Tuesday, April 27, 2010

BSNLEU All India Conference at KERALA-Thiruventhpuram w.e.f. 12 to 15 th May-2010-Notification Issued-make AIC Grand Success-inf. by Ashok Hindocha

www.bsnlnewsbyashokhindocha.blogspot.com M-9426201999

www.bsnlnewsbyashokhindocha.blogspot.com M-9426201999
Recognised Union in BSNL
(Regiistered Under IIndiian Trade Uniion Act 1926.. Regn..No..4896)
CHQ:Dada Ghosh Bhawan,, Opp.. Shadiipur Bus Depot..,, New Dellhii – 110008
Emaiill: chqbsnlleu@siify..com,, websiite: bsnlleuchq..com
Phone:: ((O)) 011--25705385
V..A..N.. Namboodiirii ((R)) 011-- 23342848
Generall Secrettary Fax:: 011-- 25894862
BSNLEU//118 (V AIIC) 15..03..2010
Allll IIndiia Confference
IItt iis herreby nottiiffiied tthatt as perr prroviisiions off Arrttiiclle 12 and 15 off tthe Uniion Consttiittuttiion,, tthe 5th
Allll IIndiia Confferrence off BSNL Emplloyees Uniion wiillll be helld att Thiirruvanantthapurram ((Kerralla)) ffrrom 12th
tto 15th May,, 2010.. Com.. J..N.. Miishrra,, Allll IIndiia Prresiidentt,, wiillll prresiide overr tthe confferrence.. The exactt
venue off tthe confferrence wiillll be iinttiimatted by Recepttiion Commiittttee..
1)) Prresenttattiion,, consiiderrattiion and adopttiion off Biienniiall Reporrtt
2)) Prresenttattiion,, consiiderrattiion and adopttiion off Annuall Accountts fforr tthe yearrs 2008 & 2009..
3)) Orrganiisattiionall Matttterrs
((a)) Functtiioniing off CHQ
((b)) CHQ Jourrnalls:: Tellecrrusaderr,, BSNL Swarr and Tellemessage
((c)) Functtiioniing off Ciirrclle // Diisttrriictt // Brranch Uniions
((d)) Purrchase off uniion’’s own Buiilldiing
((e)) Functtiioniing off Nattiionall // Ciirrclle // Locall Counciills
4)) Functtiioniing off Uniitted Forrum -- Rellattiions wiitth alllliiance uniions..
5)) Joiintt Forrum off BSNL Associiattiions & Uniions off Executtiives & Non--Executtiives..
6)) Rellattiionshiip wiitth CPSTU // Centtrrall Trrade Uniions // Mass orrganiizattiions // NPMO // TUII //
WFTU ettc..
7)) Sttrrugglle // Agiittattiion agaiinstt
((a)) Diisiinvesttmentt // Prriivattiisattiion off BSNL
((b)) Unbundlliing
((c)) IIncrrease iin FDII
((d)) Outtsourrciing // Frranchiisiing // Conttrracttiisattiion ettc..
((e)) VRS
8)) Devellopmentt // Expansiion // Auttonomy off BSNL – Save BSNL Forrum
((a)) Devellopmentt // Expansiion acttiiviittiies
((b)) GSM Tenderr iissues
((c)) Functtiioniing off Worrks Commiittttee
((d)) Fiightt agaiinstt corrrrupttiion
((e)) IITS absorrpttiion
((ff)) Austterriitty measurres
((g)) BCG Recommendattiions
9)) Wage Reviisiion w..e..ff.. 01..01..2007..
10)) Prromottiion Polliicy..
11)) Settttllementt off Prrobllems
((a)) Bonus
((b)) Pay Anomally
((c)) Pay upgrradattiion cases ((V CPC))
((d)) Compassiionatte Grround Appoiinttmentts
((e)) Recrruiittmentt off Sttaffff
((ff)) Corrporratte Offffiice iissues
((g)) IIssues off Tellecom Facttorriies // Tellecom Sttorres // IIndusttrriiall Worrkerrs
((h)) Ciiviill Wiing iissues
((ii)) Tellecom Accountts iissues
((jj)) SC//ST Reserrvattiion
((k)) CDA Rulles
((ll)) Trransfferr Polliicy
((m)) Examiinattiions ettc..,, ettc..
((n)) Mediicall ffaciilliittiies
((o)) Uniifforrm
((p)) Rettiirrementt Scheme fforr BSNL rrecrruiitted emplloyees..
12)) Labourr Rellattiions
13)) V Memberrshiip Verriiffiicattiion
14)) Recogniittiion Rulles
15)) BSNL Casuall & Conttrractt Worrkerrs Federrattiion – Prrobllems off Casuall and Conttrractt
16)) Allll IIndiia BSNL – DoT Pensiionerrs Associiattiion – Prrobllems off Rettiirred emplloyees..
17)) Prrobllems off Women Worrkerrs
18)) Orrganiisiing Worrkerrs iin Prriivatte ttellcos
19)) Trrade Uniion cllasses
20)) Amendmentts tto uniion consttiittuttiion
21)) Resolluttiions
22)) Polliicy & Prrogrramme
23)) Ellecttiion off Offffiice--bearrerrs
24)) Venue off nextt Allll IIndiia Confferrence
25)) Any ottherr iittems wiitth tthe perrmiissiion off tthe chaiirr..
[[V..A..N.. Namboodiirii]]
Generall Secrettary
A meettiing off tthe Centtrrall Executtiive Commiittttee wiillll be helld att 1600 hourrs on 11th May,, 2010 att tthe
Confferrence Venue,, Thiirruvanantthapurram..
Resolluttiions and Amendmentts fforr uniion consttiittuttiion tto be adoptted iin tthe Allll IIndiia Confferrence
shoulld be sentt tto CHQ att lleastt 15 days iin advance so tthatt tthe same coulld be examiined and arrrranged..
Dellegattes // obserrverrs shoulld be sttrriicttlly lliimiitted tto tthe numberr allrready nottiiffiied by CHQ..
Corrrrecttiion wiitth rregarrd tto quotta rremiitttted ettc..,, iiff any,, shoulld be iinttiimatted iimmediiattelly..
[V.A.N. Namboodiri]
General Secretary
www.bsnlnewsbyashokhindocha.blogspot.com M-9426201999

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