
[11.07.2009]FNTO’s Mudslinging’s and our reply <
[11.07.2009]Joint Forum letter to NFTE/FNTO/BSNLWRU etc. requesting participation in Anti-Disinvestment Day on 22nd July, 2009<
[10.07.2009] Meeting with Director (HRD) on 10.07.2009 <
[10.07.2009] Joint Forum Press released dated on 10.07.2009 <
[10.07.2009]DoT issues orders to keep in abeyance the applicability of revised rules & regulations consequent to the 6th CPC to the Govt. employees absorbed in BSNL <
[10.07.2009]Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions (Dept. of Pension & Pensioners' Welfare) replies to BSNLEU - letter on 50% merger of IDA & other demands of Pensioners <
[10.07.2009] Joint Forum calls for demonstration on 22nd July, 2009, against IPO in BSNL <
[10.07.2009] Utter Confusion ! They don’t know what they demand:- It is observed at FNTO (CHQ) website that they demanded to BSNL Management: “IDA Pay Scales of the non-executives w.e.f. 01.01.2007 in the same line and fixation formula adopted for executives without any periodicity.”
This actually means (apart from periodicity), they don’t want benefit of merger of 50% IDA, which has already been approved by DPE but not yet implemented for BSNL executives. Moreover, they want that non-executives pay scales be constructed in relation to present E-1 minimum pay of Rs.16,400/-, since proposed E-1 A pay scale has not yet been granted.
In their memorandum supposed to be signed by employees, they demanded: “Kindly award pay scales as recommended by Second Pay Review Committee.”
What a joke indeed !
2nd Pay Review Committee was for executives and its recommendations confined to executives only. No pay scale for non-executives recommended by 2nd Pay Review Committee.
[10.07.2009]Kerala circle convention against Disinvestment & Privatisation
A circle level convention attended by a large number of workers was held at Bank Employees Union Hall, Thiruvananthapuram on 8th July, 2009. Com. A.V. Kuriakose, Circle President, BSNLEU presided. Com. T. Sivadasa Menon, former Minister, Kerala State, and CITU leader inaugurated the convention. He called upon the workers to be prepared for sustained struggle against the onslaughts on the working-class including disinvestment and privatization. Com. V.A.N. Namboodiri, General Secretary in his speech emphasized the need for united struggles to save BSNL from IPO and disinvestment. Coms. J.N. Mishra, All India President, BSNLEU, R. Muralidharan Nair, AGS and K. Mohanan, Circle Secretary also addressed the meeting.
[10.07.2009]Trade Union Class at Trivandrum: - Three Days Trade Union Class was organized by BSNLEU for its All India office-bearers, Circle Secretaries and Senior leaders at EMS Academy, Thiruvananthapuram from 6th to 8th July, 2009.
The classes were taken by Com. M.K. Pandhe, President, CITU, Dr. Prabhat Patnaik, Vice-Chairman, Planning Commission, Kerala, Com. Prabir Purkayastha, Delhi Science Forum, Com. Prasanna Kumar, State Secretary, CITU, Karnataka and Com. V.A.N. Namboodiri, General Secretary, BSNLEU. The subjects included Global Recession and its impact on Indian economy, The present telecom scenario, Public Sector & challenges and Organization & tasks.
The classes were appreciated by all participants. Such classes will be organized at Circle / District levels also. The Reception Committee headed by Coms. K. Mohanan, Circle Secretary, Kerala and R. Muralidharan Nair, AGS, CHQ made all arrangements for comfortable accommodation and food. Our heartfelt thanks to them. <
[10.07.2009]Com. Om Vyas No more: - Com. Om Vyas, renowned poet and BSNLEU leader of Ujjain breathed his last at Appollo Hospital, Delhi. He was brought to the hospital after a car accident. Three other poets who were in the car had died on the spot. Com. Vyas was very active in the union and had held many important posts in the union. Earlier CHQ had intervened to undo his victimization by the local administration.
We express our deep shock and convey our heartfelt condolences to the bereaved family.
