Saturday, May 21, 2011

JTO Exam In BSNL Inf. by Ashok Hindocha M-09426201999, 094051 45990

Recognised Union in BSNL

(Regiistered Under IIndiian Trade Uniion Act 1926.. Regn..No..4896)

CHQ:Dada Ghosh Bhawan,, Opp.. Shadiipur Bus Depot..,, New Dellhii – 110008

Emaiill:,, websiite:

P.. Abhiimanyu Phone:: ((O)) 011--25705385

Generall Secrettary Fax :: 011-- 25894862

BSNLEU/526 ((JJTO)) 18..05..2011


Shrii A..K.. Garg,,

Diirecttor ((HR)),, BSNL,,

Bharatt Sanchar Bhawan,,

JJanpatth,, New Dellhii – 110 001


Sub:: Conducttiing off JJTO LIICE -- reg..

Reff:: Hon’’blle CAT Ernakullam Bench Order datted 15--3--2011 iin OAs No.. 224/10,, 225/10 ettc..

Kiindlly reffer tthe jjudgementt off tthe Hon’’blle CAT,, Ernakullam Bench,, ciitted under refference,, iin respectt off

holldiing tthe JJTO LIICE.. BSNLEU has allready wriitttten tto you,, viide lletttter off even no.. datted 23..04..2011,,

requesttiing tto iimmediiattelly holld tthe JJTO LIICE,, as per tthe jjudgementt off tthe Hon’’blle CAT..

IIn tthiis regard II ffurtther wiish tto sttatte tthe ffollllowiing.. The Hon’’blle CAT,, viide iitt’’s jjudgementt ciitted under

refference,, has uphelld tthe deciisiion off tthe BSNL managementt tto reduce tthe qualliiffyiing serviice ffrom 10 years

tto 7 years.. However,, tthe Hon’’blle CAT has allso helld tthatt tthiis order coulld nott be iimpllementted

rettrospecttiivelly.. Accordiinglly,, tthe reducttiion iin tthe qualliiffyiing serviice iis applliicablle onlly ffor tthe vacanciies tthatt

have ariisen afftter tthe datte off iissuiing off tthiis order,, ii..e..,, 12..10..2009..

As per tthe nottiiffiicattiion allready iissued by BSNL,, JJTO LIICE iis tto be helld ffor vacanciies under 35% and 15% quotta

as on 31..03..2009.. As per tthe jjudgementt off Hon’’blle CAT,, tthe rellaxattiion iin qualliiffyiing serviice ffrom 10 years tto

7 years wiillll nott be made applliicablle ffor tthese vacanciies..

Hence,, II requestt you tto kiindlly conductt tthe JJTO LIICE,, by callcullattiing tthe vacanciies tthatt have ariisen iin tthe

years 2010 and 2011.. IIn otther words,, tthe ffruiitts off tthe BSNL order,, tthatt has rellaxed tthe qualliiffyiing serviice

ffrom 10 years tto 7 years,, wiillll be made avaiillablle tto tthe candiidattes,, onlly iiff tthe JJTO LIICE iis conductted ffor tthe

vacanciies tthatt have ariisen iin tthe years 2010 and 2011 allso..

Hence,, II requestt you tto kiindlly llook iintto tthiis matttter seriiouslly and tto do tthe needffull tto conductt tthe JJTO LIICE

ffor tthe vacanciies off 2010 and 2011 allso..

Thankiing you,,

Yourrs Siincerrelly,,


Generall Secrettary

Copy tto:: Shrii D..P.. De,, Sr..GM ((Estttt..)),, BSNL C..O..,, New Dellhii – 110 001 M-09426201999 094051 45990

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