Tuesday, April 20, 2010

BSNL Stike call off-Minister of Communications given assurance in writting-inf. by Ashok Hindocha M-9426201999

www.bsnlnewsbyashokhindocha.blogspot.com M-9426201999

NEW DELHI – 110 001
Press Rellease 20tth
Apriill 2010
Indefiiniite Striike of BSNL emplloyees calllled off
after agreement with Miniister
The IIndeffiiniitte Sttriike off BSNL Workers have been calllled offff afftter diiscussiion wiitth
Communiicattiions & IIT Miiniistter Shrii A.. Rajja ttoday,, 20tth Apriill,, 2010..
The sttriike was compllette allll over tthe counttry wiitth mostt off tthe 3000 and odd BSNL
offffiices compllettelly desertted due tto sttriike by executtiive and non--executtiive emplloyees
numberiing more tthan 3 llakhs.. Many offffiices sttood cllosed siince nobody was avaiillablle..
The emplloyees on sttriike organiized ralllliies,, dharnas ettc.. iin ffrontt off ttheiir offffiices
raiisiing tthe demands off tthe sttriike. Thousands of workers mobiilliized iin tthe mettro ciitties
lliike Kollkatta,, Chennaii,, Bangallore,, Hyderabad,, Lucknow,, Pattna Jaiipur,, Bhopall and
otther centtres..
Hundreds off workers who were on sttriike organiized ralllly iin ffrontt off Bharatt Sanchar
Bhavan,, Corporatte Offffiice,, New Dellhii.. V..A..N.. Namboodiirii,, Convenor,, JAC and otther
lleaders addressed..
The Miiniistter Communicattiions calllled tthe JAC lleaders ffor diiscussiion by 1100 AM..
Afftter prottractted diiscussiion ffor aboutt ttwo hours agreementt has been reached on tthe
ffollllowiing poiintts..
Miiniistter assured tthatt allll sttake hollders iinclludiing tthe uniions wiillll be ttaken iin tto
conffidence beffore any deciisiion iis ttaken wiitth regard to VRS,, Diisiinvesttmentt and
Shariing off iinffrasttructture..
IItt was allso assured tthatt iin tthe case off absorpttiion iissue off IITS offffiicers as allso
reviisiion off pensiion off BSNL rettiirees,, notte wiillll be prepared and submiitttted tto cabiinett
wiitthiin 3 montths.. 30 miilllliion mobiille lliines wiillll be made avaiillablle tthiis year tto BSNL tto
proviide connecttiions tto peoplle.. IItt was allso assured tthatt tthe wage reviisiion off non--
executives wiilll be approved by DoT wiitthiin 15 days..
The Joiintt Acttiion Committttee mett and on tthe basiis off the assurances wiitthdrew tthe
sttriike and calllled upon tthe workers tto resume dutty..
The Joiintt Acttiion Commiittttee congrattullattes tthe workers ffor organiiziing tthe hiisttoriic
sttrugglle.. IItt allso tthanked allll tthe Centtrall Trade Uniions,, Serviice Associiattiion,, Polliittiicall
Parttiies and otthers who supportted tthe sttrugglle..
Convenor,, JAC

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