Secretary, Karnataka and Convenor, Reception Committee, Mysore with other Comrades are putting in best efforts for making all arrangements for the Central Executive Committee.

[24.07.2009]Meeting with GM (SR)<>

[24.07.2009]Members from NFTE-BSNL & NUBSNLW (FNTO) joined BSNLEU:- 41 members from NFTE-BSNL and NUBSNLW (FNTO) joined BSNLEU in CTO, New Delhi. We welcome these new members. CHQ congratulates Com. Munshi Lal, District Secretary, BSNLEU, CTO Branch and other leaders.

[24.07.2009]Welcome Comrades!:- As per report from Com. M.K. Alam, District Secretary, Surendranagar (Gujarat), 30 Comrades have left NFTE and FNTO and joined BSNLEU. Congratulations ! Welcome to BSNLEU.

[22.07.2009] Joint Forum press release dated 22.07.2009 <>

Monday, July 27, 2009

Breaking News વંશીય ઉકળાટ શાંત કરવા ઓબામા બીયરના સહારે | આઈસીઆઈસીઆઈ ક્રેડિટકાર્ડની બાકી રકમ સેલેરી એકાઉન્ટમાંથી કાપશે | સરકોઝી બીમાર પડતા હોસ્પિટલમાં ખસેડાયા | અમરનાથ યાત્રામાં પાંચનાં મોત | માણસના શરીરમાં જ રહેલા પ્રોટીન વડે કેન્સર મટી શકશે |

આઇએનએસ અરિહંત, રૂ. ૧૩૯૦૦ કરોડની ન્યુક્લીયર સબમરીન
નવી દિલ્હી, તા. ૨૬
રવિવારે કારગિલ વિજય દિવસ એટલે કે ૨૬ જુલાઈના દિવસે જ વડાપ્રધાન મનમોહનસિંહે દેશની સૌપ્રથમ ન્યૂક્લીઅર સબમરીન 'આઇએનએસ અરિહંત'ને કાર્યરત કરી હતી. આ આઇએનએસ અરિહંત ન્યૂક્લીઅર સબમરીન વિશાખાપટ્ટનમ ખાતે એડવાન્સ્ડ ટેક્નોલોજી વેસલ્સ(એટીવી) પ્રોગ્રામ હેઠલ તૈયાર કરવામાં આવી છે, જેની પાછળ ૨.૯ અબજ ડોલર(અંદાજે રૂ. ૧૩૯૦૦ કરોડ)નો ખર્ચ થયો છે. આ ખર્ચ પરથી જ અંદાજ આવી જાય છે કે કેટલી અજાયબ આ સબમરીન હશે અને તેનું કેટલું વ્યૂહાત્મક મહત્ત્વ હશે. આ મિસાઈલ સબમરીન સાથે ભારતે તેની પરમાણુ તાકાતમાં જોરદાર વધારો કરી દીધો છે.

આઇએનએસ અરિહંત દરિયાના પાણીમાંથી મિસાઈલ હુમલો કરવા સક્ષમ
આ સબમરીન સમુદ્રની સપાટીથી અડધો કિલોમીટર નીચેથી ગુપ્ત રીતે અને અવાજ પણ ન થાય તે રીતે મિસાઈલ હુમલો કરવા માટે સક્ષમ છે. ૬૦૦૦ ટનનું જંગી વજન ધરાવતી આ સબમરીન ૮૫ મેગાવોટની ક્ષમતાના ન્યૂક્લીઅર રિએક્ટરથી સજ્જ છે અને તે સમુદ્રની સપાટી પર ૨૨-૨૮ કિલોમીટર પ્રતિ કલાક(૧૨-૧૫ નોટિકલ માઈલ્સ) અને સમુદ્રની સપાટી નીચે ૪૪ કિલોમીટર પ્રતિ કલાક(૨૪ નોટિકલ માઈલ્સ)ની ઝડપે દોડી શકે છે. તેમાં ૯૫ ક્રૂ સભ્યો તેમની પોઝિશન લેશે અને ટોર્પિડો સહિતનાં શસ્ત્રો અને ૧૨ બેલિસ્ટિક મિસાઈલ સહિતની અનેક મિસાઈલ પણ રહેશે. આઇએનએસ અરિહંત ક્રૂઝ મિસાઈલ્સ પણ લઈ જઈ શકે છે.