[07.07.2009]Calling for options from qualified and trained officials waiting for their promotion as Telecom Mechanics - Closing of option <
[07.07.2009]Holding of LDCE for promotion to the cadre of TM for the Recruitment year 2008 - Approval thereof <
[06.07.2009]Observe 22nd July, 2009 as Anti-Disinvestment Day <
[02.07.2009]Good News - Promotion Policy approved by DoT:- Promotion Policy for BSNL Non-executives cleared by Secretary, DoT. BSNLEU CHQ is meeting management for immediate implementation of the same. VAN Namboodiri, GS.
[02.07.2009]Defeat the Disruption:- Certain unions in collaboration with management are circulating a copy of representation to be sent to CMD BSNL declaring willingness to accept what has been offered by management on wage revision. This is nothing but a trap against the interests of the BSNL Workers for getting a better wage revision like in other major PSUs.
Earlier, a similar representation accepting managements offer of interim advance (4 months) floated by these unions were completely defeated by the workers. United Forum through a strike agreement got 6 months advance and new HRA rates for workers.
Now again, the present nefarious move has also to be defeated. Mir Jafars and Jayachandras can not allowed to cheat the workers.
[02.07.2009]All India Trade Union Class:- All India Trade Union Class will be organized by BSNLEU at EMS Academy at Thiruvananthapuram from 6th to 8th July, 2009. Com. M.K. Pandhe, President, CITU, Dr. Prabhat Patnaik, Dy. Chairman, Plg. Commission, Kerala, Com. Prabir Purkayashta, Delhi Science Forum, Com. Prasanna Kumar, General Secretary, CITU, Karnataka and Com. V.A.N. Namboodiri, General Secretary, BSNLEU will take the classes. In addition to Central Executive Committee members, each circle can depute two more comrades to the class. Circle Secretaries are requested to intimate their arrival, return journey etc. to Com. K. Mohanan, Circle Secretary, BSNLEU, Kerala Mob: 94470 75858 or Com. R. Muralidharan Nair, Asst. General Secretary, CHQ, Mob: 094470 06262.
GS, BSNLEU Meets CMD, BSNL:- Coms.V.A.N.Namboodiri, General Secretary, BSNLEU and M.S.Kadian, Circle Secretary, Haryana Circle met Shri Kuldeep Goyal, CMD, BSNL and discussed the following:
Promotion Policy: General Secretary pointed out that the file is pending with Secretary, DoT and requested CMD,BSNL to ensure early approval by DoT and implementation. CMD assured to do the needful early.
Wage Revision: General Secretary requested CMD that Director (HRD) be appointed as the Chairman of the Wage negotiation committee in place of Shri R.K.Batra, PGM (IR) who retired on 30-06-2009. CMD agreed to examine the proposal in consultation with Director (HRD).
GS met GM (Estt.) and discussed the following: (1) Prequalifying examination for TMs for promotion to TTA. (2) Grant of HRA at 10 % to the dependent areas of Gurgaon . GM agreed to take necessary action in the matter.
Latest news <
Extended Meeting of CPSTU was held at Kochi on 27th June, 2009 to discuss about Wage Revision in PSUs, struggle against disinvestment etc. Coms. V.A.N. Namboodiri, General Secretary, R. Muralidharan Nair, AGS, A.V. Kuriakose, Circle President, K. Mohanan, Circle Secretary, K. Padmanabhan, N. Ramesan, Circle Org. Secretaries, P.S. Peethambaran, District Secretary, Ernakulam and Honey Kumar, Branch Secretary participated.
See the declarations adopted by the convention and the letter to Dr. Manmohan Singh, Prime Minister signed by Central Trade Union Centres. <
TUI Congress at Brazilia, Brazil: - Com. P. Abhimanyu, Dy. General Secretary, BSNLEU will be attending International Congress of the Trade Union International of Public & Allied Employees, being held on 28th and 29th June, 2009 at Brazilia, Brazil as the delegate from BSNL Employees union. He leaves for Brazilia on 27th June, 2009 and will return on 6th July, 2009.
Examination for promotion to TTA and TM being notified: - Com. V.A.N. Namboodiri, General Secretary, BSNLEU met Shri D.P. De, GM (Estt.) on 24.06.2009 and discussed about the holding of examination for promotion to TTA and TM as assured in National Council Meeting. GM (Estt.) stated that the notifications for the above two examinations will be issued shortly.
