Saturday, October 24, 2009 M-94262-01999
Recognised Union in BSNL
(Regiisttered Under Indiian Trade Uniion Act 1926.. Regn..No..4896))
CHQ::Dada Ghosh Bhawan,, Opp.. Shadiipur Bus Depott..,, New Dellhii – 110008
Emaiill::,, websiitte::
Phone:: ((O)) 011--25705385
V..A..N.. Namboodiirii ((R)) 011-- 23342848
Generall Secrettary Fax:: 011-- 25894862
BSNLEU//604((Dev)) 22..10..2009
Shrii Kulldeep Goyall
Bharatt Sanchar Bhawan
New Dellhii - 110001
Sub:: Uttiilliisatiion off Cash Reserve off tthe company
Of llate,, some allarmiing rreports have come up iin tthe mediia thatt tthe goverrnmentt iis critticalllly
rreviiewiing aboutt tthe huge cash rreserrve helld by PSUs.. One such rreporrtt iindiicatted,, ““The rreviiew
may be conductted by a panell comprriisiing offffiiciialls ffrrom Fiinance Miiniisttrry,, Pllanniing Commiissiion,,
DPE and rrespecttiive admiiniisttrrattiive miiniisttrriies.. IIff tthe PSUs do nott have a conviinciing pllan,, tthe
goverrnmentt coulld even demand hefftty diiviidend tto meett iitts own ffund needs..”” IIn allll such rreporrtts,,
case off BSNL iis prromiinenttlly menttiioned.. Howeverr,, we have nott yett come acrross any offffiiciiall
commentts ffrrom BSNL..
BSNL iis payiing huge amountts tto Centtrrall Govtt.. exchequerr by way off Tax,, Liicence Fee,,
Diiviidend,, Pensiion Conttrriibuttiion ettc.. Therre iis no poiintt iin payiing ffurrttherr amountt tto tthe
goverrnmentt.. Rattherr,, tthe cash rreserrve iis tto be wellll uttiilliized by evollviing varriious shorrtt,, mediium
and llong tterrm expansiion and iimprrovementt pllans tto fface tthe ffiierrce compettiittiion.. Secondlly,,
worrkerrs has allso a llegiittiimatte cllaiim overr tthiis huge saviings and arre enttiittlled tto have a rriighttffull
sharre by way off iimprroved pay and perrks..
We llook fforrwarrd fforr a posiittiive rresponse ffrrom yourr siide earrlly..
Thankiing you,,
Yourrs ffaiitthffulllly,,
[[V..A.N. Namboodiri]]
Generall Secrettary M-9426201999

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