ક્રૂઝ મિસાઈલ્સ પણ લઈ જઈ શકવા સક્ષમ
મૂળ રૂ. ૩૦,૦૦૦ કરોડનો આ અત્યંત મહત્ત્વાકાંક્ષી સિક્રેટ ન્યૂક્લીઅર સબમરીન પ્રોજેક્ટ ૮૦ના દાયકામાં શરૂ થયો હતો. આમ તો વડાપ્રધાન સ્વ. ઈન્દિરા ગાંધીના સમયમાં ૭૦ના દાયકામાં આ પ્રોજેક્ટના વિચારબીજ રોપાયા હતા. આ વર્ષે ફેબ્રુઆરીમાં બેંગલોરમાં યોજાયેલા એરોઈન્ડિયા શો દરમિયાન સંરક્ષણ મંત્રી એ.કે. એન્ટનીએ આ પ્રોજેક્ટ પૂરો થવાની તૈયારીમાં હોવાની સૌપ્રથમ સત્તાવાર જાહેરાત કરી હતી. આઈએનએસ અરિહંતને બે વર્ષ સુધી સમુદ્રમાં પરીક્ષણ માટે રાખવામાં આવશે અને તમામ પરીક્ષણો પૂરા થઈ ગયા બાદ તેને સંપૂર્ણપણે નૌકાદળને સુપરત કરી દેવાશે.

ડિફેન્સ રિસર્ચ એન્ડ ડેવલપમેન્ટ ઓર્ગેનાઈઝેશન(ડીઆરડીઓ) આ જ પ્રકારનો એક મહત્ત્વાકાંક્ષી સાગરિકા પ્રોજેક્ટ હાથ ધરી રહ્યું છે, જે અંતર્ગત ન્યૂક્લીઅર શસ્ત્રો સાથે ૭૦૦ કિલોમીટરની રેન્જની કે-૧૫ મિસાઈલથી દુશ્મનો પર હુમલો કરી શકાશે.

ન્યૂક્લીઅર સબમરીન શું છે

ન્યૂક્લીઅર સબમરીન એ ન્યૂક્લીઅર રિએક્ટર ટેક્નોલોજીથી સજ્જ એવી સબમરીન હોય છે, જે પરંપરાગત સબમરીનથી અલગ હોય છે. આ સબમરીન સામાન્ય સબમરીનથી અનેક રીતે ચડિયાતી હોય છે. આ સબમરીન ન્યૂક્લીઅર પ્રોપલ્ઝનને કારણે હવાથી સંપૂર્ણ સ્વતંત્ર હોય છે, જેને કારણે તે સતત પાણીમાં રહી શકે છે. ન્યૂક્લીઅર રિએક્ટરને કારણે લાંબા સમય સુધી અત્યંત ઝડપી ઓપરેશન માટે ન્યૂક્લીઅર સબમરીન સક્રિય રહી શકે છે. સામાન્ય સબમરીન બહુ થોડા દિવસ સુધી જ અને એ પણ ધીમી ઝડપે કામ કરી શકે છે અને વધુ ઝડપે તો બહુ થોડા કલાક જ કામ કરી શે છે. જ્યારે ન્યૂક્લીઅર સબમરીન ખૂબ લાંબા સમય સુધી ખૂબ ઝડપ સાથે કામ કરી શકે છે. વિશ્વની સૌપ્રથમ ન્યૂક્લીઅર સબમરીન અમેરિકાની યુએસએસ નોટિલસ ચાર મહિના સુધી સતત દરિયાની અંદર રહીને ભ્રમણ કરતી રહી હતી. ત્યારપછી રશિયા સહિતના દેશોએ પણ તેનું મહત્વ સમજીને તેનું નિર્માણ શરૂ કરવા માંડયું. જોકે આ સબમરીનનું મહત્ત્વ છે એટલો જ તેના નિર્માણ પાછળ જંગી ખર્ચ પણ કરવો પડે છે. જેને કારણે આજે પણ વિશ્વના ગણતરીના દેશો પાસે જ ન્યૂક્લીઅર સબમરીન છે. ભારત ન્યૂક્લીઅર સબમરીન ધરાવતો વિશ્વનો છઠ્ઠો દેશ બન્યો છે. અમેરિકા અને રશિયા ઉપરાંત બ્રિટન, ચીન, ફ્રાન્સ પણ આ સબમરીન ધરાવે છે.

