Wednesday, March 17, 2010

National Council Decession -Imp. Decession-inf. by Ashok Hindocha M-9426201999 M-9426201999 M-9426201999
High Lights of the National Council meeting held on 16-03-2010

Issuing of Order on Promotion Policy
Director (HR) informed the staff side, that the draft promotion policy order is being vetted by various branches of the Corporate Office and assured that the order will be issued soon .Staff side members insisted upon the management to release the order by the end of this week.
Wage Revision
Staff side insisted upon the management, to get expeditious approval for the wage revision agreement from DOT. Management side replied that it was taking necessary steps for the same.
93 million lines GSM tender
Staff side recorded it’s strong protest for the decision of the BSNL Board to cancel the tender for purchasing 93 million GSM lines and requested the Board to review it’s decision.
Relaxation for appearing JTO 15% LICE.
In view of the availability of a large number of vacancies, the Staff side demanded that the qualifying service be reduced from from 7 years to 5 years and also that the cut off date be shifted from 01-07-2009 to 01-01-2010.However, the management side did not accept this, on the plea that it will lead to litigations
Child care leave
Based on the recommendations of the 6th CPC, Govt. of India has already amended the CCS Leave Rules for the grant of child care leave to it’s women employees. BSNL,which is following the CCS Leave Rules, has so far not implemented this. Staff side vehemently argued that this should be implemented in BSNL also. However this was not accepted by the management side. Staff side told that it would further take up the issue at the appropriate forum.
Personal upgradation of TTAs officiating as JTOs
Staff side strongly pleaded that the 2000 and odd qualified TTAs, should be upgraded as JTOs, on the basis of personal upgradation. The staff side reasoned, that this will not involve much financial implication. The management side agreed to look into this and said that the issue can further be discussed.
Issues of the retired employees.
The Recognised Union has been consistently taking up the case of revision of the pension of those who retired prior to 01-01-2007.In this meeting, management side informed that DOT is preparing the cabinet note for revision of pension on IDA scales
Staff side demanded that the BSNLMRS should be extended to the family members of the deceased pensioners also. Management side accepted this this demand.
Relaxation of educational qualifications for RMs for appearing the TTA exam.
A minimum qualification of 10std pass has been fixed for RMs for appearing the TM exam, while no such condition is prescribed for the Group Ds. Staff side demanded that this condition should be relaxed. However this was not accepted on the plea that the exam is already conducted in a number of circles including Assam, West Bengal,NE1 and NTR.
At the same time, management side agreed to favourably consider the demand of the Staff side to conduct the lower level exams in the Regional Languages. M-9426201999

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