[16.06.2009]Meeting with GM (Estt.) BSNL CO: - Com. V.A.N. Namboodiri, General Secretary, Com. K.R. Yadav, Vice President, Com. P. Asokababu, AGS, and Com. Swapan Chakraborty, AGS, BSNLEU met Shri D.P. De, GM (Estt.), BSNL CO today (16.06.2009) and discussed the issues related to compassionate appointments and casual labour. The GM (Estt.) stated the following:-
Compassionate appointment cases are being settled as per priority, based on date of death of the expired official. Settlement of compassionate appointment cases will be expedited.
On our demand for payment of advance for TSMs pending their wage revision, a proposal was put up for the consideration of the management.
Revision of casual labour wages on CDA pattern is under consideration.
On the demand of the union for regularization of casual labour management appointed a committee to examine the same.
[11.06.2009]Promotion Policy and DA merger for retirees: -Com. P. Asokababu, AGS and Com. K.R. Yadav, Vice President, BSNLEU met the DDG (Estt.), DoT, Shri A.K. Das today (11.06.2009) and discussed the above issues, and the following is the position:-
(1) Promotion policy is under active consideration and DoT’s approval is likely to be given early.
(2) After DPE’s objection regarding DA merger for retirees (for those retired before 01.01.2007), the DoT’s legal call was consulted and now the case is being processed for forwarding to Department of Pension for its approval.
[10.06.2009]Committee on Change of Designations met on 09.06.2009:- Committee to recommend changes of Designation met yesterday. The Staff Side suggested new designation for certain cadres. Next meeting is fixed for 16.06.2009. Coms. V.A.N. Namboodiri, P. Abhimanyu and other committee members attended from staff side.
[09.06.2009] Meeting with CMD: - Com. V.A.N. Namboodiri, General Secretary, BSNLEU met Shri Kuldeep Goyal, CMD BSNL, on 8th June 2009 and discussed the following issues.
Expediting Tender for 63 million GSM lines.
Introduction of Vehicle Policy.
Implementation of Maternity Leave, Child Care Leave etc. in BSNL. For Details <
Wage Negotiation meeting on 05.06.2009:- In the meeting of the Wage Negotiation Committee held on 05.06.2009, the management side informed that the issue of 5 year periodicity for wage agreement was referred to DoT on 03.06.2009 for its approval. The union pressed the management to agree for fitment benefit on par with top executives, on Pay+78.2% of pay instead of Pay+68.8% of pay. The Management Side said that for BSNL executives, the issue of granting fitment benefit on Pay+78.2% of pay was not yet decided by the management. Union said that in several PSUs this was already accepted and implemented for the executives. Management agreed to examine. Discussion took place on the demands like increment at the rate of 5% on basic pay, Grant of two increments for pay fixation on promotion, perks and allowances on par with executives and pension scheme for BSNL recruitees. The discussion was inconclusive.
Com. V.A.N. Namboodiri, General Secretary, Com. P. Asokababu, AGS, and Com. K.R. Yadav, Vice President, represented the BSNLEU. Next meeting of the committee is likely to be held in next week.
[02.06.2009] Wage Revision discussions to resume:- The Staff Side walked out from the meeting of the Wage Revision Committee on 22nd April, 2009, due to the negative attitude adopted by the Management, on the question of Interim Relief and implementation of the New HRA Rates. However, a settlement is reached between the United Forum and the management on 18.05.2009, in the back drop of the two day's strike notice issued by the United Forum. Consequent upon this settlement, management has fixed date for holding the meeting of the Wage Revision Committee on 5th June, 2009.
[02.06.2009] Meeting of the Steering Committee of the United Forum:- A meeting of the Steering Committee of the United Forum is held in the National Council Office, on 2nd June, 2009. Coms. V.A.N. Namboodiri, GS, P. Abhimanyu, Dy. GS and Swapan Chakraborthy, AGS represented BSNLEU. Com. V. Subburaman, GS, TEPU, Com. N.D. Ram, National President SEWA BSNL, Com. Suresh Kumar, GS, BSNL MS, Com. Hakkam Singh (SNATTA) participated. Based on the inputs given by the management, detailed discussion took place on the change of designation of No-Executives. It was decided that one more round of discussion in the Steering Committee will take place on 8th June, 2009, before discussion with the Management.