સબમરીનની વિશેષતાઓ

* દરિયામાં અડધા કિલોમીટર નીચે રહીને દરિયામાંથી મિસાઈલો ઝીંકવામાં સક્ષમ

* ૬ હજાર ટનની સબમરીનમાં ૮૫ મેગાવોટ ક્ષમતાના પરમાણુ રિએક્ટરો છે

* રિએક્ટરો જ્યાં સુધી ફ્યુઅલ ખાલી ન થાય ત્યા સુધી એટલે કે ૧૦ વર્ષ સુધી સતત કામ કરી શકશે

* સબમરીનની લંબાઈ ૧૧૦ મીટર અને પહોંળાઈ ૨૫ મીટર

* આગામી ૧૨થી ૧૬ મહિના સુધી ટ્રાયલનો દોર ચાલશે

* સપાટી પર તેની ઝડપ ૧૨થી ૧૫ નોટ્સ,

* પાણીમાં તેની ઝડપ ૨૪ નોટ્સ સુધી જઈ શકશે

* સબમરીનમાં ૯૫ લોકો સામેલ થઈ શકશે

* સબમરીન ટારપીડો અને બાર બેલાસ્ટિક મિસાઈલો સહિત અન્ય મિસાઈલો સાથે સુસજ્જ રહેશે

* સબમરીનની ત્રાટકવાની ક્ષમતા ૭૦૦ કિલોમીટર રહેશે

* ૩૦ હજાર કરોડનો ખર્ચ કરાયો છે

ન્યૂક્લીયર ઈન્ડિયા : માઈલસ્ટોન

-૧૯૫૬ : મુંબઈના ટ્રોમ્બે ખાતે એશિયાનું સૌપ્રથમ રિસર્ચ રિએક્ટર 'અપ્સરા' કાર્યાન્વિત થયું

-૧૯૬૫ : ટ્રોમ્બે ખાતે પ્લુટોનિયમ પ્લાન્ટ કાર્યરત થયો

-૧૯૬૯ : તારાપુર એટોમિક પાવર સ્ટેશનનું કોર્મિશયલ ઓપરેશન શરૂ

-૧૯૭૪ : પોખરણમાં સૌપ્રથમ અણુ વિસ્ફોટ કરીને ભારત અણુ સત્તા બન્યું

-૧૯૮૪ : મદ્રાસ એટોમિક પાવર સ્ટેશન તમિલનાડુના કલપક્કમ ખાતે કાર્યરત થયું

-૧૯૮૫ : રિસર્ચ રિએક્ટર 'ધ્રુવ' કાર્યાન્વિત કરવામાં આવ્યું.

-૧૯૯૨ : કાકરાપાર એટોમિક પાવર સ્ટેશન કાર્યાન્વિત કરવામાં આવ્યું

-૧૯૯૮ : પોખરણમાં પાંચ અણુ વિસ્ફોટ

-૨૦૦૫ : ૫૪૦ મેગાવોટના ન્યૂક્લીયર પાવર રિએક્ટરને તારાપુર ખાતે કાર્યાન્વિત કરવામાં આવ્યું

-૨૦૦૯ : દેશની સૌપ્રથમ ન્યૂક્લીયર સબમરીન તરતી મૂકવામાં આવી

■ સુપ્રીમે ઈવીએમ વિરૂદ્ધની અરજી ફગાવી

■ કોંગ્રેસે ભારત-પાક. સંયુક્ત બયાન પર વડાપ્રધાનને સમર્થન આપ્યું

■ ભારતે પરમાણુ સબમરીન તરતી મૂકી

■ કારગિલની દસમી વરસીએ શહીદોને રાષ્ટ્રની શ્રદ્ધાંજલિ

■ સચિને અસાધ્ય રોગ સામે લડતા નમનની ઈચ્છા પૂરી કરી

■ ભારતે પરમાણુ સબમરીન તરતી મૂકી

■ વંશીય ઉકળાટ શાંત કરવા ઓબામા બીયરના સહારે

■ અમરસિંહને હોસ્પિટલમાંથી રજા અપાઈ : અમિતાભ

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