Friday, July 10, 2009

BSNLEU-CHQ-ND Latest News-inf. by ashok Hindocha (m-9426201999)
[10.07.2009]Trade Union Class at Trivandrum: - Three Days Trade Union Class was organized by BSNLEU for its All India office-bearers, Circle Secretaries and Senior leaders at EMS Academy, Thiruvananthapuram from 6th to 8th July, 2009.

The classes were taken by Com. M.K. Pandhe, President, CITU, Dr. Prabhat Patnaik, Vice-Chairman, Planning Commission, Kerala, Com. Prabir Purkayastha, Delhi Science Forum, Com. Prasanna Kumar, State Secretary, CITU, Karnataka and Com. V.A.N. Namboodiri, General Secretary, BSNLEU. The subjects included Global Recession and its impact on Indian economy, The present telecom scenario, Public Sector & challenges and Organization & tasks.

The classes were appreciated by all participants. Such classes will be organized at Circle / District levels also. The Reception Committee headed by Coms. K. Mohanan, Circle Secretary, Kerala and R. Muraleedharan Nair, AGS, CHQ made all arrangements for comfortable accommodation and food. Our heartfelt thanks to them.

[10.07.2009]Com. Om Vyas No more: - Com. Om Vyas, renowned poet and BSNLEU leader of Ujjain breathed his last at Appollo Hospital, Delhi. He was brought to the hospital after a car accident. Three other poets who were in the car had died on the spot. Com. Vyas was very active in the union and had held many important posts in the union. Earlier CHQ had intervened to undo his victimization by the local administration.

We express our deep shock and convey our heartfelt condolences to the bereaved family.

[07.07.2009]Calling for options from qualified and trained officials waiting for their promotion as Telecom Mechanics - Closing of option <>

[07.07.2009]Holding of LDCE for promotion to the cadre of TM for the Recruitment year 2008 - Approval thereof <>

[06.07.2009]Observe 22nd July, 2009 as Anti-Disinvestment Day <> <>

[02.07.2009]Good News - Promotion Policy approved by DoT:- Promotion Policy for BSNL Non-executives cleared by Secretary, DoT. BSNLEU CHQ is meeting management for immediate implementation of the same. VAN Namboodiri, GS.

[02.07.2009]Defeat the Disruption:- Certain unions in collaboration with management are circulating a copy of representation to be sent to CMD BSNL declaring willingness to accept what has been offered by management on wage revision. This is nothing but a trap against the interests of the BSNL Workers for getting a better wage revision like in other major PSUs.

Earlier, a similar representation accepting managements offer of interim advance (4 months) floated by these unions were completely defeated by the workers. United Forum through a strike agreement got 6 months advance and new HRA rates for workers.

Now again, the present nefarious move has also to be defeated. Mir Jafars and Jayachandras can not allowed to cheat the workers.

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