Wednesday, July 6, 2016

successful programe by Lohana maitri mahila mandal rajkot and polic suraxa setu society rajkot-congratulations to shri Indiraben Singala and all the team Members....inf. by Ashok Hindocha M-94262 54999

successful programe by Lohana maitri mahila mandal rajkot and police suraxa setu society rajkot-congratulations to shri Indiraben Singala and  all the team Members....inf. by Ashok Hindocha M-94262 54999.hon. shri Mohan Zha Saheb- ADG (ADMIN)Gandhinagar and Previous  police commissioner Rajkot Hon shri Anupamsing Gehlot sir, Police commissioner rajkot smt kashmiraben Nathwani,  president Indiraben Singala,jagdishbhai Ganatra shaileshbhai Ganatra, Veenaben Pandhi,yogeshbhai Jasani, AShok Hindocha bhupendrabahi kotak, dr bhavnaben singala,smitaben Ganatra,Shiplaben pujara, Naynaben Pandhi, anjanaben Hindocha Diptiben kakad,  kamlaben Bhagyoday, Indiraben Jasani, URVIBEN BHAGYODAY,Nehaben Hindocha, Pradipbhai Bhagyoday,  and  somany Dignitaries reamin Present in Program Ntutya Natika- MOHE BHUL GAYE SAVARIA...

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