[02.06.2009] Meeting of the Joint Committee for change of designations of Non-Executives:- The first meeting of the Joint Committee for change of designations of Non-Executives took place on 01.06.2009 at 1100 hrs. Staff Side is represented by Com. V.A.N. Namboodiri, GS, BSNLEU, Com. P. Abhimanyu, Dy. GS, BSNLEU, Com. V. Subburaman, GS, TEPU and Com. Hakkam Singh (SNATTA). The official side is represented by Shri Deepak Aggarwal (DGM Restg.) and Shri P.K. Mishra (DGM, Estt.). Informations relating to the various cadres existing is BSNL and their respective strength were handed over to the Staff Side. A preliminary discussion took place on the basics of the change of designation. It is decided that the committee shall meet again on 8th June, 2009. The last date for submission of the committee's report is fixed as 15th June, 2009.
[01.06.2009] Com. V.A.N. Namboodiri, GS, BSNLEU discussed the following issues with DoT Officers
1). 50% IDA Merger for BSNL retirees: - As per legal cell (DoT) advise, the matter is referred to DoP&W, Govt. of India. CHQ is perusing the case. 2). Promotion Policy for Non-executives: - The matter is being examined by DoT. General Secretary, BSNLEU demanded for early approval.
[15.05.09] Revised Pension Rules as per VI CPC for BSNL Retirees issued:- As assured by Shri R. Ashok, Member (Finance) to Com. V.A.N. Namboodiri, General Secretary, BSNLEU, orders have now been issued on 14.05.2009 by DoT raising DCRG limit from Rs. 3.5 to Rs. 10 lakhs and allowing revised Pension rules regarding Commutation table, emoluments, qualifying service etc. as per VI CPC recommendations.
[01.05.09] ONE HOUR WALK OUT ON 04.05.2009 : - BSNL management has arbitrarily issued order on 30.04.2009, granting very meager amount of Interim Relief, equivalent to 4 months basic pay. CHQ BSNLEU condemns the decision of the management, granting paltry amount as IR, as well the arbitrary manner in which the order is issued.
United Forum of BSNL unions has given call to BSNL employees to walk out from duty/office, for one hour on Monday the 4th May 2009. Mobilise the workers to give a fitting reply to the BSNL management’s high handedness.
[30.04.09]What is our demand on Interim Relief ?
Interim Relief is usually granted when the due wage revision is delayed. For Central Public Sector employees, wage revision is due w.e.f. 01-01-2007. Already, more than 27 months have elapsed. Management should have offered IR when there has been such long delay. Most of the other PSUs have granted either interim relief or pay advance much earlier. Even after BSNLEU/United Forum of BSNL Unions demanded interim relief, the management did not take any decision. The demand of the UF is that Interim Relief of 50% of pay or Rs. 3000/- whichever is more be paid. If it is pay advance, Rs. 50,000/- to Rs.80,000/- be paid. This is similar to what is paid in the other PSUs.
The management first offered two months basic pay as advance. This will come to Rs.8,000/- at the lowest level. After much discussion in the meeting on 29-04-09, CMD offered 4 months basic pay ie. Rs. 16,000/- at the lowest level. We could not accept such very meagre advance. The workers are eligible for increase for the last 27 months since 01-01-07.Even if an advance of Rs. 1000/- p.m. is calculated, then it will come to Rs. 27,000/.It is pertinent to note here that in the conversion from CDA to IDA in 2000, all officials got more than Rs.1500/- p.m. But the management is not prepared to see reason and comparison with other PSUs and concede our demands.
United Forum is not adamant that whatever it demanded should be fully accepted. But there is always a bench mark below which it is impossible to agree.
When even the lowest executive is being paid Rs. one lakh as arrears (40% already paid and 60% being paid in 2008-09), leave alone the top executives who are being paid arrears of about 6 lakhs or so, why the non-executives can not be paid even half of it? Can we accept such meagre offer? Certainly not.
Let us seriously prepare for the two days strike on 19-20th May 2009. Meet each and every worker and explain our demands and the management's negative response.
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