New poll not good news for Sotomayor or Obama
July 12, 7:25 AM5 commentsShareThisRSS
NY TimesA new CNN poll has revealed numbers that are hardly a ringing endorsement either of President Obama or his nominee to the Supreme Court. The poll is also distinctly at odds with a previous CNN poll that showed 72% of respondents said Obama "inspired confidence".
In the Sotomayor CNN poll only 47% want to see her confirmed, a very low number for a Supreme Court nominee chosen by a supposedly extremely popular President. though CNN continues to try to slant any news regarding Obama in the best possible light. They have skewed the link to their poll online as " Sotomayor confirmation favored". Their headline tells us "almost half want Sotomayor confirmed".
Independents, the most important bloc are split which is also bad news for both Obama and Sotomayor and could be equally bad news for Democrats who will almost certainly confirm her . The question will be whether Republicans can score points during the confirmation hearings and exact a political price.
Regarding CNN;s polling, there is a large disparity between their poll that says 72% feels Obama "inspires confidence" and their poll that shows that only 47% has confidence in his decision to nominate Sotomayor. It calls into question the accuracy of CNN's polling and whether Obama's positive numbers in other polls are skewed.
The fact that only 70% of Democrats want to see her confirmed is also a poor number. One would think the number would be 90% or higher if her confirmation was based purely on partisanship..
Sotomayor stands to have problems during her confirmation with the recent Supreme Court reversal of her lower court decision on race regarding the firefighters in New Haven. There are also indications that a number of constitutionally challenged Republicans are going to question her about decisions regarding guns in which they will try and paint her as being anti 2nd amendment. Given that the 2nd amendment has nothing to do with an individual's right to own a gun and that the idea that it does is based on pure myth and constitutional stupidity, Sotomayor's record on gun law cases will have little impact on her confirmation though I'm sure there will be both Democrats and Republicans who will make constitutional fools of themselves regarding the 2nd amendment.
But for now, the constitutionality of her decisions regarding guns will not be a problem,unlike her decision regarding race and the New Haven firefighters, since none of her decisions regarding gun laws have been reversed by the Supreme Court or to the best of my knowledge even appealed.
The Democrats have the votes to confirm her and in all liklihood will do so barring anything unforseen. But the question that will emerge from the hearings will be, at what price?
Author: Marc Rubin
Marc Rubin is an Examiner from New York. You can see Marc's articles on Marc's Home Page.
My Bio Subscribe to EmailAdd Marc to Favorite Examiners Find out more about Marc:Marc Rubin has been an advertising art director, writer and television script writer having been the head writer for such TV series as “The White Shadow’ “Fame” and others. He was co-founder of The Denver Group which received much media attention for the ads and TV commercials he created pressuring the DNC to keep Hillary Clinton’s name on the ballot at the Democratic Convention. He is currently at work on a new TV series pilot and a number of film projects. He lives in New York City. You can reach Marc at MRubin.Examiner@gmail.com
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