[15.07.2009] HOW FUNNY ! :- FNTO has put in its website a form asking workers to sign and submit it to management with regard to wage revision. In the letter it is stated that “Kindly award pay scales as recommended by second pay review committee.”
Second Pay Review Committee was appointed to recommend wage revision for executives only and it had no connection with the pay revision non-executives and not recommended any pay scales for non-executives. But interestingly FNTO is asking the workers to request the management to award pay scales recommended by the Committee !
Funny Indeed !
[15.07.2009]Due to Mismanagement
BSNL had to pay Rs.1000/- as extra interest - CAG Report
In what highlights mismanagement in government-run companies, BSNL failed to return a government loan of Rs. 7,500 crore when it had a disposable reserve of more than Rs. 18,000 crore. This resulted in the company paying an interest of over Rs. 1,000 crore.
The country's biggest telecom company parked its surplus funds in banks to earn an interest of 6% - 7% when it was already paying interest of 14.5% for the loan.
"BSNL failed to return government loan of Rs. 7,500 crore inspite of having adequate cash reserves of Rs. 18,829 crore as of March 2005 parked in bank deposits with average rate of return of 6.19% to 7.38% per annum against the rate of interest of 14.50% for the loan," a CAG report on BSNL tabled in Parliament on Monday said.
"This imprudent financial management resulted in excess expenditure of Rs. 1,089 crore on interest payment,” it added. [Source: The Times of India, dated 14.07.2009]
[15.07.2009]BSNL, MTNL lose Rs 1,547 cr due to financial disorder
– CAG Report
Comptroller and Auditor General of India (CAG) has informed the Parliament on Monday that BSNL and MTNL lost Rs. 1,547.47 crore due to careless financial management and wasteful expenditure during the last financial year. CAG has alleged that BSNL has lost Rs.355.66 crore in loss or non-recovery or non-short billing. The report also brought out alleged financial mismanagement, wasteful expenditure and excess payment aggregating Rs.1,164.38 crore by BSNL. [Source: The Economic Times, dated 14.07.2009]
[14.07.2009]Defeat the conspiracy of the management and its agents <
[11.07.2009]FNTO’s Mudslinging’s and our reply <
[11.07.2009]Joint Forum letter to NFTE/FNTO/BSNLWRU etc. requesting participation in Anti-Disinvestment Day on 22nd July, 2009<
[10.07.2009] Meeting with Director (HRD) on 10.07.2009 <
[10.07.2009] Joint Forum Press released dated on 10.07.2009 <
[10.07.2009]DoT issues orders to keep in abeyance the applicability of revised rules & regulations consequent to the 6th CPC to the Govt. employees absorbed in BSNL <
[10.07.2009]Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions (Dept. of Pension & Pensioners' Welfare) replies to BSNLEU - letter on 50% merger of IDA & other demands of Pensioners <
[10.07.2009] Joint Forum calls for demonstration on 22nd July, 2009, against IPO in BSNL <
[10.07.2009] Utter Confusion ! They don’t know what they demand:- It is observed at FNTO (CHQ) website that they demanded to BSNL Management: “IDA Pay Scales of the non-executives w.e.f. 01.01.2007 in the same line and fixation formula adopted for executives without any periodicity.”
This actually means (apart from periodicity), they don’t want benefit of merger of 50% IDA, which has already been approved by DPE but not yet implemented for BSNL executives. Moreover, they want that non-executives pay scales be constructed in relation to present E-1 minimum pay of Rs.16,400/-, since proposed E-1 A pay scale has not yet been granted.
In their memorandum supposed to be signed by employees, they demanded: “Kindly award pay scales as recommended by Second Pay Review Committee.”
What a joke indeed !
2nd Pay Review Committee was for executives and its recommendations confined to executives only. No pay scale for non-executives recommended by 2nd Pay Review Committee.
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