Friday, February 12, 2016

All posts by aibsnleaguj-inf. by Ashok Hindocha M-94262 54999

All posts by aibsnleaguj


Special General Body Meeting of Ahmedabad Telecom District, Circle Office Branch, Civil & Electrical branch is arranged on 14.02.2016. The date, time & venue is as under:-
Date & Time:- 14.02.2016 at 15.30 Hrs to 18:00 Hrs
Venue:- Western Railway Majdoor Sangh Hall, Near Old  DRM office, Opp. Old Alankar Cinema,Railwaypura, Ahmedabad
Our Beloved Leader Shri Prahald Rai, GS, AIBSNLEA CHQ will chair the meeting.
All the members are requested to attend the meeting positively. 


CS, CP, VP along with Branch Secy( Civil) met Shri P. K. Jain C.E. (Civil), Ahmedabad on 10-02-2016 and discussed some HR and development issues of civil wing. The meeting was very fruitful.

10-02-2016 CHQ NEWS

GS, FS met GM (FP) and discussed regarding:
A. CPC from AO to CAO: We requested to expedite the CPC from AO to CAO. GM (FP) mentioned that the court case in the Hon’ble CAT Chandigarh is coming for hearing on 23rd February 2016 wherein BSNL has already submitted the reply. AGM (SEA) along with Jt. GM (Pers) will attend the hearing. In case the stay order on promotions is vacated CPC will be expedited. All the cases regarding JTO to SDE promotions, SDE to DE promotions have been tagged with this case.
B. Consideration of Request/tenure transfer cases of AOs/CAOs: We requested for consideration of request/tenure transfers of AOs/CAOs. GM (FP) mentioned that all the pending cases are under consideration and after the approval of Director (Finance) the transfer orders in this regard will be issued by the end of this week.
C.  Diversion of 50% MT quota CAO posts to the seniority quota: We requested to prepare a Board Memo for diversion of 50% MT quota CAO posts to the seniority quota posts in the next BSNL Board meeting. GM (FP) assured to take up the matter in the next Board meeting itself.

10-02-2016. CHQ NEWS

GS, FS AIBSNLEA along with AGS(HQ), OS AIGETOA met Director (HR) following issues were discussed :
1.    DE to DGM (Engineering)promotion : We expressed our serious concern against non-filling of the vacant DGM Posts. The CPC is being dragged on the pretext of pending court case whereas there is no stay on the issuance of promotion orders of DE to DGM (Engg). Director (HR) appreciated our concern and mentioned that a certain group of the SDEs/DEs have been sending representations/SMSs which has created confusions but however, the CPC is under consideration and shortly promotion orders will be issued for 217 DGM posts.
2.    CPSU Cadre Hierarchy:  DIR (HR) directed DGM (Pers) to have a meeting with the representatives United Forum of AIBSNLEA & AIGETOA and prepare a detailed presentation on CPSU cadre hierarchy for submission to CMD on 22ndFebruary 2016 and thereafter final discussions will be held on 25th February 2016 with the United Forum.
3.    E2-E3 pay scale: On the pay scale issue, Director said that the file is with her and she directed GM (Establishment) to hold a meeting with United Forum of AIBSNLEA & AIGETOA. The meeting has been fixed on 16thFebruary 2016 at 15:00hours wherein all the pending points will be discussed and showstoppers if any shall be taken care of.
4.    In regard to 30% Superannuation Benefits to BSNL Recruited Employees, it was informed that the issue is in active consideration and it has been agreed in principle that benefits are to be extended. However the quantum and date of implementation is to be decided by the remuneration committee of BSNL Board which is likely to meet either on 22nd or 23rd of the February 2016.
5.     Rule-8 transfer cases: The process for special recruitment in deficit circles has been expedited and GM recruitment is being posted exclusively so that the process can go in fast track mode.
6.    Date of Effect of Implementation of Upgraded Pay Scales w.e.f. 01.10.2000 to the JTOs/SDEs Civil/Electrical/Arch/TF Engineering wings and PA/PS Cadre: Director (HR) assured further to discuss the matter with GM (Estt) for an early resolution. Director (HR) appreciated our concern and mentioned that these may be taken up with CMD BSNL for a decision on the same.
7.    Restoration of LTC/Leave Encashment on LTC, HRA on 78.2 % instead of 68.8 percent fitment, Payment of 50% Medical claims without vouchers etc.: We requested for restoration of these benefits which were linked with the profit of BSNL and now that BSNL has shown operating profit, the benefits which were put on hold should be restored.
From the above, it is very clear that though management has been giving assurances and trying to resolve the issues but HR managers down the line are perhaps creating hurdles on the way. We have decided to wait till February 29th 2016 for resolution and clarity on the issues. Thereafter, United Forum shall be once gain resuming the deferred agitation Program and this time nothing less than final orders will lead to withdrawal or deferment of the Program. We request members to be prepared for the decisive struggle if need arises in future.


Gujarat Circle office issues stay particulars of the officers in the cadre of Addl. GM / DGM / DE/ SDE/PS / JTO/PA/Rajbhasha Adhikari.

06-02-2016 CHQ NEWS

Status of DE to DGM(T) Promotions (217 Nos.):-
It is understood that the file of DE to DGM(T) promotions is pending with CMD, BSNL office after clearance from Director(HR), BSNL Board. Promotion orders are expected on Monday after approval of CMD, BSNL. 


AIBSNLEA Gujarat Circle has continuously pursued for cancellation of wrongly issued inter circle transfer case of Shri R. K. Samaliya, SDE NGN  with our CHQ.   Our consistent efforts yielded in results.  We are thankful to our beloved CHQ for the same.
BSNL Corporate Office issued orders regarding cancellation / retention of the SDEs (T).


CEC at Rajkot……..ATTENTION Please……
All Dist. Secretaries/ Dist. Presidents are requested to send the details of the members with mobile no., date & time of arrival at Rajkot for attending CEC. The details may kindly be sent to the following office bearers of Rajkot, latest by 11-02-2016 :-
(a) Shri R. P. Kalaria, District President, 9427727027
(b) Shri R.A.Vyas, District Secretary, 9427214849


Waival off 100% installation charges for new Landline, Broadband & Combo customers in Gujarat Telecom Circle for a promotional period upto 31-03-2016.

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